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Last active June 13, 2018 06:50
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Standard dnd fantasy. Campaign takes place on a mid-sized island, about 10 days walk coast to coast.

The Isle is relatively isolated; the only trade is by ocean and difficult. It takes ships 6-7 months to make the journey, and seasonal storms limit the frequency of arrivals.

The Isle has a large supply of gems and precious metals, which are in high demand back on the mainland. Commercial mining has only really picked up in the last fifty years or so. The population and prosperity of the main port city of Nawa is growing at a respectable clip.

Most of the island's wealth is held by the merchant's guild in the main port city. The guild, composed of around a dozen leading families, runs most of the mining operations and charters trade ships. The guild are mostly wealthy mainlanders hoping to build a fortune.

Outside of the port city of Nawa, the Isle is still relatively wild and sparsely populated -- there's nomadic roaming bands in a loose confederation in the north, villages of fishermen on the southern coast, etc.

The guild has hired four groups of player characters, and assigned each group an important task. They provided good supplies and equipment, and promise a much larger payout on successful completion of your task.

note: all ages are relative to lifespan. An elf listed as "50" years old may actually be 800.

UTILITY -- pick at least one

Half Elf Bard (played by Mary Sorensen)

 9 strength       16 charisma 
12 constitution    8 wisdom 
12 dexterity      17 intelligence

Age 22, neutral good, hermit

Felt compelled to forsake your past, but did so with great reluctance, and sometimes you regret making that decision. Went and lived with an order of elvish monks, where you learned about music and goodness and truth. Left the order because you fell in love with another wandering bard, and you hope to meet them again.

Feels tremendous empathy for all who suffer. Often gets lost in contemplation, becoming oblivious to the surroundings.

Belief. If you know yourself, there's nothing left to know.

Flaw: I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone.

Plays the fiddle. Big fan of elvish country music, which is like regular country music but stronger.

Forest Gnome Rogue

12 strength       11 charisma 
12 constitution   11 wisdom 
15 dexterity      14 intelligence

Age 55, true neutral, noble

Descended from a disgraced branch of gnomish nobility, and will do anything to clear the family name.

Doesn't like to dirty their hands, and won't be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations. Takes great pains to always look stylish and follow the latest fashions.

Really likes collecting rings, always wears about a dozen.

Has a younger sister who works as an accountant in the port city. You get along well, but she doesn't really approve of your criminal choices.

You helped steal back an important relic for the local dwarf temple, and now they owe you a favor. What they don't know is it was stolen (by your now ex-boss, who's still in town).

MAGIC USER -- pick at least one

Forest Gnome Sorcerer (played by Sav Bell)

11 strength       16 charisma 
13 constitution    7 wisdom 
12 dexterity      16 intelligence

Age 16, chaotic good, criminal

Grew up very poor. Will do whatever it takes to become wealthy and support their family.

A contract killer, has killed four people. Always calm, no matter what the situation. Someone else is in jail for one of your murders, and you're okay with it.

Magical powers manifested a few years ago, when their younger sister was being threatened by thugs. Exploded with magical force, and killed all the thugs.

Fond of understatement. Acts deceptively harmless.

Human Warlock

 9 strength       17 charisma 
12 constitution    9 wisdom 
15 dexterity      16 intelligence

Age 21, true neutral

When their parents died, was taken in by a reformed demon. Are very loyal to this demon. Has learned to be a good mediator and negotiator, able to find common ground between the fiercest enemies.

Once you pick a goal, you become tend to ignore everything else.

At least once a day, you must inscribe or carve your patron's name or symbol on the wall of a building.

TANK / HEALER -- pick at least one

Tiefling Druid

 6 strength       13 charisma 
16 constitution   15 wisdom 
10 dexterity      15 intelligence

You are a 20 year old true neutral tiefling hermit adventuring as a druid.

You try and stay balanced and impartial. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble.

You were called in a dream to become the caretaker for an ancient relic. This relic was an old elven sash, embued with spatial magic. This sash was stolen in your sleep, and you are on a quest to reclaim it.

Now that you've returned to the world, you enjoy its delights a little too much.

Your mother and father are both humans, from the northern tribes. They raise cattle, as does your older sister. Your younger brother works as a laborer in the port city of Nawa.

Dragonborn Fighter

16 strength        8 charisma 
14 constitution   14 wisdom 
12 dexterity      11 intelligence

You are a 21 year old lawful good dragonborn gladiator adventuring as a fighter.

You became a gladiator because you were always enamored by tales of heroes and wished you could be something more than ordinary. You are a perfectionist, and get petulant if you aren't the center of attention.

You are quite sassy, and your quick toungue often gets you in trouble.

Your fighting style is based around cunning and misdirection. You wait patiently for an opening, and then strike at just the right time.

You were an only child of minor nobles back on the mainland. You have travelled to the Isle in search of greater adventures and fame.

Human Fighter

16 strength       12 charisma 
13 constitution   12 wisdom 
17 dexterity       8 intelligence

You are a 18 year old lawful good human acolyte adventuring as a fighter.

You think that you're a Cleric, or that you hold your god's favor, when you actually don't. You quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation. You idolize a particular hero of your faith, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example. Your piety leads you to blindly trust those that profess faith in your god.

An old gladiator taught you how to fight. You fight effortlessly, with calm yet decisive strokes.

You were raised by your grandparents on the Isle, while your parents worked on the trading ships. You have a younger brother, but he's on the mainland now.

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