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Last active April 4, 2016 01:28
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Save DanielGibson/2ceeba3fb6141e839c4aaf141b649762 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hacky code that parses and displays Daikatana .wal files and 8bit BMP files
* Kinda messy code to parse and display 8bit BMPs and Daikatana wals
* Can also be compiled to check whether the colormaps of textures in a
* directory match that of the corresponding colormap.bmp
* Note that it currently only displays the first mipmap level of a .wal texture
* and ignores the animname, flags, contents and value fields of the header.
* (C) 2016 Daniel Gibson
* This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
* license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
* publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#define eprintf(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
typedef struct
unsigned char* data;
int32_t len; // length in bytes
} Buffer;
typedef struct
unsigned char r;
unsigned char g;
unsigned char b;
} RGB;
typedef struct
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t paletteSize;
RGB palette[256];
Buffer imgData;
} IndexedBitmap;
// returns -1 on error
static int getFileLength(int fd)
struct stat stat;
if(fstat(fd, &stat) != 0) return -1;
return stat.st_size;
static int getInt16(const unsigned char* data)
return data[0] + ((int)data[1] << 8);
static int32_t getInt32(const unsigned char* data)
uint32_t x = getInt16(data);
return x + (getInt16(data+2) << 16);
// Buffer.len is < 0 on error
static Buffer loadFile(const char* path)
Buffer ret = {NULL, -1};
FILE* f = fopen(path, "rb");
if(f == NULL)
eprintf("Couldn't open '%s'!\n", path);
return ret;
int size = getFileLength(fileno(f));
if(size == -1)
eprintf("Couldn't get filesize of '%s'!\n", path);
return ret;
if(size == 0)
ret.len = 0;
return ret;
unsigned char* buf = malloc(size);
if(buf == NULL)
eprintf("Couldn't allocate %d bytes of data - Out of Memory?!\n", size);
return ret;
if(fread(buf, size, 1, f) != 1)
eprintf("Error reading from '%s'!\n", path);
return ret;
} = buf;
ret.len = size;
return ret;
static void freeBuffer(Buffer* b)
b->data = NULL;
b->len = 0;
static IndexedBitmap parseIndexedBMP(Buffer bmp, int headerOnly)
IndexedBitmap ret = {0};
ret.width = ret.height = ret.paletteSize = ret.imgData.len = -1;
if(bmp.len < 54) // that's the size of the two BMP headers always present
eprintf("Too small for a valid bitmap!\n");
return ret;
const unsigned char* d =;
if(d[0] != 'B' || d[1] != 'M')
eprintf("invalid BMP file!\n");
return ret;
int bmpInfoHdrSize = getInt32(d+14);
// there are several bmp versions with different header sizes, but all with
// size>40 should be compatible for our purposes
// TODO: bmpInfoHdrSize == 12 for BMP v1 headers, which need different treatment
if(bmpInfoHdrSize != 40 && bmpInfoHdrSize != 64 && bmpInfoHdrSize != 52 && bmpInfoHdrSize != 56 && bmpInfoHdrSize != 108 && bmpInfoHdrSize != 124)
eprintf("BMP header malformed, size %d!\n", bmpInfoHdrSize);
return ret;
int compression = getInt32(d+30);
if(getInt16(d+28) != 8 // bpp must be 8 (indexed with 8bit indices)
|| (compression != 0 && compression != 1)) // must be uncompressed or 8bit RLE compressed
eprintf("Invalid Bitmap - Only uncompressed, paletted (indexed) 8bit BMPs are supported!\n");
return ret;
ret.paletteSize = getInt32(d+46);
if(ret.paletteSize == 0) ret.paletteSize = 256;
if(bmp.len < 54+ret.paletteSize*4)
eprintf("Too small for a valid bitmap with a palette with %d entries!\n", ret.paletteSize);
ret.paletteSize = -1;
return ret;
const unsigned char* paletteCur = d+14+bmpInfoHdrSize;
for(int i=0; i<ret.paletteSize; ++i)
RGB rgb;
rgb.r = paletteCur[2];
rgb.g = paletteCur[1];
rgb.b = paletteCur[0];
ret.palette[i] = rgb;
paletteCur += 4; // each entry has 4 bytes, the last one is ignored
// zero out unused palette entries (if any)
