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Created January 23, 2024 17:07
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ai2html script v. 0.115 featuring a doubling of any text in a layer called "upper-text"
// ai2html is a script for Adobe Illustrator that converts your Illustrator document into html and css.
// Copyright (c) 2011-2018 The New York Times Company
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this library except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// =====================================
// How to install ai2html
// =====================================
// - Move the ai2html.js file into the Illustrator folder where scripts are located.
// - For example, on Mac OS X running Adobe Illustrator CC 2014, the path would be: // Adobe Illustrator CC 2014/Presets/en_US/Scripts/ai2html.jsx
// =====================================
// How to use ai2html
// =====================================
// - Create your Illustrator artwork.
// - Size the artboard to the dimensions that you want the div to appear on the web page.
// - Make sure your Document Color Mode is set to RGB.
// - Use Arial or Georgia unless you have added your own fonts to the fonts array in the script.
// - Run the script by choosing: File > Scripts > ai2html
// - Go to the folder containing your Illustrator file. Inside will be a folder called ai2html-output.
// - Open the html files in your browser to preview your output.
function main() {
// Enclosing scripts in a named function (and not an anonymous, self-executing
// function) has been recommended as a way to minimise intermittent "MRAP" errors.
// (This advice may be superstitious, need more evidence to decide.)
// See (for example) and
// How to update the version number:
// - Increment middle digit for new functionality or breaking changes
// or increment final digit for simple bug fixes or other minor changes.
// - Update the version number in package.json
// - Add an entry to
// - Run 'npm publish' to create a new GitHub release
var scriptVersion = '0.115.5';
// ================================================
// ai2html and config settings
// ================================================
// These are base settings that are overridden by text block settings in
// the .ai document and settings containing in ai2html-config.json files
var defaultSettings = {
"namespace": "g-",
"settings_version": scriptVersion,
"create_promo_image": false,
"promo_image_width": 1024,
"image_format": ["auto"], // Options: auto, png, png24, jpg, svg
"write_image_files": true,
"responsiveness": "fixed", // Options: fixed, dynamic
"max_width": "",
"output": "one-file", // Options: one-file, multiple-files
"project_name": "", // Defaults to the name of the AI file
"project_type": "",
"html_output_path": "/ai2html-output/",
"html_output_extension": ".html",
"image_output_path": "",
"image_source_path": null,
"image_alt_text": "",
"cache_bust_token": null, // Append a token to the url of image urls: ?v=<cache_bust_token>
"create_config_file": false,
"config_file_path": "",
"local_preview_template": "",
"png_transparent": false,
"png_number_of_colors": 128, // Number of colors in 8-bit PNG image (1-256)
"jpg_quality": 60,
"center_html_output": true,
"use_2x_images_if_possible": true,
"use_lazy_loader": false,
"include_resizer_classes": false, // Triggers an error (feature was removed)
"include_resizer_widths": true,
"include_resizer_script": false,
"inline_svg": false, // Embed background image SVG in HTML instead of loading a file
"svg_id_prefix": "", // Prefix SVG ids with a string to disambiguate from other ids on the page
"svg_embed_images": false,
"render_text_as": "html", // Options: html, image
"render_rotated_skewed_text_as": "html", // Options: html, image
"testing_mode": false, // Render text in both bg image and HTML to test HTML text placement
"show_completion_dialog_box": true,
"clickable_link": "", // Add a URL to make the entire graphic a clickable link
"last_updated_text": "",
"headline": "",
"leadin": "",
"summary": "",
"notes": "",
"sources": "",
"credit": "",
"double_text": false,
// removed most NYT-specific settings from default settings, including:
// page_template, publish_system, environment, show_in_compatible_apps,
// display_for_promotion_only, constrain_width_to_text_column,
// compatibility, interactive_size, scoop_publish_fields, scoop_asset_id,
// scoop_username, scoop_slug, scoop_external_edit_key
// List of settings to include in the "ai2html-settings" text block
"settings_block": [
// list of settings to include in the config.yml file
"config_file": [
// rules for converting AI fonts to CSS
// rules from external files are merged into this list
"fonts": [
{"aifont":"Georgia","family":"georgia,'times new roman',times,serif","weight":"normal","style":""},
{"aifont":"Georgia-Bold","family":"georgia,'times new roman',times,serif","weight":"bold","style":""},
{"aifont":"Georgia-Italic","family":"georgia,'times new roman',times,serif","weight":"normal","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"Georgia-BoldItalic","family":"georgia,'times new roman',times,serif","weight":"bold","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"Gotham-Book","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"","style":""},
{"aifont":"Gotham-BookItalic","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"Gotham-Bold","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"900","style":""},
{"aifont":"Gotham-BoldItalic","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"900","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"Knockout-31JuniorMiddlewt","family":"'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"normal","style":""},
{"aifont":"Lato-Regular","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"","style":""},
{"aifont":"Lato-Italic","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"Lato-Black","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"900","style":""},
{"aifont":"Lato-BlackItalic","family":"'Lato', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"900","style":"italic"},
{"aifont":"SourceSansPro-SemiBold","family":"'Source Sans Pro', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif","weight":"600","style":""}
// Width ranges for responsive breakpoints (obsolete, will be removed)
"breakpoints": [
{ name:"xsmall" , lowerLimit: 0, upperLimit: 180 },
{ name:"small" , lowerLimit: 180, upperLimit: 300 },
{ name:"smallplus" , lowerLimit: 300, upperLimit: 460 },
{ name:"submedium" , lowerLimit: 460, upperLimit: 600 },
{ name:"medium" , lowerLimit: 600, upperLimit: 720 },
{ name:"large" , lowerLimit: 720, upperLimit: 945 },
{ name:"xlarge" , lowerLimit: 945, upperLimit:1050 },
{ name:"xxlarge" , lowerLimit:1050, upperLimit:1600 }
// Override settings for simple NYT ai2html embed graphics
var nytEmbedOverrideSettings = {
"dark_mode_compatible": false,
"settings_block": [
// "show_completion_dialog_box",
// These settings override the default settings in NYT mode
var nytOverrideSettings = {
"html_output_path": "../src/",
"image_output_path": "../public/_assets/",
"config_file_path": "../config.yml",
"use_lazy_loader": true,
"include_resizer_script": true,
"credit": "By The New York Times",
"page_template": "vi-article-embed",
"publish_system": "scoop",
// NYT-specific settings (not present in default settings)
"environment": "production",
"show_in_compatible_apps": true,
"display_for_promotion_only": false,
"constrain_width_to_text_column": false,
"compatibility": "inline",
"size": "full", // changed from "medium" to "full"
"min_width": 280, // added as workaround for a scoop bug affecting ai2html-type graphics
"scoop_publish_fields": true,
"scoop_asset_id": "",
"scoop_username": "",
"scoop_slug": "",
"scoop_external_edit_key": "",
"settings_block": [
"config_file": [
"fonts": [
// vshift shifts text vertically, to compensate for vertical misalignment caused
// by a difference between vertical placement in Illustrator (of a system font) and
// browsers (of the web font equivalent). vshift values are percentage of font size. Positive
// values correspond to a downward shift.
// Franklin
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-Light","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"300","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-Medium","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"500","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-SemiBold","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"600","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-Semibold","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"600","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklinSemiBold-Regular","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"600","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-SemiboldItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"600","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-Bold","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"700","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-LightItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"300","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-MediumItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"500","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-BoldItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"700","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-ExtraBold","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"800","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-ExtraBoldItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"800","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-Headline","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"bold","style":"", "vshift": "8%"},
{"aifont":"NYTFranklin-HeadlineItalic","family":"nyt-franklin,arial,helvetica,sans-serif","weight":"bold","style":"italic", "vshift": "8%"},
// Chelt.
// Imperial
// Others
// ================================================
// Constant data
// ================================================
// html entity substitution
var basicCharacterReplacements = [["\x26","&amp;"], ["\x22","&quot;"], ["\x3C","&lt;"], ["\x3E","&gt;"]];
var extraCharacterReplacements = [["\xA0","&nbsp;"], ["\xA1","&iexcl;"], ["\xA2","&cent;"], ["\xA3","&pound;"], ["\xA4","&curren;"], ["\xA5","&yen;"], ["\xA6","&brvbar;"], ["\xA7","&sect;"], ["\xA8","&uml;"], ["\xA9","&copy;"], ["\xAA","&ordf;"], ["\xAB","&laquo;"], ["\xAC","&not;"], ["\xAD","&shy;"], ["\xAE","&reg;"], ["\xAF","&macr;"], ["\xB0","&deg;"], ["\xB1","&plusmn;"], ["\xB2","&sup2;"], ["\xB3","&sup3;"], ["\xB4","&acute;"], ["\xB5","&micro;"], ["\xB6","&para;"], ["\xB7","&middot;"], ["\xB8","&cedil;"], ["\xB9","&sup1;"], ["\xBA","&ordm;"], ["\xBB","&raquo;"], ["\xBC","&frac14;"], ["\xBD","&frac12;"], ["\xBE","&frac34;"], ["\xBF","&iquest;"], ["\xD7","&times;"], ["\xF7","&divide;"], ["\u0192","&fnof;"], ["\u02C6","&circ;"], ["\u02DC","&tilde;"], ["\u2002","&ensp;"], ["\u2003","&emsp;"], ["\u2009","&thinsp;"], ["\u200C","&zwnj;"], ["\u200D","&zwj;"], ["\u200E","&lrm;"], ["\u200F","&rlm;"], ["\u2013","&ndash;"], ["\u2014","&mdash;"], ["\u2018","&lsquo;"], ["\u2019","&rsquo;"], ["\u201A","&sbquo;"], ["\u201C","&ldquo;"], ["\u201D","&rdquo;"], ["\u201E","&bdquo;"], ["\u2020","&dagger;"], ["\u2021","&Dagger;"], ["\u2022","&bull;"], ["\u2026","&hellip;"], ["\u2030","&permil;"], ["\u2032","&prime;"], ["\u2033","&Prime;"], ["\u2039","&lsaquo;"], ["\u203A","&rsaquo;"], ["\u203E","&oline;"], ["\u2044","&frasl;"], ["\u20AC","&euro;"], ["\u2111","&image;"], ["\u2113",""], ["\u2116",""], ["\u2118","&weierp;"], ["\u211C","&real;"], ["\u2122","&trade;"], ["\u2135","&alefsym;"], ["\u2190","&larr;"], ["\u2191","&uarr;"], ["\u2192","&rarr;"], ["\u2193","&darr;"], ["\u2194","&harr;"], ["\u21B5","&crarr;"], ["\u21D0","&lArr;"], ["\u21D1","&uArr;"], ["\u21D2","&rArr;"], ["\u21D3","&dArr;"], ["\u21D4","&hArr;"], ["\u2200","&forall;"], ["\u2202","&part;"], ["\u2203","&exist;"], ["\u2205","&empty;"], ["\u2207","&nabla;"], ["\u2208","&isin;"], ["\u2209","&notin;"], ["\u220B","&ni;"], ["\u220F","&prod;"], ["\u2211","&sum;"], ["\u2212","&minus;"], ["\u2217","&lowast;"], ["\u221A","&radic;"], ["\u221D","&prop;"], ["\u221E","&infin;"], ["\u2220","&ang;"], ["\u2227","&and;"], ["\u2228","&or;"], ["\u2229","&cap;"], ["\u222A","&cup;"], ["\u222B","&int;"], ["\u2234","&there4;"], ["\u223C","&sim;"], ["\u2245","&cong;"], ["\u2248","&asymp;"], ["\u2260","&ne;"], ["\u2261","&equiv;"], ["\u2264","&le;"], ["\u2265","&ge;"], ["\u2282","&sub;"], ["\u2283","&sup;"], ["\u2284","&nsub;"], ["\u2286","&sube;"], ["\u2287","&supe;"], ["\u2295","&oplus;"], ["\u2297","&otimes;"], ["\u22A5","&perp;"], ["\u22C5","&sdot;"], ["\u2308","&lceil;"], ["\u2309","&rceil;"], ["\u230A","&lfloor;"], ["\u230B","&rfloor;"], ["\u2329","&lang;"], ["\u232A","&rang;"], ["\u25CA","&loz;"], ["\u2660","&spades;"], ["\u2663","&clubs;"], ["\u2665","&hearts;"], ["\u2666","&diams;"]];
// CSS text-transform equivalents
var caps = [
// CSS text-align equivalents
var align = [
var blendModes = [
{ai: "BlendModes.MULTIPLY", html: "multiply"}
// list of CSS properties used for translating AI text styles
// (used for creating a unique identifier for each style)
var cssTextStyleProperties = [
//'top' // used with vshift; not independent of other properties
'height', // used for point-type paragraph styles
'vertical-align' // for superscript
var cssPrecision = 4;
// ================================
// Global variable declarations
// ================================
// This can be overridden by settings
var nameSpace = 'g-';
// vars to hold warnings and informational messages at the end
var feedback = [];
var warnings = [];
var errors = [];
var oneTimeWarnings = [];
var startTime = +new Date();
var textFramesToUnhide = [];
var objectsToRelock = [];
var scriptEnvironment = '';
var docSettings;
var fonts;
var textBlockData;
var doc, docPath, docName, docIsSaved;
var progressBar;
var JSON;
// Simple interface to help find performance bottlenecks. Usage:
// T.start('<label>');
// ...
// T.stop('<label>'); // prints a message in the final popup window
var T = {
times: {},
start: function(key) {
if (key in T.times) return;
T.times[key] = +new Date();
stop: function(key) {
var startTime = T.times[key];
var elapsed = roundTo((+new Date() - startTime) / 1000, 1);
delete T.times[key];
message(key + ' - ' + elapsed + 's');
// If running in Node.js, export functions for testing and exit
if (runningInNode()) {
try {
if (!isTestedIllustratorVersion(app.version)) {
warn('Ai2html has not been tested on this version of Illustrator.');
if (!app.documents.length) {
error('No documents are open');
if (!String(app.activeDocument.fullName)) {
error('Ai2html is unable to run because Illustrator is confused by this document\'s file path.' +
' Does the path contain any forward slashes or other unusual characters?');
if (!String(app.activeDocument.path)) {
error('You need to save your Illustrator file before running this script');
if (app.activeDocument.documentColorSpace != DocumentColorSpace.RGB) {
error('You should change the document color mode to "RGB" before running ai2html (File>Document Color Mode>RGB Color).');
if ( == 'Isolation Mode') {
error('Ai2html is unable to run because the document is in Isolation Mode.');
if ( == '<Opacity Mask>' && app.activeDocument.layers.length == 1) {
// TODO: find a better way to detect this condition (mask can be renamed)
error('Ai2html is unable to run because you are editing an Opacity Mask.');
// initialize script settings
doc = app.activeDocument;
docPath = doc.path + '/';
docIsSaved = doc.saved;
textBlockData = initSpecialTextBlocks();
docSettings = initDocumentSettings(textBlockData.settings);
docName = getDocumentName(docSettings.project_name);
fonts = docSettings.fonts; // set global variable
nameSpace = docSettings.namespace || nameSpace;
if (!textBlockData.settings) {
// render the document
render(docSettings, textBlockData.code);
} catch(e) {
if (progressBar) progressBar.close();
// ==========================================
// Save the AI document (if needed)
// ==========================================
if (docIsSaved) {
// If document was originally in a saved state, reset the document's
// saved flag (the document goes to unsaved state during the script,
// because of unlocking / relocking of objects
doc.saved = true;
} else if (errors.length === 0) {
var saveOptions = new IllustratorSaveOptions();
saveOptions.pdfCompatible = false;
doc.saveAs(new File(docPath +, saveOptions);
//; // why not do this? (why set pdfCompatible = false?)
message('Your Illustrator file was saved.');
// =========================================================
// Show alert box, optionally prompt to generate promo image
// =========================================================
if (errors.length > 0) {
} else if (isTrue(docSettings.show_completion_dialog_box )) {
message('Script ran in', ((+new Date() - startTime) / 1000).toFixed(1), 'seconds');
var promptForPromo = isTrue(docSettings.write_image_files) && isTrue(docSettings.create_promo_image);
var showPromo = showCompletionAlert(promptForPromo);
if (showPromo) createPromoImage(docSettings);
// =================================
// ai2html render function
// =================================
function render(settings, customBlocks) {
// warn about duplicate artboard names
// Fix for issue #50
// If a text range is selected when the script runs, it interferes
// with script-driven selection. The fix is to clear this kind of selection.
