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Last active October 24, 2022 16:01
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struct Shake<Content: View>: View {
/// Set to true in order to animate
@Binding var shake: Bool
/// How many times the content will animate back and forth
var repeatCount = 3
/// Duration in seconds
var duration = 0.8
/// Range in pixels to go back and forth
var offsetRange = 10.0
@ViewBuilder let content: Content
var onCompletion: (() -> Void)?
@State private var xOffset = 0.0
var body: some View {
.offset(x: xOffset)
.onChange(of: shake) { shouldShake in
guard shouldShake else { return }
Task {
await animate()
shake = false
// Obs: some of factors must be 1.0.
private func animate() async {
let factor1 = 0.9
let eachDuration = duration * factor1 / CGFloat(repeatCount)
for _ in 0..<repeatCount {
await backAndForthAnimation(duration: eachDuration, offset: offsetRange)
let factor2 = 0.1
await animate(duration: duration * factor2) {
xOffset = 0.0
private func backAndForthAnimation(duration: CGFloat, offset: CGFloat) async {
let halfDuration = duration / 2
await animate(duration: halfDuration) {
self.xOffset = offset
await animate(duration: halfDuration) {
self.xOffset = -offset
extension View {
func shake(_ shake: Binding<Bool>,
repeatCount: Int = 3,
duration: CGFloat = 0.8,
offsetRange: CGFloat = 10,
onCompletion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> some View {
Shake(shake: shake,
repeatCount: repeatCount,
duration: duration,
offsetRange: offsetRange) {
} onCompletion: {
func animate(duration: CGFloat, _ execute: @escaping () -> Void) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
withAnimation(.linear(duration: duration)) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + duration) {
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