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Last active May 16, 2022 08:38
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#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import product
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul
BOSS = "boss"
IED = "ied"
ATT = "att"
ANY = "any"
STAT = "stat"
ALLSTAT = "allstat"
P = True
N = False
prime_chance_red = [1, 0.1, 0.01]
prime_chance_black = [1, 0.2, 0.05]
prime_chance_violet = [1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1, 0.01]
prime_chance_equality = [1, 1, 1]
prime_chance_bonus = [1, 0.004975, 0.004975]
prime_chance_occult = [1] + [1.0/101]*2
prime_lines_weapon = [
(P, BOSS, 40, 20.5),
(P, BOSS, 35, 20.5),
(P, BOSS, 30, 20.5),
(P, IED, 40, 20.5),
(P, IED, 35, 20.5),
(P, ATT, 12, 20.5),
lines_weapon = [
(N, BOSS, 30, 14.3333),
(N, IED, 30, 14.3333),
(N, ATT, 9, 14.3333),
prime_lines_secondary = [
(P, BOSS, 40, 23.5),
(P, BOSS, 35, 23.5),
(P, BOSS, 30, 23.5),
(P, IED, 40, 23.5),
(P, IED, 35, 23.5),
(P, ATT, 12, 23.5),
lines_secondary = [
(N, BOSS, 30, 17.0),
(N, IED, 30, 17.0),
(N, ATT, 9, 17.0),
prime_lines_emblem = [
(P, IED, 40, 17.5),
(P, IED, 35, 17.5),
(P, ATT, 12, 17.5),
lines_emblem = [
(N, IED, 30, 13.3333),
(N, ATT, 9, 13.3333),
prime_lines_weapon_b = [
(P, ATT, 12, 19.5),
lines_weapon_b = [
(N, ATT, 9, 21.5),
prime_lines_secondary_b = [
(P, ATT, 12, 20.5),
lines_secondary_b = [
(N, ATT, 9, 21.5),
prime_lines_emblem_b = [
(P, ATT, 12, 19),
lines_emblem_b = [
(N, ATT, 9, 21),
prime_lines_top = [
(P, STAT, 12, 17),
(P, ALLSTAT, 9, 17),
lines_top = [
(N, STAT, 9, 13.2),
(N, ALLSTAT, 6, 16.5),
prime_lines_occult_accessory = [
(P, STAT, 6, 9),
(P, ALLSTAT, 3, 18),
lines_occult_accessory = [
(N, STAT, 3, 21),
def filter_impossible_lines(combos):
for combo in combos:
counts = {BOSS: 0, IED: 0}
for (_, t, _, _) in combo:
if t in counts:
counts[t] += 1
for x in counts.values():
if x > 2:
yield combo
def cube_calc(
text, prime_lines, lines, print_combos, singular_cube=False, prime_chance_singular=[]
print(f" {text} ".center(80, "="))
lines = lines + prime_lines
def make_any_line(lines):
return lines + [(N, ANY, 0, 1.0/(1.0 - sum((1.0/onein for (_, _, _, onein) in lines))))]
# to represent all the lines we don't care about I generate an ANY line that
# has 1-(sum of the chances of all lines we care about) chance
p = make_any_line(prime_lines)
n = make_any_line(lines)
if not singular_cube:
combos_red = list(filter_impossible_lines(product(p, n, n)))
combos_violet = list(filter_impossible_lines(product(p, n, n, n, n, n)))
combos_equality = list(filter_impossible_lines(product(p, p, p)))
combos_singular_cube = list(product(p, n, n))
def combo_chance(want, prime_chance, combos):
for combo in combos:
amounts = {}
for (prime, typ, amount, onein) in combo:
if typ not in amounts: amounts[typ] = 0
amounts[typ] += amount
if ALLSTAT in amounts and STAT in amounts:
amounts[STAT] += amounts[ALLSTAT]
for k in want.keys():
if k not in amounts or amounts[k] < want[k]:
return sum([reduce(mul, [1.0/onein * (prime_chance[i] if prime else 1)
for i, (prime, typ, amount, onein) in enumerate(combo)]) for combo in good])
def fmt_chance(text, wants, prime_chance, combos):
chance = sum([combo_chance(want, prime_chance, combos) for want in wants])