if (doc.selection && doc.selection.typename) {
// ================================================
// Generate HTML, CSS and images for each artboard
// ================================================
progressBar = new ProgressBar({name: 'Ai2html progress', steps: calcProgressBarSteps()});
unlockObjects(); // Unlock containers and clipping masks
var masks = findMasks(); // identify all clipping masks and their contents
var fileContentArr = [];
forEachUsableArtboard(function(activeArtboard, abIndex) {
var abSettings = getArtboardSettings(activeArtboard);
var docArtboardName = getDocumentArtboardName(activeArtboard);
var textFrames, textData, imageData, specialData;
var artboardContent = {html: '', css: '', js: ''};
// detect videos and other special layers
specialData = convertSpecialLayers(activeArtboard, settings);
if (specialData) {
forEach(specialData.layers, function(lyr) {
lyr.visible = false;
// ========================
// Convert text objects
// ========================
if (abSettings.image_only || settings.render_text_as == 'image') {
// don't convert text objects to HTML
textFrames = [];
textData = {html: '', styles: []};
} else {
progressBar.setTitle(docArtboardName + ': Generating text...');
textFrames = getTextFramesByArtboard(activeArtboard, masks, settings);
textData = convertTextFrames(textFrames, activeArtboard,settings);
// ==========================
// Generate artboard image(s)
// ==========================
if (isTrue(settings.write_image_files)) {
progressBar.setTitle(docArtboardName + ': Capturing image...');
imageData = convertArtItems(activeArtboard, textFrames, masks, settings);
} else {
imageData = {html: ''};
if (specialData) {
imageData.html = + specialData.html_before +
imageData.html + specialData.html_after;
forEach(specialData.layers, function(lyr) {
lyr.visible = true;
if ( && !isTrue(settings.png_transparent)) {
warn('Background videos may be covered up without png_transparent:true');
// Finish generating artboard HTML and CSS
artboardContent.html += '\r\t<!-- Artboard: ' + getArtboardName(activeArtboard) + ' -->\r' +
generateArtboardDiv(activeArtboard, settings) +
imageData.html +
textData.html +
var abStyles = textData.styles;
if (specialData && {
// make videos tap/clickable (so they can be played manually if autoplay
// is disabled, e.g. in mobile low-power mode).
abStyles.push('> div { pointer-events: none; }\r');
abStyles.push('> img { pointer-events: none; }\r');
artboardContent.css += generateArtboardCss(activeArtboard, abStyles, settings);
settings.output == 'one-file' ? getDocumentName() : docArtboardName,
}); // end artboard loop
if (fileContentArr.length === 0) {
error('No usable artboards were found');
// Output html file(s)
forEach(fileContentArr, function(fileContent) {
addCustomContent(fileContent, customBlocks);
generateOutputHtml(fileContent,, settings);
// Post-output operations
if (isTrue(settings.create_config_file)) {
// Write configuration file with graphic metadata
var yamlPath = docPath + (settings.config_file_path || 'config.yml'),
yamlStr = generateYamlFileContent(settings);
checkForOutputFolder(yamlPath.replace(/[^\/]+$/, ''), 'configFileFolder');
saveTextFile(yamlPath, yamlStr);
if (settings.cache_bust_token) {
} // end render()
// =================================
// JS utility functions
// =================================
function forEach(arr, cb) {
for (var i=0, n=arr.length; i<n; i++) {
cb(arr[i], i);
function map(arr, cb) {
var arr2 = [];
for (var i=0, n=arr.length; i<n; i++) {
arr2.push(cb(arr[i], i));
return arr2;
function filter(arr, test) {
var filtered = [];
for (var i=0, n=arr.length; i<n; i++) {
if (test(arr[i], i)) {
return filtered;
// obj: value or test function
function indexOf(arr, obj) {
var test = typeof obj == 'function' ? obj : null;
for (var i=0, n=arr.length; i<n; i++) {
if (test ? test(arr[i]) : arr[i] === obj) {
return i;
return -1;
function find(arr, obj) {
var i = indexOf(arr, obj);
return i == -1 ? null : arr[i];
function contains(arr, obj) {
return indexOf(arr, obj) >= 0;
// alias for contains() with function arg
function some(arr, cb) {
return indexOf(arr, cb) >= 0;
function extend(o) {
for (var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
forEachProperty(arguments[i], add);
function add(v, k) {
o[k] = v;
return o;
function forEachProperty(o, cb) {
for (var k in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
cb(o[k], k);
// Return new object containing properties of a that are missing or different in b
// Return null if output object would be empty
// a, b: JS objects
function objectDiff(a, b) {
var diff = null;
for (var k in a) {
if (a[k] != b[k] && a.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
diff = diff || {};
diff[k] = a[k];
return diff;
// return elements in array "a" but not in array "b"
function arraySubtract(a, b) {
var diff = [],
alen = a.length,
blen = b.length,
i, j;
for (i=0; i<alen; i++) {
for (j=0; j<blen; j++) {
if (a[i] === b[j]) {
return diff;
// Copy elements of an array-like object to an array
function toArray(obj) {
var arr = [];
for (var i=0, n=obj.length; i<n; i++) {
arr[i] = obj[i]; // about 2x faster than push() (apparently)
// arr.push(obj[i]);
return arr;
// multiple key sorting function based on
// first by length of name, then by population, then by ID
// data.sort(
// firstBy(function (v1, v2) { return -; })
// .thenBy(function (v1, v2) { return v1.population - v2.population; })
// .thenBy(function (v1, v2) { return -; });
// );
function firstBy(f1, f2) {
var compare = f2 ? function(a, b) {return f1(a, b) || f2(a, b);} : f1;
compare.thenBy = function(f) {return firstBy(compare, f);};
return compare;
// Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string
function trim(s) {
return s.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0\x03]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0\x03]+$/g, '');
// splits a string into non-empty lines
function stringToLines(str) {
var empty = /^\s*$/;
return filter(str.split(/[\r\n\x03]+/), function(line) {
return !empty.test(line);
function zeroPad(val, digits) {
var str = String(val);
while (str.length < digits) str = '0' + str;
return str;
function truncateString(str, maxlen, useEllipsis) {
// TODO: add ellipsis, truncate at word boundary
if (str.length > maxlen) {
str = str.substr(0, maxlen);
if (useEllipsis) str += '...';
return str;
function makeKeyword(text) {
return text.replace( /[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+/g , '_' );
// TODO: don't convert ampersand in pre-existing entities (e.g. "&quot;" -> "&amp;quot;")
function encodeHtmlEntities(text) {
return replaceChars(text, basicCharacterReplacements.concat(extraCharacterReplacements));
function cleanHtmlText(text) {
// Characters "<>& are not replaced
return replaceChars(text, extraCharacterReplacements);
function replaceChars(str, replacements) {
var charCode;
for (var i=0, n=replacements.length; i < n; i++) {
charCode = replacements[i];
if (str.indexOf(charCode[0]) > -1) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(charCode[0],'g'), charCode[1]);
return str;
function straightenCurlyQuotesInsideAngleBrackets(text) {
// This function's purpose is to fix quoted properties in HTML tags that were
// typed into text blocks (Illustrator tends to automatically change single
// and double quotes to curly quotes).
// thanks to jashkenas
// var quoteFinder = /[\u201C‘’\u201D]([^\n]*?)[\u201C‘’\u201D]/g;
var tagFinder = /<[^\n]+?>/g;
return text.replace(tagFinder, function(tag){
return straightenCurlyQuotes(tag);
function straightenCurlyQuotes(str) {
return str.replace( /[\u201C\u201D]/g , '"' ).replace( /[‘’]/g , "'" );
// Not very robust -- good enough for printing a warning
function findHtmlTag(str) {
var match;
if (str.indexOf('<') > -1) { // bypass regex check
match = /<(\w+)[^>]*>/.exec(str);
return match ? match[1] : null;
function addEnclosingTag(tagName, str) {
var openTag = '<' + tagName;
var closeTag = '</' + tagName + '>';
if ((new RegExp(openTag)).test(str) === false) {
str = openTag + '>\r' + str;
if ((new RegExp(closeTag)).test(str) === false) {
str = str + '\r' + closeTag;
return str;
function stripTag(tagName, str) {
var open = new RegExp('<' + tagName + '[^>]*>', 'g');
var close = new RegExp('</' + tagName + '>', 'g');
return str.replace(open, '').replace(close, '');
// precision: number of decimals in rounded number
function roundTo(number, precision) {
var d = Math.pow(10, precision || 0);
return Math.round(number * d) / d;
function getDateTimeStamp() {
var d = new Date();
var year = d.getFullYear();
var date = zeroPad(d.getDate(),2);
var month = zeroPad(d.getMonth() + 1,2);
var hour = zeroPad(d.getHours(),2);
var min = zeroPad(d.getMinutes(),2);
return year + '-' + month + '-' + date + ' ' + hour + ':' + min;
// obj: JS object containing css properties and values
// indentStr: string to use as block CSS indentation
function formatCss(obj, indentStr) {
var css = '';
var isBlock = !!indentStr;
for (var key in obj) {
if (isBlock) {
css += '\r' + indentStr;
css += key + ':' + obj[key]+ ';';
if (css && isBlock) {
css += '\r';
return css;
function getCssColor(r, g, b, opacity) {
var col, o;
if (opacity > 0 && opacity < 100) {
o = roundTo(opacity / 100, 2);
col = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + o + ')';
} else {
col = 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';
return col;
// Test if two rectangles are the same, to within a given tolerance
// a, b: two arrays containing AI rectangle coordinates
// maxOffs: maximum pixel deviation on any side
function testSimilarBounds(a, b, maxOffs) {
if (maxOffs >= 0 === false) maxOffs = 1;
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
if (Math.abs(a[i] - b[i]) > maxOffs) return false;
return true;
// Apply very basic string substitution to a template
function applyTemplate(template, replacements) {
var keyExp = '([_a-zA-Z][\\w-]*)';
var mustachePattern = new RegExp('\\{\\{\\{? *' + keyExp + ' *\\}\\}\\}?','g');
var ejsPattern = new RegExp('<%=? *' + keyExp + ' *%>','g');
var replace = function(match, name) {
var lcname = name.toLowerCase();
if (name in replacements) return replacements[name];
if (lcname in replacements) return replacements[lcname];
return match;
return template.replace(mustachePattern, replace).replace(ejsPattern, replace);
// Similar to Node.js path.join()
function pathJoin() {
var path = '';
forEach(arguments, function(arg) {
if (!arg) return;
arg = String(arg);
arg = arg.replace(/^\/+/, '').replace(/\/+$/, '');
if (path.length > 0) {
path += '/';
path += arg;
return path;
// Split a full path into directory and filename parts
function pathSplit(path) {
var parts = path.split('/');
var filename = parts.pop();
return [parts.join('/'), filename];
// ======================================
// Illustrator specific utility functions
// ======================================
// a, b: coordinate arrays, as from <PathItem>.geometricBounds
function testBoundsIntersection(a, b) {
return a[2] >= b[0] && b[2] >= a[0] && a[3] <= b[1] && b[3] <= a[1];
function shiftBounds(bnds, dx, dy) {
return [bnds[0] + dx, bnds[1] + dy, bnds[2] + dx, bnds[3] + dy];
function clearMatrixShift(m) {
return app.concatenateTranslationMatrix(m, -m.mValueTX, -m.mValueTY);
function folderExists(path) {
return new Folder(path).exists;
function fileExists(path) {
return new File(path).exists;
function deleteFile(path) {
var file = new File(path);
if (file.exists) {
function readYamlConfigFile(path) {
return fileExists(path) ? parseYaml(readTextFile(path)) : null;
function parseKeyValueString(str, o) {
var dqRxp = /^"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"$/;
var parts = str.split(':');
var k, v;
if (parts.length > 1) {
k = trim(parts.shift());
v = trim(parts.join(':'));
if (dqRxp.test(v)) {
v = JSON.parse(v); // use JSON library to parse quoted strings
o[k] = v;
// Very simple Yaml parsing. Does not implement nested properties, arrays and other features
// (This is adequate for reading a few top-level properties from NYT's config.yml file)
function parseYaml(str) {
// TODO: strip comments // var comment = /\s*/
var o = {};
var lines = stringToLines(str);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
parseKeyValueString(lines[i], o);
return o;
// TODO: improve
// (currently ignores bracketed sections of the config file)
function readGitConfigFile(path) {
var file = new File(path);
var o = null;
var parts;
if (file.exists) {
o = {};'r');
while(!file.eof) {
parts = file.readln().split('=');
if (parts.length > 1) {
o[trim(parts[0])] = trim(parts[1]);
return o;
function readFile(path) {
var content = null;
var file = new File(path);
if (file.exists) {'r');
content =;
} else {
warn(path + ' could not be found.');
return content;
function readTextFile(path) {
// This function used to use File#eof and File#readln(), but
// that failed to read the last line when missing a final newline.
return readFile(path) || '';
function saveTextFile(dest, contents) {
var fd = new File(dest);'w', 'TEXT', 'TEXT');
fd.lineFeed = 'Unix';
fd.encoding = 'UTF-8';
function checkForOutputFolder(folderPath, nickname) {
var outputFolder = new Folder( folderPath );
if (!outputFolder.exists) {
var outputFolderCreated = outputFolder.create();
if (outputFolderCreated) {
message('The ' + nickname + ' folder did not exist, so the folder was created.');
} else {
warn('The ' + nickname + ' folder did not exist and could not be created.');
// =====================================
// ai2html specific utility functions
// =====================================
function calcProgressBarSteps() {
var n = 0;
forEachUsableArtboard(function() {
n += 2;
return n;
function formatError(e) {
var msg;
if ( == 'UserError') return e.message; // triggered by error() function
msg = 'RuntimeError';
if (e.line) msg += ' on line ' + e.line;
if (e.message) msg += ': ' + e.message;
return msg;
// display debugging message in completion alert box
// (in debug mode)
function message() {
function concatMessages(args) {
var msg = '', arg;
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
arg = args[i];
if (msg.length > 0) msg += ' ';
if (typeof arg == 'object') {
try {
// json2.json implementation throws error if object contains a cycle
// and many Illustrator objects have cycles.
msg += JSON.stringify(arg);
} catch(e) {
msg += String(arg);
} else {
msg += arg;
return msg;
function warn(msg) {
function error(msg) {
var e = new Error(msg); = 'UserError';
throw e;
// id: optional identifier, for cases when the text for this type of warning may vary.
function warnOnce(msg, id) {
id = id || msg;
if (!contains(oneTimeWarnings, id)) {
// accept inconsistent true/yes setting value
function isTrue(val) {
return val == 'true' || val == 'yes' || val === true;
// accept inconsistent false/no setting value
function isFalse(val) {
return val == 'false' || val == 'no' || val === false;
function unlockObjects() {
forEach(doc.layers, unlockContainer);
function unlockObject(obj) {
obj.locked = false;
// Unlock a layer or group if visible and locked, as well as any locked and visible
// clipping masks
// o: GroupItem or Layer
function unlockContainer(o) {
var type = o.typename;
var i, item, pathCount;
if (o.hidden === true || o.visible === false) return;
if (o.locked) {
// unlock locked clipping paths (so contents can be selected later)
// optimization: Layers containing hundreds or thousands of paths are unlikely
// to contain a clipping mask and are slow to scan -- skip these
pathCount = o.pathItems.length;
if ((type == 'Layer' && pathCount < 500) || (type == 'GroupItem' && o.clipped)) {
for (i=0; i<pathCount; i++) {
item = o.pathItems[i];
if (!item.hidden && item.clipping && item.locked) {
// recursively unlock sub-layers and groups
forEach(o.groupItems, unlockContainer);
if (o.typename == 'Layer') {
forEach(o.layers, unlockContainer);
// ==================================
// ai2html program state and settings
// ==================================
function runningInNode() {
return (typeof module != 'undefined') && !!module.exports;
// Add internal functions to module.exports for testing in Node.js
function exportFunctionsForTesting() {
[ testBoundsIntersection,
// initDocumentSettings,
].forEach(function(f) {
module.exports[] = f;
function isTestedIllustratorVersion(version) {
var majorNum = parseInt(version);
return majorNum >= 18 && majorNum <= 27; // Illustrator CC 2014 through 2023
function validateArtboardNames(settings) {
var names = [];
forEachUsableArtboard(function(ab) {
var name = getArtboardName(ab);
var isDupe = contains(names, name);
if (isDupe) {
// kludge: modify settings if same-name artboards are found
// (used to prevent duplicate image names)
settings.grouped_artboards = true;
if (settings.output == 'one-file') {
warnOnce("Artboards should have unique names. \"" + name + "\" is duplicated.");
} else {
warnOnce("Found a group of artboards named \"" + name + "\".");
function detectTimesFonts() {
var found = false;
try {
found = !!(app.textFonts.getByName('NYTFranklin-Medium') && app.textFonts.getByName('NYTCheltenham-Medium'));
} catch(e) {}
return found;
function getScriptDirectory() {
return new File($.fileName).parent;
// Import program settings and custom html, css and js code from specially
// formatted text blocks
function initSpecialTextBlocks() {
var rxp = /^ai2html-(css|js|html|settings|text|html-before|html-after)\s*$/;
var settings = null;
var code = {};
forEach(doc.textFrames, function(thisFrame) {
// var contents = thisFrame.contents; // caused MRAP error in AI 2017
var type = null;
var match, lines;
if (thisFrame.lines.length > 1) {
match = rxp.exec(thisFrame.lines[0].contents);
type = match ? match[1] : null;
if (!type) return; // not a special block
if (objectIsHidden(thisFrame)) {
if (type == 'settings') {
error('Found a hidden ai2html-settings text block. Either delete or hide this settings block.');
warn('Skipping a hidden ' + match[0] + ' settings block.');
lines = stringToLines(thisFrame.contents);
lines.shift(); // remove header
// Reset the name of any non-settings text boxes with name ai2html-settings
if (type != 'settings' && == 'ai2html-settings') { = '';
if (type == 'settings' || type == 'text') {
settings = settings || {};
if (type == 'settings') {
// set name of settings block, so it can be found later using getByName() = 'ai2html-settings';
parseSettingsEntries(lines, settings);
} else { // import custom js, css and html blocks
code[type] = code[type] || [];
code[type].push(cleanCodeBlock(type, lines.join('\r')));
if (objectOverlapsAnArtboard(thisFrame)) {
// An error will be thrown if trying to hide a text frame inside a
// locked layer. Solution: unlock any locked parent layers.
