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DJStompZone /
Created July 24, 2024 13:52
PSJ: Display Running Processes in JSON Format


Gnarly little "one liner" in awk and bash. Searches for running processes and displays the PID and command line for any matches, in JSON format.



Proposal for the FairPlay MCBE Addon and Windows App


This project aims to enhance the Minecraft Bedrock gaming experience by providing players with detailed statistics about their in-game activities. It consists of two main components: a Minecraft Bedrock addon and a Windows application. The addon collects and saves player statistics such as miles traveled and damage done, then sends these stats to a central database. The Windows application fetches this data and displays it to the logged-in player using native Windows APIs, creating a seamless and informative user experience.

Control Flow Diagram

DJStompZone /
Last active July 15, 2024 21:27
Privilege Escalation on POSIX Systems

Privilege Escalation on POSIX Systems


"I'm in," you say in your best hacker voice.

After all your hard work, you manage to get a reverse shell going. There's just one problem... No sudo privileges.

If you don't have the su password or aren't on the sudoers list, you'll need to explore potential privilege escalation techniques in order to crown yourself king of the castle and pwn with impunity. In this document, we'll discuss a few common avenues one might pursue in order to gain unauthorized root access on a system.

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"defaultRenderer": "elk"}} }%%
flowchart-elk TD
    E -.-> F(Feel Increased Stress and Anxiety)
    F -.-> G(Promise to Start Later)
    G -.-> H(Deadline Approaches)
    H -.-> A
    A(Feeling Overwhelmed) -.-> B(Procrastination Begins)
 B -.-> C(Engage in Distracting Activities)
DJStompZone / Get-InstalledSoftware.ps1
Created July 6, 2024 18:04
Powershell script to get GUIDs for all installed software
function Get-InstalledSoftware {
Retrieves a list of all software installed on the system and their corresponding 128-bit Windows GUID.
The software title you would like to limit the query to.
The output format for the retrieved software list. Can be 'JSON' or 'XML'.
DJStompZone /
Last active July 4, 2024 20:01
Seed Candidates
  • -8591900330462080048

  • 923372438967185305

  • -1940305225479694039

  • 9058007704254504711

  • 6344678308688416548

DJStompZone / Get-AllConnections.ps1
Last active June 27, 2024 09:51
Powershell function to view network connections and listeners, with optional output in XML or JSON
Displays detailed information about TCP, UDP, and Unix domain socket connections.
The Get-AllConnections function retrieves TCP, UDP, and Unix domain socket connections,
and provides detailed information about the associated processes and services, particularly for svchost.exe.
.PARAMETER OutputFormat
Specifies the output format. Valid options are 'Table', 'JSON', and 'XML'. Default is 'Table'.
DJStompZone /
Created June 2, 2024 22:36
Speech Synthesis Model
flowchart TD
    subgraph Introduction
        A1[Purpose: Develop a speech synthesis model integrating user feedback]
    subgraph Components_Overview
        B1[User Prompt: Text input from user]
        B2[Tokenizer: Converts text to tokens]
        B3[Model Weights: Parameters of the model]
DJStompZone /
Created May 1, 2024 14:54
Contrived MethodCaller Demo
from typing import Iterable, Optional, SupportsIndex, overload, override
class Char(str):
"""Single character string or empty string wrapper."""
def __new__(cls, value: str) -> "Char":
if len(value) > 1:
raise ValueError("A Char must be a string of length 0 or 1")
return super().__new__(cls, value)