return (text, f"1 in {round(1.0/chance)} cubes, {chance*100:.4f}%")
def tabulate(rows):
max_len = max((len(text) for (text, _) in rows))
for (text, result) in rows:
print(f"{text.rjust(max_len)} {result}")
if singular_cube:
tabulate([fmt_chance(text, want, prime_chance_singular, combos_singular_cube)
for (text, want) in print_combos])
tabulate([fmt_chance(text, want, prime_chance_red, combos_red)
for (text, want) in print_combos])
tabulate([fmt_chance(text, want, prime_chance_violet, combos_violet)
for (text, want) in print_combos])
tabulate([fmt_chance(text, want, prime_chance_equality, combos_equality)
for (text, want) in print_combos])
tabulate([fmt_chance(text, want, prime_chance_black, combos_red)
for (text, want) in print_combos])
def cube_calc_b(text, prime_lines, lines, print_combos):
return cube_calc(text, prime_lines, lines, print_combos, True, prime_chance_bonus)
def cube_calc_o(text, prime_lines, lines, print_combos):
return cube_calc(text, prime_lines, lines, print_combos, True, prime_chance_occult)
combos_ws = [
("21+ att", [{ATT: 21}]),
("30+ att", [{ATT: 30}]),
("33+ att", [{ATT: 33}]),
("21+ att and boss", [{ATT: 21, BOSS: 1}]),
("21+ att and ied", [{ATT: 21, IED: 1}]),
("18+ att and 30+boss", [{ATT: 18, BOSS: 30}]),
("18+ att and 30+ied", [{ATT: 18, IED: 30}]),
("60+ied", [{IED: 60}]),
("70+ied", [{IED: 70}]),
("60+ied and att", [{IED: 60, ATT: 1}]),
("60+ied and boss", [{IED: 60, BOSS: 1}]),
("21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss", [{ATT: 21, BOSS: 1}, {ATT: 18, BOSS: 30}]),
combos_e = [
("21+ att", [{ATT: 21}]),
("30+ att", [{ATT: 30}]),
("33+ att", [{ATT: 33}]),
("21+ att and ied", [{ATT: 21, IED: 1}]),
combos_wse_b = [
("18+ att", [{ATT: 18}]),
("21+ att", [{ATT: 21}]),
("30+ att", [{ATT: 30}]),
("33+ att", [{ATT: 33}]),
combos_stat = [
("18+ stat", [{STAT: 18}]),
("21+ stat", [{STAT: 21}]),
("30+ stat", [{STAT: 30}]),
("33+ stat", [{STAT: 33}]),
("12+ all stat", [{ALLSTAT: 12}]),
("15+ all stat", [{ALLSTAT: 15}]),
("21+ all stat", [{ALLSTAT: 21}]),
combos_occult_stat = [
("6+ stat", [{STAT: 6}]),
("9+ stat", [{STAT: 9}]),
("12+ stat", [{STAT: 12}]),
("3+ all stat", [{ALLSTAT: 3}]),
("6+ all stat", [{ALLSTAT: 6}]),
cube_calc("weapon", prime_lines_weapon, lines_weapon, combos_ws)
cube_calc("secondary", prime_lines_secondary, lines_secondary, combos_ws)
cube_calc("emblem", prime_lines_emblem, lines_emblem, combos_e)
cube_calc_b("weapon bpot", prime_lines_weapon_b, lines_weapon_b, combos_wse_b)
cube_calc_b("secondary bpot", prime_lines_secondary_b, lines_secondary_b, combos_wse_b)
cube_calc_b("emblem bpot", prime_lines_emblem_b, lines_emblem_b, combos_wse_b)
cube_calc("top/overall", prime_lines_top, lines_top, combos_stat)
cube_calc_o("accessory (occult cubes)",
prime_lines_occult_accessory, lines_occult_accessory, combos_occult_stat)
==================================== weapon ====================================
21+ att 1 in 192 cubes, 0.5213%
30+ att 1 in 3909 cubes, 0.0256%
33+ att 1 in 54414 cubes, 0.0018%
21+ att and boss 1 in 1656 cubes, 0.0604%
21+ att and ied 1 in 1764 cubes, 0.0567%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 760 cubes, 0.1316%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 960 cubes, 0.1042%
60+ied 1 in 69 cubes, 1.4573%
70+ied 1 in 184 cubes, 0.5430%
