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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Cyanne on github.
  • I am cyanne ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4427 F114 64EC FCB6 A268 2965 131A 04BC 3C0E C53B

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Cyanne / keymap.txt
Last active February 4, 2023 21:43
# Customized key mapping table for Plus42 (Windows version)
# Format: [Ctrl|Alt|Shift]* <KeyCode> : <macro>
# <KeyCode> is a numeric Windows key code; <macro> is a sequence of zero or
# more HP-42S key codes. The HP-42S key codes must be between 1 and 255;
# codes 1..37 correspond to actual keys on the calculator's keyboard, while
# codes 38..255 can be used to refer to extra keys defined by customized skins.
# Anything from a "#" until the end of the line is a comment, and is ignored.
# White space (Space, Tab) separates tokens in the key map, but is otherwise
Cyanne / 0_Prime_screen_Custom.primeskin
Last active January 28, 2023 23:25
Skin file for HP Prime Virtual Calculator
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<picture file="prime_screen.png"/>
<picture_hover file="prime_screen.png"/>
<picture_pressed file="prime_screen.png"/>
<screen x="0" y="0" width="320" height="240"/>
<matrix width="320" height="240"/>
<leds r="0" rx="0" ry="0" gx="0" gy="0" bx="0" by="0"/>
<maximized x="0" y="0" width="320" height="240"/>
<trans lang="EN" id="Screen (Custom)"/>
Cyanne / 2_Prime_compact_L_Custom.primeskin
Last active January 28, 2023 23:24
Skin file for HP Prime Virtual Calculator
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<picture file="prime_compact_L.png"/>
<picture_hover file="prime_compact_L_hover.png"/>
<picture_pressed file="prime_compact_L.png"/>
<screen x="5" y="62" width="320" height="240"/>
<matrix width="320" height="240"/>
<leds r="0" rx="0" ry="0" gx="0" gy="0" bx="0" by="0"/>
<maximized x="335" y="0" width="327" height="420"/>
<trans lang="EN" id="Horizontal (Custom)"/>
; Burger pieces:
; #$00 - nothing Keys:
; #$01 - bottom bread A 1: bottom bread
; #$02 - bottom bread B 2: sauce
; #$03 - sauce 3: lettuce
; #$04 - lettuce 4: tomato
; #$05 - tomato 5: patty
; #$06 - patty A 6: cheese
; #$07 - patty B 7: top bread
; #$08 - cheese
LDX $00 ; Initialize X: Drawing position
LDA $ff ; Load key register.
CMP $00 ; ╮ Loop back on no input.
BEQ loop ; ╯
STA $0200,X ; Draw dot for key input color
LDA #$00 ; ╮ Polling done, reinitialize
STA $ff ; ╯ input register.
; Line order data starting at $20
LDA #$00 ; Gun 1 Blue Laser Upper Row
STA $20
LDA #$60 ; 2 red
STA $21
LDA #$68 ; 3 green
STA $22
LDA #$00 ; 4 blue
STA $23
; A: Timer, X: Heart color, Y: Color counter
LDY #$ff ; Pulse offset
STY $0010
LDX #$06 ; Color 1
STX $0001
LDX #$0e ; Color 2
STX $0002
LDX #$03 ; Color 3
STX $0003
LDX #$01 ; Color 4
; A: Heart color, X: Timer multiplier, Y: Timer counter.
LDY #$00
LDA #$02 ; Dark color
LDX #$05 ; Short timer multiplier
STA $0000
STX $0001
LDA #$0a ; Light color
LDX #$0a ; Long timer multiplier
Cyanne / deck_6502-opcode-table.txt
Last active January 9, 2023 12:57
Add to Anki through File > Import...
$00<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | BRK impl
$01<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ORA X,ind
$05<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ORA zpg
$06<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ASL zpg
$08<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | PHP impl
$09<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ORA #
$0a<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ASL A
$0d<br><br><center><img src=""></center> | ORA abs