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Created March 20, 2015 08:14
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Pipe forward operator and curried free functions = fluent interface
// meet Stringy - a simple string type with a fluent interface
struct Stringy {
let content: String
init(_ content: String) {
self.content = content
func append(appendage: Stringy) -> Stringy {
return Stringy(self.content + " " + appendage.content)
func printMe() {
// Stringy in action ...
var greeting = Stringy("Hi")
.printMe() // => "Hi how are you?"
// A lovely fluent interface!
// Now what append and printMe were 'free functions'?
func appendFreeFunction(a: Stringy, b: Stringy) -> Stringy {
return Stringy(a.content + " " + b.content)
func printMe(a: Stringy) {
// Stringy with free functions in action ...
appendFreeFunction(greeting, Stringy("how")), Stringy("are")), Stringy("you?")))
// => "Hi how are you?"
// Yuck - we no longer have the fluent interface, with a real mess of brackets
// Pipe forward
// modify the free functions, turnign them into curried functions
func appendCurriedFreeFunction(a: Stringy)(b: Stringy) -> Stringy {
return Stringy(b.content + " " + a.content)
// and define a pipe forward operator
infix operator |> { associativity left }
func |><X> (stringy: Stringy, transform: Stringy -> X) -> X {
return transform(stringy)
// we now have free functions AND a fluent interface
|> appendCurriedFreeFunction(Stringy("how"))
|> appendCurriedFreeFunction(Stringy("are"))
|> appendCurriedFreeFunction(Stringy("you?"))
|> printMe // => "Hi how are you?"
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Mind blown. This is epic. Thanks for taking it step-by-step!

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Thank you for this!

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lforme commented Apr 12, 2016


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