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Created June 17, 2020 15:46
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Grain head alpha (trio, nng)
import trio
from pynng import Pair0
import dill as pickle
from copy import deepcopy
from .util import timeblock
class GrainRemote(object):
def __init__(self, addr, res):
self._c = Pair0(dial=f"tcp://{addr}:4242")
self.res = res = addr
async def execf(self, tid, fn, *args, **kwargs):
await self._c.asend(pickle.dumps((tid, fn, args, kwargs)))
tid2, r2 = pickle.loads(await self._c.arecv()) # Not neccessary the matching response
if tid2 == -1:
print(f"Remote {}'s task {r2[0]!r} failed with exception:\n{r2[1]}")
raise RuntimeError("Remote exception")
return tid2, r2
async def done(self):
await self._c.asend(b"FIN")
class GrainPseudoRemote(object):
def __init__(self, res):
self.res = res = "local"
async def execf(self, tid, fn, *args, **kwargs):
return tid, await fn(*args, **kwargs)
async def done(self):
class GrainExecutor(object):
def __init__(self, waddrs, rpw):
self.jobq = []
self.retq = []
self.results = None
self.pool = [GrainRemote(a, deepcopy(rpw)) for a in waddrs]
self.hold = {}
self.push_res, self.pull_res = trio.open_memory_channel(128)
def submit(self, res, fn, *args, **kwargs):
self.jobq.append((res, fn, args, kwargs))
async def __schedule(self, res): # naive scheduling alg: greedy
while True:
for w in self.pool:
if w.res >= res:
return w.res.alloc(res), w
await self.pull_res.receive()
async def __task_with_res(self, tid, res, w, fn, args, kwargs):
self.hold[tid] = res
tid2, r2 = await w.execf(tid, fn, grain_res=res, *args, **kwargs) # Not neccessary the matching response
self.retq[tid2] = r2
async def run(self):
await trio.sleep(5) # wait for workers TODO
with timeblock("all jobs"):
self.retq = [None] * len(self.jobq)
async with trio.open_nursery() as _n:
for i, (res, *fa) in enumerate(self.jobq):
res, w = await self.__schedule(res)
_n.start_soon(self.__task_with_res, i, res, w, *fa)
for w in self.pool:
await w.done()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
if exc_type:
return False
self.results = self.retq
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