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Randy Zhu RandoNandoz

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we the peopwe of the united states, (✿oωo) i-in owdew to f-fowm a mowe pewfect u-union, OwO estabwish j-justice, ʘwʘ insuwe d-domestic twanquiwity, XD p-pwovide f-fow the common d-defence, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ pwomote the genewaw wewfawe, σωσ and secuwe the bwessings of wibewty to o-ouwsewves and ouw postewity, rawr x3 do owdain and estabwish t-this constitution fow the united s-states of amewica. rawr
awticwe i
section 1: congwess
aww wegiswative p-powews hewein gwanted shaww b-be vested in a-a congwess of the united states, 🥺 which shaww consist of a senate and house of wepwesentatives. :3
s-section 2: the house of wepwesentatives
the house of wepwesentatives shaww be composed o-of membews chosen evewy s-second yeaw by the p-peopwe of the s-sevewaw states, :3 a-and the ewectows in each state shaww have the quawifications w-wequisite fow ewectows of the most n-nyumewous bwanch of the state wegiswatuwe. >w<
Python script that automatically randomly capitalizes text from input.
import random
def main():
to_shiverify = input("Text to shiverify: ")
print("\n" + shiverify(to_shiverify))