if (objectIsLocked(thisFrame)) {
var htmlBlockCount = (code.html || []).length + (code['html-before'] || []).length +
(code['html-after'] || []).length;
if (code.css) {message("Custom CSS blocks: " + code.css.length);}
// if (code.html) {message("Custom HTML blocks: " + code.html.length);}
if (htmlBlockCount > 0) {message("Custom HTML blocks: " + htmlBlockCount);}
if (code.js) {message("Custom JS blocks: " + code.js.length);}
return {code: code, settings: settings};
// Derive ai2html program settings by merging default settings and overrides.
function initDocumentSettings(textBlockSettings) {
var settings = extend({}, defaultSettings); // copy default settings
if (wantTimesPreviewSettings(textBlockSettings)) {
// NYT settings are only applied in an NYT Preview context
// merge external settings into @settings
extendSettings(settings, readExternalSettings());
// merge settings from text block
// TODO: consider parsing strings to booleans when relevant, (e.g. "false" -> false)
if (textBlockSettings) {
for (var key in textBlockSettings) {
if (key in settings === false) {
warn("Settings block contains an unused parameter: " + key);
settings[key] = textBlockSettings[key];
return settings;
// Trigger errors and warnings for some common problems
function validateDocumentSettings(settings) {
if (isTrue(settings.include_resizer_classes)) {
error("The include_resizer_classes option was removed. Please file a GitHub issue if you need this feature.");
if (!(settings.responsiveness == 'fixed' || settings.responsiveness == 'dynamic')) {
warn('Unsupported "responsiveness" setting: ' + (settings.responsiveness || '[]'));
function detectUnTimesianSettings(o) {
return o.html_output_path == defaultSettings.html_output_path;
function wantTimesPreviewSettings(blockSettings) {
var foundTimesFonts = detectTimesFonts();
var foundPreviewEnv = fileExists(docPath + '../config.yml');
var yes = foundTimesFonts && foundPreviewEnv;
if (foundTimesFonts && !foundPreviewEnv) {
if (confirm("You seem to be running ai2html outside of NYT Preview.\nContinue in non-Preview mode?", true)) {
yes = false;
} else {
error("Make sure your Illustrator file is inside the \u201Cai\u201D folder of a Preview project.");
if (!foundTimesFonts && foundPreviewEnv) {
yes = confirm("You seem to be running ai2html in Preview, but your system is missing the NYT fonts.\nContinue in NYT Preview mode?", true);
if (blockSettings) {
// detect incompatibility between text block settings and current context
if (yes && detectUnTimesianSettings(blockSettings)) {
error('The settings block is incompatible with NYT Preview. Delete it and re-run ai2html.');
return yes;
function applyTimesSettings(settings) {
var configFilePath = docPath + '../config.yml';
// Check that we are in an NYT Preview project
// If not, give NYT users the option of continuing with non-NYT settings
if (!fileExists(configFilePath)) {
if (!confirm("You seem to be running ai2html outside of NYT Preview.\nContinue in non-Preview mode?", true)) {
error("Make sure your Illustrator file is inside the \u201Cai\u201D folder of a Preview project.");
// TODO: consider applying in non-Preview mode
extendSettings(settings, nytOverrideSettings);
scriptEnvironment = 'nyt-preview';
var yamlConfig = readYamlConfigFile(configFilePath) || {};
if (yamlConfig.project_type == 'ai2html') {
extendSettings(settings, nytEmbedOverrideSettings);
settings.project_type = 'ai2html';
if (yamlConfig.scoop_slug) {
settings.scoop_slug_from_config_yml = yamlConfig.scoop_slug;
if (!folderExists(docPath + '../public/') ||
(settings.project_type != 'ai2html' && !folderExists(docPath + '../src/'))) {
error("Your Preview project may be missing a \u201Cpublic\u201D or a \u201Csrc\u201D folder.");
// Read .git/config file to get preview slug
var gitConfig = readGitConfigFile(docPath + "../.git/config") || {};
if (gitConfig.url) {
settings.preview_slug = gitConfig.url.replace( /^[^:]+:/ , "" ).replace( /\.git$/ , "");
settings.image_source_path = "_assets/";
if (settings.project_type == "ai2html") {
settings.html_output_path = "/../public/";
settings.image_output_path = "_assets/";
settings.create_config_file = true;
settings.create_promo_image = true;
function extendSettings(settings, moreSettings) {
var tmp = settings.fonts || [];
extend(settings, moreSettings);
// merge fonts, don't replace them
if (moreSettings.fonts) {
extendFontList(tmp, moreSettings.fonts);
settings.fonts = tmp;
// Looks for settings file in the ai2html script directory and/or the .ai document directory
function readExternalSettings() {
var settingsFile = 'ai2html-config.json';
var globalPath = pathJoin(getScriptDirectory(), settingsFile);
var localPath = pathJoin(docPath, settingsFile);
var globalSettings = fileExists(globalPath) ? readSettingsFile(globalPath) : {};
var localSettings = fileExists(localPath) ? readSettingsFile(localPath) : {};
return extend({}, globalSettings, localSettings);
function stripSettingsFileComments(str) {
var rxp = /\/\/.*/g;
return str.replace(rxp, '');
// Expects that @path points to a text file containing a JavaScript object
// with settings to override the default ai2html settings.
function readSettingsFile(path) {
var o = {}, str;
try {
str = stripSettingsFileComments(readTextFile(path));
o = JSON.parse(str);
} catch(e) {
warn('[' + e.message + '] Error reading settings file ' + path);
return o;
function extendFontList(a, b) {
var index = {};
forEach(a, function(o, i) {
index[o.aifont] = i;
forEach(b, function(o) {
if (o.aifont && o.aifont in index) {
a[index[o.aifont]] = o; // replace
} else {
a.push(o); // add
function initJSON() {
// Minified json2.js from
// This code is in the public domain.
// eslint-disable-next-line
if(typeof JSON!=="object"){JSON={}}(function(){"use strict";var rx_one=/^[\],:{}\s]*$/;var rx_two=/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g;var rx_three=/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g;var rx_four=/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g;var rx_escapable=/[\\"\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;var rx_dangerous=/[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;function f(n){return n<10?"0"+n:n}function this_value(){return this.valueOf()}if(typeof Date.prototype.toJSON!=="function"){Date.prototype.toJSON=function(){return isFinite(this.valueOf())?this.getUTCFullYear()+"-"+f(this.getUTCMonth()+1)+"-"+f(this.getUTCDate())+"T"+f(this.getUTCHours())+":"+f(this.getUTCMinutes())+":"+f(this.getUTCSeconds())+"Z":null};Boolean.prototype.toJSON=this_value;Number.prototype.toJSON=this_value;String.prototype.toJSON=this_value}var gap;var indent;var meta;var rep;function quote(string){rx_escapable.lastIndex=0;return rx_escapable.test(string)?'"'+string.replace(rx_escapable,function(a){var c=meta[a];return typeof c==="string"?c:"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})+'"':'"'+string+'"'}function str(key,holder){var i;var k;var v;var length;var mind=gap;var partial;var value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==="object"&&typeof value.toJSON==="function"){value=value.toJSON(key)}if(typeof rep==="function"){,key,value)}switch(typeof value){case"string":return quote(value);case"number":return isFinite(value)?String(value):"null";case"boolean":case"null":return String(value);case"object":if(!value){return"null"}gap+=indent;partial=[];if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(value)==="[object Array]"){length=value.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){partial[i]=str(i,value)||"null"}v=partial.length===0?"[]":gap?"[\n"+gap+partial.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+mind+"]":"["+partial.join(",")+"]";gap=mind;return v}if(rep&&typeof rep==="object"){length=rep.length;for(i=0;i<length;i+=1){if(typeof rep[i]==="string"){k=rep[i];v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?": ":":")+v)}}}}else{for(k in value){if(,k)){v=str(k,value);if(v){partial.push(quote(k)+(gap?": ":":")+v)}}}}v=partial.length===0?"{}":gap?"{\n"+gap+partial.join(",\n"+gap)+"\n"+mind+"}":"{"+partial.join(",")+"}";gap=mind;return v}}if(typeof JSON.stringify!=="function"){meta={"\b":"\\b","\t":"\\t","\n":"\\n","\f":"\\f","\r":"\\r",'"':'\\"',"\\":"\\\\"};JSON.stringify=function(value,replacer,space){var i;gap="";indent="";if(typeof space==="number"){for(i=0;i<space;i+=1){indent+=" "}}else if(typeof space==="string"){indent=space}rep=replacer;if(replacer&&typeof replacer!=="function"&&(typeof replacer!=="object"||typeof replacer.length!=="number")){throw new Error("JSON.stringify")}return str("",{"":value})}}if(typeof JSON.parse!=="function"){JSON.parse=function(text,reviver){var j;function walk(holder,key){var k;var v;var value=holder[key];if(value&&typeof value==="object"){for(k in value){if(,k)){v=walk(value,k);if(v!==undefined){value[k]=v}else{delete value[k]}}}}return,key,value)}text=String(text);rx_dangerous.lastIndex=0;if(rx_dangerous.test(text)){text=text.replace(rx_dangerous,function(a){return"\\u"+("0000"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)})}if(rx_one.test(text.replace(rx_two,"@").replace(rx_three,"]").replace(rx_four,""))){j=eval("("+text+")");return typeof reviver==="function"?walk({"":j},""):j}throw new SyntaxError("JSON.parse")}}})(); // jshint ignore:line
// Clean the contents of custom JS, CSS and HTML blocks
// (e.g. undo Illustrator's automatic quote conversion, where applicable)
function cleanCodeBlock(type, raw) {
var clean = '';
if (type.indexOf('html') >= 0) {
clean = cleanHtmlText(straightenCurlyQuotesInsideAngleBrackets(raw));
} else if (type == 'js' ) {
// TODO: consider preserving curly quotes inside quoted strings
clean = straightenCurlyQuotes(raw);
clean = addEnclosingTag('script', clean);
} else if (type == 'css') {
clean = straightenCurlyQuotes(raw);
clean = stripTag('style', clean);
return clean;
function createSettingsBlock(settings) {
var bounds = getAllArtboardBounds();
var fontSize = 15;
var leading = 19;
var extraLines = 6;
var width = 400;
var left = bounds[0] - width - 50;
var top = bounds[1];
var settingsLines = ["ai2html-settings"];
var layer, rect, textArea, height;
forEach(settings.settings_block, function(key) {
settingsLines.push(key + ": " + settings[key]);
try {
layer = doc.layers.getByName("ai2html-settings");
layer.locked = false;
} catch(e) {
layer = doc.layers.add();
layer.zOrder(ZOrderMethod.BRINGTOFRONT); = "ai2html-settings";
height = leading * (settingsLines.length + extraLines);
rect = layer.pathItems.rectangle(top, left, width, height);
textArea = layer.textFrames.areaText(rect);
textArea.textRange.autoLeading = false;
textArea.textRange.characterAttributes.leading = leading;
textArea.textRange.characterAttributes.size = fontSize;
textArea.contents = settingsLines.join('\n'); = 'ai2html-settings';
message("A settings text block was created to the left of all your artboards.");
return textArea;
// Update an entry in the settings text block (or add a new entry if not found)
function updateSettingsEntry(key, value) {
var block = doc.textFrames.getByName('ai2html-settings');
var entry = key + ': ' + value;
var updated = false;
var lines;
if (!block) return;
lines = stringToLines(block.contents);
// one alternative to splitting contents into lines is to iterate
// over paragraphs, but an error is thrown when accessing an empty pg
forEach(lines, function(line, i) {
var data = parseSettingsEntry(line);
if (!updated && data && data[0] == key) {
lines[i] = entry;
updated = true;
if (!updated) {
// entry not found; adding new entry at the top of the list,
// so it will be visible if the content overflows the text frame
lines.splice(1, 0, entry);
docIsSaved = false; // doc has changed, need to save
block.contents = lines.join('\n');
function parseSettingsEntry(str) {
var entryRxp = /^([\w-]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$/;
var match = entryRxp.exec(trim(str));
if (!match) return null;
return [match[1], straightenCurlyQuotesInsideAngleBrackets(match[2])];
// Add ai2html settings from a text block to a settings object
function parseSettingsEntries(entries, settings) {
forEach(entries, function(str) {
var match = parseSettingsEntry(str);
var key, value;
if (!match) {
if (str) warn("Malformed setting, skipping: " + str);
key = match[0];
value = match[1];
if (key == 'output') {
// replace values from old versions of script with current values
if (value == 'one-file-for-all-artboards' || value == 'preview-one-file') {
value = 'one-file';
if (value == 'one-file-per-artboard' || value == 'preview-multiple-files') {
value = 'multiple-files';
if (key == "image_format") {
value = parseAsArray(value);
settings[key] = value;
function parseAsArray(str) {
str = trim(str).replace( /[\s,]+/g , ',' );
return str.length === 0 ? [] : str.split(',');
// Show alert or prompt; return true if promo image should be generated
function showCompletionAlert(showPrompt) {
var rule = "\n================\n";
var alertText, alertHed, makePromo;
if (errors.length > 0) {
alertHed = "The Script Was Unable to Finish";
} else if (scriptEnvironment == "nyt-preview") {
alertHed = "Actually, that\u2019s not half bad :)"; // &rsquo;
} else {
alertHed = "Nice work!";
alertText = makeList(errors, "Error", "Errors");
alertText += makeList(warnings, "Warning", "Warnings");
alertText += makeList(feedback, "Information", "Information");
alertText += "\n";
if (showPrompt) {
alertText += rule + "Generate promo image?";
// confirm(<msg>, false) makes "Yes" the default (at Baden's request).
makePromo = confirm(alertHed + alertText, false);
} else {
alertText += rule + "ai2html v" + scriptVersion;
alert(alertHed + alertText);
makePromo = false;
function makeList(items, singular, plural) {
var list = "";
if (items.length > 0) {
list += "\r" + (items.length == 1 ? singular : plural) + rule;
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
list += "\u2022 " + items[i] + "\r";
return list;
return makePromo;
function restoreDocumentState() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i<textFramesToUnhide.length; i++) {
textFramesToUnhide[i].hidden = false;
for (i = objectsToRelock.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
objectsToRelock[i].locked = true;
function ProgressBar(opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var steps = opts.steps || 0;
var step = 0;
var win = new Window("palette", || "Progress", [150, 150, 600, 260]);
win.pnl = win.add("panel", [10, 10, 440, 100], "Progress");
win.pnl.progBar = win.pnl.add("progressbar", [20, 35, 410, 60], 0, 100);
win.pnl.progBarLabel = win.pnl.add("statictext", [20, 20, 320, 35], "0%");;
// function getProgress() {
// return win.pnl.progBar.value/win.pnl.progBar.maxvalue;
// }
function update() {
this.step = function() {
step = Math.min(step + 1, steps);
this.setProgress(step / steps);
this.setProgress = function(progress) {
var max = win.pnl.progBar.maxvalue;
// progress is always 0.0 to 1.0
var pct = progress * max;
win.pnl.progBar.value = pct;
win.pnl.progBarLabel.text = Math.round(pct) + "%";
this.setTitle = function(title) {
win.pnl.text = title;
this.close = function() {
// ======================================
// ai2html AI document reading functions
// ======================================
// Convert bounds coordinates (e.g. artboardRect, geometricBounds) to CSS-style coords
function convertAiBounds(rect) {
var x = rect[0],
y = -rect[1],
w = Math.round(rect[2] - x),
h = -rect[3] - y;
return {
left: x,
top: y,
width: w,
height: h
// Get numerical index of an artboard in the doc.artboards array
function getArtboardId(ab) {
var id = 0;
forEachUsableArtboard(function(ab2, i) {
if (ab === ab2) id = i;
return id;
// Remove any annotations and colon separator from an object name
function cleanObjectName(name) {
return makeKeyword(name.replace( /^(.+):.*$/, "$1"));
// TODO: prevent duplicate names? or treat duplicate names an an error condition?
