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Suppose that we have an image on the plane, which borders are parallel to coordinate axis. This procedure does the mapping from plane coordinates to pixels of image.
#! /usr/bin/python
# We lay sides of image parallel to axi of planes
# Bigger side of image maps to bigger side of rect
# On images we always have X ~ Width, Y ~ Height (it is true for OpenCV)
def PlaneToImage(Point, LTCorner, RBCorner, resW, resH):
assert(not resW==resH)
if (resW > resH):
if (abs(LTCorner[0]-RBCorner[0]) > abs(LTCorner[1]-RBCorner[1])):
OnImgX, OnImgY = 0, 1
OnImgX, OnImgY = 1, 0
if (abs(LTCorner[0]-RBCorner[0]) > abs(LTCorner[1]-RBCorner[1])):
OnImgX, OnImgY = 1, 0
OnImgX, OnImgY = 0, 1
OWidth, OHeight = float(RBCorner[OnImgX]-LTCorner[OnImgX]), float(RBCorner[OnImgY]- LTCorner[OnImgY])
NImgX, NImgY = float(Point[OnImgX]-LTCorner[OnImgX])/OWidth, float(Point[OnImgY]-LTCorner[OnImgY])/OHeight
return [int(resW*NImgX), int(resH*NImgY)]
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