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Created June 30, 2023 07:19
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IMGUI with Flexbox layout
// Usage:
// ISQ_UI_RENDER_RECT(buffer, count)
// must be defined by the user.
// buffer: pointer to an array of rects
// count: number of rects in the array
// rect:
// vec4 min, max;
// vec4 color;
// This will set the amount of ui elements
// that can be stored without resizing.
// If you know ahead of time the max number
// of elements, you can optimize for space
// by setting this macro.
// The buffers are not reset to the initial
// size once they have been expanded, and they
// expand by doubling.
// Override the default printf by using this
// macro.
#ifndef ISQ_PRINTF
#include <stdio.h>
#define ISQ_PRINTF(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#ifndef ISQ_STRLEN
#include <string.h>
#define ISQ_STRLEN(s) strlen(s)
// Can provide alternatives to malloc and free
// by defining the following macros:
#ifndef ISQ_MALLOC
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ISQ_MALLOC(x) malloc(x)
#define ISQ_CALLOC(n, u) calloc(n, u)
#define ISQ_FREE(x) free(x)
#define ISQ_REALLOC(x, u) realloc(x, u)
// Header section.
// Not sure how to customize vectors yet...
// Probably need to use custom ones for now.
// Prefixed to avoid collisions.
typedef union isq_vec2 {
struct { float x, y; };
struct { float u, v; };
} isq_vec2;
typedef union isq_vec3 {
struct { float x, y, z; };
} isq_vec3;
typedef union isq_vec4 {
struct { float x, y, z, w; };
struct { float x1, y1, x2, y2; };
struct { float r, g, b, a; };
struct { float top, right, bottom, left; };
float data[4];
} isq_vec4;
enum isq_ui_box_flags {
ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_TEXT_NOWRAP = 1 << 8, // Default behaviour.
enum isq_ui_size_type {
struct isq_ui_size {
enum isq_ui_size_type type;
float value;
float strictness;
union isq_ui_sizes {
struct { struct isq_ui_size x, y; };
struct isq_ui_size data[2];
// x, y, z, u, v, texture_index, r, g, b, a
struct isq_ui_vertex {
isq_vec3 position;
isq_vec2 uvs;
float texture_index;
isq_vec4 color;
struct isq_ui_state {
unsigned id;
unsigned char clicked;
unsigned char hovered;
struct isq_ui_font {
void *character_data;
unsigned texture_index;
unsigned size;
// Copy of stbtt_aligned_quad.
struct isq_ui_aligned_quad {
float x0, y0, s0, t0;
float x1, y1, s1, t1;
struct isq_ui_box_style {
isq_vec4 background_color;
isq_vec4 hover_color;
isq_vec4 border_color;
isq_vec4 text_color;
isq_vec4 padding;
float border_width;
float border_radius;
struct isq_ui_font font;
float flex_gap;
// Style used by default unless specifically
// overridden by the user.
struct isq_ui_style {
struct isq_ui_box_style box;
struct isq_ui_box_style button;
// Call ONCE before using anything.
// width and height are the dimensions of the UI
// area - typically the window.
void isq_ui_init(float width, float height, struct isq_ui_style *style);
// Call once per frame before using the functions
// in this header.
void isq_ui_begin(float mouse_x, float mouse_y, int left_down, float scroll_delta);
// Call after using the functions in this header.
void isq_ui_end(void);
// Returns id.
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_create(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
// Set the current parent on the stack.
unsigned isq_ui_push_id(unsigned id);
// Set the current parent to the last created
// box.
unsigned isq_ui_push(void);
unsigned isq_ui_pop(void);
unsigned isq_ui_pop_all(void);
// The following functions all return 0 on
// success. They are simple setters.
unsigned isq_ui_flags(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
unsigned isq_ui_flags_add(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
unsigned isq_ui_flags_remove(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
unsigned isq_ui_semantic_size(unsigned id, union isq_ui_sizes semantic_size);
unsigned isq_ui_position(unsigned id, float x, float y);
unsigned isq_ui_background_color(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a);
unsigned isq_ui_border(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a, float width);
unsigned isq_ui_padding(unsigned id, float top, float right, float bottom, float left);
unsigned isq_ui_parent(unsigned id, unsigned parent_id);
unsigned isq_ui_font(unsigned id, void *character_data, unsigned size, unsigned texture_index);
unsigned isq_ui_text_color(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a);
// Set size in pixels.
