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US Constitution in UWU
we the peopwe of the united states, (✿oωo) i-in owdew to f-fowm a mowe pewfect u-union, OwO estabwish j-justice, ʘwʘ insuwe d-domestic twanquiwity, XD p-pwovide f-fow the common d-defence, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ pwomote the genewaw wewfawe, σωσ and secuwe the bwessings of wibewty to o-ouwsewves and ouw postewity, rawr x3 do owdain and estabwish t-this constitution fow the united s-states of amewica. rawr
awticwe i
section 1: congwess
aww wegiswative p-powews hewein gwanted shaww b-be vested in a-a congwess of the united states, 🥺 which shaww consist of a senate and house of wepwesentatives. :3
s-section 2: the house of wepwesentatives
the house of wepwesentatives shaww be composed o-of membews chosen evewy s-second yeaw by the p-peopwe of the s-sevewaw states, :3 a-and the ewectows in each state shaww have the quawifications w-wequisite fow ewectows of the most n-nyumewous bwanch of the state wegiswatuwe. >w<
nyo pewson shaww be a wepwesentative who shaww nyot h-have attained to the age of twenty f-five yeaws, a-and been seven yeaws a-a citizen of the united states, :3 and who shaww nyot, 🥺 when ewected, ^^;; b-be an inhabitant o-of that state in which he s-shaww be chosen. rawr
w-wepwesentatives and diwect taxes s-shaww be appowtioned among t-the sevewaw states which may be incwuded within t-this union, ^^ accowding to theiw wespective n-nyumbews, mya which shaww b-be detewmined by a-adding to the whowe nyumbew of fwee pewsons, mya incwuding those bound to sewvice fow a tewm of yeaws, (U ﹏ U) and excwuding i-indians nyot taxed, t-thwee fifths of aww othew p-pewsons. ( ͡o ω ͡o ) the actuaw e-enumewation s-shaww be made within thwee yeaws aftew the fiwst meeting of the c-congwess of the united states, 🥺 and within evewy subsequent tewm of ten yeaws, σωσ in s-such mannew as they shaww by waw d-diwect.the nyumbew o-of wepwesentatives s-shaww nyot exceed one fow e-evewy thiwty thousand, (///ˬ///✿) b-but each s-state shaww have a-at weast one wepwesentative; and untiw such enumewation s-shaww b-be made, (⑅˘꒳˘) the state o-of nyew hampshiwe s-shaww be entitwed t-to chuse thwee, OwO massachusetts eight, ^^ whode-iswand and pwovidence p-pwantations one, rawr connecticut five, XD nyew-yowk six, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) nyew jewsey fouw, 😳😳😳 pennsywvania eight, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ d-dewawawe one, mya mawywand six, viwginia ten, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) nowth cawowina five, ^^ s-south cawowina five, OwO a-and geowgia t-thwee.
when vacancies happen in t-the wepwesentation fwom any state, 😳 t-the executive a-authowity theweof shaww issue wwits of ewection to fiww such vacancies. /(^•ω•^)
the house of wepwesentatives s-shaww chuse theiw speakew a-and othew officews;and shaww h-have the sowe powew o-of impeachment. >w<
section 3: the senate
the senate o-of the united s-states shaww be composed of t-two senatows fwom e-each state, >w< chosen by the wegiswatuwe theweof, (✿oωo) fow six yeaws; and each senatow s-shaww have one v-vote. (///ˬ///✿)
immediatewy a-aftew they shaww be assembwed i-in consequence o-of the fiwst ewection, (ꈍᴗꈍ) they shaww b-be divided as equawwy as may be into thwee cwasses. the seats of the senatows o-of the fiwst cwass s-shaww be vacated at the expiwation of the second y-yeaw, /(^•ω•^) of the s-second cwass at the expiwation of the fouwth yeaw, (✿oωo) and of the thiwd c-cwass at the expiwation of the sixth yeaw, nyaa~~ so that one thiwd may be chosen e-evewy second yeaw; and if vacancies happen by wesignation, (ꈍᴗꈍ) o-ow othewwise, o.O d-duwing the wecess of the wegiswatuwe of any state, ^^;; the e-executive theweof m-may make tempowawy appointments untiw the nyext meeting of the w-wegiswatuwe, σωσ which shaww then fiww s-such vacancies. òωó
nyo pewson shaww be a senatow who shaww not h-have attained to the age of thiwty y-yeaws, (ꈍᴗꈍ) and been n-nyine yeaws a citizen of the u-united states, ʘwʘ and who shaww not, ^^;; w-when ewected, mya b-be an inhabitant o-of that state fow which he shaww b-be chosen.
the v-vice pwesident of the united states shaww be p-pwesident of the s-senate, XD but shaww h-have nyo vote, /(^•ω•^) unwess they be equawwy divided. nyaa~~
t-the senate shaww chuse theiw o-othew officews, (U ᵕ U❁) a-and awso a pwesident pwo tempowe, òωó in the absence of the vice pwesident, σωσ o-ow when h-he shaww exewcise t-the office of p-pwesident of the united states. ^^;;
t-the senate shaww have the sowe powew to twy aww impeachments. (˘ω˘) when sitting fow that puwpose, òωó they s-shaww be on oath ow affiwmation. w-when the pwesident of the united s-states is twied, UwU the chief j-justice shaww pweside: and nyo pewson s-shaww be convicted w-without t-the concuwwence o-of two thiwds of t-the membews pwesent. 😳😳😳
judgment in cases of impeachment shaww nyot extend fuwthew than to wemovaw fwom office, (⑅˘꒳˘) a-and disquawification t-to howd and e-enjoy any office of honow, nyaa~~ twust o-ow pwofit undew the united states: but the pawty convicted shaww n-nyevewthewess b-be wiabwe and subject to indictment, :3 t-twiaw, nyaa~~ judgment and punishment, accowding t-to waw. :3
section 4: e-ewections
the times, :3 pwaces a-and mannew of howding e-ewections fow senatows and wepwesentatives, ^•ﻌ•^ shaww be pwescwibed in each state b-by the wegiswatuwe t-theweof; b-but the congwess m-may at any time b-by waw make ow awtew such weguwations, o.O e-except as t-to the pwaces of chusing senatows. -.-
t-the congwess s-shaww assembwe at weast once i-in evewy yeaw, 🥺 and such meeting shaww be on the f-fiwst monday in decembew, :3 unwess t-they shaww by waw a-appoint a diffewent day. /(^•ω•^)
section 5: p-powews and duties of congwess
each house s-shaww be the judge o-of the ewections, 😳😳😳 w-wetuwns and quawifications of its own membews,and a majowity o-of each shaww constitute a quowum to do business; b-but a smowew n-numbew may adjouwn fwom day to d-day, (✿oωo) and may be authowized to compew t-the attendance o-of absent membews, nyaa~~ in such mannew, (˘ω˘) and undew s-such penawties as each house may pwovide. rawr x3
each h-house may detewmine t-the wuwes of its pwoceedings, 🥺 p-punish its membews fow disowdewwy b-behaviouw, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ a-and, XD with the concuwwence o-of two thiwds, (˘ω˘) expew a membew. UwU
each house shaww keep a jouwnaw of its pwoceedings, (U ᵕ U❁) and fwom time to time pubwish the same, :3 excepting such pawts as may in theiw judgment wequiwe secwecy; and the yeas a-and nyays of t-the membews of eithew house on any question shaww, :3 a-at the desiwe o-of one fifth of t-those pwesent, ^•ﻌ•^ be entewed on the j-jouwnaw. 🥺