// (artboard name is assumed to be unique in several places)
function getArtboardName(ab) {
return cleanObjectName(;
function getLayerName(lyr) {
return cleanObjectName(;
function getDocumentName(customName) {
var name = customName || docName ||\.[aieps]+$/,"$1").replace(/ +/g,"-");
return makeKeyword(name);
function getArtboardFullName(ab, settings) {
var suffix = '';
if (settings.grouped_artboards) {
suffix = "-" + Math.round(convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect).width);
return getDocumentArtboardName(ab) + suffix;
function getDocumentArtboardName(ab) {
return getDocumentName() + "-" + getArtboardName(ab);
// return coordinates of bounding box of all artboards
function getAllArtboardBounds() {
var rect, bounds;
for (var i=0, n=doc.artboards.length; i<n; i++) {
rect = doc.artboards[i].artboardRect;
if (i === 0) {
bounds = rect;
} else {
bounds = [
Math.min(rect[0], bounds[0]), Math.max(rect[1], bounds[1]),
Math.max(rect[2], bounds[2]), Math.min(rect[3], bounds[3])];
return bounds;
// return the effective width of an artboard (the actual width, overridden by optional setting)
function getArtboardWidth(ab) {
var abSettings = getArtboardSettings(ab);
return abSettings.width || convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect).width;
// get range of container widths that an ab is visible
function getArtboardVisibilityRange(ab, settings) {
var thisWidth = getArtboardWidth(ab);
var minWidth, nextWidth;
// find widths of smallest ab and next widest ab (if any)
forEach(getArtboardInfo(settings), function(info) {
var w = info.effectiveWidth;
if (w > thisWidth && (!nextWidth || w < nextWidth)) {
nextWidth = w;
minWidth = Math.min(w, minWidth || Infinity);
return [thisWidth == minWidth ? 0 : thisWidth, nextWidth ? nextWidth - 1 : Infinity];
// Get range of widths that an ab can be sized
function getArtboardWidthRange(ab, settings) {
var responsiveness = getArtboardResponsiveness(ab, settings);
var w = getArtboardWidth(ab);
var visibleRange = getArtboardVisibilityRange(ab, settings);
if (responsiveness == 'fixed') {
return [visibleRange[0] === 0 ? 0 : w, w];
return visibleRange;
// Get [min, max] width range for the graphic (for optional config.yml output)
function getWidthRangeForConfig(settings) {
var info = getArtboardInfo(settings);
var minAB = info[0];
var maxAB = info[info.length - 1];
var min, max;
if (!minAB || !maxAB) return [0, 0];
min = settings.min_width || minAB.effectiveWidth;
if (maxAB.responsiveness == 'dynamic') {
max = settings.max_width || Math.max(maxAB.effectiveWidth, 1600);
} else {
max = maxAB.effectiveWidth;
return [min, max];
// Parse data that is encoded in a name
// This data is appended to the name of an object (layer or artboard).
// Examples: Artboard1:600,fixed Layer1:svg Layer2:png
function parseObjectName(name) {
// capture portion of name after colon
var settingsStr = (/:(.*)/.exec(name) || [])[1] || "";
var settings = {};
// parse old-style width declaration
var widthStr = (/^ai2html-(\d+)/.exec(name) || [])[1];
if (widthStr) {
settings.width = parseFloat(widthStr);
// remove suffixes added by copying
settingsStr = settingsStr.replace(/ copy.*/i, '');
// parse comma-delimited variables
forEach(settingsStr.split(','), function(part) {
var eq = part.indexOf('=');
var name, value;
if (/^\d+$/.test(part)) {
name = 'width';
value = part;
} else if (eq > 0) {
name = part.substr(0, eq);
value = part.substr(eq + 1);
} else if (part) {
// assuming setting is a flag
name = part;
value = "true";
if (name && value) {
if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) {
value = parseFloat(value);
} else if (isTrue(value)) {
value = true;
settings[name] = value;
return settings;
// Get artboard-specific settings by parsing the artboard name
// (e.g. Artboard_1:responsive)
function getArtboardSettings(ab) {
return parseObjectName(;
function getArtboardResponsiveness(ab, settings) {
var opts = getArtboardSettings(ab);
var r = settings.responsiveness; // Default to document's responsiveness setting
if (opts.dynamic) r = 'dynamic'; // ab name has ":dynamic" appended
if (opts.fixed) r = 'fixed'; // ab name has ":fixed" appended
return r;
// return array of data records about each usable artboard, sorted from narrow to wide
function getArtboardInfo(settings) {
var artboards = [];
forEachUsableArtboard(function(ab, i) {
effectiveWidth: getArtboardWidth(ab),
responsiveness: getArtboardResponsiveness(ab, settings),
id: i
artboards.sort(function(a, b) {return a.effectiveWidth - b.effectiveWidth;});
return artboards;
function forEachUsableArtboard(cb) {
var ab;
for (var i=0; i<doc.artboards.length; i++) {
ab = doc.artboards[i];
if (!/^-/.test( { // exclude artboards with names starting w/ "-"
cb(ab, i);
// Returns id of artboard with largest area
function findLargestArtboard() {
var largestId = -1;
var largestArea = 0;
forEachUsableArtboard(function(ab, i) {
var info = convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect);
var area = info.width * info.height;
if (area > largestArea) {
largestId = i;
largestArea = area;
return largestId;
function findLayers(layers, test) {
var retn = null;
forEach(layers, function(lyr) {
var found = null;
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) {
// skip
} else if (!test || test(lyr)) {
found = [lyr];
} else if (lyr.layers.length > 0) {
// examine sublayers (only if layer didn't test positive)
found = findLayers(lyr.layers, test);
if (found) {
retn = retn ? retn.concat(found) : found;
return retn;
function unhideLayer(lyr) {
while(lyr.typename == "Layer") {
lyr.visible = true;
lyr = lyr.parent;
function layerIsChildOf(lyr, lyr2) {
if (lyr == lyr2) return false;
while (lyr.typename == 'Layer') {
if (lyr == lyr2) return true;
lyr = lyr.parent;
return false;
function clearSelection() {
// setting selection to null doesn't always work:
// it doesn't deselect text range selection and also seems to interfere with
// subsequent mask operations using executeMenuCommand().
// doc.selection = null;
// the following seems to work reliably.
function objectOverlapsAnArtboard(obj) {
var hit = false;
forEachUsableArtboard(function(ab) {
hit = hit || objectOverlapsArtboard(obj, ab);
return hit;
function objectOverlapsArtboard(obj, ab) {
return testBoundsIntersection(ab.artboardRect, obj.geometricBounds);
function objectIsHidden(obj) {
var hidden = false;
while (!hidden && obj && obj.typename != "Document"){
if (obj.typename == "Layer") {
hidden = !obj.visible;
} else {
hidden = obj.hidden;
// The following line used to throw an MRAP error if the document
// contained a raster opacity mask... please file a GitHub issue if the
// problem recurs.
obj = obj.parent;
return hidden;
function objectIsLocked(obj) {
while (obj && obj.typename != "Document") {
if (obj.locked) {
return true;
obj = obj.parent;
return false;
function unlockObject(obj) {
// unlock parent first, to avoid "cannot be modified" error
if (obj && obj.typename != "Document") {
obj.locked = false;
function getComputedOpacity(obj) {
var opacity = 1;
while (obj && obj.typename != "Document") {
opacity *= obj.opacity / 100;
obj = obj.parent;
return opacity * 100;
// Return array of layer objects, including both PageItems and sublayers, in z order
function getSortedLayerItems(lyr) {
var items = toArray(lyr.pageItems).concat(toArray(lyr.layers));
if (lyr.layers.length > 0 && lyr.pageItems.length > 0) {
// only need to sort if layer contains both layers and page objects
items.sort(function(a, b) {
return b.absoluteZOrderPosition - a.absoluteZOrderPosition;
return items;
// a, b: Layer objects
function findCommonLayer(a, b) {
var p = null;
if (a == b) {
p = a;
if (!p && a.parent.typename == 'Layer') {
p = findCommonLayer(a.parent, b);
if (!p && b.parent.typename == 'Layer') {
p = findCommonLayer(a, b.parent);
return p;
function findCommonAncestorLayer(items) {
var layers = [],
ancestorLyr = null,
for (var i=0, n=items.length; i<n; i++) {
item = items[i];
if (item.parent.typename != 'Layer' || contains(layers, item.parent)) {
// remember layer, to avoid redundant searching (is this worthwhile?)
if (!ancestorLyr) {
ancestorLyr = item.parent;
} else {
ancestorLyr = findCommonLayer(ancestorLyr, item.parent);
if (!ancestorLyr) {
// Failed to find a common ancestor
return null;
return ancestorLyr;
// Test if a mask can be ignored
// (An optimization -- currently only finds group masks with no text frames)
function maskIsRelevant(mask) {
var parent = mask.parent;
if (parent.typename == "GroupItem") {
if (parent.textFrames.length === 0) {
return false;
return true;
// Get information about masks in the document
// (Used when identifying visible text fields and also when exporting SVG)
function findMasks() {
var found = [],
allMasks, relevantMasks;
// JS API does not support finding masks -- need to call a menu command for this
// Assumes clipping paths have been unlocked
app.executeMenuCommand('Clipping Masks menu item');
allMasks = toArray(doc.selection);
relevantMasks = filter(allMasks, maskIsRelevant);
// Lock all masks; then unlock each mask in turn and identify its contents.
forEach(allMasks, function(mask) {mask.locked = true;});
forEach(relevantMasks, function(mask) {
var obj = {mask: mask};
var selection, item;
// Select items in this mask
mask.locked = false;
// In earlier AI versions, executeMenuCommand() was more reliable
// than assigning to a selection... this problem has apparently been fixed
// app.executeMenuCommand('Clipping Masks menu item');
doc.selection = [mask];
// Switch selection to all masked items using a menu command
app.executeMenuCommand('editMask'); // Object > Clipping Mask > Edit Contents
// stash both objects and textframes
// (optimization -- addresses poor performance when many objects are masked)
// // obj.items = toArray(doc.selection || []); // Stash masked items
storeSelectedItems(obj, doc.selection || []);
if (mask.parent.typename == "GroupItem") { = mask.parent; // Group mask -- stash the group
} else if (mask.parent.typename == "Layer") {
// Find masking layer -- the common ancestor layer of all masked items is assumed
// to be the masked layer
// passing in doc.selection is _much_ faster than obj.items (why?)
obj.layer = findCommonAncestorLayer(doc.selection || []);
} else {
message("Unknown mask type in findMasks()");
// Clear selection and re-lock mask
// oddly, 'deselectall' sometimes fails here -- using alternate method
// for clearing the selection
// app.executeMenuCommand('deselectall');
mask.locked = true;
doc.selection = null;
if (obj.items.length > 0 && ( || obj.layer)) {
// restore masks to unlocked state
forEach(allMasks, function(mask) {mask.locked = false;});
return found;
function storeSelectedItems(obj, selection) {
var items = obj.items = [];
var texts = obj.textframes = [];
var item;
for (var i=0, n=selection.length; i<n; i++) {
item = selection[i];
items[i] = item; // faster than push() in this JS engine
if (item.typename == 'TextFrame') {
// ==============================
// ai2html text functions
// ==============================
function textIsRotated(textFrame) {
var m = textFrame.matrix;
var angle;
if (m.mValueA == 1 && m.mValueB === 0 && m.mValueC === 0 && m.mValueD == 1) return false;
angle = Math.atan2(m.mValueB, m.mValueA) * 180 / Math.PI;
// Treat text rotated by < 1 degree as unrotated.
// (It's common to accidentally rotate text and then try to unrotate manually).
return Math.abs(angle) > 1;
function hideTextFrame(textFrame) {
textFrame.hidden = true;
// color: a color object, e.g. RGBColor
// opacity (optional): opacity [0-100]
function convertAiColor(color, opacity) {
// If all three RBG channels (0-255) are below this value, convert text fill to pure black.
var rgbBlackThreshold = 36;
var o = {};
var r, g, b;
if (color.typename == 'SpotColor') {
color =; // expecting AI to return an RGBColor because doc is in RGB mode.
if (color.typename == 'RGBColor') {
r =;
g =;
b =;
if (r < rgbBlackThreshold && g < rgbBlackThreshold && b < rgbBlackThreshold) {
r = g = b = 0;
} else if (color.typename == 'GrayColor') {
r = g = b = Math.round((100 - color.gray) / 100 * 255);
} else if (color.typename == 'NoColor') {
g = 255;
r = b = 0;
// warnings are processed later, after ranges of same-style chars are identified
// TODO: add text-fill-specific warnings elsewhere
o.warning = 'The text "%s" has no fill. Please fill it with an RGB color. It has been filled with green.';
} else {
r = g = b = 0;
o.warning = 'The text "%s" has ' + color.typename + ' fill. Please fill it with an RGB color.';
o.color = getCssColor(r, g, b, opacity);
return o;
// Parse an AI CharacterAttributes object
function getCharStyle(c) {
var o = convertAiColor(c.fillColor);
var caps = String(c.capitalization);
o.aifont =;
o.size = Math.round(c.size);
o.capitalization = caps == 'FontCapsOption.NORMALCAPS' ? '' : caps;
o.tracking = c.tracking;
o.superscript = c.baselinePosition == FontBaselineOption.SUPERSCRIPT;
o.subscript = c.baselinePosition == FontBaselineOption.SUBSCRIPT;
return o;
// p: an AI paragraph (appears to be a TextRange object with mixed-in ParagraphAttributes)
// opacity: Computed opacity (0-100) of TextFrame containing this pg
function getParagraphStyle(p) {
return {
leading: Math.round(p.leading),
spaceBefore: Math.round(p.spaceBefore),
spaceAfter: Math.round(p.spaceAfter),
justification: String(p.justification) // coerce from object
// s: object containing CSS text properties
function getStyleKey(s) {
var key = '';
for (var i=0, n=cssTextStyleProperties.length; i<n; i++) {
key += '~' + (s[cssTextStyleProperties[i]] || '');
return key;
function getTextStyleClass(style, classes, name) {
var key = getStyleKey(style);
var cname = nameSpace + (name || 'style');
var o, i;
for (i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
o = classes[i];
if (o.key == key) {
return o.classname;
o = {
key: key,
style: style,
classname: cname + i
return o.classname;
// Divide a paragraph (TextRange object) into an array of
// data objects describing text strings having the same style.
function getParagraphRanges(p) {
var segments = [];
var currRange;
var prev, curr, c;
for (var i=0, n=p.characters.length; i<n; i++) {
c = p.characters[i];
curr = getCharStyle(c);
if (!prev || objectDiff(curr, prev)) {
currRange = {
text: '',
aiStyle: curr
if (curr.warning) {
currRange.warning = curr.warning;
currRange.text += c.contents;
prev = curr;
return segments;
// Convert a TextFrame to an array of data records for each of the paragraphs
// contained in the TextFrame.
function importTextFrameParagraphs(textFrame) {
// The scripting API doesn't give us access to opacity of TextRange objects
// (including individual characters). The best we can do is get the
// computed opacity of the current TextFrame
var opacity = getComputedOpacity(textFrame);
var blendMode = getBlendMode(textFrame);
var charsLeft = textFrame.characters.length;
var rotated = textIsRotated(textFrame);
var data = [];
var p, plen, d;
for (var k=0, n=textFrame.paragraphs.length; k<n && charsLeft > 0; k++) {
// trailing newline in a text block adds one to paragraphs.length, but
// an error is thrown when such a pg is accessed. charsLeft test is a workaround.
