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Laughing at the abysm

Eduardo Rafael EduardoRFS

Laughing at the abysm
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type Eq<A, B> = <X>(a: A, eq: (x: A & B) => X) => X;
const refute = (x: never) => x;
const refl = <A, X>(a: A, eq: (x: A) => X) => eq(a);
const sickos = <A>(x: A, eq: Eq<A, number>) => eq(x, (x) => x);
const two = sickos(2, refl);
type Ty<A> =
| { tag: "number"; eq: Eq<A, number> }
| { tag: "string"; eq: Eq<A, string> };
module GADT = struct
type 'a option = Some : 'a -> 'a option | None : 'a option
let x = Some 1
let y = None
module Ty = struct
type _ ty = Int : int ty | String : string ty
let int = Int
class a =
method x = 1
class b =
method x = 2
[@@@ocaml.warning "-32"]
module Location = struct
include Location
let pp = print_loc
module Longident = struct
include Longident
type _ ticket
type _ contract
type operation
type address
type nat
type mutez = int
module rec Tezos : sig
val create_ticket : 'value -> nat -> 'value ticket
type value =
| Block of block
| Value of int
and block = {
mutable marked : bool;
fields : value array;
(* this doesn't work, fails when there is cycle and no progress *)
(* The idea here is that on each step we will be always traversing unmarked

Language Problems

Nominal Typing


Inference is weird for data types in OCaml due to modularity. Especially having records / variants with duplicated fields.

Solutions: weak subtyping


  • overalys should be a first class experience
module Fixed_array (P : sig
val length : int
end) : sig
type 'a t
val length : 'a t -> int
val make : 'a -> 'a t
val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a array

Instantiation in O(n)

Most of the time instantiation is actually O(n log n), this mostly don't matter as types are always small. But for big types by having an additional memory cell on every type, an array / vector can be created.


Doesn't matter how forall is encoded, instantiation needs to copy all sections of a type that may include an occurence of the free variable being instantiated.

Maybe an additional branching can be used to prevent allocation.