unsigned isq_ui_size(unsigned id, float w, float h);
// Getters, gross!
void isq_ui_get_size(unsigned id, float *width, float *height);
void isq_ui_get_position(unsigned id, float *x, float *y);
unsigned isq_ui_last_id(void);
// Flexbox is a layer built on top of isq_ui_box
// that allows you to define a flexible
// layout. It's based on CSS's flexbox.
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_flexbox(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_box(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags);
// Premade components.
// Buttons by default are clickable, hoverable,
// and draw a background.
// Styles can be changed by using the various
// isq_ui_button_style... functions.
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_button(const char *text);
// Just a box that displays text. Has word
// wrapping by default.
// Fills the entire of its parent.
// Scrolls vertically if the text is too long.
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_text_display(const char *text);
// Implementation section.
#error "ISQ_UI_RENDER_RECT must be defined"
#error "ISQ_UI_TEXT_RENDER must be defined"
#error "ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD_TYPE must be defined"
#error "ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD must be defined"
#define ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF (float)0xdeadbeef
struct isq_ui_box {
unsigned id;
// Per frame.
enum isq_ui_box_flags flags;
union isq_ui_sizes semantic_size;
isq_vec2 position;
struct isq_ui_box_style style;
const char *text;
float text_width_in_pixels;
unsigned text_line_count;
struct isq_ui_box *parent;
struct isq_ui_box *first_child;
struct isq_ui_box *next_sibling;
struct isq_ui_box *prev_sibling;
struct isq_ui_box *last_child;
// Computed.
isq_vec4 computed_rect;
float flex_size;
unsigned flex_count;
float scroll_offset;
float scroll_offset_max;
struct isq_ui_mouse {
isq_vec2 position;
// add buttons states here
int left_down;
float scroll_delta;
static isq_vec2 isq_ui_dimensions = {0};
static struct isq_ui_mouse isq_ui_mouse = {0};
static struct isq_ui_box *isq_ui_box_array = NULL;
static unsigned isq_ui_box_array_capacity = 0;
static unsigned isq_ui_box_array_count = 0;
static struct isq_ui_box *isq_ui_current_parent = NULL;
static struct isq_ui_vertex *isq_ui_vertex_buffer = NULL;
static unsigned isq_ui_vertex_buffer_capacity = 0;
static unsigned isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count = 0;
static isq_vec4 isq_ui_default_uvs = {0, 0, 1, 1};
static struct isq_ui_style isq_ui_style = {0};
static unsigned isq_ui_used_bytes = 0;
static float isq_ui_scroll_multiplier = 30;
static struct isq_ui_box *isq_ui_box_array_get(unsigned id) {
if (id >= isq_ui_box_array_count) {
return NULL;
return &isq_ui_box_array[id];
static void isq_ui_enqueue_rect(isq_vec4 rect, isq_vec4 uvs, isq_vec4 color, float texture_index)
if (isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count == isq_ui_vertex_buffer_capacity) {
isq_ui_vertex_buffer_capacity *= 2;
isq_ui_vertex_buffer = ISQ_REALLOC(isq_ui_vertex_buffer, sizeof(struct isq_ui_vertex) * isq_ui_vertex_buffer_capacity);
struct isq_ui_vertex *vertex = &isq_ui_vertex_buffer[isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count++];
vertex->position.x = rect.x;
vertex->position.y = rect.y;
vertex->position.z = 0;
vertex->color = color;
vertex->texture_index = texture_index;
vertex->uvs.u = uvs.x;
vertex->uvs.v = uvs.y;
vertex = &isq_ui_vertex_buffer[isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count++];
vertex->position.x = rect.z;
vertex->position.y = rect.y;
vertex->position.z = 0;
vertex->color = color;
vertex->texture_index = texture_index;
vertex->uvs.u = uvs.z;
vertex->uvs.v = uvs.y;
vertex = &isq_ui_vertex_buffer[isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count++];
vertex->position.x = rect.z;
vertex->position.y = rect.w;
vertex->position.z = 0;
vertex->color = color;
vertex->texture_index = texture_index;
vertex->uvs.u = uvs.z;
vertex->uvs.v = uvs.w;
