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Created June 23, 2017 06:18
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Python data layer for PETA dataset
# imports
import json
import time
import pickle
import scipy.misc
import caffe
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
from xml.dom import minidom
from random import shuffle
from threading import Thread
from PIL import Image
from tools import SimpleTransformer
class PetalMultilabelDataLayerSync(caffe.Layer):
This is a simple synchronous datalayer for training a multilabel model on
def setup(self, bottom, top):
self.top_names = ['data', 'label']
# === Read input parameters ===
# params is a python dictionary with layer parameters.
params = eval(self.param_str)
# Check the parameters for validity.
# store input as class variables
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
# Create a batch loader to load the images.
self.batch_loader = BatchLoader(params, None)
# === reshape tops ===
# since we use a fixed input image size, we can shape the data layer
# once. Else, we'd have to do it in the reshape call.
self.batch_size, 3, params['im_shape'][0], params['im_shape'][1])
# Note the 20 channels (because PASCAL has 20 classes.)
top[1].reshape(self.batch_size, 20)
print_info("PetaMultilabelDataLayerSync", params)
def forward(self, bottom, top):
Load data.
for itt in range(self.batch_size):
# Use the batch loader to load the next image.
im, multilabel = self.batch_loader.load_next_image()
# Add directly to the caffe data layer
top[0].data[itt, ...] = im
top[1].data[itt, ...] = multilabel
def reshape(self, bottom, top):
There is no need to reshape the data, since the input is of fixed size
(rows and columns)
def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
These layers does not back propagate
class BatchLoader(object):
This class abstracts away the loading of images.
Images can either be loaded singly, or in a batch. The latter is used for
the asyncronous data layer to preload batches while other processing is
def __init__(self, params, result):
self.result = result
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
self.peta_root = params['peta_root']
self.im_shape = params['im_shape']
self.TARGET_LABELS = ('hairLong', 'personMale', 'carryingBackpack','accessoryHat',\
'carryingOther','personalLess30', 'upperBodyVNeck')
self.label_to_index = {label.lower: i for i, label in enumerate(self.TARGET_LABELS)}
# get list of image indexes.
list_file = params['split'] + '.txt'
self.annotation = self.load_peta_annotation(osp.join(self.peta_root, list_file))
self.indexlist = self.annotation.keys()
self._cur = 0 # current image
# this class does some simple data-manipulations
self.transformer = SimpleTransformer()
print "BatchLoader initialized with {} images".format(
def load_next_image(self):
Load the next image in a batch.
# Did we finish an epoch?
if self._cur == len(self.indexlist):
self._cur = 0
# Load an image
index = self.indexlist[self._cur] # Get the image index
image_file_name = index
im = np.asarray(
osp.join(self.peta_root, image_file_name)))
im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, self.im_shape) # resize
# do a simple horizontal flip as data augmentation
flip = np.random.choice(2)*2-1
im = im[:, ::flip, :]
# Load and prepare ground truth
multilabel = np.zeros(len(self.TARGET_LABELS)).astype(np.float32)
labels = self.annotations[index]
for label in labels:
# in the multilabel problem we don't care how MANY instances
# there are of each class. Only if they are present.
# The "-1" is b/c we are not interested in the background
# class.
label_index = self.label_to_index[label.lower()]
multilabel[label_index] = 1
self._cur += 1
return self.transformer.preprocess(im), multilabel
def load_peta_annotation(list_file):
annotations = {}
with open(list_file) as f:
for line in f:
terms = line.strip("\n").split(" ")
img_path = terms[0]
labels = terms[1:]
annotations[img_path] = labels
return annotations
# imports
import json
import time
import pickle
import scipy.misc
import caffe
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
from xml.dom import minidom
from random import shuffle
from threading import Thread
from PIL import Image
from tools import SimpleTransformer
class PetalMultilabelDataLayerSync(caffe.Layer):
This is a simple synchronous datalayer for training a multilabel model on
def setup(self, bottom, top):
self.top_names = ['data', 'label']
# === Read input parameters ===
# params is a python dictionary with layer parameters.
params = eval(self.param_str)