nyeithew house, /(^•ω•^) duwing t-the session of c-congwess, σωσ shaww, >_< without the consent o-of the othew, (ꈍᴗꈍ) adjouwn fow m-mowe than thwee d-days, (⑅˘꒳˘) nyow to any othew pwace than that in which t-the two houses s-shaww be sitting. >_<
s-section 6: wights a-and disabiwities o-of membews
t-the senatows and w-wepwesentatives s-shaww weceive a-a compensation fow theiw sewvices, (U ﹏ U) t-to be ascewtained b-by waw, ʘwʘ and p-paid out of the tweasuwy of the u-united states.they shaww in aww cases, rawr x3 except t-tweason, ^•ﻌ•^ fewony and bweach of the p-peace, (✿oωo) be pwiviweged f-fwom awwest d-duwing theiw attendance at the s-session of theiw wespective houses, (///ˬ///✿) a-and in going to and wetuwning f-fwom the same; and fow any speech o-ow debate in eithew house, (⑅˘꒳˘) they shaww nyot be questioned in any othew pwace. ( ͡o ω ͡o )
n-nyo senatow ow wepwesentative s-shaww, XD duwing t-the time fow which he was ewected, :3 be appointed to any civiw office u-undew the authowity of the united s-states, (⑅˘꒳˘) which s-shaww have been c-cweated, 😳 ow the emowuments wheweof shaww have b-been encweased d-duwing such time; and no pewson h-howding any office undew the united states, -.- shaww b-be a membew of eithew house duwing h-his continuance i-in office. (U ﹏ U)
s-section 7: wegiswative pwocess
a-aww biwws fow waising w-wevenue shaww o-owiginate in t-the house of wepwesentatives; but the senate may p-pwopose ow concuw w-with amendments a-as on othew b-biwws. (U ﹏ U)
evewy biww w-which shaww h-have passed the h-house of wepwesentatives a-and the senate, /(^•ω•^) shaww, >_< b-befowe it become a waw, (˘ω˘) be pwesented t-to the pwesident of the united s-states; if he a-appwove he shaww s-sign it, (U ᵕ U❁) but if nyot he shaww wetuwn it, rawr with his objections t-to that house in w-which it shaww h-have owiginated, (U ﹏ U) who shaww entew the objections at wawge on theiw j-jouwnaw, ʘwʘ and pwoceed t-to weconsidew it. (ꈍᴗꈍ) if aftew s-such weconsidewation t-two thiwds of that house shaww agwee to pass the biww, (U ᵕ U❁) it s-shaww be sent, :3 t-togethew with the o-objections, (ꈍᴗꈍ) to t-the othew house, nyaa~~ by which it shaww wikewise be w-weconsidewed, ^•ﻌ•^ and i-if appwoved by two thiwds of that house, σωσ it shaww b-become a waw. (˘ω˘) but in aww such cases the votes o-of both houses shaww be detewmined b-by yeas and n-nyays, ^•ﻌ•^ and the nyames of the pewsons v-voting fow a-and against the biww shaww be entewed o-on the jouwnaw of each house w-wespectivewy. σωσ i-if any biww shaww n-nyot be wetuwned b-by the pwesident within ten d-days (sundays excepted) a-aftew it s-shaww have been pwesented to him, ^^;; t-the same shaww be a waw, 😳 in wike mannew as if h-he had signed i-it, /(^•ω•^) unwess the congwess b-by theiw adjouwnment pwevent its wetuwn, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) in which case it shaww nyot be a-a waw. ^^
evewy owdew, /(^•ω•^) wesowution, o-ow vote to which t-the concuwwence of the senate and house of wepwesentatives m-may be nyecessawy (except o-on a question o-of adjouwnment) s-shaww be pwesented t-to the pwesident o-of the united states; and befowe the same shaww take effect, ^^ shaww be appwoved b-by him, 😳 ow being disappwoved b-by him, 😳 shaww be wepassed by two thiwds of the senate and house o-of wepwesentatives, òωó accowding to the wuwes and wimitations pwescwibed in the c-case of a biww. nyaa~~
s-section 8: powews of congwess
t-the congwess shaww have powew to way and cowwect t-taxes, (///ˬ///✿) duties, i-imposts and excises, mya to pay the d-debts and pwovide fow the common d-defence and genewaw wewfawe of the united states; but aww duties, ^•ﻌ•^ i-imposts and excises shaww be unifowm thwoughout t-the united states;
t-to bowwow m-money on the cwedit of the united states;
to w-weguwate commewce with foweign nyations, XD and among the sevewaw states, (⑅˘꒳˘) and with t-the indian twibes;
t-to estabwish a-a unifowm wuwe o-of nyatuwawization, -.- and unifowm waws on the subject o-of bankwuptcies t-thwoughout the united states;
to coin money, ^^ w-weguwate the vawue theweof, rawr and of foweign coin, o.O a-and fix the standawd of weights and measuwes;
t-to pwovide fow t-the punishment of countewfeiting t-the secuwities a-and cuwwent coin o-of the united states;
to estabwish post offices a-and post woads;
to pwomote the pwogwess of science a-and usefuw awts, by secuwing fow wimited times to authows a-and inventows the e-excwusive wight t-to theiw wespective w-wwitings a-and discovewies;
to constitute t-twibunaws infewiow to the supweme couwt;
to define a-and punish piwacies and fewonies c-committed on the high seas, >w< and offenses against t-the waw of n-nyations;
to decwawe waw, σωσ gwant w-wettews of mawque and wepwisaw, a-and make wuwes c-concewning captuwes on wand and w-watew;
to waise a-and suppowt awmies, rawr but nyo appwopwiation o-of money to that use shaww be fow a wongew tewm than t-two yeaws;
to pwovide and maintain a-a nyavy;
to make wuwes fow the govewnment a-and weguwation of t-the wand and nyavaw f-fowces;
to pwovide fow cawwing f-fowth the m-miwitia to exekawaii~ the waws of t-the union, (U ﹏ U) suppwess insuwwections a-and wepew invasions;
to pwovide f-fow owganizing, (˘ω˘) a-awming, and discipwining, 😳 the miwitia, XD and fow govewning such pawt of them a-as may be empwoyed i-in the sewvice of the united states, ʘwʘ wesewving to the states w-wespectivewy, /(^•ω•^) the appointment of t-the officews, UwU and t-the authowity of twaining the miwitia accowding to the discipwine pwescwibed b-by congwess;
to exewcise excwusive wegiswation i-in aww cases nyanisoevew, UwU ovew such d-distwict (not e-exceeding ten miwes squawe) as m-may, ^•ﻌ•^ by cession o-of pawticuwaw states, (ꈍᴗꈍ) a-and the acceptance o-of congwess, ^^ b-become the s-seat of the govewnment of the united states, XD and to exewcise wike authowity ovew aww pwaces puwchased b-by the consent o-of the wegiswatuwe o-of the s-state in which t-the same shaww be, UwU f-fow the ewection of fowts, ^^ magazines, :3 awsenaws, dock-yawds and othew nyeedfuw b-buiwdings;-and
t-to make aww waws which shaww be nyecessawy and pwopew fow cawwying i-into execution t-the fowegoing p-powews, (U ﹏ U) and aww othew powews vested by this constitution i-in the govewnment of the united states, UwU o-ow in any depawtment o-ow officew theweof. 🥺
section 9: powews denied c-congwess
the migwation ow impowtation o-of such p-pewsons as any of the states n-nyow existing shaww t-think pwopew t-to admit, (✿oωo) shaww n-nyot be pwohibited b-by the congwess p-pwiow to the yeaw one thousand e-eight hundwed a-and eight, 😳😳😳 but a tax ow duty may b-be imposed on such impowtation, (⑅˘꒳˘) nyot exceeding t-ten dowwaws fow each pewson.
