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Last active April 27, 2019 18:23
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IoThon 2019 - Brainstorm


  1. 3rd wave of coffee is hyped at the moment, coffee trading has become a huge industry and the term "Speciality Coffee" is well known to most of urban dwellers. The issue is, some processes in coffee making (brewing) are not automated. brewing is a delicate procedure, very voltaile to any change, resulting in inconsistencies in the brewing process, let alone as a preparation for brewing competitions where each step while brewing can create the perfect or the worst cup of coffee.


  1. A device which monitors different values which are relevant to coffee brewing. e.g Humidity of the beans, Coaresness of the Ground beans, temperature and PH levels of the water over time while brewing, brewing speed etc...
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Wattenmeer Idea
The Wattenmeer is an ocean at the beachside of Germany, unique for its behaviour of tides. At low tide, the water goes back to the sea and a huge areal gets free, where people can walk on and walk to islands. At the high tide the water comes back and cover it again.
Lots of people, children or tourists get surprised by the sudden incoming of so much water at high tide, because they do not know this phenomena or they do not watch the time, when the high tide is. When it is too late, they can not escape from it and drown.

With IoT we would like to implement a solution to this dangerous problem to save lives.
The idea is to divide up the areal which gets free into zones (A,B,C). At the border of the zones are pole sticks with distance sensors, which recognize whether people are entering a new zone. The pole sticks are connected to the internet to request information about the daily tide times, when the water is leaving and coming. Therefore the pole can calculate, at what time it is not a good idea to pass the other zone and go more far away from the land. The pole sticks signalize the passing people, whether it is okay to pass or not by a colorful light (green, yellow, red, blinking red).

When people decide to ignore it, the pole stick send a notification to the rescue guards, which can check where the people entered the new zone and in emergency can rescue them. This notifications and the zones can be implemented in an application for the rescue guards but also for people visiting the Wattenmeer to check on the tides time, where the water is and how the zones are distributed in a map.

An other feature would be that the pole has an additional sensor to measure the height of water to inform the rescue guards, whether the water already reached the pole or not.

The challenges which we need to solve are the network access and the low battery of the sensors.

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Smart Household Idea
In family households, it is a big challenge to divide up cleaning tasks to teach the kids responsibility and useful life hacks. Especially in families with a lot of kids, who fight a lot about this, and in families with full-time working parent, who are not there to solve such conflicts. So that the kids end up doing nothing.

To avoid such conflicts and to improve family life, we would like to implement a smart home / household with IoT.
Several household devices, like trash can, washing machine, dish washer, ..., can notify the family when they need to be clean.
These household devices are sending notifications to the server, which matches the household task with the responsible person cleaning it.

The parents should have the possibility to schedule other tasks, like cleaning the toilet every week or filling in the washing machine with white laundry on Tuesday. When the kids succeed in their tasks, the parents can distribute points and awards. #gamification
So that the kids learn to participate in the household chores in a playful way. Furthermore the parents can define, what the kids abilities are, f.e. the older sibling can control and fill the washing machine, but not the younger sibling. The younger sibling can empty the washing machine though.

The challenges are to adapt micro-controllers to the several diverse household devices.

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Bike2Bike Navigation Idea
My idea is inspired by an example presented during the lecture, where the handlebar of the bike is vibrating when the user needs to turn left or right. I had the idea to connect several bikes to make the navigation of bike tours in bigger groups easier. The application would be excursions for tourist groups or school classes. In the second example, the teacher is using the app to determine the path of the bike tour and to connect all the bikes to it and the students receive light or vibrating signals on their bikes. If a student is too far away from the group the teacher gets a notification.

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