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Created May 31, 2020 14:49
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  • Save CyrilCermak/8fcfc0cc567636edc0fd09f05017028f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CyrilCermak/8fcfc0cc567636edc0fd09f05017028f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; Segment __TEXT
; Range: [0x100000000; 0x10028c000[ (2670592 bytes)
; File offset : [0; 2670592[ (2670592 bytes)
; Permissions: readable / executable
; MachO Header
0000000100000000 struct __macho_header64 { ; DATA XREF=sub_1000d6e74+2876
0xfeedfacf, // mach magic number identifier
0x100000c, // cpu specifier
0x0, // machine specifier
MH_EXECUTE, // type of file
60, // number of load commands
7072, // the size of all the load commands
0x0 // reserved
; Load Command 0
0000000100000020 struct __macho_segment_command_64 {
0x48, // includes sizeof section_64 structs
"__PAGEZERO", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment name
0x0, // memory address of this segment
0x100000000, // memory size of this segment
0x0, // file offset of this segment
0x0, // amount to map from the file
0x0, // maximum VM protection
0x0, // initial VM protection
0x0, // number of sections in segment
0 // flags
; Load Command 1
0000000100000068 struct __macho_segment_command_64 {
0x6d8, // includes sizeof section_64 structs
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment name
0x100000000, // memory address of this segment
0x28c000, // memory size of this segment
0x0, // file offset of this segment
0x28c000, // amount to map from the file
0x5, // maximum VM protection
0x5, // initial VM protection
0x15, // number of sections in segment
0 // flags
00000001000000b0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__text", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1000048b0, // memory address of this section
0x213d18, // size in bytes of this section
0x48b0, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS|S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000100 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__stubs", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002185c8, // memory address of this section
0x1ff8, // size in bytes of this section
0x2185c8, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0xc, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000150 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__stub_helper", 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10021a5c0, // memory address of this section
0x1fe0, // size in bytes of this section
0x21a5c0, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_PURE_INSTRUCTIONS|S_ATTR_SOME_INSTRUCTIONS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000001a0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__const", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10021c5a0, // memory address of this section
0x6237, // size in bytes of this section
0x21c5a0, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000001f0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_methname", 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002227d7, // memory address of this section
0x22b08, // size in bytes of this section
0x2227d7, // file offset of this section
0x0, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_CSTRING_LITERALS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000240 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__cstring", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002452e0, // memory address of this section
0x2ee33, // size in bytes of this section
0x2452e0, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_CSTRING_LITERALS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000290 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_classname", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100274113, // memory address of this section
0x1f62, // size in bytes of this section
0x274113, // file offset of this section
0x0, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_CSTRING_LITERALS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000002e0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_methtype", 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100276075, // memory address of this section
0x6543, // size in bytes of this section
0x276075, // file offset of this section
0x0, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_CSTRING_LITERALS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000330 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__gcc_except_tab", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10027c5b8, // memory address of this section
0x64c4, // size in bytes of this section
0x27c5b8, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000380 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_typeref", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100282a7c, // memory address of this section
0x7f2, // size in bytes of this section
0x282a7c, // file offset of this section
0x1, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000003d0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_reflstr", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100283270, // memory address of this section
0xa87, // size in bytes of this section
0x283270, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000420 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_fieldmd", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100283cf8, // memory address of this section
0x9cc, // size in bytes of this section
0x283cf8, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000470 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_builtin", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002846c4, // memory address of this section
0x50, // size in bytes of this section
0x2846c4, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000004c0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_assocty", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100284714, // memory address of this section
0x60, // size in bytes of this section
0x284714, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000510 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_proto", 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100284774, // memory address of this section
0x40, // size in bytes of this section
0x284774, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000560 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_types", 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002847b4, // memory address of this section