the p-pwiviwege of the wwit of habeas c-cowpus shaww n-nyot be suspended, mya unwess when in cases of webewwion o-ow invasion the pubwic safety may wequiwe it. OwO
n-nyo biww of a-attaindew ow ex post facto waw shaww be passed. /(^•ω•^)
n-nyo capitation, 😳😳😳 o-ow othew diwect, ^^;; tax shaww be waid, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) u-unwess in pwopowtion to the census ow enumewation h-hewein befowe d-diwected to be taken. ^•ﻌ•^
no tax o-ow duty shaww b-be waid on awticwes expowted fwom any state. OwO
nyo p-pwefewence shaww b-be given by a-any weguwation of c-commewce ow wevenue to the powts of one state ovew those of anothew: nyow shaww vessews bound to, rawr ow fwom, nyaa~~ one s-state, be obwiged t-to entew, 🥺 cweaw, o-ow pay duties i-in anothew. OwO
nyo m-money shaww be d-dwawn fwom the tweasuwy, ^•ﻌ•^ but in c-consequence of a-appwopwiations made by waw; and a-a weguwaw statement a-and account of the weceipts and expendituwes o-of aww pubwic money shaww be pubwished fwom time t-to time. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
nyo titwe of nyobiwity s-shaww be gwanted b-by the united states: and nyo p-pewson howding a-any office of p-pwofit ow twust undew them, /(^•ω•^) shaww, w-without the consent o-of the congwess, ʘwʘ accept of a-any pwesent, ʘwʘ emowument, :3 office, o-ow titwe, ^^ of any k-kind nyanievew, :3 f-fwom any king, 🥺 pwince, ow foweign s-state.
section 10: powews denied to the states
n-nyo state shaww entew into any tweaty, :3 awwiance, ow confedewation; gwant wettews of mawque and wepwisaw; coin m-money; emit biwws of cwedit; make any thing but gowd and siwvew coin a tendew in payment of debts; pass any biww o-of attaindew, rawr ex post facto waw, UwU ow waw impaiwing t-the obwigation of contwacts, ^•ﻌ•^ o-ow gwant any titwe of nyobiwity. (U ﹏ U)
no state shaww, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ w-without the consent of the c-congwess, 😳 way any imposts ow duties o-on impowts ow e-expowts, >w< except nyani may be absowutewy nyecessawy f-fow executing it's inspection waws: and the nyet pwoduce of a-aww duties and imposts, 🥺 waid by a-any state on impowts ow expowts, 😳 s-shaww be fow the use of the tweasuwy o-of the united s-states; and aww such waws shaww be subject t-to the wevision and contwouw of the congwess. nyaa~~
nyo s-state shaww, (˘ω˘) without the consent of congwess, mya way any duty of tonnage, keep twoops, òωó o-ow ships o-of waw in time of peace, (U ﹏ U) entew into a-any agweement o-ow compact with anothew state, (U ﹏ U) o-ow with a foweign powew, >_< ow engage in waw, nyaa~~ unwess actuawwy invaded, 😳😳😳 ow in such i-imminent dangew a-as wiww nyot admit of deway. nyaa~~
awticwe i-ii
section 1
t-the executive powew shaww be v-vested in a pwesident of the united states of amewica. -.-
h-he shaww howd his office duwing the tewm o-of fouw yeaws, 😳😳😳 a-and, ^•ﻌ•^ togethew with the vice pwesident, UwU chosen fow t-the same tewm, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ be ewected, as fowwows:
each state shaww appoint, XD in such mannew as the wegiswatuwe theweof may diwect, (⑅˘꒳˘) a nyumbew o-of ewectows, /(^•ω•^) e-equaw to the whowe nyumbew of senatows a-and wepwesentatives t-to which the state may b-be entitwed in the congwess: but nyo senatow ow wepwesentative, (U ᵕ U❁) ow pewson howding an office of t-twust ow pwofit undew the united states, ʘwʘ shaww be appointed an ewectow. OwO
the ewectows s-shaww meet i-in theiw wespective s-states, (✿oωo) and vote by bawwot fow two pewsons, (///ˬ///✿) of whom one at w-weast shaww nyot b-be an inhabitant o-of the same state with themsewves. (✿oωo) a-and they shaww make a wist o-of aww the pewsons voted fow, σωσ a-and of the nyumbew of votes fow e-each; which wist they shaww sign and cewtify, and t-twansmit seawed to the seat of t-the govewnment o-of the united states, ʘwʘ diwected to t-the pwesident o-of the senate. 😳😳😳 the pwesident of t-the senate shaww, in the pwesence o-of the senate and house of wepwesentatives, ^•ﻌ•^ o-open a-aww the cewtificates, (˘ω˘) and the votes shaww then b-be counted. (U ﹏ U) the pewson having the gweatest nyumbew of votes shaww be the pwesident, >w< if such nyumbew be a majowity of the whowe n-numbew of ewectows appointed; and if thewe be mowe t-than one who have such majowity, XD a-and have an equaw nyumbew of votes, XD then the h-house of wepwesentatives shaww immediatewy chuse b-by bawwot one of them fow pwesident; and if nyo p-pewson have a majowity, (U ﹏ U) then fwom the five highest o-on the wist the said house shaww in wike mannew c-chuse the p-pwesident. (✿oωo) but in chusing the pwesident, ^^;; the votes s-shaww be taken b-by states, (U ﹏ U) the wepwesentation f-fwom each state h-having one vote; a quowum fow this puwpose shaww c-consist of a membew ow membews fwom two thiwds of the states, OwO and a-a majowity of aww the states shaww be nyecessawy to a choice. 😳😳😳 i-in evewy case, 😳😳😳 a-aftew the choice o-of the pwesident, (✿oωo) the pewson having the gweatest nyumbew of votes o-of the ewectows shaww be the v-vice pwesident. UwU but if thewe shouwd w-wemain two ow m-mowe who have equaw votes, mya the senate shaww chuse fwom them by bawwot the vice pwesident. rawr x3
the c-congwess may detewmine t-the time of chusing the ewectows, and the d-day on which they shaww give theiw votes; which d-day shaww be the s-same thwoughout t-the united states. /(^•ω•^)
n-nyo pewson e-except a nyatuwaw b-bown citizen, >_< ow a citizen of the united states, :3 a-at the time o-of the adoption o-of this constitution, o.O s-shaww be e-ewigibwe to the o-office of pwesident; nyeithew shaww a-any pewson be e-ewigibwe to that o-office who shaww nyot have attained to the age o-of thiwty five yeaws, and been fouwteen yeaws a-a wesident within the united states. UwU
in case of t-the wemovaw of t-the pwesident fwom office, (ꈍᴗꈍ) ow of his death, >_< wesignation, òωó ow inabiwity t-to dischawge t-the powews and duties of the s-said office, (ꈍᴗꈍ) the s-same shaww devowve on the vice pwesident, 😳😳😳 and the congwess may b-by waw pwovide fow t-the case of wemovaw, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) death, wesignation ow inabiwity, mya b-both of t-the pwesident and vice pwesident, UwU decwawing nyani o-officew shaww then act as pwesident, òωó and such officew shaww act accowdingwy, untiw the disabiwity b-be wemoved, -.- ow a pwesident shaww be ewected. :3
t-the pwesident s-shaww, ^•ﻌ•^ at stated t-times, (˘ω˘) weceive fow his sewvices, 😳😳😳 a-a compensation, (///ˬ///✿) w-which shaww nyeithew b-be incweased n-nyow diminished d-duwing the pewiod fow which he shaww have been e-ewected, 🥺 and h-he shaww nyot weceive w-within that pewiod any othew e-emowument fwom t-the united states, (U ᵕ U❁) o-ow any of them. (˘ω˘)
befowe he e-entew on the execution o-of his office, UwU h-he shaww t-take the fowwowing o-oath ow affiwmation:--"i do sowemnwy s-sweaw (ow affiwm) that i w-wiww faithfuwwy e-exekawaii~ the office of pwesident of the united states, 😳 and wiww t-to the best of m-my abiwity, pwesewve, :3 pwotect a-and defend the constitution o-of the united states."
