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Last active July 18, 2019 19:11
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Body Tracking with Kinect v2 C++
#include <Kinect.h>
#include <iostream>
void processBodies(const unsigned int &bodyCount, IBody **bodies);
template<class Interface>
static inline void safeRelease(Interface *&interfaceToRelease)
if (interfaceToRelease != nullptr) {
interfaceToRelease = nullptr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
IKinectSensor *sensor = nullptr;
IBodyFrameReader *bodyFrameReader = nullptr;
//Get the default Kinect sensor
HRESULT hr = GetDefaultKinectSensor(&sensor);
//If the function succeeds, open the sensor
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = sensor->Open();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
//Get a body frame source from which we can get our body frame reader
IBodyFrameSource *bodyFrameSource = nullptr;
hr = sensor->get_BodyFrameSource(&bodyFrameSource);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = bodyFrameSource->OpenReader(&bodyFrameReader);
//We're done with bodyFrameSource, so we'll release it
if (sensor == nullptr || FAILED(hr)) {
std::cerr << "Cannot find any sensors.\n";
return E_FAIL;
while (bodyFrameReader != nullptr) {
IBodyFrame *bodyFrame = nullptr;
hr = bodyFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&bodyFrame);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
IBody *bodies[BODY_COUNT] = {0};
hr = bodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData(_countof(bodies), bodies);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
processBodies(BODY_COUNT, bodies);
//After body processing is done, we're done with our bodies so release them.
for (unsigned int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < _countof(bodies); bodyIndex++) {
else if (sensor) {
BOOLEAN isSensorAvailable = false;
hr = sensor->get_IsAvailable(&isSensorAvailable);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && isSensorAvailable == false) {
std::cerr << "No available sensor is found.\n";
else {
std::cerr << "Trouble reading the body frame.\n";
return 0;
void processBodies(const unsigned int &bodyCount, IBody **bodies)
for (unsigned int bodyIndex = 0; bodyIndex < bodyCount; bodyIndex++) {
IBody *body = bodies[bodyIndex];
//Get the tracking status for the body, if it's not tracked we'll skip it
BOOLEAN isTracked = false;
HRESULT hr = body->get_IsTracked(&isTracked);
if (FAILED(hr) || isTracked == false) {
//If we're here the body is tracked so lets get the joint properties for this skeleton
Joint joints[JointType_Count];
hr = body->GetJoints(_countof(joints), joints);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
//Let's print the head's position
const CameraSpacePoint &headPos = joints[JointType_Head].Position;
const CameraSpacePoint &leftHandPos = joints[JointType_HandLeft].Position;
//Let's check if the use has his hand up
if (leftHandPos.Y >= headPos.Y) {
std::cout << "LEFT HAND UP!!\n";
HandState leftHandState;
hr = body->get_HandLeftState(&leftHandState);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
if (leftHandState == HandState_Closed) {
std::cout << "CLOSED HAND\n";
else if (leftHandState == HandState_Open) {
std::cout << "OPEN HAND\n";
else if (leftHandState == HandState_Lasso) {
std::cout << "PEW PEW HANDS\n";
else if (leftHandState == HandState_NotTracked) {
std::cout << "HAND IS NOT TRACKED\n";
else if (leftHandState == HandState_Unknown) {
std::cout << "HANDS STATE IS UNKNOWN\n";
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