vertex = &isq_ui_vertex_buffer[isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count++];
vertex->position.x = rect.x;
vertex->position.y = rect.w;
vertex->position.z = 0;
vertex->color = color;
vertex->texture_index = texture_index;
vertex->uvs.u = uvs.x;
vertex->uvs.v = uvs.w;
isq_vec4 isq_vec4_add(isq_vec4 a, isq_vec4 b)
isq_vec4 result = {0};
result.x = a.x + b.x;
result.y = a.y + b.y;
result.z = a.z + b.z;
result.w = a.w + b.w;
return result;
isq_vec4 isq_vec4_scale(isq_vec4 a, float k)
isq_vec4 result = {0};
result.x = a.x * k;
result.y = a.y * k;
result.z = a.z * k;
result.w = a.w * k;
return result;
static void isq_ui_enqueue_border(isq_vec4 rect, isq_vec4 color, float width)
// Top
isq_vec4 border_rect = rect;
border_rect.y = rect.w - width;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(border_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, color, 0);
// Bottom
border_rect.y = rect.y;
border_rect.w = rect.y + width;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(border_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, color, 0);
// Left
border_rect.y = rect.y + width;
border_rect.z = rect.x + width;
border_rect.w = rect.w - width;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(border_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, color, 0);
// Right
border_rect.x = rect.z - width;
border_rect.z = rect.z;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(border_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, color, 0);
static struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_interact(unsigned id)
struct isq_ui_state state = { .id = id };
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_HOVERABLE) {
if (isq_ui_mouse.position.x >= box->computed_rect.x && isq_ui_mouse.position.y >= box->computed_rect.y &&
isq_ui_mouse.position.x < box->computed_rect.z && isq_ui_mouse.position.y < box->computed_rect.w) {
state.hovered = 1;
if (box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_CLICKABLE && isq_ui_mouse.left_down > 0) {
if (isq_ui_mouse.position.x >= box->computed_rect.x && isq_ui_mouse.position.y >= box->computed_rect.y &&
isq_ui_mouse.position.x < box->computed_rect.z && isq_ui_mouse.position.y < box->computed_rect.w) {
state.clicked = 1;
if (box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_SCROLL_VERTICAL && isq_ui_mouse.scroll_delta != 0) {
box->scroll_offset -= isq_ui_mouse.scroll_delta * isq_ui_scroll_multiplier;
if (box->scroll_offset < 0)
box->scroll_offset = 0;
if (box->scroll_offset > box->scroll_offset_max)
box->scroll_offset = box->scroll_offset_max;
return state;
// TODO:
// - Word wrapping.
// - Text alignment.
// - Allow alphabets besides English.
// - Rounded corners?
static void isq_ui_render(void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < isq_ui_box_array_count; ++i) {
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(i);
bool cutoff_top = false;
float cutoff_size = 0;
// Don't show boxes past parent.
if (box->parent && box->parent->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_SCROLL_VERTICAL) {
// Scroll offset.
box->computed_rect.y -= box->parent->scroll_offset;
box->computed_rect.w -= box->parent->scroll_offset;
// Don't display if scrolled off screen.
if (box->computed_rect.y > box->parent->computed_rect.w)
if (box->computed_rect.w < box->parent->computed_rect.y)
// Clamp to parent.
if (box->computed_rect.w > box->parent->computed_rect.w) {
box->computed_rect.w = box->parent->computed_rect.w;
if (box->computed_rect.y < box->parent->computed_rect.y) {
cutoff_size = box->parent->computed_rect.y - box->computed_rect.y;
box->computed_rect.y = box->parent->computed_rect.y;
cutoff_top = true;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(box->computed_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, box->style.background_color, 0);
if (box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_DRAW_BORDER)
isq_ui_enqueue_border(box->computed_rect, box->style.border_color, box->style.border_width);
// Only draw text if it exsits.