p = textFrame.paragraphs[k];
plen = p.characters.length;
if (plen === 0) {
d = {
text: '',
aiStyle: {},
ranges: []
} else {
d = {
text: p.contents,
aiStyle: getParagraphStyle(p),
ranges: getParagraphRanges(p)
d.aiStyle.rotated = rotated;
d.aiStyle.opacity = opacity;
d.aiStyle.blendMode = blendMode;
d.aiStyle.frameType = textFrame.kind == TextType.POINTTEXT ? 'point' : 'area';
charsLeft -= (plen + 1); // char count + newline
return data;
function cleanHtmlTags(str) {
var tagName = findHtmlTag(str);
// only warn for certain tags
if (tagName && contains('i,span,b,strong,em'.split(','), tagName.toLowerCase())) {
warnOnce('Found a <' + tagName + '> tag. Try using Illustrator formatting instead.');
return tagName ? straightenCurlyQuotesInsideAngleBrackets(str) : str;
function generateParagraphHtml(pData, baseStyle, pStyles, cStyles) {
var html, diff, range, rangeHtml;
if (pData.text.length === 0) { // empty pg
// TODO: Calculate the height of empty paragraphs and generate
// CSS to preserve this height (not supported by Illustrator API)
return '<p>&nbsp;</p>';
diff = objectDiff(pData.cssStyle, baseStyle);
// Give the pg a class, if it has a different style than the base pg class
if (diff) {
html = '<p class="' + getTextStyleClass(diff, pStyles, 'pstyle') + '">';
} else {
html = '<p>';
for (var j=0; j<pData.ranges.length; j++) {
range = pData.ranges[j];
rangeHtml = cleanHtmlText(cleanHtmlTags(range.text));
diff = objectDiff(range.cssStyle, pData.cssStyle);
if (diff) {
rangeHtml = '<span class="' +
getTextStyleClass(diff, cStyles, 'cstyle') + '">' + rangeHtml + '</span>';
html += rangeHtml;
html += '</p>';
return html;
function generateTextFrameHtml(paragraphs, baseStyle, pStyles, cStyles) {
var html = '';
for (var i=0; i<paragraphs.length; i++) {
html += '\r\t\t\t' + generateParagraphHtml(paragraphs[i], baseStyle, pStyles, cStyles);
return html;
// Convert a collection of TextFrames to HTML and CSS
function convertTextFrames(textFrames, ab,settings) {
var frameData = map(textFrames, function(frame) {
return {
paragraphs: importTextFrameParagraphs(frame)
var pgStyles = [];
var charStyles = [];
var baseStyle = deriveTextStyleCss(frameData);
var idPrefix = nameSpace + 'ai' + getArtboardId(ab) + '-';
var abBox = convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect);
for (var i=0, n=textFrames.length; i<n; i++) {
var layerName = getLayerName(textFrames[i].layer);
if (settings.double_text == "true") {
warn("double text is turned on")
var divs = map(frameData, function(obj, i) {
var frame = textFrames[i];
var divId = ? makeKeyword( : idPrefix + (i + 1);
var positionCss = getTextFrameCss(frame, abBox, obj.paragraphs);
// new setting, if you want to create double text, do it here.
if (settings.double_text == "true" && getLayerName(frame.layer) == "upper-text") {
var positionCss2 = positionCss.replace("upper","lower")
var thisDiv = '\t\t<div id="' + divId + '" ' + positionCss + '>' +
generateTextFrameHtml(obj.paragraphs, baseStyle, pgStyles, charStyles) + '\r\t\t</div>\r'+
'\t\t<div id="' + divId + '" ' + positionCss2 + '>' +
generateTextFrameHtml(obj.paragraphs, baseStyle, pgStyles, charStyles) + '\r\t\t</div>\r';
} else {
var thisDiv = '\t\t<div id="' + divId + '" ' + positionCss + '>' +
generateTextFrameHtml(obj.paragraphs, baseStyle, pgStyles, charStyles) + '\r\t\t</div>\r';
return thisDiv;
var allStyles = pgStyles.concat(charStyles);
var cssBlocks = map(allStyles, function(obj) {
return '.' + obj.classname + ' {' + formatCss(, '\t\t') + '\t}\r';
if (divs.length > 0) {
cssBlocks.unshift('p {' + formatCss(baseStyle, '\t\t') + '\t}\r');
return {
styles: cssBlocks,
html: divs.join('')
// Compute the base paragraph style by finding the most common style in frameData
// Side effect: adds cssStyle object alongside each aiStyle object
// frameData: Array of data objects parsed from a collection of TextFrames
// Returns object containing css text style properties of base pg style
function deriveTextStyleCss(frameData) {
var pgStyles = [];
var baseStyle = {};
// override detected settings with these style properties
var defaultCssStyle = {
'text-align': 'left',
'text-transform': 'none',
'padding-bottom': 0,
'padding-top': 0,
'mix-blend-mode': 'normal',
'font-style': 'normal',
'height': 'auto',
'position': 'static' // 'relative' also used (to correct baseline misalignment)
var defaultAiStyle = {
opacity: 100 // given as AI style because opacity is converted to several CSS properties
var currCharStyles;
forEach(frameData, function(frame) {
forEach(frame.paragraphs, analyzeParagraphStyle);
// initialize the base <p> style to be equal to the most common pg style
if (pgStyles.length > 0) {
extend(baseStyle, pgStyles[0].cssStyle);
// override certain base style properties with default values
extend(baseStyle, defaultCssStyle, convertAiTextStyle(defaultAiStyle));
return baseStyle;
function compareCharCount(a, b) {
return b.count - a.count;
function analyzeParagraphStyle(pdata) {
currCharStyles = [];
forEach(pdata.ranges, convertRangeStyle);
if (currCharStyles.length > 0) {
// add most common char style to the pg style, to avoid applying
// <span> tags to all the text in the paragraph
extend(pdata.aiStyle, currCharStyles[0].aiStyle);
pdata.cssStyle = analyzeTextStyle(pdata.aiStyle, pdata.text, pgStyles);
if (pdata.aiStyle.blendMode && !pdata.cssStyle['mix-blend-mode']) {
warnOnce('Missing a rule for converting ' + pdata.aiStyle.blendMode + ' to CSS.');
function convertRangeStyle(range) {
range.cssStyle = analyzeTextStyle(range.aiStyle, range.text, currCharStyles);
if (range.warning) {
warn(range.warning.replace('%s', truncateString(range.text, 35)));
if (range.aiStyle.aifont && !range.cssStyle['font-family']) {
warnOnce('Missing a rule for converting font: ' + range.aiStyle.aifont +
'. Sample text: ' + truncateString(range.text, 35), range.aiStyle.aifont);
function analyzeTextStyle(aiStyle, text, stylesArr) {
var cssStyle = convertAiTextStyle(aiStyle);
var key = getStyleKey(cssStyle);
var o;
if (text.length === 0) {
return {};
for (var i=0; i<stylesArr.length; i++) {
if (stylesArr[i].key == key) {
o = stylesArr[i];
if (!o) {
o = {
key: key,
aiStyle: aiStyle,
cssStyle: cssStyle,
count: 0
o.count += text.length;
// o.count++; // each occurence counts equally
return cssStyle;
// Lookup an AI font name in the font table
function findFontInfo(aifont) {
var info = null;
for (var k=0; k<fonts.length; k++) {
if (aifont == fonts[k].aifont) {
info = fonts[k];
if (!info) {
// font not found... parse the AI font name to give it a weight and style
info = {};
if (aifont.indexOf('Italic') > -1) { = 'italic';
if (aifont.indexOf('Bold') > -1) {
info.weight = 700;
} else {
info.weight = 500;
return info;
// ai: AI justification value
function getJustificationCss(ai) {
for (var k=0; k<align.length; k++) {
if (ai == align[k].ai) {
return align[k].html;
return 'initial'; // CSS default
// ai: AI capitalization value
function getCapitalizationCss(ai) {
for (var k=0; k<caps.length; k++) {
if (ai == caps[k].ai) {
return caps[k].html;
return '';
function getBlendModeCss(ai) {
for (var k=0; k<blendModes.length; k++) {
if (ai == blendModes[k].ai) {
return blendModes[k].html;
return '';
function getBlendMode(obj) {
// Limitation: returns first found blending mode, ignores any others that
// might be applied a parent object
while (obj && obj.typename != 'Document') {
if (obj.blendingMode && obj.blendingMode != BlendModes.NORMAL) {
return obj.blendingMode;
obj = obj.parent;
return null;
// convert an object containing parsed AI text styles to an object containing CSS style properties
function convertAiTextStyle(aiStyle) {
var cssStyle = {};
var fontSize = aiStyle.size;
var fontInfo, tmp;
if (aiStyle.aifont) {
fontInfo = findFontInfo(aiStyle.aifont);
if ( {
cssStyle['font-family'] =;
if (fontInfo.weight) {
cssStyle['font-weight'] = fontInfo.weight;
if ( {
cssStyle['font-style'] =;
if ('leading' in aiStyle) {
cssStyle['line-height'] = aiStyle.leading + 'px';
// Fix for line height error affecting point text in Chrome/Safari at certain browser zooms.
if (aiStyle.frameType == 'point') {
cssStyle.height = cssStyle['line-height'];
// if (('opacity' in aiStyle) && aiStyle.opacity < 100) {
if ('opacity' in aiStyle) {
cssStyle.opacity = roundTo(aiStyle.opacity / 100, cssPrecision);
if (aiStyle.blendMode && (tmp = getBlendModeCss(aiStyle.blendMode))) {
cssStyle['mix-blend-mode'] = tmp;
// TODO: consider opacity fallback for IE
if (aiStyle.spaceBefore > 0) {
cssStyle['padding-top'] = aiStyle.spaceBefore + 'px';
if (aiStyle.spaceAfter > 0) {
cssStyle['padding-bottom'] = aiStyle.spaceAfter + 'px';
if ('tracking' in aiStyle) {
cssStyle['letter-spacing'] = roundTo(aiStyle.tracking / 1000, cssPrecision) + 'em';
if (aiStyle.superscript) {
fontSize = roundTo(fontSize * 0.7, 1);
cssStyle['vertical-align'] = 'super';
if (aiStyle.subscript) {
fontSize = roundTo(fontSize * 0.7, 1);
cssStyle['vertical-align'] = 'sub';
if (fontSize > 0) {
cssStyle['font-size'] = fontSize + 'px';
// kludge: text-align of rotated text is handled as a special case (see also getTextFrameCss())
if (aiStyle.rotated && aiStyle.frameType == 'point') {
cssStyle['text-align'] = 'center';
} else if (aiStyle.justification && (tmp = getJustificationCss(aiStyle.justification))) {
cssStyle['text-align'] = tmp;
if (aiStyle.capitalization && (tmp = getCapitalizationCss(aiStyle.capitalization))) {
cssStyle['text-transform'] = tmp;
if (aiStyle.color) {
cssStyle.color = aiStyle.color;
// applying vshift only to point text
// (based on experience with NYTFranklin)
if (aiStyle.size > 0 && fontInfo.vshift && aiStyle.frameType == 'point') { = vshiftToPixels(fontInfo.vshift, aiStyle.size);
cssStyle.position = 'relative';
return cssStyle;
function vshiftToPixels(vshift, fontSize) {
var i = vshift.indexOf('%');
var pct = parseFloat(vshift);
var px = fontSize * pct / 100;
if (!px || i==-1) return '0';
return roundTo(px, 1) + 'px';
function textFrameIsRenderable(frame, artboardRect) {
var good = true;
if (!testBoundsIntersection(frame.visibleBounds, artboardRect)) {
good = false;
} else if (frame.kind != TextType.AREATEXT && frame.kind != TextType.POINTTEXT) {
good = false;
} else if (objectIsHidden(frame)) {
good = false;
} else if (frame.contents === '') {
good = false;
return good;
// Find clipped art objects that are inside an artboard but outside the bounding box
// box of their clipping path
// items: array of PageItems assocated with a clipping path
// clipRect: bounding box of clipping path
// abRect: bounds of artboard to test
function selectMaskedItems(items, clipRect, abRect) {
var found = [];
var itemRect, itemInArtboard, itemInMask, maskInArtboard;
for (var i=0, n=items.length; i<n; i++) {
itemRect = items[i].geometricBounds;
// capture items that intersect the artboard but are masked...
itemInArtboard = testBoundsIntersection(abRect, itemRect);
maskInArtboard = testBoundsIntersection(abRect, clipRect);
itemInMask = testBoundsIntersection(itemRect, clipRect);
if (itemInArtboard && (!maskInArtboard || !itemInMask)) {
return found;
// Find clipped TextFrames that are inside an artboard but outside their
// clipping path (using bounding box of clipping path to approximate clip area)
function getClippedTextFramesByArtboard(ab, masks) {
var abRect = ab.artboardRect;
var frames = [];
forEach(masks, function(o) {
var clipRect = o.mask.geometricBounds;
if (testSimilarBounds(abRect, clipRect, 5)) {
// if clip path is masking the current artboard, skip the test
if (!testBoundsIntersection(abRect, clipRect)) {
return; // ignore masks in other artboards
var texts = o.textframes;
// var texts = filter(o.items, function(item) {return item.typename == 'TextFrame';});
texts = selectMaskedItems(texts, clipRect, abRect);
if (texts.length > 0) {
frames = frames.concat(texts);
return frames;
// Get array of TextFrames belonging to an artboard, excluding text that
// overlaps the artboard but is hidden by a clipping mask
function getTextFramesByArtboard(ab, masks, settings) {
var candidateFrames = findTextFramesToRender(doc.textFrames, ab.artboardRect);
var excludedFrames = getClippedTextFramesByArtboard(ab, masks);
candidateFrames = arraySubtract(candidateFrames, excludedFrames);
if (settings.render_rotated_skewed_text_as == 'image') {
excludedFrames = filter(candidateFrames, textIsRotated);
candidateFrames = arraySubtract(candidateFrames, excludedFrames);
return candidateFrames;
function findTextFramesToRender(frames, artboardRect) {
var selected = [];
for (var i=0; i<frames.length; i++) {
if (textFrameIsRenderable(frames[i], artboardRect)) {
// Sort frames top to bottom, left to right.
firstBy(function (v1, v2) { return -; })
.thenBy(function (v1, v2) { return v1.left - v2.left; })
return selected;
// Extract key: value pairs from the contents of a note attribute
function parseDataAttributes(note) {
var o = {};
var parts;
if (note) {
parts = note.split(/[\r\n;,]+/);
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
parseKeyValueString(parts[i], o);
return o;
function formatCssPct(part, whole) {
return roundTo(part / whole * 100, cssPrecision) + '%';
function getUntransformedTextBounds(textFrame) {
var copy = textFrame.duplicate(textFrame.parent, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
var matrix = clearMatrixShift(textFrame.matrix);
var bnds = copy.geometricBounds;
if (textFrame.kind == TextType.AREATEXT) {
// prevent offcenter problem caused by extra vertical space in text area
// TODO: de-kludge
// this would be much simpler if <TextFrameItem>.convertAreaObjectToPointObject()
// worked correctly (throws MRAP error when trying to remove a converted object)
var textWidth = (bnds[2] - bnds[0]);
// Transforming outlines avoids the offcenter problem, but width of bounding
// box needs to be set to width of transformed TextFrame for correct output
copy = copy.createOutline();
bnds = copy.geometricBounds;
var dx = Math.ceil(textWidth - (bnds[2] - bnds[0])) / 2;
bnds[0] -= dx;
bnds[2] += dx;
return bnds;
function getTransformationCss(textFrame, vertAnchorPct) {
var matrix = clearMatrixShift(textFrame.matrix);
var horizAnchorPct = 50;
var transformOrigin = horizAnchorPct + '% ' + vertAnchorPct + '%;';
var transform = 'matrix(' +
roundTo(matrix.mValueA, cssPrecision) + ',' +
roundTo(-matrix.mValueB, cssPrecision) + ',' +
roundTo(-matrix.mValueC, cssPrecision) + ',' +
roundTo(matrix.mValueD, cssPrecision) + ',' +
roundTo(matrix.mValueTX, cssPrecision) + ',' +
roundTo(matrix.mValueTY, cssPrecision) + ');';
// TODO: handle character scaling.