60+ied and att 1 in 749 cubes, 0.1335%
60+ied and boss 1 in 511 cubes, 0.1958%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 521 cubes, 0.1920%
21+ att 1 in 161 cubes, 0.6218%
30+ att 1 in 1014 cubes, 0.0986%
33+ att 1 in 4754 cubes, 0.0210%
21+ att and boss 1 in 435 cubes, 0.2297%
21+ att and ied 1 in 463 cubes, 0.2160%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 133 cubes, 0.7494%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 146 cubes, 0.6847%
60+ied 1 in 51 cubes, 1.9601%
70+ied 1 in 243 cubes, 0.4117%
60+ied and att 1 in 145 cubes, 0.6873%
60+ied and boss 1 in 124 cubes, 0.8065%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 102 cubes, 0.9791%
21+ att 1 in 145 cubes, 0.6906%
30+ att 1 in 8615 cubes, 0.0116%
33+ att 1 in 8615 cubes, 0.0116%
21+ att and boss 1 in 957 cubes, 0.1045%
21+ att and ied 1 in 1436 cubes, 0.0696%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 957 cubes, 0.1045%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 1436 cubes, 0.0696%
60+ied 1 in 39 cubes, 2.5769%
70+ied 1 in 39 cubes, 2.5769%
60+ied and att 1 in 718 cubes, 0.1393%
60+ied and boss 1 in 239 cubes, 0.4179%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 479 cubes, 0.2089%
21+ att 1 in 165 cubes, 0.6050%
30+ att 1 in 3570 cubes, 0.0280%
33+ att 1 in 23439 cubes, 0.0043%
21+ att and boss 1 in 1289 cubes, 0.0776%
21+ att and ied 1 in 1451 cubes, 0.0689%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 672 cubes, 0.1488%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 859 cubes, 0.1164%
60+ied 1 in 60 cubes, 1.6579%
70+ied 1 in 145 cubes, 0.6913%
60+ied and att 1 in 652 cubes, 0.1533%
60+ied and boss 1 in 422 cubes, 0.2368%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 442 cubes, 0.2264%
================================== secondary ===================================
21+ att 1 in 247 cubes, 0.4054%
30+ att 1 in 6288 cubes, 0.0159%
33+ att 1 in 84790 cubes, 0.0012%
21+ att and boss 1 in 2651 cubes, 0.0377%
21+ att and ied 1 in 2829 cubes, 0.0354%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 1221 cubes, 0.0819%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 1543 cubes, 0.0648%
60+ied 1 in 89 cubes, 1.1186%
70+ied 1 in 233 cubes, 0.4288%
60+ied and att 1 in 1204 cubes, 0.0831%
60+ied and boss 1 in 819 cubes, 0.1221%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 836 cubes, 0.1196%
21+ att 1 in 185 cubes, 0.5408%
30+ att 1 in 1393 cubes, 0.0718%
33+ att 1 in 7704 cubes, 0.0130%
21+ att and boss 1 in 598 cubes, 0.1673%
21+ att and ied 1 in 636 cubes, 0.1573%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 180 cubes, 0.5566%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 199 cubes, 0.5038%
60+ied 1 in 55 cubes, 1.8107%
70+ied 1 in 250 cubes, 0.4000%
60+ied and att 1 in 192 cubes, 0.5197%
60+ied and boss 1 in 161 cubes, 0.6227%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 138 cubes, 0.7239%
21+ att 1 in 189 cubes, 0.5278%
30+ att 1 in 12978 cubes, 0.0077%
33+ att 1 in 12978 cubes, 0.0077%
21+ att and boss 1 in 1442 cubes, 0.0693%
21+ att and ied 1 in 2163 cubes, 0.0462%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 1442 cubes, 0.0693%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 2163 cubes, 0.0462%
60+ied 1 in 50 cubes, 1.9880%