if (box->text) {
const char *text = box->text;
isq_vec2 pos = {box->computed_rect.x + box->style.padding.left, box->computed_rect.y + box->};
while (text && *text) {
if (*text < 32) {
ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD(box->style.font.character_data, 512, 512, *text-32, &pos.x, &pos.y, &q, 1);
isq_vec4 text_rect = (isq_vec4){q.x0, q.y0 + box->style.font.size * 0.75, q.x1, q.y1 + box->style.font.size * 0.75};
isq_vec4 text_uvs = (isq_vec4){q.s0, q.t0, q.s1, q.t1};
if (box->parent && box->parent->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_SCROLL_VERTICAL) {
if (text_rect.w > box->parent->computed_rect.w) {
float size = text_rect.w - text_rect.y;
float pct = (box->parent->computed_rect.w - text_rect.y) / size;
text_rect.w = box->parent->computed_rect.w;
text_uvs.w = q.t0 + (q.t1 - q.t0) * pct;
if (text_rect.w > box->parent->computed_rect.w)
text_rect.w = box->parent->computed_rect.w;
if (text_rect.y > box->parent->computed_rect.w)
text_rect.y = box->parent->computed_rect.w;
if (cutoff_top) {
float size = text_rect.w - text_rect.y;
float pct = 1.0;
printf("size: %f pct: %f\n", size, pct);
text_rect.y -= cutoff_size;
text_rect.w -= cutoff_size;
if (text_rect.y < box->parent->computed_rect.y)
text_rect.y = box->parent->computed_rect.y;
if (text_rect.w < box->parent->computed_rect.y)
text_rect.w = box->parent->computed_rect.y;
// TODO: Update uvs to match new size.
text_uvs.w = q.t0 + (q.t1 - q.t0) * pct;
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(text_rect, text_uvs, box->style.text_color, box->style.font.texture_index);
ISQ_UI_RENDER_RECT(isq_ui_vertex_buffer, isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count);
static float get_text_width_in_pixels(struct isq_ui_font font, const char *text)
float width_start = ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF;
isq_vec2 pos = {0};
while (text && *text) {
if (*text < 32) {
// TODO: Next line, line count.
ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD(font.character_data, 512, 512, *text-32, &pos.x, &pos.y, &q, 1);
if (width_start == ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF)
width_start = q.x0;
return q.x1 - width_start;
static float isq_ui_compute_width(unsigned id, isq_vec2 origin, isq_vec2 parent_size)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 0;
if (box->semantic_size.x.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PIXELS)
return box->semantic_size.x.value;
if (box->semantic_size.x.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PERCENT)
return parent_size.x * box->semantic_size.x.value;
if (box->semantic_size.x.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_TEXT_CONTENT) {
float text_width = get_text_width_in_pixels(box->style.font, box->text);
return text_width + box->style.padding.left + box->style.padding.right;
// ...