// One option: add separate CSS transform to paragraphs inside a TextFrame
var charStyle = textFrame.textRange.characterAttributes;
var scaleX = charStyle.horizontalScale;
var scaleY = charStyle.verticalScale;
if (scaleX != 100 || scaleY != 100) {
warn('Vertical or horizontal text scaling will be lost. Affected text: ' + truncateString(textFrame.contents, 35));
return 'transform: ' + transform + 'transform-origin: ' + transformOrigin +
'-webkit-transform: ' + transform + '-webkit-transform-origin: ' + transformOrigin +
'-ms-transform: ' + transform + '-ms-transform-origin: ' + transformOrigin;
// Create class='' and style='' CSS for positioning the label container div
// (This container wraps one or more <p> tags)
function getTextFrameCss(thisFrame, abBox, pgData) {
var styles = '';
var classes = '';
// Using AI style of first paragraph in TextFrame to get information about
// tracking, justification and top padding
// TODO: consider positioning paragraphs separately, to handle pgs with different
// justification in the same text block
var firstPgStyle = pgData[0].aiStyle;
var lastPgStyle = pgData[pgData.length - 1].aiStyle;
var isRotated = firstPgStyle.rotated;
var aiBounds = isRotated ? getUntransformedTextBounds(thisFrame) : thisFrame.geometricBounds;
var htmlBox = convertAiBounds(shiftBounds(aiBounds, -abBox.left,;
var thisFrameAttributes = parseDataAttributes(thisFrame.note);
// estimated space between top of HTML container and character glyphs
// (related to differences in AI and CSS vertical positioning of text blocks)
var marginTopPx = (firstPgStyle.leading - firstPgStyle.size) / 2 + firstPgStyle.spaceBefore;
// estimated space between bottom of HTML container and character glyphs
var marginBottomPx = (lastPgStyle.leading - lastPgStyle.size) / 2 + lastPgStyle.spaceAfter;
// var trackingPx = firstPgStyle.size * firstPgStyle.tracking / 1000;
var htmlL = htmlBox.left;
var htmlT = Math.round( - marginTopPx);
var htmlW = htmlBox.width;
var htmlH = htmlBox.height + marginTopPx + marginBottomPx;
var alignment, v_align, vertAnchorPct;
if (firstPgStyle.justification == 'Justification.LEFT') {
alignment = 'left';
} else if (firstPgStyle.justification == 'Justification.RIGHT') {
alignment = 'right';
} else if (firstPgStyle.justification == 'Justification.CENTER') {
alignment = 'center';
if (thisFrame.kind == TextType.AREATEXT) {
v_align = 'top'; // area text aligned to top by default
// Put a box around the text, if the text frame's textPath is styled
styles += convertAreaTextPath(thisFrame);
} else { // point text
// point text aligned to midline (sensible default for chart y-axes, map labels, etc.)
v_align = 'middle';
htmlW += 22; // add a bit of extra width to try to prevent overflow
if (thisFrameAttributes.valign && !isRotated) {
// override default vertical alignment, unless text is rotated (TODO: support other )
v_align = thisFrameAttributes.valign;
if (v_align == 'center') {
v_align = 'middle';
if (isRotated) {
vertAnchorPct = (marginTopPx + htmlBox.height * 0.5 + 1) / (htmlH) * 100; // TODO: de-kludge
styles += getTransformationCss(thisFrame, vertAnchorPct);
// Only center alignment currently works well with rotated text
// TODO: simplify alignment of rotated text (some logic is in convertAiTextStyle())
v_align = 'middle';
alignment = 'center';
// text-align of point text set to 'center' in convertAiTextStyle()
if (v_align == 'bottom') {
var bottomPx = abBox.height - ( + htmlBox.height + marginBottomPx);
styles += 'bottom:' + formatCssPct(bottomPx, abBox.height) + ';';
} else if (v_align == 'middle') {
// TODO: consider:
styles += 'top:' + formatCssPct(htmlT + marginTopPx + htmlBox.height / 2, abBox.height) + ';';
styles += 'margin-top:-' + roundTo(marginTopPx + htmlBox.height / 2, 1) + 'px;';
} else {
styles += 'top:' + formatCssPct(htmlT, abBox.height) + ';';
if (alignment == 'right') {
styles += 'right:' + formatCssPct(abBox.width - (htmlL + htmlBox.width), abBox.width) + ';';
} else if (alignment == 'center') {
styles += 'left:' + formatCssPct(htmlL + htmlBox.width / 2, abBox.width) + ';';
// setting a negative left margin for horizontal placement of centered text
// using percent for area text (because area text width uses percent) and pixels for point text
if (thisFrame.kind == TextType.POINTTEXT) {
styles += 'margin-left:-' + roundTo(htmlW / 2, 1) + 'px;';
} else {
styles += 'margin-left:' + formatCssPct(-htmlW / 2, abBox.width )+ ';';
} else {
styles += 'left:' + formatCssPct(htmlL, abBox.width) + ';';
classes = nameSpace + getLayerName(thisFrame.layer) + ' ' + nameSpace + 'aiAbs';
if (thisFrame.kind == TextType.POINTTEXT) {
classes += ' ' + nameSpace + 'aiPointText';
// using pixel width with point text, because pct width causes alignment problems -- see issue #63
// adding extra pixels in case HTML width is slightly less than AI width (affects alignment of right-aligned text)
styles += 'width:' + roundTo(htmlW, cssPrecision) + 'px;';
} else {
// area text uses pct width, so width of text boxes will scale
// TODO: consider only using pct width with wider text boxes that contain paragraphs of text
styles += 'width:' + formatCssPct(htmlW, abBox.width) + ';';
return 'class="' + classes + '" style="' + styles + '"';
function convertAreaTextPath(frame) {
var style = '';
var path = frame.textPath;
var obj;
if (path.stroked || path.filled) {
style += 'padding: 6px 6px 6px 7px;';
if (path.filled) {
obj = convertAiColor(path.fillColor, path.opacity);
style += 'background-color: ' + obj.color + ';';
if (path.stroked) {
obj = convertAiColor(path.strokeColor, path.opacity);
style += 'border: 1px solid ' + obj.color + ';';
return style;
// =================================
// ai2html symbol functions
// =================================
// Return inline CSS for styling a single symbol
// TODO: create classes to capture style properties that are used repeatedly
function getBasicSymbolCss(geom, style, abBox, opts) {
var center =;
var styles = [];
// Round fixed-size symbols to integer size, to prevent pixel-snapping from
// changing squares and circles to rectangles and ovals.
var precision = opts.scaled ? 1 : 0;
var width, height;
var border;
if (geom.type == 'line') {
precision = 2;
width = geom.width;
height = geom.height;
if (width > height) {
// kludge to minimize gaps between segments (found using trial and error)
width += style.strokeWidth * 0.5;
center[0] += style.strokeWidth * 0.333;
} else if (geom.type == 'rectangle') {
width = geom.width;
height = geom.height;
} else if (geom.type == 'circle') {
width = geom.radius * 2;
height = width;
// styles.push('border-radius: ' + roundTo(geom.radius, 1) + 'px');
styles.push('border-radius: 50%');
width = roundTo(width, precision);
height = roundTo(height, precision);
if (opts.scaled) {
styles.push('width: ' + formatCssPct(width, abBox.width));
styles.push('height: ' + formatCssPct(height, abBox.height));
styles.push('margin-left: ' + formatCssPct(-width / 2, abBox.width));
// vertical margin pct is calculated as pct of width
styles.push('margin-top: ' + formatCssPct(-height / 2, abBox.width));
} else {
styles.push('width: ' + width + 'px');
styles.push('height: ' + height + 'px');
styles.push('margin-top: ' + (-height / 2) + 'px');
styles.push('margin-left: ' + (-width / 2) + 'px');
if (style.stroke) {
if (geom.type == 'line' && width > height) {
border = 'border-top';
} else if (geom.type == 'line') {
border = 'border-right';
} else {
border = 'border';
styles.push(border + ': ' + style.strokeWidth + 'px solid ' + style.stroke);
if (style.fill) {
styles.push('background-color: ' + style.fill);
if (style.opacity < 1 && style.opacity) {
styles.push('opacity: ' + style.opacity);
if (style.multiply) {
styles.push('mix-blend-mode: multiply');
styles.push('left: ' + formatCssPct(center[0], abBox.width));
styles.push('top: ' + formatCssPct(center[1], abBox.height));
// TODO: use class for colors and other properties
return 'style="' + styles.join('; ') + ';"';
function getSymbolClass() {
return nameSpace + 'aiSymbol';
function exportSymbolAsHtml(item, geometries, abBox, opts) {
var html = '';
var style = getBasicSymbolStyle(item);
var properties = ? 'data-name="' + makeKeyword( + '" ' : '';
var geom, x, y;
for (var i=0; i<geometries.length; i++) {
geom = geometries[i];
// make center coords relative to top,left of artboard
x =[0] - abBox.left;
y =[1] -; = [x, y];
html += '\r\t\t\t' + '<div class="' + getSymbolClass() + '" ' + properties +
getBasicSymbolCss(geom, style, abBox, opts) + '></div>';
return html;
function testEmptyArtboard(ab) {
return !testLayerArtboardIntersection(null, ab);
function testLayerArtboardIntersection(lyr, ab) {
if (lyr) {
return layerIsVisible(lyr);
} else {
return some(doc.layers, layerIsVisible);
function layerIsVisible(lyr) {
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) return false;
return some(lyr.layers, layerIsVisible) ||
some(lyr.pageItems, itemIsVisible) ||
some(lyr.groupItems, groupIsVisible);
function itemIsVisible(item) {
if (item.hidden || item.guides || item.typename == "GroupItem") return false;
return testBoundsIntersection(item.visibleBounds, ab.artboardRect);
function groupIsVisible(group) {
if (group.hidden) return;
return some(group.pageItems, itemIsVisible) ||
some(group.groupItems, groupIsVisible);
// Convert paths representing simple shapes to HTML and hide them
function exportSymbols(lyr, ab, masks, opts) {
var items = [];
var abBox = convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect);
var html = '';
function forLayer(lyr) {
// if (lyr.hidden) return; // bug -- layers use visible property, not hidden
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) return;
forEach(lyr.pageItems, forPageItem);
forEach(lyr.layers, forLayer);
forEach(lyr.groupItems, forGroup);
function forGroup(group) {
if (group.hidden) return;
forEach(group.pageItems, forPageItem);
forEach(group.groupItems, forGroup);
function forPageItem(item) {
var singleGeom, geometries;
if (item.hidden || item.guides || !testBoundsIntersection(item.visibleBounds, ab.artboardRect)) return;
// try to convert to circle or rectangle
// note: filled shapes aren't necessarily closed
if (item.typename != 'PathItem') return;
singleGeom = getRectangleData(item.pathPoints) || getCircleData(item.pathPoints);
if (singleGeom) {
geometries = [singleGeom];
} else if (opts.scaled && item.stroked && !item.closed) {
// try to convert to line segment(s)
geometries = getLineGeometry(item.pathPoints);
if (!geometries) return; // item is not convertible to an HTML symbol
html += exportSymbolAsHtml(item, geometries, abBox, opts);
item.hidden = true;
if (html) {
html = '\t\t<div class="' + nameSpace + 'symbol-layer ' + nameSpace + getLayerName(lyr) + '">' + html + '\r\t\t</div>\r';
return {
html: html,
items: items
function getBasicSymbolStyle(item) {
// TODO: handle opacity
var style = {};
var stroke, fill;
style.opacity = roundTo(getComputedOpacity(item) / 100, 2);
if (getBlendMode(item) == BlendModes.MULTIPLY) {
style.multiply = true;
if (item.filled) {
fill = convertAiColor(item.fillColor);
style.fill = fill.color;
if (item.stroked) {
stroke = convertAiColor(item.strokeColor);
style.stroke = stroke.color;
// Chrome doesn't consistently render borders that are less than 1px, which
// can cause lines to disappear or flicker as the window is resized.
style.strokeWidth = item.strokeWidth < 1 ? 1 : Math.round(item.strokeWidth);
return style;
function getPathBBox(points) {
var bbox = [Infinity, Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity];
var p;
for (var i=0, n=points.length; i<n; i++) {
p = points[i].anchor;
if (p[0] < bbox[0]) bbox[0] = p[0];
if (p[0] > bbox[2]) bbox[2] = p[0];
if (p[1] < bbox[1]) bbox[1] = p[1];
if (p[1] > bbox[3]) bbox[3] = p[1];
return bbox;
function getBBoxCenter(bbox) {
return [(bbox[0] + bbox[2]) / 2, (bbox[1] + bbox[3]) / 2];
// Return array of line records if path is composed only of vertical and/or
// horizontal line segments, else return null;
function getLineGeometry(points) {
var bbox, w, h, p;
var lines = [];
for (var i=0, n=points.length; i<n; i++) {
p = points[i];
if (!pathPointIsCorner(p)) {
return null;
if (i === 0) continue;
bbox = getPathBBox([points[i-1], p]);
w = bbox[2] - bbox[0];
h = bbox[3] - bbox[1];
if (w < 1 && h < 1) continue; // double vertex = skip
if (w > 1 && h > 1) return null; // diagonal line = fail
type: 'line',
center: getBBoxCenter(bbox),
width: w,
height: h
return lines.length > 0 ? lines : null;
function pathPointIsCorner(p) {
var xy = p.anchor;
// Vertices of polylines (often) use PointType.SMOOTH. Need to check control points
// to determine if the line is curved or not at p
// if (p.pointType != PointType.CORNER) return false;
if (xy[0] != p.leftDirection[0] || xy[0] != p.rightDirection[0] ||
xy[1] != p.leftDirection[1] || xy[1] != p.rightDirection[1]) return false;
return true;
// If path described by points array looks like a rectangle, return data for rendering
// as a rectangle; else return null
// points: an array of PathPoint objects
function getRectangleData(points) {
var bbox, p, xy;
// Some rectangles are 4-point closed paths, some are 5-point open paths
if (points.length < 4 || points.length > 5) return null;
bbox = getPathBBox(points);
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
p = points[i];
xy = p.anchor;
if (!pathPointIsCorner(p)) return null;
// point must be a bbox corner
if (xy[0] != bbox[0] && xy[0] != bbox[2] && xy[1] != bbox[1] && xy[1] != bbox[3]) {
return null;
return {
type: 'rectangle',
center: getBBoxCenter(bbox),
width: bbox[2] - bbox[0],
height: bbox[3] - bbox[1]
// If path described by points array looks like a circle, return data for rendering
// as a circle; else return null
// Assumes that circles have four anchor points at the top, right, bottom and left
// positions around the circle.
// points: an array of PathPoint objects
function getCircleData(points) {
var bbox, p, xy, edges;
if (points.length != 4) return null;
bbox = getPathBBox(points);
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
p = points[i];
xy = p.anchor;
// heuristic for identifying circles:
// * each vertex is "smooth"
// * either x or y coord of each vertex is on the bbox
if (p.pointType != PointType.SMOOTH) return null;
edges = 0;
if (xy[0] == bbox[0] || xy[0] == bbox[2]) edges++;
if (xy[1] == bbox[1] || xy[1] == bbox[3]) edges++;
if (edges != 1) return null;
return {
type: 'circle',
center: getBBoxCenter(bbox),
// radius is the average of vertical and horizontal half-axes
// ellipses are converted to circles
radius: (bbox[2] - bbox[0] + bbox[3] - bbox[1]) / 4
// =================================
// ai2html image functions
// =================================
function getArtboardImageName(ab, settings) {
return getArtboardFullName(ab, settings);
function getLayerImageName(lyr, ab, settings) {
return getArtboardImageName(ab, settings) + '-' + getLayerName(lyr);
function getImageId(imgName) {
return nameSpace + imgName + '-img';
function uniqAssetName(name, names) {
var uniqName = name;
var num = 2;
while (contains(names, uniqName)) {
uniqName = name + '-' + num;
return uniqName;
function getPromoImageFormat(ab, settings) {
var fmt = settings.image_format[0];
if (fmt == 'svg' || !fmt) {
fmt = 'png';
} else {
fmt = resolveArtboardImageFormat(fmt, ab);
return fmt;
// setting: value from ai2html settings (e.g. 'auto' 'png')
function resolveArtboardImageFormat(setting, ab) {
var fmt;
if (setting == 'auto') {
fmt = artboardContainsVisibleRasterImage(ab) ? 'jpg' : 'png';
} else {
fmt = setting;
return fmt;
function objectHasLayer(obj) {
var hasLayer = false;
try {
hasLayer = !!obj.layer;
} catch(e) {
// trying to access the layer property of a placed item that is used as an opacity mask
// throws an error (as of Illustrator 2018)
return hasLayer;
function artboardContainsVisibleRasterImage(ab) {
function test(item) {
// Calling objectHasLayer() prevents a crash caused by opacity masks created from linked rasters.
return objectHasLayer(item) && objectOverlapsArtboard(item, ab) && !objectIsHidden(item);
// TODO: verify that placed items are rasters
return contains(doc.placedItems, test) || contains(doc.rasterItems, test);
function convertSpecialLayers(activeArtboard, settings) {
var data = {
layers: [],
html_before: '',
html_after: '',
video: ''
forEach(findTaggedLayers('video'), function(lyr) {
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) return;
var str = getSpecialLayerText(lyr, activeArtboard);
if (!str) return;
var html = makeVideoHtml(str, settings);
if (!html) {
warn('Invalid video URL: ' + str);
} else { = html;
forEach(findTaggedLayers('html-before'), function(lyr) {
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) return;
var str = getSpecialLayerText(lyr, activeArtboard);
if (!str) return;
data.html_before = str;
forEach(findTaggedLayers('html-after'), function(lyr) {
if (objectIsHidden(lyr)) return;
var str = getSpecialLayerText(lyr, activeArtboard);
if (!str) return;
data.html_after = str;
return data.layers.length === 0 ? null : data;
function makeVideoHtml(url, settings) {
url = trim(url);
if (!/^https:/.test(url) || !/\.mp4$/.test(url)) {
return '';
var srcName = isTrue(settings.use_lazy_loader) ? 'data-src' : 'src';
return '<video ' + srcName + '="' + url + '" autoplay muted loop playsinline style="top:0; width:100%; object-fit:fill; position:absolute"></video>';
function getSpecialLayerText(lyr, ab) {
var text = '';
forEach(lyr.textFrames, eachFrame);
function eachFrame(frame) {
if (testBoundsIntersection(frame.visibleBounds, ab.artboardRect)) {
text = frame.contents;
return text;
// Generate images and return HTML embed code
function convertArtItems(activeArtboard, textFrames, masks, settings) {
var imgName = getArtboardImageName(activeArtboard, settings);
var hideTextFrames = !isTrue(settings.testing_mode) && settings.render_text_as != 'image';
var textFrameCount = textFrames.length;
var html = '';
var svgLayers, svgNames;
var hiddenItems = [];
var hiddenLayers = [];
var i;
checkForOutputFolder(getImageFolder(settings), 'image_output_path');
if (hideTextFrames) {
for (i=0; i<textFrameCount; i++) {
textFrames[i].hidden = true;
// Symbols in :symbol layers are not scaled
forEach(findTaggedLayers('symbol'), function(lyr) {
var obj = exportSymbols(lyr, activeArtboard, masks, {scaled: false});
html += obj.html;
hiddenItems = hiddenItems.concat(obj.items);
// Symbols in :div layers are scaled
forEach(findTaggedLayers('div'), function(lyr) {
var obj = exportSymbols(lyr, activeArtboard, masks, {scaled: true});
html += obj.html;
hiddenItems = hiddenItems.concat(obj.items);
svgLayers = findTaggedLayers('svg');
if (svgLayers.length > 0) {
svgNames = [];
forEach(svgLayers, function(lyr) {
var svgName = uniqAssetName(getLayerImageName(lyr, activeArtboard, settings), svgNames);
var svgHtml = exportImage(svgName, 'svg', activeArtboard, masks, lyr, settings);
if (svgHtml) {
html += svgHtml;
// hide all svg Layers
forEach(svgLayers, function(lyr) {
lyr.visible = false;
// Embed images tagged :png as separate images
// Inside this function, layers are hidden and unhidden as needed
forEachImageLayer('png', function(lyr) {
var opts = extend({}, settings, {png_transparent: true});
var name = getLayerImageName(lyr, activeArtboard, settings);
var fmt = contains(settings.image_format || [], 'png24') ? 'png24' : 'png';
// This test prevents empty images, but is expensive when a layer contains many art objects...
