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Last active August 7, 2023 09:06
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Simple reactive statusbar

The main event loop

mkdir -pm0700 "$statusdir"

inotifywait -rqme close_write --format %f "$statusdir" | while read -r file; do
    if read -r -- "$file" < "$statusdir/$file"; then
        # ...

inotifywait can watch a directory of files. When one of those files triggers the close_write event a new variable can be synthesised based on the file name using read. The new variable will contain the first line of data from the file itself.

These new variables can be used with printf to create a formatted string designed for use in a typical statusbar.

If using bash it may also be possible to load the sleep loadable so in the rare case it is needed the cost of fork and exec can be eschewed.

enable -f "$(pkg-config --variable=loadablesdir bash)"/sleep sleep
This event loop can be arbitrarily fast. Any pre-formatting should be done before the values are written to files watched by inotifywait so only a minimum amount of work is needed display them inside the loop.

Using crond(8) or systemd.timer(5)

Some status updates which cannot be done using notification and have usually long intervals can be easily provided with per-user crond or systemd.timer services.

For example given a battery-status script, we could run it every five minutes using the following crontab:

*/5 *  *  *  * battery-status > "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"/statusbar/battery


  • Pre-initialised data

  • Multi-user

  • Persistence


Although all these examples are simple sh scripts it does not mean only shell can be used. Any language capable of writing files (even to stdout) is suitable for this.

Currently playing title from MPD

#!/bin/sh --

mkdir -pm0700 "$statusdir"

fmt='[[%artist% - ]%title%]|[%file%]'

mpc current -f "$fmt" > "%statusdir"/mpd

mpc idleloop | while read -r event; do
    case $event in
        player) mpc current -f "$fmt" > "%statusdir"/mpd

Real-time pulseaudio volume monitor

Use pactl subscribe to provide real-time volume notification for default sinks.

One potential improvement would be to pair this with another pacmd running as a "daemon" using exec_with_pipe to accept commands over a control fifo thereby avoiding execution of multiple pulseaudio clients.
#!/bin/sh --


mkdir -pm0700 -- "$statusdir" "$datadir"

if ! pulseaudio --check; then
    printf 'statusbar: pulsemonitor: pulseaudio not running\n' >&2
    exit 1

pastat() {
    pactl -f json list "$1" | jq -r '
        .[] | select(.state == "RUNNING" and (.muted | not)).volume
            | [keys_unsorted[] as $k | .[$k].value_percent[:-1] | tonumber]
            | add / length'

# Initial values.
pastat sinks > "$datadir"/vol
pastat sources > "$datadir"/mic

mkfifo -- "$statusdir"/pulsemonitor.pipe
pactl subscribe > "$statusdir"/pulsemonitor.pipe &

while read -r _ event _ type _; do
    if [[ $event = \'change\' ]]; then
        case $type in
            sink) pastat sinks > "$datadir"/vol ;;
            source) pastat sources > "$datadir"/mic
done < "$statusdir"/pulsemonitor.pipe
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