0xf8, // size in bytes of this section
0x2847b4, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000005b0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_capture", // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002848ac, // memory address of this section
0xf4, // size in bytes of this section
0x2848ac, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000600 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift5_protos", 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002849a0, // memory address of this section
0x8, // size in bytes of this section
0x2849a0, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000650 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__ustring", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002849a8, // memory address of this section
0x8c, // size in bytes of this section
0x2849a8, // file offset of this section
0x1, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000006a0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__unwind_info", 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100284a34, // memory address of this section
0x71b4, // size in bytes of this section
0x284a34, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000006f0 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__eh_frame", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__TEXT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10028bbe8, // memory address of this section
0x40c, // size in bytes of this section
0x28bbe8, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
; Load Command 2
0000000100000740 struct __macho_segment_command_64 {
0x6d8, // includes sizeof section_64 structs
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment name
0x10028c000, // memory address of this segment
0xa8000, // memory size of this segment
0x28c000, // file offset of this segment
0xa8000, // amount to map from the file
0x3, // maximum VM protection
0x3, // initial VM protection
0x15, // number of sections in segment
0 // flags
0000000100000788 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__got", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10028c000, // memory address of this section
0x658, // size in bytes of this section
0x28c000, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x2aa, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000007d8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__la_symbol_ptr", 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10028c658, // memory address of this section
0x1550, // size in bytes of this section
0x28c658, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x375, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000828 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__mod_init_func", 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10028dba8, // memory address of this section
0xb0, // size in bytes of this section
0x28dba8, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_MOD_INIT_FUNC_POINTERS, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000878 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__const", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10028dc60, // memory address of this section
0x19b48, // size in bytes of this section
0x28dc60, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000008c8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__cfstring", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002a77a8, // memory address of this section
0x17640, // size in bytes of this section
0x2a77a8, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000918 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_classlist", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bede8, // memory address of this section
0xb60, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bede8, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000968 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_nlclslist", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bf948, // memory address of this section
0x10, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bf948, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
00000001000009b8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_catlist", 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bf958, // memory address of this section
0xe8, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bf958, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000a08 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_protolist", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bfa40, // memory address of this section
0x228, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bfa40, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000a58 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_imageinfo", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bfc68, // memory address of this section
0x8, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bfc68, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000aa8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_const", 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1002bfc70, // memory address of this section
0x5b718, // size in bytes of this section
0x2bfc70, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000af8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_selrefs", 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10031b388, // memory address of this section
0x7e98, // size in bytes of this section
0x31b388, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_LITERAL_POINTERS|S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000b48 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_protorefs", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100323220, // memory address of this section
0xa0, // size in bytes of this section
0x323220, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000b98 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_classrefs", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1003232c0, // memory address of this section
0xc30, // size in bytes of this section
0x3232c0, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000be8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_superrefs", // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100323ef0, // memory address of this section
0x800, // size in bytes of this section
