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Last active February 27, 2020 17:08
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Project Reflection Gist
# Intentional Timer Reflection
The aim of this project was to create a application that allowed the user to have a visual guide concerning their
productivity time in three separate categories. The app would accurately keep track of the time spent doing each activity,
and give the user the capability to reference previous activity periods in a list format.
Overall, the approach to working on this paired project began with both project members targeting specific fields that
they specialize in at first to give the project its initial skeleton and aesthetics, and then converging together for a
driver-navigator approach or paired programming to tackle those areas that some may perceive as a weakness or deficiency
in knowledge. For this project, JavaScript was a harrowing concept for both parties, so it was the field in which both of
us worked the most collaboratively on.
When it came down to a coding roadblock that prevented us from progressing in the project, the first step was usually to
utilize as much information as we could from well-established resources like Stack Overflow or MDN to try and at least
get a grasp on the feature or concept we were trying to implement into our code. Once we had a reference point, we then
reached out to other developers in our field and beyond to try and collaboratively figure out the best way to execute
the plan or feature, before implementing it.
A technical takeaway I gained from this project was the power of the Debugger in the Chrome DevTools. While it is not
a resource taught in the early weeks at Turing, it was instrumental in helping to find exactly where an issue was and
pinpoint either the source of an error, or the outline of exactly how our application was reading (or not reading)
through code we'd specifically written for it.
# Which Beyonce Reflection
The aim of this project was to create a matching game that accurately tracked the time and number of matches the user
acquired for each one. The app featured different images of Beyonce, with a UI comp designed to resemble the actualy
website of the singer.
A disagreement shared between a partner during this project was concerning the naming of one of our JavaScript functions.
The aim of the function was to show all of the cards once the page loaded. As such, for the sake of simplicity, I
decided to name the function showCards. However my partner thought it better to be named displayCards and was quite
adamant about having the name changed. At first, I was confused considering to me, those two things were saying the
exact same thing, but that was not the case for my partner who interpreted a clear difference between the two terms. I
initially thought it was ridiculous to go back and change the name, so I refused to on account of the fact that the
actual name of the function didn't truly matter and as long as it did what its name implied and was clear to future
developers, it could be named whatever we wanted it to. However, that revelation was what ultimately made me go back
and change it. It truly didn't matter what the name was and it was something my partner felt strongly about, enough to
create a point of contention in our project. So rather than be stubborn about something so trivial, it made more sense
to do what I could to improve cohesion amongst the group rather than create a source of conflict for no reason.
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