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Last active August 30, 2018 04:44
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import Foundation
import UIKit
This is the order of how the frameworks are being compiled.
It starts with CCCore but if CCCore contains other imported framework
then the compiler jumps to that framework.
import CCCore
import CCFeature0
import CCFeature1
import CCFeature2
Init of the flow takes two params:
@param services: An object that contains reference to all the services
that are used in the app
@param navigationVC: Main UINavigationVC who is then passed to a childFlows
class AppFlow: Flow {
var services: Services
var childFlows: [Flow] = [Flow]()
var navigation: UINavigationController?
var finish: (Flow) -> () = { _ in }
required init(services: Services, navigationVC: UINavigationController? = nil) { = services
public func start() {
private func presentMainVC() {
let mainVC = MainVC(services:
mainVC.delegate = self
self.navigation = UINavigationController(rootViewController: mainVC)
extension AppFlow: MainVCDelegate {
func presentCCFeature0() {
let feature0Flow = CCFeature0Flow(services:,
navigationVC: self.navigation)
feature0Flow.finish = { flow in
_ = self.childFlows.popLast()
print("poped CCFeature0Flow)")
startNew(flow: feature0Flow)
func pushCCFeature1() {
let feature1Flow = CCFeature1Flow(services:,
navigationVC: self.navigation)
feature1Flow.finish = { flow in
_ = self.childFlows.popLast()
print("poped CCFeature1Flow)")
startNew(flow: feature1Flow)
func pushCCFeature2() {
let feature2Flow = CCFeature2Flow(services:,
navigationVC: self.navigation)
feature2Flow.finish = { flow in
_ = self.childFlows.popLast()
print("poped CCFeature2Flow)")
startNew(flow: feature2Flow)
private func startNew(flow: Flow) {
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