section 2
the p-pwesident shaww b-be commandew in c-chief of the awmy a-and nyavy of t-the united states, mya a-and of the miwitia of the sevewaw states, when c-cawwed into the actuaw sewvice of the united states; he may wequiwe the opinion, nyaa~~ i-in wwiting, 😳😳😳 o-of the pwincipaw officew in each of the executive depawtments, ^•ﻌ•^ upon a-any subject w-wewating to the duties of theiw wespective offices, a-and he shaww have powew to gwant w-wepwieves and p-pawdons fow offenses a-against the united states, UwU except in cases of impeachment. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
h-he shaww have powew, (⑅˘꒳˘) by and w-with the advice and consent of the s-senate, OwO to make tweaties, UwU pwovided two thiwds o-of the senatows pwesent concuw; a-and he shaww nominate, OwO and by and with the advice a-and consent of the senate, (///ˬ///✿) shaww a-appoint ambassadows, (U ﹏ U) othew pubwic ministews and consuws, (⑅˘꒳˘) judges of the supweme couwt, /(^•ω•^) and aww othew officews o-of the united states, :3 w-whose appointments a-awe not h-hewein othewwise pwovided fow, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) and which shaww b-be estabwished by waw: but the congwess may by waw vest the appointment o-of such i-infewiow officews, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ a-as they think p-pwopew, XD in the pwesident awone, :3 in the couwts of waw, σωσ ow in the heads of depawtments. mya
t-the pwesident s-shaww have powew to fiww up aww vacancies that may happen d-duwing the wecess of the senate, -.- b-by gwanting commissions w-which s-shaww expiwe at the end of theiw nyext session.
section 3
he shaww fwom time to time give to the c-congwess infowmation of the state o-of the union, :3 and wecommend to theiw considewation such measuwes a-as he shaww judge nyecessawy a-and expedient; he may, rawr on extwaowdinawy occasions, >_< c-convene both h-houses, -.- ow eithew o-of them, :3 and i-in case of disagweement b-between them, XD with wespect t-to the time o-of adjouwnment, ^^ he may adjouwn them t-to such time as he shaww think pwopew; he shaww w-weceive ambassadows and othew p-pubwic ministews; h-he shaww take cawe that the w-waws be faithfuwwy e-exekawaii~d, rawr and shaww commission aww the officews of the united s-states.
section 4
t-the pwesident, (///ˬ///✿) v-vice pwesident a-and aww civiw officews of the united states, ^^;; shaww be wemoved f-fwom office on impeachment fow, :3 and conviction o-of, :3 tweason, bwibewy, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) ow othew high cwimes and m-misdemeanows. (✿oωo)
awticwe iii
section 1
the judiciaw powew of the u-united states, UwU shaww be vested in o-one supweme couwt, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) a-and in such i-infewiow couwts as the congwess m-may fwom time to t-time owdain and estabwish. o.O the j-judges, rawr both of t-the supweme and i-infewiow couwts, (ꈍᴗꈍ) s-shaww howd theiw offices duwing g-good behaviouw, mya a-and shaww, mya at s-stated times, UwU weceive fow theiw s-sewvices, ^^;; a compensation, -.- which shaww nyot be diminished duwing theiw continuance in office. XD
section 2
t-the judiciaw p-powew shaww extend to aww cases, nyaa~~ i-in waw and equity, (ꈍᴗꈍ) awising undew this constitution, ^^;; t-the waws o-of the united s-states, :3 and tweaties m-made, (///ˬ///✿) ow which shaww be made, /(^•ω•^) u-undew theiw authowity;--to aww cases affecting a-ambassadows, σωσ o-othew pubwic ministews and consuws;--to aww cases of admiwawty and m-mawitime juwisdiction;--to contwovewsies t-to which the united states shaww be a-a pawty;--to contwovewsies between t-two ow mowe states;--between a state and citizens of anothew s-state;--between citizens of diffewent s-states;--between citizens o-of the same state c-cwaiming wands undew gwants of diffewent states, >w< a-and between a state, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ ow the citizens theweof, rawr x3 a-and foweign states, -.- c-citizens ow s-subjects. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
in aww cases affecting ambassadows, /(^•ω•^) othew pubwic ministews and consuws, (⑅˘꒳˘) and those in w-which a state shaww be pawty, (˘ω˘) the supweme couwt s-shaww have owiginaw j-juwisdiction. ^•ﻌ•^ in aww the othew cases befowe m-mentioned, o.O the s-supweme couwt shaww have appewwate juwisdiction, (⑅˘꒳˘) both as to waw a-and fact, σωσ with such exceptions, >_< a-and undew such weguwations as the congwess shaww m-make. ʘwʘ
the twiaw o-of aww cwimes, (✿oωo) except in cases o-of impeachment; s-shaww be by juwy; and such twiaw s-shaww be hewd in the state whewe t-the said cwimes s-shaww have been c-committed; but w-when nyot committed w-within any state, o.O the twiaw s-shaww be at such p-pwace ow pwaces as the congwess may by waw have d-diwected. 😳
section 3
tweason a-against the united states, nyaa~~ shaww consist onwy in wevying waw against them, XD ow in adhewing to theiw enemies, ^^;; giving t-them aid and comfowt. /(^•ω•^) nyo pewson s-shaww be convicted of tweason u-unwess on the t-testimony of two witnesses to the s-same ovewt act, >_< ow on confession i-in open couwt.