0x323ef0, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ATTR_NO_DEAD_STRIP, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000c38 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_ivar", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1003246f0, // memory address of this section
0x1d28, // size in bytes of this section
0x3246f0, // file offset of this section
0x2, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000c88 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__objc_data", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100326418, // memory address of this section
0x8338, // size in bytes of this section
0x326418, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000cd8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__data", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x10032e750, // memory address of this section
0x2cd5, // size in bytes of this section
0x32e750, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000d28 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__swift_hooks", 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x100331428, // memory address of this section
0xb8, // size in bytes of this section
0x331428, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_REGULAR, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000d78 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__bss", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1003314e0, // memory address of this section
0xe08, // size in bytes of this section
0x0, // file offset of this section
0x4, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ZEROFILL, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
0000000100000dc8 struct __macho_section_64 {
"__common", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // name of this section
"__DATA", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment this section goes in
0x1003322e8, // memory address of this section
0x58, // size in bytes of this section
0x0, // file offset of this section
0x3, // section alignment (power of 2)
0x0, // file offset of relocation entries
0x0, // number of relocation entries
S_ZEROFILL, // flags (section type and attributes
0x0, // reserved (for offset or index)
0x0, // reserved (for count or sizeof)
0x0 // reserved
; Load Command 3
0000000100000e18 struct __macho_segment_command_64 {
0x48, // includes sizeof section_64 structs
"__LINKEDIT", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // segment name
0x100334000, // memory address of this segment
0x38000, // memory size of this segment
0x334000, // file offset of this segment
0x34560, // amount to map from the file
0x1, // maximum VM protection
0x1, // initial VM protection
0x0, // number of sections in segment
0 // flags
; Load Command 4
0000000100000e60 struct __macho_dyld_info_command {
0x30, // sizeof(struct dyld_info_command)
0x334000, // file offset to rebase info
0x43d0, // size of rebase info
0x3383d0, // file offset to binding info
0x3ed0, // size of binding info
0x33c2a0, // file offset to weak binding info
0x78, // size of weak binding info
0x33c318, // file offset to lazy binding info
0x5b98, // size of lazy binding info
0x341eb0, // file offset to export info
0x6670 // size of export info
; Load Command 5
0000000100000e90 struct __macho_symtab_command {
0x18, // sizeof(struct symtab_command)
0x34bdf0, // symbol table offset
0x432, // number of symbol table entries
0x35198c, // string table offset
0x7240 // string table size in bytes
; Load Command 6
0000000100000ea8 struct __macho_dysymtab_command {
0x50, // sizeof(struct dysymtab_command)
0x0, // index to local symbols
0x1, // number of local symbols
0x1, // index to externally defined symbols
0x1, // number of externally defined symbols
0x2, // index to undefined symbols
0x430, // number of undefined symbols
0x0, // file offset to table of contents
0x0, // number of entries in table of contents
0x0, // file offset to module table
0x0, // number of module table entries
0x0, // offset to referenced symbol table
0x0, // number of referenced symbol table entries
0x350110, // file offset to the indirect symbol table
0x61f, // number of indirect symbol table entries
0x0, // offset to external relocation entries
0x0, // number of external relocation entries
0x0, // offset to local relocation entries
0x0 // number of local relocation entries
; Load Command 7
0000000100000ef8 struct __macho_dylinker_command {
0x20, // includes pathname string
0xc // dynamic linker's path name (should be 12)
0000000100000f04 db "/usr/lib/dyld", 0
0000000100000f12 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f13 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f14 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f15 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f16 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f17 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 8
0000000100000f18 struct __macho_uuid_command {
0x1b, // LC_UUID
0x18, // sizeof(struct uuid_command)
{0x60 ,0x9d ,0x1b ,0x4e ,0x49 ,0x25 ,0x38 ,0xfe ,0x9e ,0x15 ,0x6a ,0x58 ,0x7b ,0x37 ,0xd4 ,0x82 } // the 128-bit uuid
; Load Command 9
0000000100000f30 struct __macho_version_min_command {
0x10, // sizeof(struct min_version_command)
0xa0000, // X.Y.Z is encoded in nibbles xxxx.yy.zz
0xd0200 // X.Y.Z is encoded in nibbles xxxx.yy.zz
; Load Command 10
0000000100000f40 struct __macho_load_command {
LC_SOURCE_VERSION, // type of load command
16 // total size of command in bytes
0000000100000f48 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f49 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4a db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4b db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4c db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4d db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4e db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f4f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 11
0000000100000f50 struct __macho_entry_point_command {
0x80000028, // LC_MAIN only used in MH_EXECUTE filetypes
0x18, // sizeof(entry_point_command)
0xbe930, // file (__TEXT) offset of main() = 0x1000be930
0x0 // f not zero, initial stack size
; Load Command 12
0000000100000f68 struct __macho_load_command {
LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO_64, // type of load command
24 // total size of command in bytes
0000000100000f70 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f71 db 0x40 ; '@'
0000000100000f72 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f73 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f74 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f75 db 0x80 ; '.'
