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Created April 26, 2019 10:33
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Build core and colors on sd-unity
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Sass build only skin colors
# Use: type "colors" in bash console, or npm run colors,
# make sure eithe .bashrc or npm scripts are set up for this to work
# No Color
# Red
# Green
# Light purple
# Create an array from an external configuration file
readarray -t pathName < <(grep '"' grunt-config.json | cut -d '"' -f4)
#Removing last value of the path array so it doesn't show the path
unset 'pathName[${#pathname[@]}-1]'
#Creating a new array from grunt-config.json for the assests path only
readarray -t assetsPath < <(grep '"' grunt-config.json | cut -d '"' -f4)
# Get last element of the array to get the right path for assets
function build()
# Print the path of main css
printf "\n${light_purple}→${normal} Override @import in main.css with $brand, path: ${pathName[@]} ${NC}\n\n"
#Override the main.css
echo "@import url(\"../css/app.css\"); @import url(\"../assets/$brand/css/$brand.css\");" >${pathName[@]}/main.css
# Build sass and stamp times of the compiling task at the end
STARTTIME=$(date +%s)
eval "grunt core-colors-1 --skin=$brand"
ENDTIME=$(date +%s)
printf "\nCore & Colors compile time: ⌚ ${red} $(($ENDTIME - $STARTTIME)) seconds${normal}\n\n"
function core-colors()
printf "\n################ [${light_purple}Sass:${normal} Building core & brand skin colors] ################\n\n"
# Read the brand name from command line
read -p "Type brand name: " brand
# Setup the assets directory based on your grunt-config.json to create the "css" folder if doesn't exsist yet
# Exit the script if the brand name is left blank
if [[ -z "$brand" ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "No brand entered, will now exit..."
# If the directory exsist, build colors
elif [[ -d "$directory" ]]; then
printf "\nDirectory exist, task start!\n"
# If css directory does not exsist create one with the brand name the user just typed in then build
printf "\n${red}✗${normal} The css directory of the brand ${brand} in: ${directory}, does not exsist...\n"
# Set the directory path
# Create the new directory
mkdir -p -- "$newDirectory";
printf "\n${green}✓${normal} New css directory created for ${brand} brand in: "${newDirectory}
printf "\n"
printf "###############################################################"
# Run the script calling the function
printf "\n"
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