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How to revoke Traefik TLS certificates

Create local temporary directory on your workstation

mkdir ~/t6

Copy your Traefik keys to your workstation

EnigmaCurry /
Last active December 11, 2024 18:03
Run Llama.cpp on Android in Termux

Run llama.cpp chat bot LLM on Pixel phone (Termux)


EnigmaCurry /
Created February 23, 2023 21:26 — forked from devgioele/
Tutorial for installing a 64-bit Arch Linux ARM system on the Raspberry Pi 4B, with an encrypted root filesystem, and the option to remotely unlock it via a pre-boot SSH daemon.

Arch Linux ARM 64 on Raspberry Pi 4B With Full Disk Encryption And SSH Unlock: 2022 Edition

There are multiple ways to get a full disk encrypted arch linux system on raspberry. In this tutorial, we will install a 64-bit arch linux armv8 system, using dropbear as ssh server for remote pre-boot unlocking of the root filesystem. However, it will still be possible to unlock and use the pi as usual, with a keyboard and monitor. We will also create an unencrypted partition in the installation process, usable as a rescue system.

For different setup options, see the end of the document.

Get The Image and check the signature

EnigmaCurry / OrderSkeleton.tid
Created December 3, 2022 03:10
Record Order form for TiddlyWiki
created: 20221202234630819
modified: 20221203024725615
order_date: 2022-12-02
order_details: Longform order details
order_summary: One line summary
order_vendor: Vendor Name
revision: 0
tags: public
title: Order skeleton fe90bca1-5c6e-4939-9709-c04ef9bf8b49
EnigmaCurry /
Last active November 12, 2022 02:43
Script to build python as a user without root access
# Script to install Python from source code as an unprivileged user.
# Update PYTHON_VERSION to the version you want to install.
# Update PYTHON_PREFIX to be where you want it installed.
# You can pass both of these as environment variables or just hardcode them.
# You can paste this whole file into your terminal as-is and go.
//"<a1 [a4 a5]> <a3 a2> <a1 a4> a2_rev <a2 [a5 a4 a2 a1]>"
//a1 <a5 a4> <a2 a2_rev> a5 a4
let patterns =
("o", sound "break:2" # cps (122.06/60/4)),
("a1", slow 2 $ rev $ jux (rev) $ striate 8 (sound "break:7")),
("a2", juxBy 0.25 (rev) $ inside 2 rev $ slow 2 $ striate 8 (sound "break:3")),
EnigmaCurry /
Created May 5, 2022 00:33 — forked from chriswayg/
This script will download a cloud image of many Linux distros and create a Proxmox 6 KVM template from it.
set -o errexit
printf "\n*** This script will download a cloud image and create a Proxmox VM template from it. ***\n\n"
### Pre-req:
### - run on a Proxmox 6 server
### - a dhcp server should be active on vmbr1
EnigmaCurry /
Last active April 26, 2022 05:32


For some reason my computer locks up if it goes idle. This script will install a systemd timer to keep it alive, by performing a small calculation every minute.

Copy and paste this entire script into your BASH shell, including the starting and ending parentheses:

wrapper() {
## Run a native command if it's available, otherwise from a docker image
## (Note: this only works with programs that read/write to stdin/stdout.
## Reading and writing files on the client host system is not supported.)
command=$1; shift
if which ${command} >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ytdl() { (
URL=$1; shift;
cd /storage/Video/youtube-dl
youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/best[ext=mp4]/best' \
--all-subs --embed-subs --embed-thumbnail --restrict-filenames \
--recode-video mp4 --exec 'vlc {}' \
$@ ${URL}
) }