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earthbound19 / OklabExperiments.js
Last active June 20, 2024 16:18
rgb <-> oklab to/from convert, color blend through oklab space
// This gist contains JavaScript functions and tests for:
// - conversion from gamma-corrected (or gamma-compressed) sRGB to linear RGB, to Oklab
// - interpolation through Oklab
// - conversion back to linear RGB, then sRGB
// To use these tests, install nodejs, save this file locally, and run with:
// node OklabExperiments.js
// No other dependencies are required to use this.
// Thanks to some helpful folks in the generative art community for helping me better understand what's happening with this.
// My toddler smacked the keyboard with a piece of cardboard and made me accidentally type:
# Modified StyleGAN2 Projector with CLIP, addl. losses, kmeans, etc.
# by Peter Baylies, 2021 -- @pbaylies on Twitter
# Copyright (c) 2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
# NVIDIA CORPORATION and its licensors retain all intellectual property
# and proprietary rights in and to this software, related documentation
# and any modifications thereto. Any use, reproduction, disclosure or
# distribution of this software and related documentation without an express
# license agreement from NVIDIA CORPORATION is strictly prohibited.
import json
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("infojsonredact - A simple script to redact private information from ytdl info.json files")
print("Output will be saved in info.json.redacted files")
print("Usage: [,]")
redacted = ["url","manifest_url","fragment_base_url","fragments","http_headers","User-Agent","Accept-Charset","Accept","Accept-Encoding","Accept-Language","player_url","playlist","playlist_id","playlist_title","playlist_uploader","playlist_uploader_id","playlist_index","thumbnail","_filename","downloader_options","http_chunk_size","initialization_url","annotations", "playlist_count","version","_version","repository","release_git_head","filesize_approx","_format_sort_fields"]
laerciobernardo / hexIEEEtoFloat.js
Last active January 21, 2024 14:48
Convert Hexadecimal IEEE754 to Float in Javascript
var str = '0x41FC6733';
function parseFloat(str) {
var float = 0, sign, order, mantiss,exp,
int = 0, multi = 1;
if (/^0x/.exec(str)) {
int = parseInt(str,16);
for (var i = str.length -1; i >=0; i -= 1) {
if (str.charCodeAt(i)>255) {
danallison / downloadString.js
Created September 29, 2014 16:44
download string as text file
function downloadString(text, fileType, fileName) {
var blob = new Blob([text], { type: fileType });
var a = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.dataset.downloadurl = [fileType,, a.href].join(':'); = "none";