the congwess s-shaww have powew to decwawe the punishment of tweason, (U ﹏ U) but nyo attaindew of tweason shaww wowk cowwuption of bwood, 😳😳😳 o-ow fowfeituwe except duwing the wife of the p-pewson attainted. XD
awticwe iv
section 1
f-fuww faith and cwedit shaww be given in each state to the pubwic acts, OwO wecowds, and judiciaw pwoceedings of evewy othew state. (U ᵕ U❁) and the congwess m-may by genewaw w-waws pwescwibe t-the mannew in which such acts, (⑅˘꒳˘) w-wecowds and p-pwoceedings shaww b-be pwoved, and the effect theweof. UwU
section 2
t-the citizens of e-each state shaww be entitwed to a-aww pwiviweges a-and immunities of c-citizens in the s-sevewaw states.
a-a pewson chawged in any state w-with tweason, 😳😳😳 fewony, o-ow othew c-cwime, mya who shaww f-fwee fwom justice, 🥺 a-and be found i-in anothew state, ^^ s-shaww on demand o-of the executive a-authowity of t-the state fwom which he fwed, -.- be dewivewed up, ^^ to be wemoved to t-the state having juwisdiction of t-the cwime. o.O
nyo pewson hewd to sewvice ow wabouw i-in one state, σωσ u-undew the waws t-theweof, ^•ﻌ•^ escaping into anothew, 😳 s-shaww, nyaa~~ in consequence o-of any waw ow weguwation thewein, ^•ﻌ•^ be dischawged fwom such sewvice ow wabouw, >_< but shaww be d-dewivewed up on cwaim of the pawty to whom such sewvice ow wabouw m-may be due. (⑅˘꒳˘)
section 3
n-nyew states may be admitted b-by the congwess i-into this union; b-but nyo nyew s-state shaww be f-fowmed ow ewected w-within the juwisdiction o-of any othew state; nyow any state be f-fowmed by the junction of two o-ow mowe states, ^^ ow pawts of states, :3 w-without the c-consent of the wegiswatuwes of the s-states concewned as weww as of the congwess.
t-the congwess shaww h-have powew to d-dispose of and m-make aww nyeedfuw wuwes and weguwations w-wespecting t-the tewwitowy o-ow othew pwopewty bewonging to t-the united states; and nyothing in this constitution shaww be so constwued as to pwejudice any cwaims of the united states, 😳 ow of any pawticuwaw s-state. (˘ω˘)
section 4
t-the united states shaww guawantee to evewy state in this union a wepubwican f-fowm of govewnment, >w< a-and shaww pwotect each of them against invasion; and on appwication o-of the wegiswatuwe, 😳 o-ow of the executive (when t-the wegiswatuwe c-cannot be convened) against d-domestic viowence. ^^;;
awticwe v
t-the congwess, rawr x3 whenevew t-two thiwds of both houses shaww deem it nyecessawy, òωó shaww p-pwopose amendments t-to this constitution, ^^;; o-ow, on t-the appwication of the wegiswatuwes o-of two thiwds o-of the sevewaw s-states, :3 shaww c-caww a convention fow pwoposing amendments, (ꈍᴗꈍ) which, i-in eithew case, 😳😳😳 s-shaww be vawid to aww intents and puwposes, :3 as pawt of this constitution, ʘwʘ when w-watified by the w-wegiswatuwes of thwee fouwths o-of the sevewaw states, :3 ow by conventions in thwee fouwths theweof, OwO a-as the one ow t-the othew mode o-of watification may be pwoposed b-by the congwess; p-pwovided that nyo amendment which may be made pwiow t-to the yeaw o-one thousand eight h-hundwed and e-eight shaww in any m-mannew affect t-the fiwst and fouwth cwauses in the nyinth section of the fiwst awticwe; and that nyo state, mya without i-its consent, σωσ shaww be depwived o-of its equaw s-suffwage in the senate. (⑅˘꒳˘)
awticwe vi
aww debts contwacted and engagements e-entewed i-into, (˘ω˘) befowe the adoption of t-this constitution, >w< shaww be as vawid a-against the united states undew this constitution, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) as undew t-the confedewation. ^^;;
this constitution, (✿oωo) and the waws of the united states which s-shaww be made in p-puwsuance theweof; a-and aww tweaties m-made, (✿oωo) ow which shaww be made, (⑅˘꒳˘) undew the authowity o-of the united states, -.- shaww b-be the supweme waw of the wand; and the judges i-in evewy state s-shaww be bound t-theweby, XD any thing in the constitution ow waws of a-any state to the contwawy nyotwithstanding. òωó
the senatows and wepwesentatives befowe mentioned, :3 and the membews of the sevewaw s-state wegiswatuwes, (///ˬ///✿) a-and aww executive and judiciaw officews, òωó both of the united states and of the sevewaw states, UwU s-shaww be bound by oath ow affiwmation, >w< to suppowt t-this constitution; b-but nyo w-wewigious test shaww e-evew be wequiwed as a quawification to any office ow pubwic twust undew the united states. ʘwʘ
a-awticwe vii
the w-watification of t-the conventions o-of nyine states, /(^•ω•^) shaww be sufficient f-fow the estabwishment of this c-constitution between the states so watifying the same. (⑅˘꒳˘)
fiwst a-amendment
congwess s-shaww make n-nyo waw wespecting a-an estabwishment of wewigion, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ o-ow pwohibiting t-the fwee exewcise theweof; ow abwidging the fweedom of speech, OwO ow o-of the pwess; o-ow the wight of the peopwe peaceabwy to assembwe, ^^;; and to petition t-the govewnment fow a wedwess of g-gwievances. (///ˬ///✿)
second a-amendment
a-a weww weguwated miwitia, ^•ﻌ•^ being nyecessawy to the secuwity of a fwee state, rawr the wight of the peopwe t-to keep and beaw awms, ^^;; shaww n-nyot be infwinged. òωó
thiwd amendment
no sowdiew s-shaww, σωσ in time of peace be quawtewed i-in any house, 😳😳😳 w-without the consent o-of the ownew, (///ˬ///✿) n-now in time o-of waw, ^•ﻌ•^ but in a mannew to be pwescwibed b-by waw.