0000000100000f76 db 0x28 ; '('
0000000100000f77 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f78 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f79 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7a db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7b db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7c db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7d db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7e db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000f7f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 13
0000000100000f80 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x30, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x3200700, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100000f98 db "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib", 0
; Load Command 14
0000000100000fb0 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x1340400, // library's current version number
0x90000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100000fc8 db "/usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib", 0
0000000100000fe2 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000fe3 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000fe4 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000fe5 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000fe6 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100000fe7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 15
0000000100000fe8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x30, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x1020b, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001000 db "/usr/lib/libz.1.dylib", 0
0000000100001016 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001017 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 16
0000000100001018 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x3e80000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001030 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioToolbox", 0
000000010000106f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 17
0000000100001070 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001088 db "@rpath/Bolts.framework/Bolts", 0
00000001000010a5 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010a6 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010a7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 18
00000001000010a8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000010c0: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000010c0 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork", 0
00000001000010f9 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010fa db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010fb db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010fc db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010fd db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010fe db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000010ff db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 19
0000000100001100 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x3cd0000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001118: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001118 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/CoreData", 0
000000010000114f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 20
0000000100001150 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x5440c01, // library's current version number
0x400000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001168: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001168 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/CoreGraphics", 0
00000001000011a7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 21
00000001000011a8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x9540015, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000011c0: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000011c0 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreLocation.framework/CoreLocation", 0
00000001000011ff db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 22
0000000100001200 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x48, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001218 db "@rpath/Flurry_iOS_SDK.framework/Flurry_iOS_SDK", 0
0000000100001247 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 23
0000000100001248 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x6897e00, // library's current version number
0x12c0000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001260: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001260 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Foundation", 0
000000010000129b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000129c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000129d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000129e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000129f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 24
00000001000012a0 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x60, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x260030a, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000012b8: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000012b8 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore", 0
00000001000012fb db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000012fc db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000012fd db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000012fe db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000012ff db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 25
0000000100001300 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001318 db "@rpath/Parse.framework/Parse", 0
0000000100001335 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001336 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001337 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 26
0000000100001338 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10b00, // library's current version number
0x10200 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001350: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001350 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/QuartzCore", 0
000000010000138b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000138c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000138d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000138e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000138f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 27
0000000100001390 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
00000001000013a8 db "@rpath/Realm.framework/Realm", 0
00000001000013c5 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000013c6 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000013c7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 28
00000001000013c8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x40, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
00000001000013e0 db "@rpath/RealmSwift.framework/RealmSwift", 0
0000000100001407 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 29
0000000100001408 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0xe7aa2a02, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001420: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001420 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Security", 0
0000000100001457 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 30
0000000100001458 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001470: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001470 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/StoreKit.framework/StoreKit", 0
00000001000014a7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 31
00000001000014a8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x68, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x4252802, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000014c0: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000014c0 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/SystemConfiguration", 0
000000010000150d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000150e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000150f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 32
0000000100001510 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0xee480000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001528: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001528 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit", 0
0000000100001559 db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155a db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000155f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 33
0000000100001560 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001578: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001578 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/Accounts.framework/Accounts", 0
00000001000015af db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 34
00000001000015b0 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x570000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000015c8: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000015c8 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/Social.framework/Social", 0
00000001000015fb db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000015fc db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000015fd db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000015fe db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000015ff db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 35
0000000100001600 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0xe40000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001618 db "/usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib", 0
0000000100001631 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001632 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001633 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001634 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001635 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001636 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001637 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 36
0000000100001638 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x5010000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001650 db "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", 0
000000010000166b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000166c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000166d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000166e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000166f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 37
0000000100001670 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x20000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001688: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001688 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/AVFoundation.framework/AVFoundation", 0
00000001000016c7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 38
00000001000016c8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x3560000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000016e0: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000016e0 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CloudKit.framework/CloudKit", 0
0000000100001717 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 39
0000000100001718 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x60, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x6897e00, // library's current version number
0x960000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001730: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001730 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/CoreFoundation", 0
0000000100001773 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001774 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001775 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001776 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001777 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 40
0000000100001778 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x50000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001790: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001790 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreImage.framework/CoreImage", 0
00000001000017c9 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017ca db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017cb db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017cc db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017cd db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017ce db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000017cf db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 41
00000001000017d0 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10000, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_1000017e8: // aSystemlibraryf
00000001000017e8 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMedia.framework/CoreMedia", 0
0000000100001821 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001822 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001823 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001824 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001825 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001826 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001827 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 42
0000000100001828 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x58, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x10500, // library's current version number
0x10200 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001840: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001840 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/CoreVideo", 0
0000000100001879 db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187a db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000187f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 43
0000000100001880 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x68, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x2b52808, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001898: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001898 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/LocalAuthentication.framework/LocalAuthentication", 0
00000001000018e5 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000018e6 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000018e7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 44
00000001000018e8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x50, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x260030a, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aSystemlibraryf_100001900: // aSystemlibraryf
0000000100001900 db "/System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/WebKit", 0
0000000100001933 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001934 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001935 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001936 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001937 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 45
0000000100001938 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x44c02ff, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001950 db "@rpath/libswiftCore.dylib", 0
000000010000196a db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000196b db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000196c db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000196d db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000196e db 0x00 ; '.'
