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Created September 20, 2023 15:53
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Robocop Rules List
Rule - 0201 [W]: missing-doc-keyword: Missing documentation in '{{ name }}' keyword
Rule - 0202 [W]: missing-doc-test-case: Missing documentation in '{{ name }}' test case
Rule - 0203 [W]: missing-doc-suite: Missing documentation in suite
Rule - 0204 [W]: missing-doc-resource-file: Missing documentation in resource file
Rule - 0301 [W]: not-allowed-char-in-name: Not allowed character '{{ character }}' found in {{ block_name }} name
Rule - 0302 [W]: wrong-case-in-keyword-name: Keyword name '{{ keyword_name }}' does not follow case convention
Rule - 0303 [E]: keyword-name-is-reserved-word: '{{ keyword_name }}' is a reserved keyword{{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0305 [W]: underscore-in-keyword-name: Underscores in keyword name '{{ keyword_name }}' can be replaced with spaces
Rule - 0306 [W]: setting-name-not-in-title-case: Setting name '{{ setting_name }}' should use title or upper case
Rule - 0307 [W]: section-name-invalid: Section name should be in format '{{ section_title_case }}' or '{{ section_upper_case }}'
Rule - 0308 [W]: not-capitalized-test-case-title: Test case '{{ test_name }}' title should start with capital letter
Rule - 0309 [W]: section-variable-not-uppercase: Section variable '{{ variable_name }}' name should be uppercase
Rule - 0310 [W]: non-local-variables-should-be-uppercase: Test, suite and global variables should be uppercase
Rule - 0311 [E]: else-not-upper-case: ELSE and ELSE IF should be upper case
Rule - 0312 [E]: keyword-name-is-empty: Keyword name should not be empty
Rule - 0313 [E]: test-case-name-is-empty: Test case name should not be empty
Rule - 0314 [E]: empty-library-alias: Library alias should not be empty
Rule - 0315 [W]: duplicated-library-alias: Library alias should not be the same as original name
Rule - 0316 [I]: possible-variable-overwriting: Variable '{{ variable_name }}' may overwrite similar variable inside '{{ block_name }}' {{ block_type }}. Note that variables are case-insensitive, and also spaces and underscores are ignored.
Rule - 0317 [I]: hyphen-in-variable-name: Use underscore in variable name '{{ variable_name }}' instead of hyphens to avoid treating them like minus sign
Rule - 0318 [W]: bdd-without-keyword-call: BDD reserved keyword '{{ keyword_name }}' not followed by any keyword{{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0319 [W]: deprecated-statement: '{{ statement_name }}' is deprecated since Robot Framework version {{ version }}, use '{{ alternative }}' instead
Rule - 0320 [W]: not-allowed-char-in-filename: Not allowed character '{{ character }}' found in {{ block_name }} name
Rule - 0321 [W]: deprecated-with-name: 'WITH NAME' alias marker is deprecated since Robot Framework 6.0 version and will be removed in the future release. Use 'AS' instead
Rule - 0322 [W]: deprecated-singular-header: '{{ singular_header }}' singular header form is deprecated since RF 6.0 and will be removed in the future releases. Use '{{ plural_header }}' instead
Rule - 0323 [W]: inconsistent-variable-name: Variable '{{ name }}' has inconsistent naming. First used as '{{ first_use }}'
Rule - 0324 [W]: overwriting-reserved-variable: {{ var_or_arg }} '{{ variable_name }}' overwrites reserved variable '{{ reserved_variable }}'
Rule - 0325 [E]: invalid-section: Invalid section '{{ invalid_section }}'. Consider using --language parameter if the file is defined with different language (disabled - supported only for RF version >=6.1)
Rule - 0326 [W]: mixed-task-test-settings: Use {{ task_or_test }}-related setting '{{ setting }}' if {{ tasks_or_tests }} section is used
Rule - 0401 [E]: parsing-error: Robot Framework syntax error: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0402 [E]: not-enough-whitespace-after-setting: Provide at least two spaces after '{{ setting_name }}' setting
Rule - 0403 [E]: missing-keyword-name: Missing keyword name when calling some values
Rule - 0404 [E]: variables-import-with-args: YAML variable files do not take arguments
Rule - 0405 [E]: invalid-continuation-mark: Invalid continuation mark '{{ mark }}'. It should be '...'
