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Created January 4, 2016 20:53
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khamenei response
How and why #EveryHumanBeing who grew up in a country should be offered equal rights to all other citizens of that country.
Entrepreneur Greg Magarshak's Response
Why are there so many Jews in Palestine?
A mass immigration occurred as Jews chose to return to the land of their ancestors,
and build communities, as soon as such immigration was allowed.
Why didn't Jews stay in the countries of their birth?
The biggest waves of Jewish immigration came from countries where for centuries they
couldn't integrate, didn't have the same rights as others, and were persecuted and attacked.
Were there any benefits from the immigrants?
The immigrants purchased land legally and included many scientists, engineers, and
businesspeople who helped build up the region together, including electricity.
What led to the conflict between Jews and Arabs?
The rapidly shifting demographics led to a growing anti-immigrant sentiment which
Islamist leaders like Al Husseyni and Al Qassam systematically incited into violence.
How did the immigrants respond?
Revisionist Zionists organized paramiliary groups like Irgun and Lehi to
defend Jews and use their weapons in an escalating war of Zionism vs Islamism.
What led to the Nakba?
The UN partition resoluion led to skirmishes, exacerbated into a civil war
by extremists on both sides and foreign support by USSR vs Arab countries.
How were regular people affected?
Regular people who peacefully coexisted ended up in mass population transfers
similar to what occurred in India and Pakistan after the end of British rule.
Were these population transfers peaceful?
No. They were nearly always the result of war, violence, or expulsions/deportations.
After the war, both sides of the partition were ethnically cleansed.
Was there any stability after the war?
Yes, the 1949 armistice lines provided de factor borders between Israel and Jordan,
both internationally recognized states, and whose leaders secretly desired peace.
What led to the Palestinian refugee crisis?
While Israel and Jordan granted citizenship to all arriving Jewish and Arab refugees,
respectively, other Arab League countries kept them stateless, to "preserve Palestinian identity."
Why was there never a diplomatic resolution?
Nasser in Egypt, and Khruschev in USSR, trained and financed terrorist organizations
to undermine the sovereignty of US-backed Israel and Jordan, and redraw the borders.
Why are Palestinians still stateless?
No country is prepared to take in such a large refugee population, and start the
cycle all over again.
All this could have been avoided, and can still be resolved, if countries were obligated to grant the same rights to every human being who grew up in that country and spent their whole life there. When this happens, a gradual right of return can be offered which does not immediately result in a huge land rush and demographic shift. Equality and civil rights must be granted to people without them having to move en masse. Once the pressure in the pot is lowered, then immigration and justice can be done.
The United Nations should consider a Convention on the Rights of Permanent Residents, especially those who are native born. The Nakba is no excuse for any country to perpetuate statelessness and population crises can be solved more effectively when every individual human being can choose to remain where they live and still have rights.
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