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Created June 5, 2018 19:10
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/* ************************************************************************ **
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use ::Idx;
use ::std::marker::PhantomData;
use ::std::mem;
enum Void {}
pub struct KeepIt(Void);
pub struct CastIt<V: ?Sized>(PhantomData<V>, Void);
/// Trait for `index_cast`. See the free function for details.
/// # Safety
/// This is unsafe because it has generic impls that perform transmute.
pub unsafe trait IndexCast<Result: ?Sized, Disambig: ?Sized> {
fn index_cast(self) -> Result
where Self: Sized, Result: Sized,
{ unsafe { mem::transmute_copy(&mem::ManuallyDrop::new(self)) } }
/// Takes a single index type embedded somewhere in a larger type, and
/// casts it into another index type. (e.g. `&[Vec<(usize, f64)>]`
/// to `&[Vec<(MyIdx, f64)>]`).
/// This uses overlapping impls with an extra type parameter to serve
/// as a disambiguator (the same technique used to implement HLists in
/// Rust). As long as you annotate the output type, and there is only
/// one index type that changes from the input to the output, type
/// inference will compute the disambiguator.
pub fn index_cast<V, Result, Disambig: ?Sized>(value: V) -> Result
where V: IndexCast<Result, Disambig>,
{ IndexCast::index_cast(value) }
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// So... basically there's no way to make this work for a large variety of
// types without writing implementations for each one.
// Let's just be pragmatic here. If you use cast_index on a type and it doesn't
// work, add an impl. Otherwise, who cares?
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// base case for a successful cast
unsafe impl<Src: Idx, Dest: Idx> IndexCast<Dest, KeepIt> for Src {}
// mods are just for organization
// (and, maybe you have an IDE that can collapse them)
mod basic {
use super::*;
unsafe impl<A1, B1, Dis> IndexCast<(B1, ), (Dis, )> for (A1, )
where A1: IndexCast<B1, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A1, A2, B, Dis> IndexCast<(B, A2), (CastIt<Dis>, KeepIt)> for (A1, A2)
where A1: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A1, A2, B, Dis> IndexCast<(A1, B), (KeepIt, CastIt<Dis>)> for (A1, A2)
where A2: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A1, A2, A3, B, Dis> IndexCast<(B, A2, A3), (CastIt<Dis>, KeepIt, KeepIt)> for (A1, A2, A3)
where A1: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A1, A2, A3, B, Dis> IndexCast<(A1, B, A3), (KeepIt, CastIt<Dis>, KeepIt)> for (A1, A2, A3)
where A2: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A1, A2, A3, B, Dis> IndexCast<(A1, A2, B), (KeepIt, KeepIt, CastIt<Dis>)> for (A1, A2, A3)
where A3: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<'a, A: ? Sized, B: ? Sized, Dis: ? Sized> IndexCast<&'a B, &'a Dis> for &'a A
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<'a, A: ? Sized, B: ? Sized, Dis: ? Sized> IndexCast<&'a mut B, &'a mut Dis> for &'a mut A
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, Dis> IndexCast<[B], [Dis]> for [A]
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, Dis> IndexCast<Vec<B>, Vec<Dis>> for Vec<A>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
mod collections {
use super::*;
use ::std::collections::{HashMap, BTreeMap};
use ::std::collections::{HashSet, BTreeSet};
unsafe impl<A, B, V, Dis> IndexCast<BTreeMap<B, V>, BTreeMap<CastIt<Dis>, KeepIt>> for BTreeMap<A, V>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, K, Dis> IndexCast<BTreeMap<K, B>, BTreeMap<KeepIt, CastIt<Dis>>> for BTreeMap<K, A>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, V, Dis> IndexCast<HashMap<B, V>, HashMap<CastIt<Dis>, KeepIt>> for HashMap<A, V>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, K, Dis> IndexCast<HashMap<K, B>, HashMap<KeepIt, CastIt<Dis>>> for HashMap<K, A>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, Dis> IndexCast<HashSet<B>, HashSet<Dis>> for HashSet<A>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
unsafe impl<A, B, Dis> IndexCast<BTreeSet<B>, BTreeSet<Dis>> for BTreeSet<A>
where A: IndexCast<B, Dis> {}
fn test_it() {
let x: &usize = &0;
let _: &A = index_cast(x);
// explicit disambiguator. All instances of KeepIt can be inferred.
let x: &[(f64, Vec<(B, A, f64)>)] = &[];
let _: &[(f64, Vec<(B, C, f64)>)] = index_cast::<_, _, &[(_, CastIt<Vec<(_, CastIt<_>, _)>>)]>(x);
// actually, that disambiguator was not necessary.
let x: &[(f64, Vec<(B, A, f64)>)] = &[];
let _: &[(f64, Vec<(B, C, f64)>)] = index_cast(x);
#[allow(unused)] // compiletest
fn holy_shnozballs_it_even_works_in_generic_contexts<I: Idx, J: Idx>()
use ::std::collections::BTreeMap;
let x: &[(f64, Vec<(B, BTreeMap<usize, I>, f64)>)] = &[];
let _: &[(f64, Vec<(B, BTreeMap<usize, J>, f64)>)] = index_cast(x);
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