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Last active August 16, 2016 19:00
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-- | @'sieveFactor' fs n@ finds the prime factorisation of @n@ using the 'FactorSieve' @fs@.
-- For negative @n@, a factor of @-1@ is included with multiplicity @1@.
-- After stripping any present factors @2@, the remaining cofactor @c@ (if larger
-- than @1@) is factorised with @fs@. This is most efficient of course if @c@ does not
-- exceed the bound with which @fs@ was constructed. If it does, trial division is performed
-- until either the cofactor falls below the bound or the sieve is exhausted. In the latter
-- case, the elliptic curve method is used to finish the factorisation.
sieveFactor :: FactorSieve -> Integer -> [(Integer,Int)]
sieveFactor (FS bnd sve) = check
bound = fromIntegral bnd
check 0 = error "0 has no prime factorisation"
check 1 = []
check n
| n < 0 = (-1,1) : check (-n)
| n <= bound = go2w (fromIntegral n) -- avoid expensive Integer ops if possible
| fromInteger n .&. (1 :: Int) == 1 = sieveLoop n
| otherwise = go2 n
go2w n
| n .&. 1 == 1 = intLoop ((n-3) `shiftR` 1)
| otherwise = case shiftToOddCount n of
(k,m) -> (2,k) : if m == 1 then [] else intLoop ((m-3) `shiftR` 1)
go2 n = case shiftToOddCount n of
(k,m) -> (2,k) : if m == 1 then [] else sieveLoop m
sieveLoop n
| bound < n = tdLoop n (integerSquareRoot' n) 0
| otherwise = intLoop (fromIntegral (n `shiftR` 1)-1)
intLoop :: Word -> [(Integer,Int)]
intLoop !n = case unsafeAt sve (fromIntegral n) of
0 -> [(2*fromIntegral n+3,1)]
p -> let p' = fromIntegral p in countLoop p' (n `quot` p' - 1) 1
countLoop !p !i !c
= case unsafeAt sve (fromIntegral i) of
0 | p-3 == 2*i -> [(fromIntegral p,c+1)]
| otherwise -> (fromIntegral p,c) : (2*fromIntegral i+3,1) : []
q | fromIntegral q == p -> countLoop p (i `quot` p - 1) (c+1)
| otherwise -> (fromIntegral p, c) : intLoop i
lstIdx = snd (bounds sve)
tdLoop n sr ix
| lstIdx < ix = curve n
| sr < p = trace "SR " [(n,1)]
| pix /= 0 = tdLoop n sr (ix+1) -- not a prime
| otherwise = case splitOff p n of
(0,_) -> tdLoop n sr (ix+1)
(k,m) -> (p,k) : case m of
1 -> []
j | j <= bound -> intLoop (fromIntegral (j `shiftR` 1) - 1)
| otherwise -> tdLoop j (integerSquareRoot' j) (ix+1)
-- traced versions of new code
-- p = traceShow (pix, ix, 2*ix+3) $ fromIntegral $ 2*ix + 3
-- pix = unsafeAt sve ix
-- traced versions of old code
p = traceShow (unsafeAt sve $ toPrim ix, ix, toPrim ix) $ toPrim ix
pix = unsafeAt sve $ fromIntegral p
curve n = trace ("CURVE " ++ show n) $ stdGenFactorisation (Just (bound*(bound+2))) (mkStdGen $ fromIntegral n `xor` 0xdecaf00d) Nothing n
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation
main = do
putStrLn $ ("RETVAL "++) $ show $ sieveFactor (factorSieve 15) 75
putStrLn $ ("RETVAL "++) $ show $ sieveFactor (factorSieve 2048) (29*73)
Output from ORIGINAL.
* The 3-tuples are (pix, ix, p).
* SR from the first test case indicates that 75 was considered prime because its square root was reached.
* Because CURVE does not appear, neither test case began the (unnecessary) curve factorization step.
RETVAL [(75,1)]
RETVAL [(29,1),(73,1)]
Output from PATCHED
* The 3-tuples are (pix, ix, p).
* Because CURVE does not appear, neither test case began the (unnecessary) curve factorization step.
RETVAL [(3,1),(5,2)]
RETVAL [(29,1),(73,1)]
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