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CyrilCermak / SwiftCompilation.txt
Last active November 21, 2017 00:43
Swift compile time analyse
This is a quick tutorial for analysing Swift compile time.
3 main steps:
1) Log the whole app build:
xcodebuild -workspace ./App.xcworkspace -scheme App clean build OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS="-Xfrontend -debug-time-function-bodies" | tee ~/Desktop/compile_log.txt
2) Get sorted data we want from build:
grep '^\d*\.\d*ms' compile_log.txt | sort -n -k1 -r > compile_analyzed.txt
CyrilCermak / Podfile.rb
Last active December 15, 2022 16:39
Podfile for project with frameworks
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'
workspace 'App.xcworkspace'
project 'App.xcodeproj'
platform :ios, '10.0'
CCPod =, :version, :git, :branch)
import Foundation
import UIKit
This is the order of how the frameworks are being compiled.
It starts with CCCore but if CCCore contains other imported framework
then the compiler jumps to that framework.
import CCCore
import CCFeature0
import CCFeature1
Every child flow must implement Flow protocol
- func start: Starts the flow process, it usually decides what is
going to be presented
- var services: Property that contains all the services that are
being used in the app
- var finish: Is a closure that notifies parent Flow
that the child flow is finished.
- var currentVC: Returns view controller that is currently being displayed
public class CCFeature2Flow: Flow {
public var finish: (Flow) -> () = { _ in }
public var services: Services
public var navigation: UINavigationController?
public required init(services: Services, navigationVC: UINavigationController?) { = services
self.navigation = navigationVC
protocol LocalizedStringRepresentable {
var text: String { get }
enum LoginLocalization: String, LocalizedStringRepresentable {
case signInSignUp
case termsAndCond, signIn, signUp, signUpShort, email, password, repeatPassword,
signInWithFB, signUPWithFB, selectAvatar, selectAnother
case wCreateGoal, wSelectCategoryOfGoals, wTrackAchievements,
"module.login.termsAndCond" = "Terms And Cond";
"module.login.signIn" = "SIGN IN";
"module.login.signUp" = "SIGN UP";
"module.login.signUpShort" = "SIGN UP";
"" = "Email";
"module.login.password" = "Password";
"module.login.repeatPassword" = "Repeat Password";
"module.login.signUPWithFB" = "SIGN UP WITH FACEBOOK";
"module.login.signInWithFB" = "SIGN IN WITH FACEBOOK";
"module.login.selectAvatar" = "SELECT AVATAR";
extension String {
func localized(bundle: Bundle = .main, tableName: String = "Localization") -> String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: tableName, value: "\(self)**", comment: "")
let button = AchieveMeButton(title: LoginLocalization.signInSignUp.text,
normalColor: .white,
touchColor: .lightGray,
titleColor: UIColor.amBlue())