// consider only testing if an option is set by the user.
if (testLayerArtboardIntersection(lyr, activeArtboard)) {
html = exportImage(name, fmt, activeArtboard, null, null, opts) + html;
hiddenLayers.push(lyr); // need to unhide this layer later, after base image is captured
// placing ab image before other elements
html = captureArtboardImage(imgName, activeArtboard, masks, settings) + html;
// unhide hidden layers (if any)
forEach(hiddenLayers, function(lyr) {
lyr.visible = true;
// unhide text frames
if (hideTextFrames) {
for (i=0; i<textFrameCount; i++) {
textFrames[i].hidden = false;
// unhide items exported as symbols
forEach(hiddenItems, function(item) {
item.hidden = false;
return {html: html};
function findTaggedLayers(tag) {
function test(lyr) {
return tag && parseObjectName([tag];
return findLayers(doc.layers, test) || [];
function getImageFolder(settings) {
return pathJoin(docPath, settings.html_output_path, settings.image_output_path);
function getImageFileName(name, fmt) {
// for file extension, convert png24 -> png; other format names are same as extension
return name + '.' + fmt.substring(0, 3);
function getLayerOpacityCSS(layer) {
var o = getComputedOpacity(layer);
return o < 100 ? 'opacity:' + roundTo(o / 100, 2) + ';' : '';
// Capture and save an image to the filesystem and return html embed code
function exportImage(imgName, format, ab, masks, layer, settings) {
var imgFile = getImageFileName(imgName, format);
var outputPath = pathJoin(getImageFolder(settings), imgFile);
var imgId = getImageId(imgName);
// imgClass: // remove artboard size (careful not to remove deduplication annotations)
var imgClass = imgId.replace(/-[1-9][0-9]+-/, '-');
// all images are now absolutely positioned (before, artboard images were
// position:static to set the artboard height)
var svgInlineStyle, svgLayersArg;
var created, html;
imgClass += ' ' + nameSpace + 'aiImg';
if (format == 'svg') {
if (layer) {
svgInlineStyle = getLayerOpacityCSS(layer);
svgLayersArg = [layer];
created = exportSVG(outputPath, ab, masks, svgLayersArg, settings);
if (!created) {
return ''; // no image was created
rewriteSVGFile(outputPath, imgId);
if (isTrue(settings.inline_svg)) {
html = generateInlineSvg(outputPath, imgClass, svgInlineStyle, settings);
if (layer) {
message('Generated inline SVG for layer [' + getLayerName(layer) + ']');
} else {
// generate link to external SVG file
html = generateImageHtml(imgFile, imgId, imgClass, svgInlineStyle, ab, settings);
if (layer) {
message('Exported an SVG layer as ' + outputPath.replace(/.*\//, ''));
} else {
// export raster image & generate link
exportRasterImage(outputPath, ab, format, settings);
html = generateImageHtml(imgFile, imgId, imgClass, null, ab, settings);
return html;
function generateInlineSvg(imgPath, imgClass, imgStyle, settings) {
var svg = readFile(imgPath) || '';
var attr = ' class="' + imgClass + '"';
if (imgStyle) {
attr += ' style="' + imgStyle + '"';
svg = svg.replace(/<\?xml.*?\?>/, '');
svg = svg.replace('<svg', '<svg' + attr);
svg = replaceSvgIds(svg, settings.svg_id_prefix);
return svg;
// Replace ids generated by Illustrator with ids that are as close as possible to
// the original names of objects in the document.
// prefix: optional namespace string (to avoid collisions with other ids on the page)
var svgIds; // index of ids
function replaceSvgIds(svg, prefix) {
var idRxp = /id="([^"]+)_[0-9]+_"/g; // matches ids generated by AI
var hexRxp = /_x([1-7][0-9A-F])_/g; // matches char codes inserted by AI
var dupes = [];
var msg;
prefix = prefix || '';
svgIds = svgIds || {};
svg = svg.replace(idRxp, replaceId);
if (dupes.length > 0) {
msg = truncateString(dupes.sort().join(', '), 65, true);
warnOnce('Found duplicate SVG ' + (dupes.length == 1 ? 'id' : 'ids') + ': ' + msg);
return svg;
function replaceId(str, id) {
var fixedId = id.replace(hexRxp, replaceHexCode);
var uniqId = uniqify(fixedId);
return 'id="' + prefix + uniqId + '" data-name="' + fixedId + '"';
function replaceHexCode(str, hex) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));
// resolve id collisions by appending a string
function uniqify(origId) {
var id = origId,
n = 1;
while (id in svgIds) {
id = origId + '-' + n;
if (n == 2) {
svgIds[id] = true;
return id;
// Finds layers that have an image type annotation in their names (e.g. :png)
// and passes each tagged layer to a callback, after hiding all other content
// Side effect: Tagged layers remain hidden after the function completes
// (they have to be unhidden later)
function forEachImageLayer(imageType, callback) {
var targetLayers = findTaggedLayers(imageType); // only finds visible layers with a tag
var hiddenLayers = [];
if (targetLayers.length === 0) return;
// Hide all visible layers (image export captures entire artboard)
forEach(findLayers(doc.layers), function(lyr) {
// Except: don't hide layers that are children of a targeted layer
// (inconvenient to unhide these selectively later)
if (find(targetLayers, function(target) {
return layerIsChildOf(lyr, target);
})) return;
lyr.visible = false;
forEach(targetLayers, function(lyr) {
// show layer (and any hidden parent layers)
lyr.visible = false; // hide again
// Re-show all layers except image layers
forEach(hiddenLayers, function(lyr) {
if (indexOf(targetLayers, lyr) == -1) {
lyr.visible = true;
// ab: artboard (assumed to be the active artboard)
function captureArtboardImage(imgName, ab, masks, settings) {
var formats = settings.image_format;
var imgHtml;
// This test can be expensive... consider enabling the empty artboard test only if an option is set.
// if (testEmptyArtboard(ab)) return '';
if (!formats.length) {
warnOnce('No images were created because no image formats were specified.');
return '';
if (formats[0] != 'auto' && formats[0] != 'jpg' && artboardContainsVisibleRasterImage(ab)) {
warnOnce('An artboard contains a raster image -- consider exporting to jpg instead of ' +
formats[0] + '.');
forEach(formats, function(fmt) {
var html;
fmt = resolveArtboardImageFormat(fmt, ab);
html = exportImage(imgName, fmt, ab, masks, null, settings);
if (!imgHtml) {
// use embed code for first of multiple formats
imgHtml = html;
return imgHtml;
// Create an <img> tag for the artboard image
function generateImageHtml(imgFile, imgId, imgClass, imgStyle, ab, settings) {
var imgDir = settings.image_source_path,
imgAlt = encodeHtmlEntities(settings.image_alt_text || ''),
html, src;
if (imgDir === null) {
imgDir = settings.image_output_path;
src = pathJoin(imgDir, imgFile);
if (settings.cache_bust_token) {
src += '?v=' + settings.cache_bust_token;
html = '\t\t<img id="' + imgId + '" class="' + imgClass + '" alt="' + imgAlt + '"';
if (imgStyle) {
html += ' style="' + imgStyle + '"';
if (isTrue(settings.use_lazy_loader)) {
html += ' data-src="' + src + '"';
// placeholder while image loads
// (<img> element requires a src attribute, according to spec.)
src = '';
html += ' src="' + src + '"/>\r';
return html;
function incrementCacheBustToken(settings) {
var c = settings.cache_bust_token;
if (parseInt(c) != +c) {
warn('cache_bust_token should be a positive integer');
} else {
updateSettingsEntry('cache_bust_token', +c + 1);
// Create a promo image from the largest usable artboard
function createPromoImage(settings) {
var abIndex = findLargestArtboard();
if (abIndex == -1) return; // TODO: show error
var ab = doc.artboards[abIndex],
format = getPromoImageFormat(ab, settings),
imgFile = getImageFileName(getDocumentName() + '-promo', format),
outputPath = docPath + imgFile,
opts = {
image_width: settings.promo_image_width || 1024,
jpg_quality: settings.jpg_quality,
png_number_of_colors: settings.png_number_of_colors,
png_transparent: false
exportRasterImage(outputPath, ab, format, opts);
alert('Promo image created\nLocation: ' + outputPath);
// Returns 1 or 2 (corresponding to standard pixel scale and 'retina' pixel scale)
// format: png, png24 or jpg
// doubleres: true/false ('always' option has been removed)
// NOTE: this function used to force single-res for png images > 3 megapixels,
// because of resource limits on early iphones. This rule has been changed
// to a warning and the limit increased.
function getOutputImagePixelRatio(width, height, format, doubleres) {
var k = isTrue(doubleres) ? 2 : 1;
// thresholds may be obsolete
var warnThreshold = format == 'jpg' ? 32*1024*1024 : 5*1024*1024; // jpg and png
var pixels = width * height * k * k;
if (pixels > warnThreshold) {
warn('An output image contains ~' + Math.round(pixels / 1e6) + ' million pixels -- this may cause problems on mobile devices');
return k;
// Exports contents of active artboard as an image (without text, unless in test mode)
// imgPath: full path of output file
// ab: assumed to be active artboard
// format: png, png24, jpg
function exportRasterImage(imgPath, ab, format, settings) {
// This constant is specified in the Illustrator Scripting Reference under ExportOptionsJPEG.
var MAX_JPG_SCALE = 776.19;
var abPos = convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect);
var imageScale, exportOptions, fileType;
if (settings.image_width) { // fixed width (used for promo image output)
imageScale = 100 * settings.image_width / abPos.width;
} else {
imageScale = 100 * getOutputImagePixelRatio(abPos.width, abPos.height, format, settings.use_2x_images_if_possible);
if (format=='png') {
fileType = ExportType.PNG8;
exportOptions = new ExportOptionsPNG8();
exportOptions.colorCount = settings.png_number_of_colors;
exportOptions.transparency = isTrue(settings.png_transparent);
} else if (format=='png24') {
fileType = ExportType.PNG24;
exportOptions = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
exportOptions.transparency = isTrue(settings.png_transparent);
} else if (format=='jpg') {
if (imageScale > MAX_JPG_SCALE) {
imageScale = MAX_JPG_SCALE;
warn(imgPath.split('/').pop() + ' was output at a smaller size than desired because of a limit on jpg exports in Illustrator.' +
' If the file needs to be larger, change the image format to png which does not appear to have limits.');
fileType = ExportType.JPEG;
exportOptions = new ExportOptionsJPEG();
exportOptions.qualitySetting = settings.jpg_quality;
} else {
warn('Unsupported image format: ' + format);
exportOptions.horizontalScale = imageScale;
exportOptions.verticalScale = imageScale;
exportOptions.artBoardClipping = true;
exportOptions.antiAliasing = false;
app.activeDocument.exportFile(new File(imgPath), fileType, exportOptions);
// Copy contents of an artboard to a temporary document, excluding objects
// that are hidden by masks
// layers Optional argument to copy specific layers (default is all layers)
// Returns a newly-created document containing artwork to export, or null
// if no image should be created.
// TODO: grouped text is copied (but hidden). Avoid copying text in groups, for
// smaller SVG output.
function copyArtboardForImageExport(ab, masks, layers) {
var layerMasks = filter(masks, function(o) {return !!o.layer;}),
artboardBounds = ab.artboardRect,
sourceLayers = layers || toArray(doc.layers),
destLayer = doc.layers.add(),
destGroup = doc.groupItems.add(),
itemCount = 0,
groupPos, group2, doc2; = 'ArtboardContent';
destGroup.move(destLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
forEach(sourceLayers, copyLayer);
// kludge: export empty documents iff layers argument is missing (assuming
// this is the main artboard image, which is needed to set the container size)
if (itemCount > 0 || !layers) {
// need to save group position before copying to second document. Oddly,
// the reported position of the original group changes after duplication
groupPos = destGroup.position;
// create temp document (pretty slow -- ~1.5s)
doc2 = app.documents.add(DocumentColorSpace.RGB, doc.width, doc.height, 1);
doc2.pageOrigin = doc.pageOrigin; // not sure if needed
doc2.rulerOrigin = doc.rulerOrigin;
doc2.artboards[0].artboardRect = artboardBounds;
group2 = destGroup.duplicate(doc2.layers[0], ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
group2.position = groupPos;
return doc2 || null;
function copyLayer(lyr) {
var mask;
if (lyr.hidden) return; // ignore hidden layers
mask = findLayerMask(lyr);
if (mask) {
copyMaskedLayerAsGroup(lyr, mask);
} else {
forEach(getSortedLayerItems(lyr), copyLayerItem);
function removeHiddenItems(group) {
// only remove text frames, for performance
// TODO: consider checking all item types
// TODO: consider checking subgroups (recursively)
// FIX: convert group.textFrames to array to avoid runtime error 'No such element' in forEach()
forEach(toArray(group.textFrames), removeItemIfHidden);
function removeItemIfHidden(item) {
if (item.hidden) item.remove();
// Item: Layer (sublayer) or PageItem
function copyLayerItem(item) {
if (item.typename == 'Layer') {
} else {
copyPageItem(item, destGroup);
// TODO: locked objects in masked layer may not be included in mask.items array
// consider traversing layer in this function ...
// make sure doubly masked objects aren't copied twice
function copyMaskedLayerAsGroup(lyr, mask) {
var maskBounds = mask.mask.geometricBounds;
var newMask, newGroup;
if (!testBoundsIntersection(artboardBounds, maskBounds)) {
newGroup = doc.groupItems.add();
newGroup.move(destGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
forEach(mask.items, function(item) {
copyPageItem(item, newGroup);
if (newGroup.pageItems.length > 0) {
// newMask = duplicateItem(mask.mask, destGroup);
// TODO: refactor
newMask = mask.mask.duplicate(destGroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND);
newGroup.clipped = true;
} else {
// Remove opacity and multiply from an item and add to the item's
// name property (exported as an SVG id). This prevents AI's SVG exporter
// from converting these items to images. The styles are later parsed out
// of the SVG id in reapplyEffectsInSVG().
