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Created August 28, 2013 17:27
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Cassandra remote jconsole through SSH
function jc {
proxy_host="$1 -p 22"
# Find just the hostname (if specified as user@host):
host=`echo $host | sed 's/.*@//'`
if [ "x$host" = "x" ]; then
echo "Usage: jc [<user>@]<remote server> [proxy port]"
return 1
# start up a background ssh tunnel on the desired port
ssh -N -f -D$proxy_port $proxy_host
# if the tunnel failed to come up, fail gracefully.
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Ssh tunnel failed"
return 1
ssh_pid=`ps awwwx | grep "[s]sh -N -f -D$proxy_port" \
| awk '{print $1}'`
echo "ssh pid = $ssh_pid"
# Fire up jconsole to your remote host
jconsole -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=$proxy_port \
# tear down the tunnel
kill $ssh_pid
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