Rule - 0406 [E]: not-enough-whitespace-after-newline-marker: Provide at least two spaces after '...' marker
Rule - 0407 [E]: invalid-argument: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0408 [E]: non-existing-setting: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0409 [E]: setting-not-supported: Setting '[{{ setting_name }}]' is not supported in {{ test_or_keyword }}. Allowed are: {{ allowed_settings }}
Rule - 0410 [E]: not-enough-whitespace-after-variable: Provide at least two spaces after '{{ variable_name }}' variable name
Rule - 0411 [E]: not-enough-whitespace-after-suite-setting: Provide at least two spaces after '{{ setting_name }}' setting
Rule - 0412 [E]: invalid-for-loop: Invalid for loop syntax: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0413 [E]: invalid-if: Invalid IF syntax: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0414 [E]: return-in-test-case: RETURN can only be used inside a user keyword
Rule - 0415 [E]: invalid-section-in-resource: Resource file can't contain '{{ section_name }}' section
Rule - 0416 [E]: invalid-setting-in-resource: Settings section in resource file can't contain '{{ section_name }}' setting
Rule - 0417 [E]: unsupported-setting-in-init-file: Setting '{{ setting }}' is not supported in initialization files
Rule - 0501 [W]: too-long-keyword: Keyword '{{ keyword_name }}' is too long ({{ keyword_length }}/{{ allowed_length}})
Rule - 0502 [W]: too-few-calls-in-keyword: Keyword '{{ keyword_name }}' has too few keywords inside ({{ keyword_count }}/{{ min_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0503 [W]: too-many-calls-in-keyword: Keyword '{{ keyword_name }}' has too many keywords inside ({{ keyword_count }}/{{ max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0504 [W]: too-long-test-case: Test case '{{ test_name }}' is too long ({{ test_length }}/{{ allowed_length }})
Rule - 0505 [W]: too-many-calls-in-test-case: Test case '{{ test_name }}' has too many keywords inside ({{ keyword_count }}/{{ max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0506 [W]: file-too-long: File has too many lines ({{ lines_count }}/{{max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0507 [W]: too-many-arguments: Keyword '{{ keyword_name }}' has too many arguments ({{ arguments_count }}/{{ max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0508 [W]: line-too-long: Line is too long ({{ line_length }}/{{ allowed_length }})
Rule - 0509 [W]: empty-section: Section '{{ section_name }}' is empty
Rule - 0510 [W]: number-of-returned-values: Too many return values ({{ return_count }}/{{ max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0511 [W]: empty-metadata: Metadata settings does not have any value set
Rule - 0512 [W]: empty-documentation: Documentation of {{ block_name }} is empty
Rule - 0513 [W]: empty-force-tags: Force Tags are empty
Rule - 0514 [W]: empty-default-tags: Default Tags are empty
Rule - 0515 [E]: empty-variables-import: Import variables path is empty
Rule - 0516 [E]: empty-resource-import: Import resource path is empty
Rule - 0517 [E]: empty-library-import: Import library path is empty
Rule - 0518 [E]: empty-setup: Setup of {{ block_name }} does not have any keywords
Rule - 0519 [E]: empty-suite-setup: Suite Setup does not have any keywords
Rule - 0520 [E]: empty-test-setup: Test Setup does not have any keywords
Rule - 0521 [E]: empty-teardown: Teardown of {{ block_name }} does not have any keywords
Rule - 0522 [E]: empty-suite-teardown: Suite Teardown does not have any keywords
Rule - 0523 [E]: empty-test-teardown: Test Teardown does not have any keywords
Rule - 0524 [W]: empty-timeout: Timeout of {{ block_name }} is empty
Rule - 0525 [W]: empty-test-timeout: Test Timeout is empty
Rule - 0526 [E]: empty-arguments: Arguments of {{ block_name }} are empty
Rule - 0527 [W]: too-many-test-cases: Too many test cases ({{ test_count }}/{{ max_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0528 [E]: too-few-calls-in-test-case: Test case '{{ test_name }}' has too few keywords inside ({{ keyword_count }}/{{ min_allowed_count }})
Rule - 0529 [E]: empty-test-template: Test Template is empty
Rule - 0530 [W]: empty-template: Template of {{ block_name }} is empty. To overwrite suite Test Template use more explicit [Template] NONE
Rule - 0531 [W]: empty-keyword-tags: Keyword Tags are empty