70+ied 1 in 50 cubes, 1.9880%
60+ied and att 1 in 1081 cubes, 0.0925%
60+ied and boss 1 in 360 cubes, 0.2774%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 721 cubes, 0.1387%
21+ att 1 in 214 cubes, 0.4676%
30+ att 1 in 5726 cubes, 0.0175%
33+ att 1 in 36497 cubes, 0.0027%
21+ att and boss 1 in 2050 cubes, 0.0488%
21+ att and ied 1 in 2313 cubes, 0.0432%
18+ att and 30+boss 1 in 1076 cubes, 0.0930%
18+ att and 30+ied 1 in 1376 cubes, 0.0727%
60+ied 1 in 79 cubes, 1.2724%
70+ied 1 in 184 cubes, 0.5445%
60+ied and att 1 in 1043 cubes, 0.0958%
60+ied and boss 1 in 674 cubes, 0.1485%
21+ att and boss or 18+att and 30+boss 1 in 706 cubes, 0.1417%
==================================== emblem ====================================
21+ att 1 in 132 cubes, 0.7581%
30+ att 1 in 2869 cubes, 0.0349%
33+ att 1 in 36866 cubes, 0.0027%
21+ att and ied 1 in 1284 cubes, 0.0779%
21+ att 1 in 75 cubes, 1.3280%
30+ att 1 in 490 cubes, 0.2042%
33+ att 1 in 2501 cubes, 0.0400%
21+ att and ied 1 in 225 cubes, 0.4450%
21+ att 1 in 106 cubes, 0.9423%
30+ att 1 in 5359 cubes, 0.0187%
33+ att 1 in 5359 cubes, 0.0187%
21+ att and ied 1 in 893 cubes, 0.1120%
21+ att 1 in 116 cubes, 0.8630%
30+ att 1 in 2601 cubes, 0.0385%
33+ att 1 in 15850 cubes, 0.0063%
21+ att and ied 1 in 1041 cubes, 0.0960%
================================= weapon bpot ==================================
18+ att 1 in 154 cubes, 0.6515%
21+ att 1 in 224 cubes, 0.4462%
30+ att 1 in 8916 cubes, 0.0112%
33+ att 1 in 819398 cubes, 0.0001%
================================ secondary bpot ================================
18+ att 1 in 158 cubes, 0.6313%
21+ att 1 in 235 cubes, 0.4255%
30+ att 1 in 9378 cubes, 0.0107%
33+ att 1 in 905715 cubes, 0.0001%
================================= emblem bpot ==================================
18+ att 1 in 146 cubes, 0.6827%
21+ att 1 in 214 cubes, 0.4679%
30+ att 1 in 8288 cubes, 0.0121%
33+ att 1 in 759821 cubes, 0.0001%
================================= top/overall ==================================
18+ stat 1 in 36 cubes, 2.7910%
21+ stat 1 in 99 cubes, 1.0100%
30+ stat 1 in 2229 cubes, 0.0449%
33+ stat 1 in 33728 cubes, 0.0030%
12+ all stat 1 in 97 cubes, 1.0264%
15+ all stat 1 in 147 cubes, 0.6807%
21+ all stat 1 in 4178 cubes, 0.0239%
18+ stat 1 in 14 cubes, 7.0205%
21+ stat 1 in 29 cubes, 3.4058%
30+ stat 1 in 196 cubes, 0.5107%
33+ stat 1 in 421 cubes, 0.2375%
12+ all stat 1 in 30 cubes, 3.2841%
15+ all stat 1 in 74 cubes, 1.3468%
21+ all stat 1 in 593 cubes, 0.1686%
18+ stat 1 in 35 cubes, 2.8903%
21+ stat 1 in 35 cubes, 2.8903%
30+ stat 1 in 702 cubes, 0.1425%
33+ stat 1 in 1228 cubes, 0.0814%
12+ all stat 1 in 100 cubes, 0.9974%
15+ all stat 1 in 100 cubes, 0.9974%
21+ all stat 1 in 4913 cubes, 0.0204%
18+ stat 1 in 32 cubes, 3.0866%
21+ stat 1 in 83 cubes, 1.2065%
30+ stat 1 in 1664 cubes, 0.0601%
33+ stat 1 in 13573 cubes, 0.0074%
12+ all stat 1 in 89 cubes, 1.1225%
15+ all stat 1 in 129 cubes, 0.7768%
21+ all stat 1 in 3696 cubes, 0.0271%
=========================== accessory (occult cubes) ===========================
6+ stat 1 in 12 cubes, 8.5318%
9+ stat 1 in 109 cubes, 0.9192%
12+ stat 1 in 2133 cubes, 0.0469%
3+ all stat 1 in 25 cubes, 3.9600%
6+ all stat 1 in 19493 cubes, 0.0051%
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