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Created September 18, 2013 10:07
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var win = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow;
var console = win.console;
var P = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var dbg = new Debugger();
var dbgwin = dbg.addDebuggee(win)
var code = "(function(global){ var secret = Math.random(); window.whatever = function(){ var a = Math.random(); debugger; return String(secret+a)[5] } })(window);";
var envInsideCall;
dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function(){
envInsideCall = dbgwin.getOwnPropertyDescriptor('whatever').value.environment;
console.log('envInsideCall at debugger statement', envInsideCall.names(), envInsideCall.getVariable('secret'), envInsideCall.getVariable('a'));
dbgwin.getOwnPropertyDescriptor('eval'), code);
envOutsideCall = dbgwin.getOwnPropertyDescriptor('whatever').value.environment;
console.log("same env?", envInsideCall, envOutsideCall, envInsideCall === envOutsideCall)
console.log(envInsideCall.names(), envInsideCall.getVariable('secret'))
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