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Created October 22, 2019 07:16
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type term =
| Var of string
| Lam of string * term
| App of term * term
module SMap = Map.Make(String)
type value =
| Clos of string * term * env * (string * value) option ref
| Freevar of string
| StructApp of value * value
| Lazy of term * env
| Blackhole
and env = value ref SMap.t
let fresh = let r = ref 0 in fun prefix -> incr r; prefix ^ string_of_int !r
let evalcnt = ref 0
exception Timeout
let evalcnt_max = ref max_int
let makelazy t e =
match t with
| Var x -> SMap.find x e
| _ -> ref (Lazy (t, e))
let rec eval t e deep_flag =
incr evalcnt;
if !evalcnt > !evalcnt_max then raise Timeout;
match t with
| App (t1, t2) ->
begin match eval t1 e false with
| Lazy _ | Blackhole -> assert false
| Clos (x, t0, e0, _) ->
eval t0 (SMap.add x (makelazy t2 e) e0) deep_flag
| v -> StructApp (v, eval t2 e true)
| Lam (x, t) ->
let z =
if deep_flag then
let z = fresh "_x" in
Some (z, eval t (SMap.add x (ref (Freevar z)) e) true)
Clos (x, t, e, ref z)
| Var x ->
let u = SMap.find x e in
if deep_flag then begin
deepen u; !u
end else begin
force u
and deepen v =
match !v with
| Blackhole -> assert false
| Lazy (t, e) -> v := Blackhole; let r = eval t e true in v := r
| Clos (x, t1, e1, n) when !n = None ->
let z = fresh "_x" in
n := Some (z, eval t1 (SMap.add x (ref (Freevar z)) e1) true)
| _ -> ()
and force v =
match !v with
| Lazy (t, e) -> v := Blackhole; let r = eval t e false in v := r; r
| _ -> !v
let run t =
evalcnt := 0;
let r = eval t SMap.empty true in
let () = Random.init 42
let rec randterm n l =
if n = 0 then
if l = [] then Lam ("z", Var "z")
else Var (List.nth l ( (List.length l)))
else if 1000 < 500 then
let x = fresh "x" in Lam (x, randterm (n - 1) (x :: l))
let k = n in
App (randterm k l, randterm (n - k - 1) l)
let rec print_eole_term ff t =
match t with
| Var x -> Format.fprintf ff "%sA" x
| Lam (x, t) -> Format.fprintf ff "(%sA->%a)" x print_eole_term t
| App (t1, t2) -> Format.fprintf ff "(%a %a)" print_eole_term t1 print_eole_term t2
let rec print_eole_result ff v =
match v with
| Lazy _ | Blackhole -> assert false
| Freevar x -> Format.fprintf ff "%s" x
| StructApp (v1, v2) ->
Format.fprintf ff "(%a %a)" print_eole_result v1 print_eole_result v2
| Clos (_, _, e, n) ->
begin match !n with
| None -> assert false
| Some v ->
Format.fprintf ff "(%s->%a)" (fst v) print_eole_result (snd v);
let is_result_big r =
let c = ref 0 in
let rec aux v =
if !c > 100000 then raise Exit;
match v with
| Freevar _ -> incr c
| StructApp (v1, v2) -> incr c; aux v1; aux v2
| Clos (_, _, _, n) -> (match !n with None -> assert false | Some v -> incr c; aux (snd v))
| _ -> assert false
try aux r; false with Exit -> true
let eole_generate i t =
let mxred = 100000 in
let old = !evalcnt_max in
evalcnt_max := mxred;
begin match run t with
| r ->
if is_result_big r then
Format.printf "Result too big to print@."
else begin
let f = open_out ("eole_test/test_" ^ string_of_int i ^ ".in") in
Format.fprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel f) "%a.@." print_eole_term t;
close_out f;
let f = open_out ("eole_test/test_" ^ string_of_int i ^ ".out") in
Format.fprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel f) "%a@." print_eole_result r;
close_out f
| exception Timeout -> Format.printf "Timeout@."
evalcnt_max := old
let () =
for i = 1 to 10000 do
eole_generate i (randterm 1000 []);
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