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Forked from drawcode/WebWindow.cs
Created January 20, 2020 13:23
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Unity WebWindow (browser within unity editor window, helpful for tools that require a web view or more beyond basic controls).
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class WebWindow : EditorWindow {
static Rect windowRect = new Rect(100,100,800,600);
static BindingFlags fullBinding = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
static StringComparison ignoreCase = StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase;
object webView;
dynamic x;
Type webViewType;
MethodInfo doGUIMethod;
MethodInfo loadURLMethod;
MethodInfo focusMethod;
MethodInfo unFocusMethod;
Vector2 resizeStartPos;
Rect resizeStartWindowSize;
MethodInfo dockedGetterMethod;
string urlText = "";
[MenuItem ("Tools/Web Window %#w")]
static void Load() {
WebWindow window = WebWindow.GetWindow<WebWindow>();
void Init() {
//Set window rect
this.position = windowRect;
//Get WebView type
webViewType = GetTypeFromAllAssemblies("WebView");
//Init web view
//Get docked property getter MethodInfo
dockedGetterMethod = typeof(EditorWindow).GetProperty("docked", fullBinding).GetGetMethod(true);
private void InitWebView() {
webView = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(webViewType);
webViewType.GetMethod("InitWebView").Invoke(webView, new object[] {(int)position.width,(int)position.height,false});
webViewType.GetMethod("set_hideFlags").Invoke(webView, new object[] {13});
loadURLMethod = webViewType.GetMethod("LoadURL");
loadURLMethod.Invoke(webView, new object[] {urlText});
webViewType.GetMethod("SetDelegateObject").Invoke(webView, new object[] {this});
doGUIMethod = webViewType.GetMethod("DoGUI");
focusMethod = webViewType.GetMethod("Focus");
unFocusMethod = webViewType.GetMethod("UnFocus");
this.wantsMouseMove = true;
void OnGUI() {
unFocusMethod.Invoke(webView, null);
bool isDocked = (bool)(dockedGetterMethod.Invoke(this, null));
Rect webViewRect = new Rect(0,20,position.width,position.height - ((isDocked) ? 20 : 40));
if(Event.current.isMouse && Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && webViewRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) {
focusMethod.Invoke(webView, null);
//Hidden, disabled, button for taking focus away from urlfield
GUI.enabled = false;
GUI.Button(new Rect(-20,-20,5,5), string.Empty);
GUI.enabled = true;
//URL Label
GUI.Label(new Rect(0,0,30,20), "URL:");
//URL text field
urlText = GUI.TextField(new Rect(30,0, position.width-30, 20), urlText);
//Focus on web view if return is pressed in URL field
if(Event.current.isKey && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return && GUI.GetNameOfFocusedControl().Equals("urlfield")) {
loadURLMethod.Invoke(webView, new object[] {urlText});
focusMethod.Invoke(webView, null);
//Web view
if(webView != null)
doGUIMethod.Invoke(webView, new object[] {webViewRect});
private void OnWebViewDirty() {
public static Type GetTypeFromAllAssemblies(string typeName) {
Assembly[] assemblies = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
foreach(Assembly assembly in assemblies) {
Type[] types = assembly.GetTypes();
foreach(Type type in types) {
if(type.Name.Equals(typeName, ignoreCase) || type.Name.Contains('+' + typeName)) //+ check for inline classes
return type;
return null;
void OnDestroy() {
//Destroy web view
webViewType.GetMethod("DestroyWebView", fullBinding).Invoke(webView, null);
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