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Forked from rmcgibbo/
Created March 30, 2022 21:23
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Nudged Elastic Band in Python
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import IPython as ip
import matplotlib.pyplot as pp
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
import scipy.optimize
#symbolic algebra
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
Components = namedtuple('Components', ['parallel', 'perpindicular'])
def muller_potential(x, y):
"""Muller potential
x : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
X coordinate. If you supply an array, x and y need to be the same shape,
and the potential will be calculated at each (x,y pair)
y : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
Y coordinate. If you supply an array, x and y need to be the same shape,
and the potential will be calculated at each (x,y pair)
potential : {float, np.ndarray, or theano symbolic variable}
Potential energy. Will be the same shape as the inputs, x and y.
Code adapted from
aa = [-1, -1, -6.5, 0.7]
bb = [0, 0, 11, 0.6]
cc = [-10, -10, -6.5, 0.7]
AA = [-200, -100, -170, 15]
XX = [1, 0, -0.5, -1]
YY = [0, 0.5, 1.5, 1]
# use symbolic algebra if you supply symbolic quantities
exp = T.exp if isinstance(x, T.TensorVariable) else np.exp
value = 0
for j in range(0, 4):
value += AA[j] * exp(aa[j] * (x - XX[j])**2 + \
bb[j] * (x - XX[j]) * (y - YY[j]) + cc[j] * (y - YY[j])**2)
return value
def muller_grad_factory():
"""Compile a theano function to compute the negative grad
of the muller potential"""
sym_x, sym_y = T.scalar(), T.scalar()
sym_V = muller_potential(sym_x, sym_y)
sym_F = T.grad(sym_V, [sym_x, sym_y])
# F takes two arguments, x,y and returns a 2
# element python list
F = theano.function([sym_x, sym_y], sym_F)
def force(position):
"""force on the muller potential
position : list-like
x,y in a tuple or list or array
force : np.ndarray
force in x direction, y direction in a length 2 numpy 1D array
return np.array(F(*position))
return force
def linear_interpolate(initial, final, n_images):
"""Linear interpolation between initial and final
>>> linear_interpolate([0,0], [1,1], 5)
[[ 0. 0. ]
[ 0.25 0.25]
[ 0.5 0.5 ]
[ 0.75 0.75]
[ 1. 1. ]]
delta = np.array(final) - np.array(initial)
images = np.ones((n_images,) + delta.shape, dtype=np.float)
# goes from 0 to 1
lambdas = np.arange(n_images, dtype=np.float) / (n_images-1)
for i in range(n_images):
images[i] = initial + lambdas[i]*delta
return images
def get_spring_deriv(images, spring_constant):
"""Calculate the spring force on each image
Note: the forces on the first and last bead are not calculated -- they are
just set to zero.
# the total spring energy is
# E_s = sum_{i=0}^n_images (n_images * k / 2) * (R[i] - R[i-1])**2
# taking the partial derivative with respect to R[j], we have
# n_images * k * (2*R[j] - R[j-1] - R[j+1])
n_images = len(images)
force = np.zeros_like(images)
# the force on the endpoints is going to be zeroed out.
for j in range(1, n_images - 1):
force[j] = (n_images * spring_constant
* (2*images[j] - images[j-1] - images[j+1]))
return force
def projection(forces, images):
"""Given a force vector at each image, separate it out into parallel and
perpindicular components
Note: This calculation ignores the endpoints. forces[0] and forces[-1] don't
enter into the calculation
parallel : np.ndarray, shape=(n_images, n_dims)
perpindicular : np.ndarray, shape=(n_images, n_dims)
parallel, perpindicular = np.zeros_like(images), np.zeros_like(images)
n_images = len(images)
for i in range(1, n_images - 1):
difference = images[i+1] - images[i-1]
unit_tangent = difference / np.linalg.norm(difference)
# projection of forces[i] parallel to tangent
parallel[i] = unit_tangent *[i], unit_tangent)
perpindicular[i] = forces[i] - parallel[i]
return Components(parallel, perpindicular)
def grad_descent(grad, x0, max_steps=100, tol=1e-7, step_size=0.1, callback=None):
x_k = x0
k = 0
# make the change bigger than tol so that it initializes okay
change = tol + 1
while np.linalg.norm(change) > tol and k < max_steps:
if callback is not None:
callback(x_k, k)
change = step_size * grad(x_k)
x_k -= change
k += 1
return x_k
def nudged_elastic_band(initial, final, n_intermediates, spring_constant,
grad, callback):
n_intermediates : int
number of intermediate images between the initial and final image
# start with linear interpolation
# plus 2 for the end points
n_images = n_intermediates + 2
images = linear_interpolate(initial, final, n_images)
# shape = (n_images, n_dimensions). this is the true shape
# size = (n_images * n_dimensions). for bfgs, we need to make stuff 1D
shape, size = images.shape, images.size
def neb_derivative(images):
# negative of force on each bead from the potential energy function
potential_deriv = grad(images)
# negative of force on each bead from the mutual springs
spring_deriv = get_spring_deriv(images, spring_constant)
# keep only the perpindicular comp. of the potential force and
# the parallel comp. of the spring force
neb_deriv = (projection(potential_deriv, images).perpindicular +
projection(spring_deriv, images).parallel)
print 'norm of derivative =', np.linalg.norm(neb_deriv)
return neb_deriv
#def neb_action(flattened_images):
# images = flattened_images.reshape(shape)
# return np.sum(func(images)) + ((n_images * spring_constant / 2) *
# np.sum((images[1:] - images[:-1])**2))
print 'starting optimization'
xf = grad_descent(neb_derivative, images, max_steps=5000,
tol=1e-5, step_size=0.001, callback=callback)
return xf
def main():
muller_grad = muller_grad_factory()
def grad(images):
return np.array(map(muller_grad, images))
def callback(xk, k):
print 'Positions', k
print xk
#if k % 250 == 0:
# pp.plot(xk[:,0], xk[:,1], '-o', markersize=10, label='it:%s' % k)
images = nudged_elastic_band([-0.563, 1.417], [0.618, 0.01], n_intermediates=4,
spring_constant=1, grad=grad, callback=callback)
pp.plot(images[:,0], images[:,1], '-ko', markersize=10, label='finish')
def plot_v(minx=-1.5, maxx=1.2, miny=-0.2, maxy=2, ax=None):
"Plot the Muller potential"
grid_width = max(maxx-minx, maxy-miny) / 200.0
xx, yy = np.mgrid[minx : maxx : grid_width, miny : maxy : grid_width]
V = muller_potential(xx, yy)
# clip off any values greater than 200, since they mess up
# the color scheme
if ax is None:
ax = pp
ax.contourf(xx, yy, V.clip(max=200), 40)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'helloc'
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