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; Segment __TEXT
; Range: [0x100000000; 0x10028c000[ (2670592 bytes)
; File offset : [0; 2670592[ (2670592 bytes)
; Permissions: readable / executable
struct AppSecrets {
static let firebaseKey: String? = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"
static let googleMapsKey: String? = "ASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMQWERTYasdUI"
static let imageRendererKey: String? = "QWERTYUIDFGHJKCVBNM"
require "dotgpg"
class SecretsHandler
@secret_output_path = "./" #Path to your secret sturct in the project
def decrypt
decrytped_secrets = decrypt_secrets()
secrets_dict = extract_secrets_from(decrypt_secrets)
let button = AchieveMeButton(title: LoginLocalization.signInSignUp.text,
normalColor: .white,
touchColor: .lightGray,
titleColor: UIColor.amBlue())
extension String {
func localized(bundle: Bundle = .main, tableName: String = "Localization") -> String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: tableName, value: "\(self)**", comment: "")
"module.login.termsAndCond" = "Terms And Cond";
"module.login.signIn" = "SIGN IN";
"module.login.signUp" = "SIGN UP";
"module.login.signUpShort" = "SIGN UP";
"" = "Email";
"module.login.password" = "Password";
"module.login.repeatPassword" = "Repeat Password";
"module.login.signUPWithFB" = "SIGN UP WITH FACEBOOK";
"module.login.signInWithFB" = "SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK";
"module.login.selectAvatar" = "SELECT AVATAR";
enum LoginLocalization: String, LocalizedStringRepresentable {
case signInSignUp
case termsAndCond, signIn, signUp, signUpShort, email, password, repeatPassword,
signInWithFB, signUPWithFB, selectAvatar, selectAnother
case wCreateGoal, wSelectCategoryOfGoals, wTrackAchievements,
protocol LocalizedStringRepresentable {
var text: String { get }
public class CCFeature2Flow: Flow {
public var finish: (Flow) -> () = { _ in }
public var services: Services
public var navigation: UINavigationController?
public required init(services: Services, navigationVC: UINavigationController?) { = services
self.navigation = navigationVC
Every child flow must implement Flow protocol
- func start: Starts the flow process, it usually decides what is
going to be presented
- var services: Property that contains all the services that are
being used in the app
- var finish: Is a closure that notifies parent Flow
that the child flow is finished.
- var currentVC: Returns view controller that is currently being displayed