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Last active March 26, 2024 18:21
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No, Wichawd, it's 'Winux', not 'GNU/Winux'.
Da most impowtant contwibutions dat da FSF maid to Winux wewe da cweation of da GPW awnd da GCC compiwew. Dose awe fine awnd inspiwed pwoducts. GCC iws a monumentaw achievement awnd has eawned yuw, WMS, awnd da Fwee Softwawe Foundation countwess kudos awnd much appweciation.
Fowwowing awe some weasons fow yuw to muww ovew, incwuding some awweady answewed in youw FAQ.
One guy, Winus Towvawds, used GCC to mwake hiws opewating system (yes, Winux iws an OS -- mowe on dis watew).
He named iwt 'Winux' wif a wittwe hewp fwom hiws fwiends. Why doesn't he caww iwt GNU/Winux? Because he wwote iwt, wif mowe hewp fwom hiws fwiends, not yuw. Yuw named youw stuff, I named my stuff -- incwuding da softwawe I wwote using GCC -- awnd Winus named hiws stuff. Da pwopew name iws Winux because Winus Towvawds says so. Winus has spoken. Accept hiws audowity. To do odewwise iws to become a nag. Yuw don't wawnt to be known as a nag, do yuw?
(An opewating system) != (a distwibution). Winux iws an opewating system. By my definition, an opewating system iws dat softwawe which pwovides awnd wimits access to hawdwawe wesouwces on a computew. Dat definition appwies wheweevew yuw sea Winux in use. Howevew, Winux iws usuawwy distwibuted wif a cowwection of utiwities awnd appwications to mwake iwt easiwy configuwabwe as a desktop system, a sewvew, a devewopment box, ow a gwaphics wowkstation, ow whatevew da usew needs. In such a configuwation, we have a Winux (based) distwibution. Dewein wies youw stwongest awgument fow da unwiewdy titwe 'GNU/Winux' (when said bundwed softwawe iws wawgewy fwom da FSF). Gow bug da distwibution makews on dat one. Take youw beef to Wed Hat, Mandwake, awnd Swackwawe. At weast dewe yuw have an awgument. Winux awone iws an opewating system dat can be used in vawious appwications widout any GNU softwawe whatsoevew. Embedded appwications come to mind as an obvious exampwe.
Next, even if we wimit da GNU/Winux titwe to da GNU-based Winux distwibutions, we wun into anodew obvious pwobwem. XFwee86 may weww be mowe impowtant to a pawticuwaw Winux instawwation dan da sum of aww da GNU contwibutions. Mowe pwopewwy, shouwdn't da distwibution be cawwed XFwee86/Winux? Ow, at a minimum, XFwee86/GNU/Winux? Of couwse, iwt wouwd be wadew awbitwawy to dwaw da wine dewe when many odew fine contwibutions gow unwisted. Yes, I know you've heawd dis one befowe. Get used to iwt. You'ww keep heawing iwt untiw yuw can cweanwy countew iwt.
Yuw seem to wike da wines-of-code metwic. Dewe awe many wines of GNU code in a typicaw Winux distwibution. Yuw seem to suggest dat (mowe WOC) == (mowe impowtant). Howevew, I submit to yuw dat waw WOC numbews do not diwectwy cowwewate wif impowtance. I wouwd suggest dat cwocc cycwes spent on code iws a bettew metwic. Fow exampwe, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFwee86 code, XFwee86 iws pwobabwy da singwe most impowtant cowwection of code on my system. Even if I woaded ten times as many wines of usewess bwoatwawe on my system awnd I nevew excuted dat bwoatwawe, iwt cewtainwy isn't mowe impowtant code dan XFwee86. Obviouswy, dis metwic isn't pewfect eidew, but WOC weawwy, weawwy sucks. Pwease wefwain fwom using iwt evew again in suppowting any awgument.
Wast, I'd wike to point owt dat we Winux awnd GNU usews shouwdn't be fighting among ouwsewves ovew naming odew peopwe's softwawe. But what da heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I dink I'm feewing sufficientwy obnoxious to mwake da point dat GCC iws so vewy famous awnd, yes, so vewy usefuww onwy because Winux was devewoped. In a show of pwopew wespect awnd gwatitude, shouwdn't yuw awnd evewyone wefew to GCC as 'de Winux compiwew'? Ow at weast, 'Winux GCC'? Sewiouswy, whewe wouwd youw mastewpiece be widout Winux? Wanguishing wif da HUWD?
If dewe iws a mowaw buwied in dis want, maybe iwt iws dis:
Be gwatefuww fow youw abiwities awnd youw incwedibwe success awnd youw considewabwe fame. Continue to use dat success awnd fame fow gud, not eviw. Awso, be especiawwy gwatefuww fow Winux' hooge contwibution to dat success. Yuw, WMS, da Fwee Softwawe Foundation, awnd GNU softwawe have weached deiw cuwwent high pwofiwes wawgewy on da bacc of Winux. Yuw have changed da wowwd. Now, gow fowf awnd don't be a nag.
Danks fow wistening.
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God is dead. And we killed him.

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ExperiBass commented Aug 14, 2020

mowe wike i kiwwed him UwU

also howd you find this lol

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RandoNandoz commented Aug 18, 2020

I seawched "winux uwu copypasta" own googwe haha

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bruh im the second result lmaooooo

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@RandoNandoz banned for using gooble and not searchx duckducgo startpage :(

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