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What is the value of a checklist?

Well the first thing you have to do in order to create a checklist is sit down and come up with a gameplan. This will allow you extra time to decide exactly how you want something to play out. Once the checklist is completed it will help you not omit any steps and keep you on track.

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

I want to improve on my ability to dedicate myself to a task. I also am ready to see what emotional and professional development that i'm introduced to. I cant think of anything in particular I want to work on, but I am ready for growth.

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My ability to adapt to unforseen situations or scenarios. Its something ive been forced to become good at though my personal and professional career.

How do you work best?

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

Empathy hasnt been something that i've always been aware of as a normal human emotion. Not in a crude way, but I grew up with a tough enviorment, one where I never felt empathy was shown toward me. However in my early 20's that changed when I was exposed to true proverty in a third world country. Since then empathy plays a large part in my daily activities. Its helped me understand myself, and those around me.

How does empathy help you build better software?

Empathy can sometimes in my opinion be associated with the saying "walk a mile in someones shoes" by using empathy I believe a software designer will better be able to deliver a product that works better for the user by understanding their perspective.

Why is empathy important for working on a team?

Everyone has stress in their own struggles. By showing empathy towards to those on your team it helps buld a foundation for trust for understanding.

Describe a situation i


DTR: Define the Relationship

One teammate should copy and paste the raw markdown into a gist of your own.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches? Splitting into even parts the project, maintaining open communication, ensure the dynamic of a team project.

  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?

# Your Name
Justin Corbin
## Winter Challenges
### JavaScript DOM Challenges
- [Munchie Madness]( GH Page (
- [Will Andy Pick Me?]( - [GH Pages](

Lets face it, coding is hard. but... there is some good news.
there are several steps you can take in order to make the process easier.

  1. Understand and Analyse the Problem
    Read the problem, start thinking about it and if possible write the things that are given and the things that you need to find out on a piece of paper.

  2. Go through the sample inputs and examples thoroughly
    Going through some sample inputs and coming up with more examples sure helps you a lot to understand the problem well, and moreover, it gives you a clear way to how many cases your code should handle, and what all can be the possible output or output range.

Individual Object Literal Practice

  1. Fork the following REPL
  2. Work through the problems on your own (no rush here!)
  3. DM me your REPL when you've finished and take a 7 minute POM
  4. Wait for me to tell you next steps.

DON'T PANIC if you're stuck! We'll review as a whole class at the end!