# Check the parameters for validity.
# store input as class variables
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
# Create a batch loader to load the images.
self.batch_loader = BatchLoader(params, None)
# === reshape tops ===
# since we use a fixed input image size, we can shape the data layer
# once. Else, we'd have to do it in the reshape call.
self.batch_size, 3, params['im_shape'][0], params['im_shape'][1])
# Note the 20 channels (because PASCAL has 20 classes.)
top[1].reshape(self.batch_size, 20)
print_info("PetaMultilabelDataLayerSync", params)
def forward(self, bottom, top):
Load data.
for itt in range(self.batch_size):
# Use the batch loader to load the next image.
im, multilabel = self.batch_loader.load_next_image()
# Add directly to the caffe data layer
top[0].data[itt, ...] = im
top[1].data[itt, ...] = multilabel
def reshape(self, bottom, top):
There is no need to reshape the data, since the input is of fixed size
(rows and columns)
def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom):
These layers does not back propagate
class BatchLoader(object):
This class abstracts away the loading of images.
Images can either be loaded singly, or in a batch. The latter is used for
the asyncronous data layer to preload batches while other processing is
def __init__(self, params, result):
self.result = result
self.batch_size = params['batch_size']
self.peta_root = params['peta_root']
self.im_shape = params['im_shape']
self.TARGET_LABELS = ('hairLong', 'personMale', 'carryingBackpack','accessoryHat',\
'carryingOther','personalLess30', 'upperBodyVNeck')
self.label_to_index = {label.lower: i for i, label in enumerate(self.TARGET_LABELS)}
# get list of image indexes.
list_file = params['split'] + '.txt'
self.annotation = self.load_peta_annotation(osp.join(self.peta_root, list_file))
self.indexlist = self.annotation.keys()
self._cur = 0 # current image
# this class does some simple data-manipulations
self.transformer = SimpleTransformer()
print "BatchLoader initialized with {} images".format(
def load_next_image(self):
Load the next image in a batch.
# Did we finish an epoch?
if self._cur == len(self.indexlist):
self._cur = 0
# Load an image
index = self.indexlist[self._cur] # Get the image index
image_file_name = index
im = np.asarray(
osp.join(self.peta_root, image_file_name)))
im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, self.im_shape) # resize
# do a simple horizontal flip as data augmentation
flip = np.random.choice(2)*2-1
im = im[:, ::flip, :]
# Load and prepare ground truth
multilabel = np.zeros(len(self.TARGET_LABELS)).astype(np.float32)
labels = self.annotations[index]
for label in labels:
# in the multilabel problem we don't care how MANY instances
# there are of each class. Only if they are present.
# The "-1" is b/c we are not interested in the background
# class.
label_index = self.label_to_index[label.lower()]
multilabel[label_index] = 1
self._cur += 1
return self.transformer.preprocess(im), multilabel
def load_peta_annotation(list_file):
annotations = {}
with open(list_file) as f:
for line in f:
terms = line.strip("\n").split(" ")
img_path = terms[0]
labels = terms[1:]
annotations[img_path] = labels
return annotations
def check_params(params):
A utility function to check the parameters for the data layers.
assert 'split' in params.keys(
), 'Params must include split (train, val, or test).'
required = ['batch_size', 'pascal_root', 'im_shape']
for r in required:
assert r in params.keys(), 'Params must include {}'.format(r)
def print_info(name, params):
Output some info regarding the class
print "{} initialized for split: {}, with bs: {}, im_shape: {}.".format(
def check_params(params):
A utility function to check the parameters for the data layers.
assert 'split' in params.keys(
), 'Params must include split (train, val, or test).'
required = ['batch_size', 'pascal_root', 'im_shape']
for r in required:
assert r in params.keys(), 'Params must include {}'.format(r)
def print_info(name, params):
Output some info regarding the class
print "{} initialized for split: {}, with bs: {}, im_shape: {}.".format(
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