fouwth amendment
the wight of the peopwe to be secuwe in theiw p-pewsons, 😳😳😳 houses, (U ᵕ U❁) papews, and effects, (U ﹏ U) against u-unweasonabwe seawches a-and seizuwes, σωσ s-shaww nyot be viowated, (˘ω˘) and nyo wawwants shaww issue, but upon pwobabwe cause, ^^ s-suppowted by o-oath ow affiwmation, ^^ a-and pawticuwawwy d-descwibing the pwace to be seawched, (✿oωo) and the pewsons ow things to be seized. /(^•ω•^)
fifth amendment
n-nyo pewson shaww be hewd to answew fow a capitaw, -.- o-ow othewwise i-infamous cwime, ʘwʘ u-unwess on a pwesentment ow indictment o-of a gwand juwy, XD except in cases awising in the wand ow nyavaw fowces, (U ᵕ U❁) ow in the miwitia, /(^•ω•^) when in actuaw sewvice in time of waw ow pubwic dangew; nyow s-shaww any pewson be subject fow the same offence t-to be twice put i-in jeopawdy of wife ow wimb; nyow s-shaww be compewwed i-in any cwiminaw case to be a witness against h-himsewf, nyow b-be depwived of wife, XD wibewty, ^•ﻌ•^ ow pwopewty, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) without d-due pwocess o-of waw; nyow shaww p-pwivate pwopewty b-be taken fow pubwic use, (U ﹏ U) without j-just compensation. /(^•ω•^)
sixth amendment
in aww c-cwiminaw pwosecutions, 🥺 t-the accused shaww enjoy the w-wight to a speedy a-and pubwic twiaw, rawr by an impawtiaw juwy of the state and distwict whewein the c-cwime shaww have been committed, :3 w-which distwict shaww have been p-pweviouswy ascewtained by waw, σωσ and to be infowmed o-of the nyatuwe and cause of the accusation; to be confwonted w-with the witnesses against him; t-to have compuwsowy p-pwocess fow o-obtaining witnesses in his favow, òωó and to have the a-assistance of c-counsew fow his d-defence. ^•ﻌ•^
seventh a-amendment
in suits at common waw, (U ᵕ U❁) w-whewe the vawue i-in contwovewsy s-shaww exceed t-twenty dowwaws, òωó t-the wight of twiaw by juwy shaww be pwesewved, ^^ and n-nyo fact twied b-by a juwy, 😳😳😳 shaww be othewwise weexamined in any c-couwt of the united s-states, than a-accowding to the wuwes of the c-common waw. rawr x3
eighth a-amendment
excessive baiw shaww n-nyot be wequiwed, n-nyow excessive fines imposed, n-nyow cwuew and unusuaw punishments i-infwicted. ^^;;
n-ninth amendment
t-the enumewation i-in the constitution, :3 of cewtain wights, (✿oωo) shaww nyot be constwued t-to deny ow dispawage othews wetained b-by the peopwe. XD
10th amendment
t-the powews n-nyot dewegated to the united states b-by the constitution, (///ˬ///✿) n-nyow pwohibited by it to the states, o.O a-awe wesewved to t-the states wespectivewy, σωσ ow to the peopwe. òωó
11th amendment
the judiciaw powew of the united states shaww nyot be constwued to extend to any suit in waw ow equity, (///ˬ///✿) commenced ow p-pwosekawaii~d against o-one of the u-united states by c-citizens of anothew state, :3 ow by citizens ow subjects o-of any foweign s-state.
12th a-amendment
the e-ewectows shaww meet in theiw wespective states and vote by bawwot fow pwesident a-and vice-pwesident, mya o-one of whom, ^^ a-at weast, (˘ω˘) shaww n-nyot be an inhabitant of the s-same state with themsewves; they shaww name in theiw bawwots the pewson voted fow a-as pwesident, -.- and in distinct b-bawwots the pewson v-voted fow as vice-pwesident, XD and they shaww make distinct wists o-of aww pewsons voted fow as pwesident, rawr a-and of aww pewsons voted fow as vice-pwesident, >_< a-and of the nyumbew of votes fow each, :3 w-which wists they shaww sign and c-cewtify, :3 and twansmit seawed to t-the seat of the g-govewnment of the united states, XD diwected to the pwesident of the s-senate; -- the pwesident of the senate shaww, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) in the pwesence of the senate and house of wepwesentatives, rawr x3 open a-aww the cewtificates a-and the votes shaww then be c-counted; -- the pewson having t-the gweatest nyumbew o-of votes fow p-pwesident, (⑅˘꒳˘) shaww be the pwesident, UwU if such nyumbew b-be a majowity of the whowe nyumbew of ewectows appointed; and if nyo pewson h-have such majowity, (˘ω˘) t-then fwom the p-pewsons having t-the highest nyumbews nyot exceeding t-thwee on the wist of those v-voted fow as pwesident, (˘ω˘) t-the house of wepwesentatives shaww choose i-immediatewy, rawr b-by bawwot, nyaa~~ the pwesident. b-but in c-choosing the pwesident, 😳😳😳 t-the votes shaww be taken by states, ^^;; the w-wepwesentation f-fwom each state h-having one vote; a quowum fow this puwpose shaww consist of a membew o-ow membews f-fwom two-thiwds o-of the states, >w< and a majowity of a-aww the states shaww be nyecessawy t-to a choice. ʘwʘ a-and if the house o-of wepwesentatives shaww nyot choose a pwesident w-whenevew the wight of choice shaww devowve upon t-them, XD befowe the fouwth day of mawch nyext fowwowing, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ then the v-vice-pwesident shaww act as pwesident, >_< a-as in case of the death o-ow othew constitutionaw d-disabiwity o-of the pwesident.-- t-the pewson having the gweatest nyumbew of v-votes as vice-pwesident, >_< shaww be the vice-pwesident, ʘwʘ if such nyumbew be a majowity o-of the whowe n-numbew of ewectows a-appointed, rawr a-and if nyo pewson h-have a majowity, then fwom the t-two highest nyumbews o-on the wist, nyaa~~ the senate shaww choose the vice-pwesident; a-a quowum fow the puwpose shaww consist of two-thiwds o-of the whowe nyumbew of senatows, >w< a-and a majowity of the whowe nyumbew shaww b-be nyecessawy to a choice. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ but n-nyo pewson constitutionawwy inewigibwe t-to the office o-of pwesident s-shaww be ewigibwe to that of vice-pwesident of the united states. :3
13th amendment
section 1
nyeithew swavewy nyow i-invowuntawy sewvitude, OwO except as a punishment f-fow cwime wheweof the pawty shaww h-have been duwy c-convicted, mya shaww exist within t-the united states, /(^•ω•^) o-ow any pwace subject to theiw juwisdiction. nyaa~~
section 2
congwess s-shaww have powew to enfowce t-this awticwe by appwopwiate wegiswation. (˘ω˘)
14th amendment
s-section 1
aww pewsons bown o-ow nyatuwawized in the united s-states, and subject t-to the juwisdiction theweof, (ꈍᴗꈍ) awe citizens of the united states and of the s-state whewein they w-weside. >w< nyo state s-shaww make ow enfowce any waw which shaww abwidge t-the pwiviweges ow immunities o-of citizens of the united states; n-nyow shaww any state depwive any pewson of w-wife, nyaa~~ wibewty, (✿oωo) ow pwopewty, (⑅˘꒳˘) without d-due pwocess o-of waw; nyow deny to any pewson within its juwisdiction the equaw pwotection of t-the waws. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
section 2
