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Last active December 21, 2015 17:19
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MozFest session proposals by @oncletom & @DavidBruant WORK IN PROGRESS


Hack your building! ("make the web physical" track)


Imagine you could contribute code to improve your building elevator. How would you prioritize it?

What will your session allow people to make, learn or do?

People will learn to fix the elevator first with their devtools changing the DOM+CSS manually, then with the browser console, then writing a simple artificial intelligence that takes care of elevators as people request it.

How do deal with various room sizes?


Groups of 3-4 working together to fix the elevator. Groups by level so that novices are together (and face+solve issues of same level together)

What outcomes do you like to see out of this session?

The outcome is the process. People will learn HTML/CSS/JavaScript/devtools through making/fixing.

How do you see that working?

People will be learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript as they go, following the gradual level of difficulty. Session hosts will help people as they get stuck.

How long within your session before someone can teach this?

A day after.

What organizations or companies might be interested to participate in this session?

Organizations teaching code may be particularly interested in the simple exercise and gradual complexity approach of the exercise. Other than that, anyone can come and learn, regardless of their level.


Web browser productivity ("learning lab" format)


We use ~20% of the power of the web browsers we use every day. This session aims at making participants share productivity tips. From addons to user scripts, from devtools to useful free services on the web. A session for community managers, journalists, developers, or any person using a web browser, really.

What will your session allow people to make, learn or do?

This session will be shaped by its participants and what they bring to the table, but typically, people will learn about web browser addons, user scripts, maybe make some simple ones if the audience is already code-literate. People will learn a couple of tips on how to use browser devtools, supposedly for web developers, but which can be used by anyone if explained properly.

How do deal with various room sizes?


Informal moderated discussion with a note taker.


Breaking down in group based on interests initially. Gather up and share tips during the last third of the session.

What outcomes do you like to see out of this session?

Etherpad of tips and advice on addons/user scripts/

How do you see that working?

People explaining what they struggle with on a daily basis, sharing what they wish they could do. And some other people telling them what they've been looking for already exists and is a URL + 3 clicks away :-) Depending on what comes up, people hacking on code to write Firefox/Chrome addons or user scripts.

How long within your session before someone can teach this?

Right after.

What organizations or companies might be interested to participate in this session?

Everyone, every organization.

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