// Example names: Z--opacity50 Z--multiply--original-name
// TODO: handle other styles that cause image conversion
// (This trick does not work for many other effects, like drop shadows and
// styles added via the Appearance panel).
function handleEffects(item) {
var name = '';
if (item.opacity && item.opacity < 100) {
name += '-opacity' + item.opacity;
item.opacity = 100;
if (item.blendingMode == BlendModes.MULTIPLY) {
item.blendingMode = BlendModes.NORMAL;
name += '-multiply';
if (name) {
if ( {
name += '--' +;
} = 'Z-' + name;
function findLayerMask(lyr) {
return find(layerMasks, function(o) {return o.layer == lyr;});
function copyPageItem(item, dest) {
var excluded =
// item.typename == 'TextFrame' || // text objects should be copied if visible
!testBoundsIntersection(item.geometricBounds, artboardBounds) ||
objectIsHidden(item) || item.clipping;
var copy;
if (!excluded) {
copy = item.duplicate(dest, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND); // duplicateItem(item, dest);
if (copy.typename == 'GroupItem') {
// Returns true if a file was created or else false (because svg document was empty);
function exportSVG(ofile, ab, masks, layers, settings) {
// Illustrator's SVG output contains all objects in a document (it doesn't
// clip to the current artboard), so we copy artboard objects to a temporary
// document for export.
var exportDoc = copyArtboardForImageExport(ab, masks, layers);
var opts = new ExportOptionsSVG();
if (!exportDoc) return false;
opts.embedAllFonts = false;
opts.fontSubsetting = SVGFontSubsetting.None;
opts.compressed = false;
opts.documentEncoding = SVGDocumentEncoding.UTF8;
opts.embedRasterImages = isTrue(settings.svg_embed_images);
// opts.DTD = SVGDTDVersion.SVG1_1;
opts.DTD = SVGDTDVersion.SVGTINY1_2;
opts.cssProperties = SVGCSSPropertyLocation.STYLEATTRIBUTES;
// SVGTINY* DTD variants:
// * Smaller file size (50% on one test file)
// * Convert raster/vector effects to external .png images (other DTDs use jpg)
exportDoc.exportFile(new File(ofile), ExportType.SVG, opts);
return true;
function rewriteSVGFile(path, id) {
var svg = readFile(path);
var selector;
if (!svg) return;
// replace id created by Illustrator (relevant for inline SVG)
svg = svg.replace(/id="[^"]*"/, 'id="' + id + '"');
// reapply opacity and multiply effects
svg = reapplyEffectsInSVG(svg);
// prevent SVG strokes from scaling
// (add element id to selector to prevent inline SVG from affecting other SVG on the page)
selector = map('rect,circle,path,line,polyline,polygon'.split(','), function(name) {
return '#' + id + ' ' + name;
}).join(', ');
svg = injectCSSinSVG(svg, selector + ' { vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke; }');
// remove images from filesystem and SVG file
svg = removeImagesInSVG(svg, path);
saveTextFile(path, svg);
function reapplyEffectsInSVG(svg) {
var rxp = /id="Z-(-[^"]+)"/g;
var opacityRxp = /-opacity([0-9]+)/;
var multiplyRxp = /-multiply/;
function replace(a, b) {
var style = '', retn;
if (multiplyRxp.test(b)) {
style += 'mix-blend-mode:multiply;';
b = b.replace(multiplyRxp, '');
if (opacityRxp.test(b)) {
style += 'opacity:' + parseOpacity(b) + ';';
b = b.replace(opacityRxp, '');
retn = 'style="' + style + '"';
if (b.indexOf('--') === 0) {
// restore original id
retn = 'id="' + b.substr(2) + '" ' + retn;
return retn;
function parseOpacity(str) {
var found = str.match(opacityRxp);
return parseInt(found[1]) / 100;
return svg.replace(rxp, replace);
function removeImagesInSVG(content, path) {
var dir = pathSplit(path)[0];
var count = 0;
content = content.replace(/<image[^<]+href="([^"]+)"[^<]+<\/image>/gm, function(match, href) {
deleteFile(pathJoin(dir, href));
return '';
if (count > 0) {
warnOnce('This document contains images or effects that can\'t be exported to SVG.');
return content;
// Note: stopped wrapping CSS in CDATA tags (caused problems with NYT cms)
// TODO: check for XML reserved chars
function injectCSSinSVG(content, css) {
var style = '<style>\n' + css + '\n</style>';
return content.replace('</svg>', style + '\n</svg>');
// ===================================
// ai2html output generation functions
// ===================================
// Add ab content to an output
function assignArtboardContentToFile(name, abData, outputArr) {
var obj = find(outputArr, function(o) {return == name;});
if (!obj) {
obj = {name: name, html: '', js: '', css: ''};
obj.html += abData.html;
obj.js += abData.js;
obj.css += abData.css;
function generateArtboardDiv(ab, settings) {
var id = nameSpace + getArtboardFullName(ab, settings);
var classname = nameSpace + 'artboard';
var widthRange = getArtboardWidthRange(ab, settings);
var visibleRange = getArtboardVisibilityRange(ab, settings);
var abBox = convertAiBounds(ab.artboardRect);
var aspectRatio = abBox.width / abBox.height;
var inlineStyle = '';
var inlineSpacerStyle = '';
var html = '';
// Set size of graphic using inline CSS
if (widthRange[0] == widthRange[1]) {
// fixed width
// inlineSpacerStyle += "width:" + abBox.width + "px; height:" + abBox.height + "px;";
inlineStyle += 'width:' + abBox.width + 'px; height:' + abBox.height + 'px;';
} else {
// Set height of dynamic artboards using vertical padding as a %, to preserve aspect ratio.
inlineSpacerStyle = 'padding: 0 0 ' + formatCssPct(abBox.height, abBox.width) + ' 0;';
if (widthRange[0] > 0) {
inlineStyle += 'min-width: ' + widthRange[0] + 'px;';
if (widthRange[1] < Infinity) {
inlineStyle += 'max-width: ' + widthRange[1] + 'px;';
inlineStyle += 'max-height: ' + Math.round(widthRange[1] / aspectRatio) + 'px';
html += '\t<div id="' + id + '" class="' + classname + '" style="' + inlineStyle + '"';
html += ' data-aspect-ratio="' + roundTo(aspectRatio, 3) + '"';
if (isTrue(settings.include_resizer_widths)) {
html += ' data-min-width="' + visibleRange[0] + '"';
if (visibleRange[1] < Infinity) {
html += ' data-max-width="' + visibleRange[1] + '"';
html += '>\r';
// add spacer div
html += '<div style="' + inlineSpacerStyle + '"></div>\n';
return html;
function generateArtboardCss(ab, cssRules, settings) {
var t3 = '\t',
t4 = t3 + '\t',
abId = '#' + nameSpace + getArtboardFullName(ab, settings),
css = '';
css += t3 + abId + ' {\r';
css += t4 + 'position:relative;\r';
css += t4 + 'overflow:hidden;\r';
css += t3 + '}\r';
// classes for paragraph and character styles
forEach(cssRules, function(cssBlock) {
css += t3 + abId + ' ' + cssBlock;
return css;
// Get CSS styles that are common to all generated content
function generatePageCss(containerId, settings) {
var css = '';
var t2 = '\t';
var t3 = '\r\t\t';
var blockStart = t2 + '#' + containerId + ' ';
var blockEnd = '\r' + t2 + '}\r';
if (settings.max_width) {
css += blockStart + '{';
css += t3 + 'max-width:' + settings.max_width + 'px;';
css += blockEnd;
if (isTrue(settings.center_html_output)) {
css += blockStart + ',\r' + blockStart + '.' + nameSpace + 'artboard {';
css += t3 + 'margin:0 auto;';
css += blockEnd;
if (settings.clickable_link !== '') {
css += blockStart + ' .' + nameSpace + 'ai2htmlLink {';
css += t3 + 'display: block;';
css += blockEnd;
// default <p> styles
css += blockStart + 'p {';
css += t3 + 'margin:0;';
if (isTrue(settings.testing_mode)) {
css += t3 + 'color: rgba(209, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;';
css += blockEnd;
css += blockStart + '.' + nameSpace + 'aiAbs {';
css += t3 + 'position:absolute;';
css += blockEnd;
css += blockStart + '.' + nameSpace + 'aiImg {';
css += t3 + 'position:absolute;';
css += t3 + 'top:0;';
css += t3 + 'display:block;';
css += t3 + 'width:100% !important;';
css += blockEnd;
css += blockStart + '.' + getSymbolClass() + ' {';
css += t3 + 'position: absolute;';
css += t3 + 'box-sizing: border-box;';
css += blockEnd;
css += blockStart + '.' + nameSpace + 'aiPointText p { white-space: nowrap; }\r';
return css;
// Create a settings file (optimized for the NYT Scoop CMS)
function generateYamlFileContent(settings) {
var range = getWidthRangeForConfig(settings);
var lines = [];
lines.push('ai2html_version: ' + scriptVersion);
lines.push('project_type: ' + settings.project_type);
lines.push('type: embeddedinteractive');
lines.push('tags: ai2html');
lines.push('min_width: ' + range[0]);
lines.push('max_width: ' + range[1]);
if (isTrue(settings.dark_mode_compatible)) {
// kludge to output YAML array value for one setting
lines.push('display_overrides:\n - DARK_MODE_COMPATIBLE');
forEach(settings.config_file, function(key) {
var value = trim(String(settings[key]));
var useQuotes = value === '' || /\s/.test(value);
if (key == 'show_in_compatible_apps') {
// special case: this setting takes quoted 'yes' or 'no'
useQuotes = true; // assuming value is 'yes' or 'no';
value = isTrue(value) ? 'yes' : 'no';
if (useQuotes) {
value = JSON.stringify(value); // wrap in quotes and escape internal quotes
} else if (isTrue(value) || isFalse(value)) {
// use standard values for boolean settings
value = isTrue(value) ? 'true' : 'false';
lines.push(key + ': ' + value);
return lines.join('\n');
function getResizerScript(containerId) {
// The resizer function is embedded in the HTML page -- external variables must
// be passed in.
// TODO: Consider making artboard images position:absolute and setting
// height as a padding % (calculated from the aspect ratio of the graphic).
// This will correctly set the initial height of the graphic before
// an image is loaded.
var resizer = function (containerId, opts) {
var nameSpace = opts.namespace || '';
var containers = findContainers(containerId);
function resize(container) {
var onResize = throttle(update, 200);
var waiting = !!window.IntersectionObserver;
var observer;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', update);
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
// NYT Scoop-specific code
if (opts.setup) {
opts.setup(container).on('cleanup', cleanup);
function cleanup() {
document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', update);
window.removeEventListener('resize', onResize);
if (observer) observer.disconnect();
function update() {
var artboards = selectChildren('.' + nameSpace + 'artboard[data-min-width]', container),
width = Math.round(container.getBoundingClientRect().width);
// Set artboard visibility based on container width
artboards.forEach(function(el) {
var minwidth = el.getAttribute('data-min-width'),
maxwidth = el.getAttribute('data-max-width');
if (+minwidth <= width && (+maxwidth >= width || maxwidth === null)) {
if (!waiting) {
selectChildren('.' + nameSpace + 'aiImg', el).forEach(updateImgSrc);
selectChildren('video', el).forEach(updateVideoSrc);
} = 'block';
} else { = 'none';
// Initialize lazy loading on first call
if (waiting && !observer) {
if (elementInView(container)) {
waiting = false;
} else {
observer = new IntersectionObserver(onIntersectionChange, {});
function onIntersectionChange(entries) {
// There may be multiple entries relating to the same container
// (captured at different times)
var isIntersecting = entries.reduce(function(memo, entry) {
return memo || entry.isIntersecting;
}, false);
if (isIntersecting) {
waiting = false;
// update: don't remove -- we need the observer to trigger an update
// when a hidden map becomes visible after user interaction
// (e.g. when an accordion menu or tab opens)
// observer.disconnect();
// observer = null;
function findContainers(id) {
// support duplicate ids on the page
return selectChildren('.ai2html-responsive', document).filter(function(el) {
if (el.getAttribute('id') != id) return false;
if (el.classList.contains('ai2html-resizer')) return false;
return true;
// Replace blank placeholder image with actual image
function updateImgSrc(img) {
var src = img.getAttribute('data-src');
if (src && img.getAttribute('src') != src) {
img.setAttribute('src', src);
function updateVideoSrc(el) {
var src = el.getAttribute('data-src');
if (src && !el.hasAttribute('src')) {
el.setAttribute('src', src);
function elementInView(el) {
var bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect();
return < window.innerHeight && bounds.bottom > 0;
function selectChildren(selector, parent) {
return parent ? : [];
// based on underscore.js
function throttle(func, wait) {
var timeout = null, previous = 0;
function run() {
previous =;
timeout = null;
return function() {
var remaining = wait - ( - previous);
if (remaining <= 0 || remaining > wait) {
} else if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(run, remaining);
var optStr = '{namespace: "' + nameSpace + '", setup: window.setupInteractive || window.getComponent}';
// convert resizer function to JS source code
var resizerJs = '(' +
trim(resizer.toString().replace(/ {2}/g, '\t')) + // indent with tabs
')("' + containerId + '", ' + optStr + ');';
return '<script type="text/javascript">\r\t' + resizerJs + '\r</script>\r';
// Write an HTML page to a file for NYT Preview
function outputLocalPreviewPage(textForFile, localPreviewDestination, settings) {
var localPreviewTemplateText = readTextFile(docPath + settings.local_preview_template);
settings.ai2htmlPartial = textForFile; // TODO: don't modify global settings this way
var localPreviewHtml = applyTemplate(localPreviewTemplateText, settings);
saveTextFile(localPreviewDestination, localPreviewHtml);
function addCustomContent(content, customBlocks) {
if (customBlocks.css) {
content.css += '\r\t/* Custom CSS */\r\t' + customBlocks.css.join('\r\t') + '\r';
if (customBlocks['html-before']) {
content.html = '<!-- Custom HTML -->\r' + customBlocks['html-before'].join('\r') + '\r' + content.html + '\r';
if (customBlocks['html-after']) {
content.html += '\r<!-- Custom HTML -->\r' + customBlocks['html-after'].join('\r') + '\r';
// deprecated
if (customBlocks.html) {
content.html += '\r<!-- Custom HTML -->\r' + customBlocks.html.join('\r') + '\r';
// TODO: assumed JS contained in <script> tag -- verify this?
if (customBlocks.js) {
content.js += '\r<!-- Custom JS -->\r' + customBlocks.js.join('\r') + '\r';
// Wrap content HTML in a <div>, add styles and resizer script, write to a file
function generateOutputHtml(content, pageName, settings) {
var linkSrc = settings.clickable_link || '';
var responsiveJs = '';
var containerId = nameSpace + pageName + '-box';
var textForFile, html, js, css, commentBlock;
var htmlFileDestinationFolder, htmlFileDestination;
var containerClasses = 'ai2html';
progressBar.setTitle('Writing HTML output...');
if (isTrue(settings.include_resizer_script)) {
responsiveJs = getResizerScript(containerId);
containerClasses += ' ai2html-responsive';
// comments
commentBlock = '<!-- Generated by ai2html v' + scriptVersion + ' - ' +
getDateTimeStamp() + ' -->\r' + '<!-- ai file: ' + + ' -->\r';
if (scriptEnvironment == 'nyt-preview') {
commentBlock += '<!-- preview: ' + settings.preview_slug + ' -->\r';
if (settings.scoop_slug_from_config_yml) {
commentBlock += '<!-- scoop: ' + settings.scoop_slug_from_config_yml + ' -->\r';
html = '<div id="' + containerId + '" class="' + containerClasses + '">\r';
if (linkSrc) {
// optional link around content
html += '\t<a class="' + nameSpace + 'ai2htmlLink" href="' + linkSrc + '">\r';
html += content.html;
if (linkSrc) {
html += '\t</a>\r';
html += '\r</div>\r';
// CSS
css = '<style media="screen,print">\r' +
generatePageCss(containerId, settings) +
content.css +
// JS
js = content.js + responsiveJs;
textForFile = '\r' + commentBlock + css + '\r' + html + '\r' + js +
'<!-- End ai2html' + ' - ' + getDateTimeStamp() + ' -->\r';
textForFile = applyTemplate(textForFile, settings);
htmlFileDestinationFolder = docPath + settings.html_output_path;
checkForOutputFolder(htmlFileDestinationFolder, 'html_output_path');
htmlFileDestination = htmlFileDestinationFolder + pageName + settings.html_output_extension;
if (settings.output == 'one-file' && settings.project_type == 'ai2html') {
htmlFileDestination = htmlFileDestinationFolder + 'index' + settings.html_output_extension;
// write file
saveTextFile(htmlFileDestination, textForFile);
// process local preview template if appropriate
if (settings.local_preview_template !== '') {
// TODO: may have missed a condition, need to compare with original version
var previewFileDestination = htmlFileDestinationFolder + pageName + '.preview.html';
outputLocalPreviewPage(textForFile, previewFileDestination, settings);
} // end main() function definition
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