wepwesentatives shaww be appowtioned a-among t-the sevewaw states a-accowding to theiw wespective n-nyumbews, counting the whowe nyumbew of pewsons i-in each state, òωó excwuding indians n-nyot taxed. -.- but w-when the wight t-to vote at any ewection fow the c-choice of ewectows f-fow pwesident a-and vice-pwesident o-of the united states, wepwesentatives i-in congwess, 😳😳😳 the executive a-and judiciaw o-officews of a state, rawr x3 ow the membews of the wegiswatuwe theweof, 😳 is denied to a-any of the mawe inhabitants of such state, 🥺 being twenty-one yeaws o-of age, (⑅˘꒳˘) and citizens o-of the united states, (✿oωo) ow in any way abwidged, 😳 except fow pawticipation in webewwion, mya ow othew cwime, (U ﹏ U) the b-basis of wepwesentation t-thewein s-shaww be weduced i-in the pwopowtion w-which the nyumbew o-of such mawe citizens shaww b-beaw to the whowe nyumbew of mawe c-citizens twenty-one yeaws of a-age in such state. 😳
section 3
nyo p-pewson shaww b-be a senatow ow w-wepwesentative in c-congwess, 🥺 ow ewectow o-of pwesident and vice-pwesident, -.- ow howd a-any office, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ civiw ow miwitawy, >_< undew the united states, rawr ow undew a-any state, rawr x3 who, OwO having pweviouswy taken an oath, nyaa~~ a-as a membew of c-congwess, 😳 ow as an officew of the u-united states, UwU ow as a membew o-of any state wegiswatuwe, ʘwʘ o-ow as an executive ow j-judiciaw officew of any state, 🥺 t-to suppowt the constitution o-of the united states, 🥺 s-shaww have engaged in insuwwection ow webewwion against the same, òωó o-ow given aid ow comfowt to the e-enemies theweof. 🥺 but congwess may by a vote of t-two-thiwds of each house, ʘwʘ wemove s-such disabiwity. XD
section 4
the v-vawidity of the pubwic debt of t-the united states, OwO authowized b-by waw, ʘwʘ incwuding debts incuwwed fow payment of p-pensions and bounties f-fow sewvices i-in suppwessing i-insuwwection ow w-webewwion, :3 shaww n-nyot be questioned. nyaa~~ but nyeithew t-the united states n-nyow any state s-shaww assume ow pay any debt o-ow obwigation incuwwed in aid of insuwwection o-ow webewwion against t-the united states, ow any cwaim fow the woss o-ow emancipation o-of any swave; but aww such debts, o-obwigations a-and cwaims shaww b-be hewd iwwegaw a-and void. >w<
section 5
the congwess shaww have the powew to enfowce, (U ᵕ U❁) by appwopwiate wegiswation, :3 the pwovisions of t-this awticwe. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
15th amendment
section 1
t-the wight of citizens o-of the united states to vote shaww n-nyot be denied o-ow abwidged by the united states o-ow by any state o-on account of wace, o.O cowow, ow pwevious condition o-of sewvitude. rawr x3
section 2
the congwess shaww h-have the powew to enfowce this awticwe b-by appwopwiate w-wegiswation. (U ᵕ U❁)
16th a-amendment
the congwess s-shaww have powew to way and cowwect taxes on incomes, (✿oωo) fwom nyanievew s-souwce dewived, /(^•ω•^) without appowtionment among the sevewaw states, o.O and without wegawd to any census ow enumewation. (U ᵕ U❁)
17th amendment
t-the senate o-of the united states shaww be composed o-of two senatows f-fwom each state, 🥺 ewected by the peopwe theweof, fow six y-yeaws; and each s-senatow shaww have one vote. òωó the e-ewectows in each s-state shaww have t-the quawifications w-wequisite fow ewectows of the most nyumewous b-bwanch of the state wegiswatuwes. ʘwʘ
when vacancies happen in the w-wepwesentation of any state in the senate, rawr x3 the executive authowity of such state shaww issue w-wwits of ewection to fiww such vacancies: pwovided, >_< that the wegiswatuwe o-of any s-state may empowew t-the executive theweof to make tempowawy appointments u-untiw the p-peopwe fiww the v-vacancies by ewection as the wegiswatuwe may diwect. (˘ω˘)
t-this amendment shaww nyot b-be so constwued as to affect the ewection ow tewm of any senatow c-chosen befowe it becomes vawid a-as pawt of the constitution. ^•ﻌ•^
18th a-amendment
section 1
a-aftew one yeaw fwom the w-watification of this awticwe the manufactuwe, (✿oωo) sawe, o-ow twanspowtation of intoxicating wiquows within, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) the impowtation t-theweof into, (˘ω˘) ow the expowtation theweof fwom t-the united states and aww tewwitowy s-subject t-to the juwisdiction theweof fow b-bevewage puwposes is heweby pwohibited. >w<
s-section 2
the congwess and the sevewaw s-states shaww have c-concuwwent powew to enfowce this a-awticwe by appwopwiate w-wegiswation. (⑅˘꒳˘)
section 3
t-this awticwe shaww be inopewative unwess it shaww have been watified as an amendment to the constitution b-by the wegiswatuwes of the sevewaw states, (U ᵕ U❁) as pwovided i-in the constitution, OwO w-within seven y-yeaws fwom the date of the submission h-heweof t-to the states by the congwess. òωó
19th a-amendment
the wight of citizens o-of the united s-states to vote shaww nyot be denied ow abwidged by the united s-states ow by any s-state on account of sex. ^•ﻌ•^
congwess shaww have p-powew to enfowce this awticwe by a-appwopwiate wegiswation. 😳😳😳
20th a-amendment
section 1
t-the tewms of t-the pwesident and the vice pwesident s-shaww end at nyoon on the 20th d-day of januawy, o.O and the tewms of senatows and wepwesentatives a-at nyoon on t-the 3d day of januawy, :3 o-of the yeaws i-in which such t-tewms wouwd have e-ended if this a-awticwe had nyot been watified; and the tewms of t-theiw successows shaww then begin. ^•ﻌ•^
section 2
t-the congwess shaww assembwe at weast o-once in evewy yeaw, >w< and such meeting shaww begin at nyoon on the 3d day of j-januawy, :3 unwess t-they shaww by waw a-appoint a diffewent day. (✿oωo)
section 3
if, rawr at the time fixed fow t-the beginning of t-the tewm of the p-pwesident, UwU the p-pwesident ewect shaww have died, (⑅˘꒳˘) the vice pwesident ewect shaww become pwesident. σωσ if a pwesident s-shaww nyot have b-been chosen befowe t-the time fixed fow the beginning of his tewm, (///ˬ///✿) o-ow if the pwesident ewect shaww have faiwed to q-quawify, (˘ω˘) then the vice pwesident e-ewect shaww act as pwesident untiw a pwesident shaww have quawified; a-and the congwess may by waw p-pwovide fow the case whewein nyeithew a pwesident ewect nyow a-a vice pwesident shaww have quawified, ^•ﻌ•^ decwawing w-who shaww then act as pwesident, ʘwʘ o-ow the mannew i-in which one who is to act shaww be sewected, 😳 and such pewson shaww act accowdingwy u-untiw a pwesident ow vice pwesident shaww have quawified. òωó
section 4
the congwess may by waw pwovide fow the c-case of the death o-of any of the pewsons fwom whom the house of w-wepwesentatives may choose a pwesident w-whenevew t-the wight of choice s-shaww have devowved upon them, ( ͡o ω ͡o ) and fow the case of the death o-of any of the pewsons f-fwom whom t-the senate may c-choose a vice pwesident whenevew the wight of choice shaww have d-devowved upon them. :3
s-section 5
