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Last active December 18, 2022 17:21
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Ozymandias spell design doc


Some spells might become talents later, dont worry about that just add spells



  • No stances
  • White hits generate rage, but some abilities do as well


  • Charge (has 2 charges, 15sec replenish time)
  • Demoralizing Shout
  • Thunder Clap
  • Pummel
  • Heroic Strike (10 rage, Queued on next attack, Deals WPN+100 damage. Cannot miss, be dodged or parried. Deals extra 100 damage if target is bleeding)
  • Chemical Rage (Drink a chemical concoction and enrage, gaining 20 rage instantly, and another 10 over 10 seconds)


  • Slam (15 rage, Deals WPN*80%+40 damage)
  • Puncture Armor (25 rage, 8sec CD, Deals WPN*330% damage and reduces target's armor by 20% for 15 seconds)
  • Mortal Strike (30 rage, 6sec CD, Deals WPN+300 damage and reduces healing to target by 50% for 6 seconds)
  • Enrage (Getting critically struck makes you deal 10% more physical damage for 10 seconds, and you heal 5% of max HP over 8 seconds)
  • Rend (10 rage, Causes target to bleed for WPN*0.1+100 damage over 15sec)
  • Overpower (Usable if target dodges or parries. Deals WPN+80 damage)


  • Shield Slam (6sec CD, Does BlockValue*2+200 Damage)
  • Revenge
  • Taunt (5sec CD)
  • AoE Taunt (1min CD)
  • Intervene
  • Spell Reflection
  • Shield Wall
  • Last Stand




  • During Inner Frost, next Fire spell costs no mana
  • During Inner Fire, next Frost spell costs no mana
  • Fire spells are high mana cost, Frost spells give back mana


  • Counterspell
  • Polymorph
  • Blink (15sec CD)
  • Mana Shield (Absorbs worth 15% of your max HP)
  • Manafont (Restore 30% of maximum MP)
  • Rune of Power (2min CD)
  • Runic Return (Move instantly to your Rune of Power)
  • Surecast (Next spell can't be interrupted)
  • Swiftcast (Next spell is cast instantly)
  • Master of Elements (Instant, 3s CD, Swaps Inner Frost with Inner Fire, and vice versa)
  • Flash Freeze (Instant, Freezes nearby enemies, rooting them)
  • Thunderbolt (3sec cast, Deals 800 dmg over 20 seconds)
  • Frostbolt (3sec cast, 600 dmg, slow, Gain a stack of Inner Frost)
  • Fireball (3sec cast, 700 dmg, Gain a stack of Inner Fire)
  • Blizzard (3sec cast, 1200 AoE damage over 8 sec + slow, Gain a stack of Inner Frost)
  • Flamestrike (3sec cast, 1000 AoE damage + 500 over 8 sec, Gain a stack of Inner Fire)
  • Ice Shards (Channeled, shoot enemy with ice shards. 250 dmg per second. Requires Inner Frost 3)
  • Ice Nova (4.5sec cast, 1800 AoE damage + slow, Requires Inner Frost 3)
  • Pyroblast (4.5sec cast, 1100 damage, Requires Inner Fire 3)
  • Megaflare (4.5sec cast, 2400 AoE damage, requires Inner Fire 3)



  • You have a pet
  • No melee, you can use ranged weapons at any range from 0-41y


  • Wing Clip
  • Concussive Shot
  • Bear Trap (Stuns for 5 seconds)
  • Explosive Trap
  • Serpent Sting (10% chance per tick to reset CD on Bloodletter)
  • Viper Sting
  • Heavy Shot (Deals WPN*75% damage)(20% Chance to trigger Straight Shot Ready)
  • Straight Shot (Deals WPN*220% damage)
  • Multi-Shot (Delivers an attack to all enemies in a cone before you.)
  • Barrage (Triples the number of strikes for a single-target skill. Additional effects added only once.)
  • Bloodletter (Deals WPN*80% damage)(15sec CD, not on GCD, share CD with Volley)
  • Volley (Delivers an attack to target and all enemies nearby it. 15sec CD, Shares CD with Bloodletter)
  • Beastial Wrath (Pet enters murderous rage)
  • Aspect of the Turtle (+20% dodge)
  • Aspect of the Cheetah (+35% movespeed)
  • Aspect of the Dragonhawk (+300AP)
  • Beastial Command (Does an effect based on current aspect. Turtle: You and party take 20% reduced damage for 8 seconds. Cheetah: You and party have 50% Increased move speed for 8 seconds. Dragonhawk: You and party deal 15% additional damage for 15 seconds). Multiple Similar Command effects don't stack. 2min CD
  • Disengage
  • Deterrence
  • Readiness


  • Flash Heal
  • Renew
  • Prayer of Healing
  • Power Word: Shield
  • Shadow Word: Pain
  • Mind Blast
  • Life Swap
  • Psychic Scream
  • Surecast (Next spell can't be interrupted)
  • Swiftcast (Next spell is cast instantly)
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