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Created December 11, 2013 13:21
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What's the hardest-to-guess word in Hangman, for any given number of letters? Give this program a wordlist.txt and a number of letters, and it'll tell you, by repeatedly playing an optimised game against itself and then sorting the results.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
# Inspired by
# Comes up with the "hardest words" to guess, in hangman, assuming the player is playing optimally
# (choosing the letter most-likely to appear, given a dictionary of all candidate words and the
# letters guessed so far [because hangman guesses are not independent; they affect the gamestate
# either by saying "this letter DOES NOT feature" or by saying "this letter features in THESE
# positions"])
# Result: a "hardest hangman words" dictionary?
# DEBUG: switch DEBUG_MODE to true to show additional output (basically, a discussion between
# the simulated players!)
DEBUG_MODE = false
# DEBUG: for testing, or for simulating best-play on a particular word, use a cut-down wordlist
# (be sure to change NUM_LETTERS if you pick a different word length, too!)
#ALL_WORDS = %w{cat dog hen}
# How many letters are in the words we're playing with?
puts "Working with #{NUM_LETTERS}-letter words. Filtering dictionary..." if DEBUG_MODE
# Preload a list of all possible words (using ||= in case we're pre-setting the words for
# debugging purposes, earlier: note that this may produce a warning!)
# We lowercase everything (fixes e.g. 'kHz'), remove words with special characters (removes e.g.
# 'déjà'), and get rid of any duplicates (no point in playing more games than we have to!)
ALL_WORDS ||= File::read('wordlist.txt').split.reject{|word| word.length != NUM_LETTERS || word !~ /^[a-z]+$/}.collect{|word| word.downcase}.uniq
puts "There are #{ALL_WORDS.length} words to play."
# Given a board (a string of dots with letters in place, e.g. "ca." could be cat or cab or car
# or whatever) and an array of WRONG guesses, returns the best-bet move. In event of tie, returns
# the one that comes up alphabetically first
def best_move_for(board, wrong_guesses, dictionary)
# Set up a hash of letter frequencies ('a' => 0, 'b' => 0), excluding the known wrong guesses
# and the letters already found
letters_already_found = board.chars.to_a.uniq.reject{|l| l == '.'}
letter_frequencies = Hash[('a'..'z').reject{|l| letters_already_found.include?(l) || wrong_guesses.include?(l)}.map{|l| [l,0]}]
# For each possible word, give a 'point' to each potential letter
dictionary.each do |possible_word|
possible_word.chars.each do |letter|
letter_frequencies[letter] += 1 if letter_frequencies[letter]
# The letter with the most points is the winner
# Given a target word, a state-of-play board, a guess, and an array of wrong guesses,
# returns an array containing the new board state and the array of wrong guesses (amended if
# the guess just made was wrong)
def make_move(target_word, board, guess, wrong_guesses)
correct_guess = false
# Go through each letter of the target word to hunt for the guessed letter
target_word.length.times do |i|
if target_word[i] == guess
# If we find it, update the board accordingly
correct_guess = true
board[i] = guess
# Add the guess to the list of wrong guesses if we didn't find a new letter
wrong_guesses << guess unless correct_guess
if correct_guess
puts " + Correct. New board state: #{board}"
puts " + Wrong. Bad guesses so far: #{wrong_guesses.join(', ')}"
# Return the result
[board, wrong_guesses]
# Recursively plays an optimal game of hangman, returing a hash of statistics about the game
# suitable for storing in the 'result' array
def result_for(target_word, board, num_guesses = 0, wrong_guesses = [], dictionary = ALL_WORDS.clone)
# If we've won, break out with a result
return { :word => target_word, :num_guesses => num_guesses, :wrong_guesses => wrong_guesses.length } if target_word == board
# Otherwise, filter the wordlist down and determine the best move
puts " > Considering my best move..." if DEBUG_MODE
unless num_guesses == 0 # (shortcut: no point filtering the wordlist if we've made no guesses)!{|word| word =~ Regexp::new("^#{board}$")}
best_move = best_move_for(board, wrong_guesses, dictionary)
# Make the move, then continue to play
puts " > I guess '#{best_move}'" if DEBUG_MODE
board, wrong_guesses = make_move(target_word, board, best_move, wrong_guesses)
result_for(target_word, board, num_guesses + 1, wrong_guesses, dictionary)
# Play a game for every single word in the wordlist
result = ALL_WORDS.collect do |target_word|
puts "Target word is #{target_word}" if DEBUG_MODE
# Set up the game with an empty board, expressed as a string e.g. "......", and guess space
board = '.'*NUM_LETTERS
# Play the game (recursively making and enumerating 'best moves')
result_for(target_word, board)
# Sort the results (reverse order by number of wrong guesses, then reverse order by number
# of total guesses, then alphabetically by word)
puts "Sorting the results..." if DEBUG_MODE
result.sort_by!{|r| sprintf('%02d%02d%s', 26-r[:wrong_guesses], 26-r[:num_guesses], r[:word])}
# Output the results
word_column_width = (NUM_LETTERS < 4 ? 4 : NUM_LETTERS)
printf("%#{word_column_width}s %9s %7s\n", 'Word', 'Guesses', 'Wrong')
result.each do |r|
printf("%#{word_column_width}s %9d %7d\n", r[:word], r[:num_guesses], r[:wrong_guesses])
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