return 0;
static float isq_ui_compute_height(unsigned id, isq_vec2 origin, isq_vec2 parent_size)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 0;
if (box->semantic_size.y.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PIXELS)
return box->semantic_size.y.value;
if (box->semantic_size.y.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PERCENT)
return parent_size.y * box->semantic_size.y.value;
if (box->semantic_size.y.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_TEXT_CONTENT) {
return box->style.font.size + box-> + box->style.padding.bottom;
//return box->style.font.size * box->text_line_count + box-> + box->style.padding.bottom;
return 0;
static void isq_ui_compute_rect(unsigned id)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (box == NULL)
if ((box->position.x == (float)ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF && box->position.y == (float)ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF) || (box->semantic_size.x.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_NULL && box->semantic_size.y.type == ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_NULL))
float yoffset = 0;
isq_vec2 origin = { 0, 0 };
isq_vec2 parent_size = isq_ui_dimensions;
if (box->parent) {
origin.x = box->parent->computed_rect.x + box->parent->style.padding.left;
origin.y = box->parent->computed_rect.y + box->parent->;
parent_size.x = box->parent->computed_rect.z - box->parent->computed_rect.x - box->parent->style.padding.left - box->parent->style.padding.right;
parent_size.y = box->parent->computed_rect.w - box->parent->computed_rect.y - box->parent-> - box->parent->style.padding.bottom;
float width = isq_ui_compute_width(id, origin, parent_size) + box->style.padding.left + box->style.padding.right;
float height = isq_ui_compute_height(id, origin, parent_size) + box-> + box->style.padding.bottom;
box->scroll_offset_max = height;
isq_vec2 position = {origin.x + box->position.x, origin.y + box->position.y};
position.x = box->position.x;
position.y = box->position.y;
} else if (box->parent && box->parent->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_ROW) {
if (height > box->parent->flex_size)
box->parent->flex_size = height;
if (box->prev_sibling) {
position.x = box->prev_sibling->computed_rect.z + box->parent->style.flex_gap;
if (position.x >= box->parent->computed_rect.z) {
position.x = box->parent->computed_rect.x;
box->parent->flex_count += 1;
position.y += box->parent->flex_count * box->parent->flex_size;
} else if (box->parent && box->parent->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_COLUMN) {
if (width > box->parent->flex_size)
box->parent->flex_size = width;
if (box->prev_sibling) {
position.y = box->prev_sibling->computed_rect.w + box->parent->style.flex_gap;
if (position.y >= box->parent->computed_rect.w && !(box->parent->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_NOWRAP)) {
position.y = box->parent->computed_rect.y;
box->parent->flex_count += 1;
position.x += box->parent->flex_count * box->parent->flex_size;
// TODO: Add other types of position... (percentage based, for example)
box->computed_rect.x = position.x;
box->computed_rect.y = position.y;
box->computed_rect.z = box->computed_rect.x + width - box->style.padding.left - box->style.padding.right;
box->computed_rect.w = box->computed_rect.y + height - box-> - box->style.padding.bottom;
void isq_ui_init(float width, float height, struct isq_ui_style *style)
isq_ui_dimensions.x = width;
isq_ui_dimensions.y = height;
isq_ui_style = *style;
isq_ui_box_array = ISQ_MALLOC(sizeof(struct isq_ui_box) * ISQ_UI_INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
isq_ui_box_array_capacity = ISQ_UI_INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY;
isq_ui_vertex_buffer = ISQ_MALLOC(sizeof(struct isq_ui_vertex) * ISQ_UI_INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
isq_ui_vertex_buffer_capacity = ISQ_UI_INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY;
memset(isq_ui_box_array, 0, sizeof(struct isq_ui_box) * ISQ_UI_INITIAL_BUFFER_CAPACITY);
void isq_ui_begin(float mouse_x, float mouse_y, int left_down, float scroll_delta)
isq_ui_mouse.position.x = mouse_x;
isq_ui_mouse.position.y = mouse_y;
isq_ui_mouse.left_down = left_down;
isq_ui_mouse.scroll_delta = scroll_delta;
isq_ui_current_parent = NULL;
isq_ui_box_array_count = 0;
isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count = 0;
void isq_ui_end(void)
unsigned isq_ui_push(void)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(isq_ui_box_array_count - 1);
if (box == NULL)
return 1;
box->parent = isq_ui_current_parent;
isq_ui_current_parent = box;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_push_id(unsigned id)
if (isq_ui_current_parent == NULL) {
isq_ui_current_parent = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
return 0;
struct isq_ui_box *parent = isq_ui_current_parent;
struct isq_ui_box *child = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (parent == NULL || child == NULL)
return 1;
child->parent = parent;
isq_ui_current_parent = child;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_pop(void)
if (isq_ui_current_parent == NULL)
return 1;
isq_ui_current_parent = isq_ui_current_parent->parent;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_pop_all(void)
isq_ui_current_parent = NULL;
return 0;
static struct isq_ui_box *prev_sibling(unsigned id)
if (id == 0)
return NULL;
struct isq_ui_box *curr = isq_ui_box_array_get(id - 1);
for (unsigned i = id - 1; i > 0; --i) {
struct isq_ui_box *curr = isq_ui_box_array_get(i);
if (curr->parent == isq_ui_current_parent)
return curr;
return NULL;
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_create(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
// Expand the box array if needed.