for(int i=ret.paletteSize; i<256; ++i)
RGB z = {0,0,0};
ret.palette[i] = z;
int w = getInt32(d+18);
int h = getInt32(d+22);
int isTopDown = 0;
isTopDown = 1;
h = -h;
ret.width = w;
ret.height = h;
ret.imgData.len = 0; = NULL;
return ret;
int imgDataOffset = getInt32(d+10);
if(!compression && imgDataOffset + w*h > bmp.len)
eprintf("Bitmap malformed, not long enough to actually contain image data!\n");
return ret;
int dataSize = w*h;
unsigned char* out = malloc(dataSize); = out;
ret.imgData.len = dataSize;
ret.width = w;
ret.height = h;
if(out == NULL)
eprintf("Couldn't allocate %d bytes of data - OOM?!\n", dataSize);
return ret;
int bmpRowSize = (w+3) & ~3; // rounded up to multiple of 4
assert(!compression && "Wikipedia claims RLE compression is only used with bottom up BMPs");
// this is the order we want => iterate through bmp rows and copy them to output
const unsigned char* imgDataCur = d + imgDataOffset;
for(int row=0; row<h; ++row)
memcpy(out, imgDataCur, w);
out += w;
imgDataCur += bmpRowSize;
// start at last row, go backwards
if(compression == 0)
const unsigned char* imgDataCurRow = d + imgDataOffset + bmpRowSize*h - bmpRowSize;
for(int row=0; row<h; ++row)
memcpy(out, imgDataCurRow, w);
out += w;
imgDataCurRow -= bmpRowSize;
else // 8bit RLE compression
// some more bytes because bmp row size is multiples of 4
unsigned char* rowBuf = malloc(w+3);
const unsigned char* curIn = d + imgDataOffset;
unsigned char* curOutRow = out + dataSize - w;
for(int row=0; row<h; ++row)
unsigned char* curOut = rowBuf;
int numRepeats = *curIn;
if(numRepeats > 0)
unsigned char b = *curIn;
memset(curOut, b, numRepeats);
curOut += numRepeats;
int numBytes = *curIn;
if(numBytes < 2)
// bitmap done/next row => should have written w bytes
// (maybe more for 4byte-padding)
ptrdiff_t writtenBytes = curOut - rowBuf;
assert(writtenBytes >= w && writtenBytes <= w+3);
else if(numBytes > 2)
// numBytes bytes of uncompressed data following
memcpy(curOut, curIn, numBytes);
curIn += numBytes;
curOut += numBytes;
else if(numBytes == 2)
eprintf("Unsupported: change pixel position by %d %d ('delta')\n", (int)curIn[1], (int)curIn[2]);
assert(0 && "Unhandled: delta in BMP RLE!");
// TODO - is this relevant? what happens to the skipped pixels?
memcpy(curOutRow, rowBuf, w);
curOutRow -= w;
return ret;
/* Daikatana .wal header:
Offset: field
0: char version; // NEW: should be 3
1: char padding[3]; // NEW this is just garbage, skip it
4: char name[32];
36: unsigned width, height; // size of mipmap level 0, found at offset offsets[0]
44: unsigned offsets[9]; // NEW 9 instead of 4 mip maps stored
80: char animname[32];
112: int flags;
116: int contents;
120: unsigned char palette[256*3]; // NEW: 256 RGB color values
888: int value;
=> size 892
static IndexedBitmap parseWal(Buffer wal, int headerOnly)
IndexedBitmap ret = {0};
ret.width = ret.height = ret.paletteSize = ret.imgData.len = -1;
if(wal.len < 892) // that's the size of the Daikatana WAL header
eprintf("Too small for a valid Daikatana .wal!\n");
return ret;
const unsigned char* d =;
if(d[0] != 3)
eprintf("Wrong .wal version (%.32s), must be 3!\n", d);
if(d[0] > 32) eprintf("This could be a Quake2 .wal which is incompatible!\n");
return ret;
int w = getInt32(d+36);
int h = getInt32(d+40);
uint32_t offsets[9];
for(int i=0; i<9; ++i)
offsets[i] = getInt32(d+44+i*4);
const unsigned char* pltCur = d+120;
for(int i=0; i<256; ++i)
RGB rgb = {pltCur[0], pltCur[1], pltCur[2]};
ret.palette[i] = rgb;
pltCur += 3;
ret.paletteSize = 256;
ret.width = w;
ret.height = h; = NULL;
ret.imgData.len = 0;
return ret;
int dataSize = w*h;
if(wal.len < 892+dataSize)
eprintf(".wal malformed, not long enough to actually contain image data!\n");
return ret;
unsigned char* buf = malloc(dataSize);
if(buf == NULL)
eprintf("Couldn't allocate %d bytes of data - OOM?!\n", dataSize);
return ret;
memcpy(buf, d+offsets[0], dataSize);
ret.width = w;
ret.height = h; = buf;