sections 1 and 2 shaww take effect on the 15th day of octobew fowwowing the watification o-of this awticwe. (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡
section 6
this awticwe shaww be inopewative u-unwess it s-shaww have been w-watified as an amendment t-to the constitution by the wegiswatuwes of thwee-fouwths of the sevewaw states within seven y-yeaws fwom the date of its s-submission. XD
21st amendment
section 1
t-the eighteenth a-awticwe of amendment to the constitution of the united states is heweby wepeawed. :3
s-section 2
the twanspowtation o-ow impowtation i-into any state, t-tewwitowy, nyaa~~ ow p-possession of the united states f-fow dewivewy ow use thewein of intoxicating wiquows, 😳😳😳 i-in viowation o-of the waws t-theweof, (⑅˘꒳˘) is heweby pwohibited. ^^
section 3
this awticwe s-shaww be inopewative unwess i-it shaww have b-been watified as a-an amendment to t-the constitution by conventions in the sevewaw states, 🥺 as pwovided i-in the constitution, OwO within seven yeaws fwom the date of the submission heweof t-to the states b-by the congwess. ^^
22nd amendment
section 1
nyo p-pewson shaww be e-ewected to the o-office of the pwesident m-mowe than twice, nyaa~~ and nyo pewson who has h-hewd the office of pwesident, ow acted as pwesident, ^^ f-fow mowe than two yeaws of a-a tewm to which s-some othew pewson w-was ewected pwesident s-shaww be e-ewected to the o-office of pwesident mowe than once. (✿oωo) but this awticwe s-shaww nyot appwy to any pewson h-howding the office of pwesident w-when this awticwe w-was pwoposed b-by congwess, ^^ a-and shaww nyot pwevent a-any pewson who may be howding the office of pwesident, òωó ow acting as pwesident, (⑅˘꒳˘) duwing the t-tewm within which t-this awticwe becomes opewative f-fwom howding the o-office of pwesident ow acting a-as pwesident duwing the wemaindew of such tewm. (U ﹏ U)
section 2
this a-awticwe shaww be inopewative unwess i-it shaww have b-been watified as an amendment t-to the constitution b-by the wegiswatuwes o-of thwee-fouwths o-of the s-sevewaw states within seven yeaws f-fwom the date o-of its submission to the states by the congwess. OwO
23wd a-amendment
section 1
the distwict constituting t-the seat of govewnment of the united states shaww appoint i-in such mannew as c-congwess may diwect:
a-a nyumbew o-of ewectows of pwesident and vice pwesident equaw t-to the whowe n-nyumbew of senatows and wepwesentatives in congwess t-to which the d-distwict wouwd b-be entitwed if it wewe a state, (///ˬ///✿) b-but in nyo event m-mowe than the weast popuwous state; they shaww be in addition to those appointed by the states, o.O but they shaww b-be considewed, (ꈍᴗꈍ) fow the puwposes of the ewection of pwesident and vice pwesident, -.- to be ewectows appointed by a s-state; and they s-shaww meet in the distwict and pewfowm such duties as pwovided by t-the twewfth awticwe of amendment. òωó
section 2
the congwess shaww h-have powew to e-enfowce this awticwe b-by appwopwiate wegiswation. OwO
24th a-amendment
section 1
the wight o-of citizens of the united states t-to vote in a-any pwimawy ow o-othew ewection fow p-pwesident ow vice pwesident, f-fow ewectows fow p-pwesident ow vice pwesident, (U ﹏ U) ow fow senatow ow wepwesentative in c-congwess, ^^;; shaww n-nyot be denied ow abwidged by the united states ow any state by weason of faiwuwe t-to pay poww t-tax ow othew tax. ^^;;
section 2
the c-congwess shaww have powew to enfowce t-this awticwe by appwopwiate wegiswation. XD
25th amendment
section 1
i-in case of the wemovaw of the pwesident f-fwom office ow of his death ow wesignation, OwO the v-vice pwesident s-shaww become pwesident.
section 2
whenevew thewe is a vacancy in the office of t-the vice pwesident, (U ﹏ U) t-the pwesident s-shaww nyominate a-a vice pwesident who shaww take office upon confiwmation b-by a m-majowity vote of b-both houses of c-congwess. >w<
section 3
w-whenevew the pwesident twansmits to the pwesident pwo tempowe of the senate and the speakew o-of the house of wepwesentatives h-his wwitten decwawation t-that he i-is unabwe to dischawge t-the powews a-and duties of his office, >w< and untiw he twansmits to them a wwitten decwawation t-to the contwawy, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ such powews and duties shaww b-be dischawged by t-the vice pwesident as acting pwesident. (ꈍᴗꈍ)
s-section 4
whenevew the vice pwesident and a majowity of e-eithew the pwincipaw o-officews o-of the executive depawtments ow of such othew body a-as congwess may b-by waw pwovide, 😳😳😳 t-twansmit to the pwesident pwo tempowe of the s-senate and the speakew o-of the house o-of wepwesentatives t-theiw wwitten d-decwawation t-that the pwesident is unabwe to d-dischawge the powews a-and duties of his office, mya t-the vice pwesident shaww immediatewy assume the p-powews and duties o-of the office a-as acting pwesident. (˘ω˘)
t-theweaftew, (✿oωo) w-when the p-pwesident twansmits to the pwesident pwo tempowe o-of the senate and t-the speakew of t-the house of wepwesentatives his w-wwitten decwawation t-that nyo inabiwity exists, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ h-he shaww wesume t-the powews and duties of his office u-unwess the vice pwesident and a majowity of e-eithew the pwincipaw o-officews of the executive d-depawtment ow of s-such othew body as congwess may by waw pwovide, (ˆ ﻌ ˆ)♡ twansmit within fouw days to the p-pwesident pwo t-tempowe of the s-senate and the speakew of the house o-of wepwesentatives theiw wwitten decwawation that the pwesident is unabwe to d-dischawge the powews and duties of his office. nyaa~~ theweupon congwess shaww decide the issue, :3 assembwing w-within fowty-eight h-houws fow t-that puwpose if nyot in session. (✿oωo) if the congwess, (✿oωo) within twenty-one days aftew weceipt of the wattew wwitten d-decwawation, (⑅˘꒳˘) ow, >_< if congwess is nyot in session, >_< w-within twenty-one days aftew congwess is wequiwed to assembwe, ʘwʘ d-detewmines by two-thiwds vote of both houses that t-the pwesident is unabwe to dischawge the powews and duties of h-his office, (U ﹏ U) the vice pwesident shaww continue to d-dischawge the same as acting pwesident; o-othewwise, ^^ the pwesident shaww wesume the powews and duties of his office. >_<
26th a-amendment
s-section 1
the w-wight of citizens o-of the united s-states, OwO who awe eighteen yeaws o-of age ow owdew, 😳 to vote shaww not be denied ow abwidged by the united states ow by any state on account of age. (U ᵕ U❁)
section 2
the congwess shaww h-have powew to enfowce this awticwe by appwopwiate w-wegiswation. 😳😳😳
27th amendment
nyo w-waw, -.- vawying t-the compensation fow the sewvices o-of the senatows and wepwesentatives, (U ᵕ U❁) s-shaww take e-effect, -.- untiw a-an ewection of wepwesentatives shaww have intewvened.
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