if (isq_ui_box_array_count == isq_ui_box_array_capacity) {
isq_ui_box_array_capacity *= 2;
isq_ui_box_array = ISQ_REALLOC(isq_ui_box_array, sizeof(struct isq_ui_box) * isq_ui_box_array_capacity);
unsigned index = isq_ui_box_array_count;
struct isq_ui_box *box = &isq_ui_box_array[index];
box->id = index;
// Set to a magic value to detect
// uninitialized values.
box->position = (isq_vec2){ ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF, ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF };
box->style.background_color =;
box->style.border_color =;
box->style.padding =;
box->style.text_color =;
box->style.border_radius =;
box->style.border_width =;
box->style.font.character_data =;
box->style.font.size =;
box->style.font.texture_index =;
box->style.flex_gap =;
box->semantic_size = (union isq_ui_sizes){
.x = { .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_NULL, .value = 0 },
.y = { .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_NULL, .value = 0 },
box->flags = flags;
box->parent = isq_ui_current_parent;
box->first_child = NULL;
box->prev_sibling = prev_sibling(index);
if (box->prev_sibling) {
box->prev_sibling->next_sibling = box;
box->last_child = NULL;
box->flex_size = 0;
box->flex_count = 0;
box->text = NULL;
return isq_ui_interact(index);
unsigned isq_ui_flags(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (box) {
box->flags = flags;
return 0;
return 1;
unsigned isq_ui_flags_add(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (box) {
box->flags = flags | box->flags;
return 0;
return 1;
unsigned isq_ui_flags_remove(unsigned id, enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (box) {
box->flags = ~flags & box->flags;
return 0;
return 1;
unsigned isq_ui_semantic_size(unsigned id, union isq_ui_sizes semantic_size)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->semantic_size = semantic_size;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_size(unsigned id, float w, float h)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->semantic_size = (union isq_ui_sizes){
.x = { .value = w, .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PIXELS },
.y = { .value = h, .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PIXELS },
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_position(unsigned id, float x, float y)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->position = (isq_vec2){ x, y };
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_background_color(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->style.background_color = (isq_vec4){ r, g, b, a };
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_border(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a, float width)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->style.border_color = (isq_vec4){ r, g, b, a };
box->style.border_width = width;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_padding(unsigned id, float top, float right, float bottom, float left)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->style.padding = (isq_vec4){ top, right, bottom, left };
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_parent(unsigned id, unsigned parent_id)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
if (parent_id == -1) {
box->parent = NULL;
return 0;
struct isq_ui_box *parent = isq_ui_box_array_get(parent_id);
box->parent = parent;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_font(unsigned id, void *character_data, unsigned size, unsigned texture_index)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->style.font.character_data = character_data;
box->style.font.size = size;
box->style.font.texture_index = texture_index;
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_text_color(unsigned id, float r, float g, float b, float a)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
return 1;
box->style.text_color = (isq_vec4){ r, g, b, a };
return 0;
unsigned isq_ui_last_id(void)
return isq_ui_box_array_count - 1;
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_flexbox(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
enum isq_ui_box_flags flex_direction = (flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_COLUMN) ? ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_COLUMN : ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_FLEX_ROW;
struct isq_ui_state state = isq_ui_create(flags | flex_direction);
return state;
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_box(enum isq_ui_box_flags flags)
