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Last active June 27, 2023 20:10
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PulseAudio as a Server

Multiplexing Access to Audio Hardware via a Single PulseAudio Server

The goal of this setup is to create a single pulseaudio service which has sole access to the audio hardware while providing a server for many clients to use. This is not using the system wide mode as it doesn’t run as root, nor does it use the --system flag.

One disadvantage of this arrangement is that the commands pacmd and pactl will no longer work when run as your user. Both rely on the user dbus session instead of the socket for communicating with the pulseaudio daemon. To work around this issue one can run the respective commands as the pulseaudio user instead, e.g. sudo -u pulseaudio pactl info.


The pulseaudio group is used for authentication such that users in the pulseaudio group have permission to use and interact with the pulseaudio server via a unix socket.

# groupadd pulseaudio

The pulseaudio user is both a member of the pulseaudio group to provide appropriate permissions on the socket pulseaudio creates and as a member of the audio group for access to the sound hardware (/dev/snd*).

Optionally add the pulseaudio user to any additional groups such as lp for bluetooth functionality.

Then create pulseaudio’s home directory as it will be needed to store state files and databases.

# useradd -g pulseaudio -G audio -s /bin/nologin -m pulseaudio


Configure /etc/pulse/ to load the native protocol module using the auth-group mechanism which implicitly sets auth-enable-group to true. The published /tmp/pulseserver socket will be owned by the pulseaudio user and pulseaudio group.

load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-group=pulseaudio socket=/tmp/pulseserver

Prevent the server from exiting after an idle timeout by editting /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and changing the exit-idle-time setting to a negative value to disable this feature.


Lastly in /etc/pulse/client.conf configure the default-server to point to the /tmp/pulseserver socket for clients to use. This can be overridden on a per-user basis via local client.conf configuration or using the PULSE_SERVER environment.

Additionally disable the autospawn (mis)feature as systemd (or any supervisor) can manage this requirement more consistently.

default-server = unix:/tmp/pulseserver
autospawn = no


For access to the /tmp/pulseserver socket add your user to the pulseaudio group.

# gpasswd -a USER pulseaudio

Finally create a systemd unit or runit service to run the pulseaudio server as the pulseaudio user.


Description=Sound Server




exec chpst -u pulseaudio pulseaudio 2>&1
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