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  • Save DoctorDerek/4b3f092b6fdc9ce3143b9bafaadba752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Not Safe to Copy: Date, undefined, and Infinity
const notSafeToCopy = [new Date(), undefined, [Infinity]]
const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(notSafeToCopy)) // [Date object, undefined, [Infinity]] // ["2022-04-24T20:09:16.309Z", null, [null]]
// At least we did make a deep copy, but the data is all wrong:
const copyDos = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(notSafeToCopy))
copyDos[2][0] = -Infinity // Change deeply-nested [null] to [-Infinity] // [Date object, undefined, [Infinity]] // ["2022-04-24T20:09:16.309Z", null, [-Infinity]]
// The change to the "deep copy" didn't affect the original array.
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