ret.imgData.len = dataSize;
return ret;
static void displayImage(SDL_Surface* surf)
SDL_Window* win = SDL_CreateWindow("test SDL_stbimage.h", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,
SDL_Surface* winSurf = SDL_GetWindowSurface(win);
Uint32 grey = SDL_MapRGB(winSurf->format, 127, 127, 127);
SDL_FillRect(winSurf, NULL, grey);
SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, winSurf, NULL);
SDL_Event ev;
case SDL_QUIT: goto end;
if(ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_q) goto end;
winSurf = SDL_GetWindowSurface(win);
SDL_BlitSurface(surf, NULL, winSurf, NULL);
static SDL_Surface* bmpToSurf(const IndexedBitmap bmp)
SDL_Surface* surf = NULL;
Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
// ok, the following is pretty stupid.. SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() pretends to use
// a void* for the data, but it's really treated as endian-specific Uint32*
// and there isn't even an SDL_PIXELFORMAT_* for 32bit byte-wise RGBA
rmask = 0x00ff0000;
gmask = 0x0000ff00;
bmask = 0x000000ff;
amask = 0;
#else // little endian, like x86
rmask = 0x000000ff;
gmask = 0x0000ff00;
bmask = 0x00ff0000;
amask = 0;
surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, bmp.width, bmp.height, 24, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);
if(surf == NULL)
eprintf("Error: Failed to create SDL_Surface: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return NULL;
int numPixels = bmp.imgData.len;
unsigned char* px = malloc(numPixels*3);
surf->pixels = px;
for(int i=0; i<numPixels; ++i)
RGB p = bmp.palette[[i]];
px[0] = p.r;
px[1] = p.g;
px[2] = p.b;
px += 3;
return surf;
static int endsWithCaseless(const char* str, const char* end)
int strLen = strlen(str);
int endLen = strlen(end);
return (strcasecmp(str+strLen-endLen, end) == 0);
static void printPalette(IndexedBitmap* bmp)
for(int i=0; i<256; ++i)
RGB rgb = bmp->palette[i];
printf("(%.3d %.3d %.3d) ", (int)rgb.r, (int)rgb.g, (int)rgb.b);
#if 0
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const char* path = NULL;
if(argc > 1) path = argv[1];
eprintf("Usage: %s /path/to/unp_paks/pak1/textures/e1m1\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
DIR* dir = opendir(path);
if(dir == NULL)
eprintf("Opening given dir '%s' failed!\n", path);
return 1;
if(chdir(path) != 0)
eprintf("Switching to dir '%s' failed!\n", path);
return 1;
Buffer buf = loadFile("colormap.bmp");
if(buf.len < 54)
eprintf("Couldn't open%s colormap.bmp at %s - are you sure it's a texture dir?\n", (buf.len>=0) ? " valid" : "", path);
return 1;
IndexedBitmap colormapBmp = parseIndexedBMP(buf, 1);
if(colormapBmp.width < 0)
eprintf("Parsing colormap.bmp failed!\n");
return 1;
struct dirent* e = readdir(dir);
while(e != NULL)
if(endsWithCaseless(e->d_name, ".wal"))
buf = loadFile(e->d_name);
if(buf.len < 0)
eprintf("Warning: Failed to open '%s'!\n", e->d_name);
IndexedBitmap wal = parseWal(buf, 1);
if(wal.width < 0)
printf("## Error: Failed to parse '%s/%s'!\n", path, e->d_name);
if(memcmp(colormapBmp.palette, wal.palette, colormapBmp.paletteSize*sizeof(RGB)) != 0)
printf("## Warning: %s/%s has colormap different to colormap.bmp!\n", path, e->d_name);
//printf("'%s' is cool\n", e->d_name);
e = readdir(dir);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const char* filename = NULL;
if(argc > 1) filename = argv[1];
eprintf("Usage: %s bla.bmp\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
int filenameLen = strlen(filename);
Buffer bmpBuf = loadFile(filename);
IndexedBitmap bmp;
if(strcasecmp(filename+filenameLen-4, ".bmp") == 0)
bmp = parseIndexedBMP(bmpBuf, 0);
else if(strcasecmp(filename+filenameLen-4, ".wal") == 0)
bmp = parseWal(bmpBuf, 0);
eprintf("Unsupported filetype %s, only .wal and .bmp supported!\n", filename);
return 1;
if(bmp.width > 0)
SDL_Surface* surf = bmpToSurf(bmp);
if(surf != NULL)
return 0;
#endif // 1/0
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