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# Returns a subset of the original data with the selected features
subset = Feature_Selector.Subset()
# Returns Boxplot of features
X_size=8, figsize=(12,8),
# no model selected default is Random Forest, if classification is True it is a Classification problem
Feature_Selector = BorutaShap(importance_measure='shap',
classification=False), y=y, n_trials=100, random_state=0)
from BorutaShap import BorutaShap, load_data
X, y = load_data(data_type='regression')
Ekeany / Using Alternative Tree Based Models.ipynb
Created May 26, 2020 13:23
An example of Using the BorutaShap algorithm with different Base Learners
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class Node:
This class defines a node which creates a tree structure by recursively calling itself
whilst checking a number of ending parameters such as depth and min_leaf. It uses an exact greedy method
to exhaustively scan every possible split point. Algorithm is based on Frieman's 2001 Gradient Boosting Machines
Ekeany /
Last active May 26, 2024 15:44
A numpy/pandas implementation of XGBoost
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from math import e
class Node:
A node object that is recursivly called within itslef to construct a regression tree. Based on Tianqi Chen's XGBoost
the internal gain used to find the optimal split value uses both the gradient and hessian. Also a weighted quantlie sketch
and optimal leaf values all follow Chen's description in "XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System" the only thing not
Ekeany /
Created January 25, 2020 19:00
A naive gradient boosting implementation which I want to share on
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from math import e
class Node:
This class defines a node which creates a tree structure by recursively calling itself
whilst checking a number of ending parameters such as depth and min_leaf. It uses an exact greedy method
to exhaustively scan every possible split point. The gain metric of choice is conservation of varience.
This is a Naive solution and does not comapre to Frieman's 2001 Gradient Boosting Machines