struct isq_ui_state state = isq_ui_create(flags);
isq_ui_position(, 0, 0);
return state;
void isq_ui_text(unsigned id, const char *text)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
box->text = text;
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_button(const char *text)
// for debug
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(;
isq_ui_text(, text);
isq_ui_position(, 0, 0);
isq_ui_semantic_size(, (union isq_ui_sizes){
isq_ui_border(, isq_ui_style.button.border_color.r, isq_ui_style.button.border_color.g, isq_ui_style.button.border_color.b, isq_ui_style.button.border_color.a, 1);
isq_ui_padding(, 5, 5, 5, 5);
if (state.hovered)
isq_ui_background_color(, isq_ui_style.button.hover_color.r, isq_ui_style.button.hover_color.g, isq_ui_style.button.hover_color.b, isq_ui_style.button.hover_color.a);
isq_ui_background_color(, isq_ui_style.button.background_color.r, isq_ui_style.button.background_color.g, isq_ui_style.button.background_color.b, isq_ui_style.button.background_color.a);
return state;
struct isq_ui_state isq_ui_text_display(const char *text)
struct isq_ui_state state = isq_ui_box(ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_DRAW_BACKGROUND | ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_DRAW_BORDER);
isq_ui_text(, text);
isq_ui_position(, 0, 0);
isq_ui_semantic_size( , (union isq_ui_sizes){
.x = { .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PERCENT, .value = 1 },
.y = { .type = ISQ_UI_SIZE_TYPE_PERCENT, .value = 1 },
isq_ui_background_color(, 0, 0, 0, 0);
isq_ui_border(, 1, 1, 1, 0.15, 1);
isq_ui_padding(, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return state;
void isq_ui_get_size(unsigned id, float *width, float *height)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
*width = box->computed_rect.z - box->computed_rect.x;
*height = box->computed_rect.w - box->computed_rect.y;
void isq_ui_get_position(unsigned id, float *x, float *y)
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(id);
if (!box)
*x = box->computed_rect.x;
*y = box->computed_rect.y;
#if 0
static void isq_ui_render(void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < isq_ui_box_array_count; ++i) {
struct isq_ui_box *box = isq_ui_box_array_get(i);
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(box->computed_rect, isq_ui_default_uvs, box->style.background_color, 0);
if (box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_DRAW_BORDER)
isq_ui_enqueue_border(box->computed_rect, box->style.border_color, box->style.border_width);
// Only draw text if it exsits.
if (box->text) {
const char *text = box->text;
isq_vec2 pos = {box->computed_rect.x + box->style.padding.left, box->computed_rect.y + box->};
float top = pos.y + box->style.font.size;
float bot = pos.y;
unsigned line_count = text ? 1 : 0;
float longest_line_width = ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF;
float width_start = ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF;
while (text && *text) {
if (*text < 32) {
if (*text == '\n') {
pos.x = box->computed_rect.x + box->style.padding.left;
pos.y += box->style.font.size;
if (q.x1 - width_start > longest_line_width || longest_line_width == ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF) {
longest_line_width = q.x1 - width_start;
width_start = ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF;
ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD(box->style.font.character_data, 512, 512, *text-32, &pos.x, &pos.y, &q, 1);
// TODO: Actual word wrapping
if (q.x1 > box->computed_rect.z && box->flags & ISQ_UI_BOX_FLAG_TEXT_WRAP_WORD) {
pos.x = box->computed_rect.x;
pos.y += box->style.font.size;
ISQ_UI_BAKED_QUAD(box->style.font.character_data, 512, 512, *text-32, &pos.x, &pos.y, &q, 1);
if (width_start == ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF) {
width_start = q.x0;
isq_vec4 text_rect = (isq_vec4){q.x0, q.y0 + box->style.font.size * 0.75, q.x1, q.y1 + box->style.font.size * 0.75};
isq_vec4 text_uvs = (isq_vec4){q.s0, q.t0, q.s1, q.t1};
isq_ui_enqueue_rect(text_rect, text_uvs, box->style.text_color, box->style.font.texture_index);
if (longest_line_width == ISQ_UI_MAGIC_NUMBERF)
longest_line_width = q.x1 - width_start;
box->text_width_in_pixels = longest_line_width;
box->text_line_count = line_count;
ISQ_UI_RENDER_RECT(isq_ui_vertex_buffer, isq_ui_vertex_buffer_count);
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