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Last active September 9, 2020 18:09
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Phonopy band unfolding tools
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
import sys
import yaml
def main():
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(
description="Transform a supercell band.yaml to have the unit cell's qpoint info")
parser.add_argument("PRIM", help='primitive band.yaml')
parser.add_argument("SUPER", help='supercell band.yaml')
args = parser.parse_args()
if sys.stdout.isatty():
info("NOTE: Output will be written to terminal.")
info(" You probably want to redirect it. (Ctrl-C to cancel)")
# simple error checking before continuing with bigger work
info("performing sanity check...")
p = read_only_nqpoint(args.PRIM)
s = read_only_nqpoint(args.SUPER)
if p != s:
parser.error('incompatible number of qpoints: {} vs {}'.format(p, s))
info("splitting primitive yaml...")
(prim_pre, prim_rest) = partial_parse_band_yaml(open(args.PRIM))
info("splitting supercell yaml...")
(super_pre, super_rest) = partial_parse_band_yaml(open(args.SUPER))
info("merging header portion of yaml files...")
pre = merge_by_schema(prim_pre, super_pre, SCHEMA)
info("merging phonon portion of yaml files...")
rest = merge_phonon_section(prim_rest, super_rest)
def write_to(f):
yaml.dump(pre, f)
info("writing output")
# Fast sanity checks
def read_only_nqpoint(path):
with open(path) as f:
# expect nqpoint before phonon:
for line in f:
prefix = 'nqpoint:'
if line.startswith(prefix):
return int(line[len(prefix):].strip())
if line.startswith('phonon'):
info("Cannot find nqpoint in {}".format(path))
# Splitting the yaml file
# use a yaml parser on everything except the 'phonon' section
def partial_parse_band_yaml(f):
lines = list(f)
# NOTE: this is slower than necessary as it scans the whole
# file but it helps ensure that we don't miss anything
# new that might have gotten added after "phonon:"
pairs = list(yaml_outer_mapping_line_indices(lines))
assert pairs[-1][1] == "phonon"
index = pairs[-1][0]
initial = lines[:index]
initial = yaml.load(StringIO(''.join(initial)))
rest = lines[index:]
return (initial, rest)
# Identify the lines that contain keys for the outermost mapping
# in the yaml file.
def yaml_outer_mapping_line_indices(lines):
import string
alpha = set(string.ascii_letters)
for (i, line) in enumerate(lines):
if line[0] in alpha:
if ':' not in line:
info('strange line: ' + repr(line))
info('not sure what to do, aborting.')
key = line[:line.index(':')]
yield (i, key)
# merging the header portion
USE_PRIM = object()
USE_SUPER = object()
# NOTE: At the time of writing this (v 1.11.14)
# bandplot does not use any of the following.
'nqpoint': USE_PRIM,
'npath': USE_PRIM,
'reciprocal_lattice': USE_PRIM,
'natom': USE_SUPER,
'lattice': USE_PRIM,
'points': USE_SUPER,
'supercell_matrix': USE_SUPER,
# NOTE: bandplot DOES use the following
'segment_nqpoint': USE_PRIM,
def merge_by_schema(prim, supercell, schema):
# base cases
if schema is USE_PRIM:
return prim
elif schema is USE_SUPER:
return supercell
# recursive case
elif isinstance(schema, dict):
assert isinstance(prim, dict)
assert isinstance(supercell, dict)
prim = dict(prim)
supercell = dict(supercell)
out = {}
for k in schema:
out[k] = merge_by_schema(prim.pop(k), supercell.pop(k), schema[k])
def expect_empty(d):
if d:
print("warning: unexpected keys in yaml file:", file=sys.stderr)
for key in d:
print(" - {!r}".format(key), file=sys.stderr)
return out
else: assert False, "bug: incomplete switch"
# merging the phonon sectino
def merge_phonon_section(primitive, supercell):
# the less copying necessary, the better
assert isinstance(primitive, list)
assert isinstance(supercell, list)
prefixes = [
' distance:',
'- q-position:',
should_use_primitive = lambda s: any(s.startswith(pre) for pre in prefixes)
prim_ids = list(all_indices(primitive, should_use_primitive))
super_ids = list(all_indices(supercell, should_use_primitive))
# sanity check: make sure at least one of each prefix was found
# (in case the fields were renamed or indentation adjusted)
for pre in prefixes:
assert any(primitive[i].startswith(pre) for i in prim_ids[:2])
assert any(supercell[i].startswith(pre) for i in super_ids[:2])
assert len(prim_ids) == len(super_ids)
for (p, s) in zip(prim_ids, super_ids):
supercell[s] = primitive[p]
return supercell
# utils
def all_indices(it, pred):
for (i, x) in enumerate(it):
if pred(x):
yield i
# stdout is our output file, so put diagnostics on stderr
info = lambda *args: print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
# NOTE: This has been updated to fix the final k-point
# edit this to match the params given to phonopy for the unit cell
# sample density
# high symmetry path
BAND = [
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.5, 0.0, 0.0],
[1./3., 1./3., 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
# supercell dimensions
DIMS = [6, 6, 1]
def unit_qs(path, density):
out = []
for q1, q2 in zip(path, path[1:]):
np.linspace(c1, c2, density)
for (c1, c2) in zip(q1, q2)
# add one more arbitrary qpoint to the very end, which will be ignored
# if we are using BAND_POINTS = 1.
out.append([[0, 0, 0]])
return np.vstack(out)
unit_qs = unit_qs(BAND, BAND_POINTS)
def super_qs(unit_qs, sc_matrix):
# convert from unitcell-reciprocal-fractional coordinates
# into supercell-reciprocal-fractional
qs =, sc_matrix.T)
# reduce into the first brillouin zone
# (actually, not quite into the FBZ, but close enough)
qs %= 1
return qs
super_qs = super_qs(unit_qs, np.diag(DIMS))
# leave some blank space so things can easily be added to the top
print("BAND_POINTS = 1")
print("BAND = ", " ".join(str(x) for x in super_qs.flat))
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