000000010000196f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 46
0000000100001970 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x40, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aRpathlibswiftc_100001988: // aRpathlibswiftc
0000000100001988 db "@rpath/libswiftCoreGraphics.dylib", 0
00000001000019aa db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019ab db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019ac db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019ad db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019ae db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019af db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 47
00000001000019b0 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
00000001000019c8 db "@rpath/libswiftDarwin.dylib", 0
00000001000019e4 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019e5 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019e6 db 0x00 ; '.'
00000001000019e7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 48
00000001000019e8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aRpathlibswiftd_100001a00: // aRpathlibswiftd
0000000100001a00 db "@rpath/libswiftDispatch.dylib", 0
0000000100001a1e db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001a1f db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 49
0000000100001a20 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001a38 db "@rpath/libswiftFoundation.dylib", 0
; Load Command 50
0000000100001a58 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001a70 db "@rpath/libswiftObjectiveC.dylib", 0
; Load Command 51
0000000100001a90 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x38, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
0000000100001aa8 db "@rpath/libswiftUIKit.dylib", 0
0000000100001ac3 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001ac4 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001ac5 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001ac6 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001ac7 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 52
0000000100001ac8 struct __macho_dylib_command {
0x30, // includes pathname string
0x18, // dynamic linker's path name (should be 24)
0x2, // library's build time stamp
0x0, // library's current version number
0x10000 // library's compatibility vers number
aRpathlibswifto_100001ae0: // aRpathlibswifto
0000000100001ae0 db "@rpath/libswiftos.dylib", 0
; Load Command 53
0000000100001af8 struct __macho_rpath_command {
0x20, // includes string
0xc // path to add to run path (should be 12)
0000000100001b04 db "/usr/lib/swift", 0
0000000100001b13 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b14 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b15 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b16 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b17 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 54
0000000100001b18 struct __macho_rpath_command {
0x28, // includes string
0xc // path to add to run path (should be 12)
0000000100001b24 db "@executable_path/Frameworks", 0
; Load Command 55
0000000100001b40 struct __macho_rpath_command {
0x28, // includes string
0xc // path to add to run path (should be 12)
0000000100001b4c db "@loader_path/Frameworks", 0
0000000100001b64 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b65 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b66 db 0x00 ; '.'
0000000100001b67 db 0x00 ; '.'
; Load Command 56
0000000100001b68 struct __macho_rpath_command {
0x28, // includes string
0xc // path to add to run path (should be 12)
aExecutablepath_100001b74: // aExecutablepath
0000000100001b74 db "@executable_path/Frameworks", 0
; Load Command 57
0000000100001b90 struct __macho__linkedit_data_command {
0x10, // sizeof(struct linkedit_data_command)
0x348520, // file offset of data in __LINKEDIT segment
0x3790 // file size of data in __LINKEDIT segment
; Load Command 58
0000000100001ba0 struct __macho__linkedit_data_command {
0x10, // sizeof(struct linkedit_data_command)
0x34bcb0, // file offset of data in __LINKEDIT segment
0x140 // file size of data in __LINKEDIT segment
; Load Command 59
0000000100001bb0 struct __macho__linkedit_data_command {
0x10, // sizeof(struct linkedit_data_command)
0x358bd0, // file offset of data in __LINKEDIT segment
0xf990 // file size of data in __LINKEDIT segment
0000000100001bc0 db 11504 dup (0x00)
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