Rule - 0601 [W]: tag-with-space: Tag '{{ tag }}' should not contain spaces
Rule - 0602 [I]: tag-with-or-and: Tag '{{ tag }}' with reserved word OR/AND. Hint: make sure to include this tag using lowercase name to avoid issues
Rule - 0603 [W]: tag-with-reserved-word: Tag '{{ tag }}' prefixed with reserved word `robot:`
Rule - 0605 [I]: could-be-test-tags: All tests in suite share these tags: '{{ tags }}'. You can define them in 'Test Tags' in suite settings instead
Rule - 0606 [I]: tag-already-set-in-test-tags: Tag '{{ tag }}' is already set by {{ test_force_tags }} in suite settings
Rule - 0607 [I]: unnecessary-default-tags: Tags defined in Default Tags are always overwritten
Rule - 0608 [W]: empty-tags: [Tags] setting without values{{ optional_warning }}
Rule - 0609 [W]: duplicated-tags: Multiple tags with name '{{ name }}' (first occurrence at line {{ line }} column {{ column }})
Rule - 0610 [I]: could-be-keyword-tags: All keywords in suite share these tags: '{{ tags }}'. You can define them in 'Keyword Tags' in suite settings instead
Rule - 0611 [I]: tag-already-set-in-keyword-tags: Tag '{{ tag }}' is already set by {{ keyword_tags }} in suite settings
Rule - 0701 [W]: todo-in-comment: Found a marker '{{ marker }}' in the comments
Rule - 0702 [W]: missing-space-after-comment: Missing blank space after comment character
Rule - 0703 [E]: invalid-comment: Invalid comment. '#' needs to be first character in the cell. For block comments you can use '*** Comments ***' section (disabled - supported only for RF version <4.0)
Rule - 0704 [W]: ignored-data: Ignored data found in file
Rule - 0705 [W]: bom-encoding-in-file: This file contains BOM (Byte Order Mark) encoding not supported by Robot Framework
Rule - 0801 [E]: duplicated-test-case: Multiple test cases with name '{{ name }}' (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0802 [E]: duplicated-keyword: Multiple keywords with name '{{ name }}' (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0803 [E]: duplicated-variable: Multiple variables with name '{{ name }}' in Variables section (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }}). Note that Robot Framework is case-insensitive
Rule - 0804 [W]: duplicated-resource: Multiple resource imports with path '{{ name }}' (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0805 [W]: duplicated-library: Multiple library imports with name '{{ name }}' and identical arguments (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0806 [W]: duplicated-metadata: Duplicated metadata '{{ name }}' (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0807 [W]: duplicated-variables-import: Duplicated variables import with path '{{ name }}' (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0808 [W]: section-already-defined: '{{ section_name }}' section header already defined in file (first occurrence in line {{ first_occurrence_line }})
Rule - 0809 [W]: section-out-of-order: '{{ section_name }}' section header is defined in wrong order: {{ recommended_order }}
Rule - 0810 [E]: both-tests-and-tasks: Both Task(s) and Test Case(s) section headers defined in file
Rule - 0811 [E]: duplicated-argument-name: Argument name '{{ argument_name }}' is already used
Rule - 0812 [I]: duplicated-assigned-var-name: Assigned variable name '{{ variable_name }}' is already used
Rule - 0813 [W]: duplicated-setting: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0901 [W]: keyword-after-return: {{ error_msg }}
Rule - 0903 [W]: empty-return: [Return] is empty
Rule - 0907 [E]: nested-for-loop: Nested for loops are not supported. You can use keyword with for loop instead (disabled - supported only for RF version <4.0)
Rule - 0908 [I]: if-can-be-used: '{{ run_keyword }}' can be replaced with IF block since Robot Framework 4.0 (disabled - supported only for RF version ==4.*)
Rule - 0909 [W]: inconsistent-assignment: The assignment sign is not consistent within the file. Expected '{{ expected_sign }}' but got '{{ actual_sign }}' instead
Rule - 0910 [W]: inconsistent-assignment-in-variables: The assignment sign is not consistent inside the variables section. Expected '{{ expected_sign }}' but got '{{ actual_sign }}' instead
Rule - 0911 [W]: wrong-import-order: BuiltIn library import '{{ builtin_import }}' should be placed before '{{ custom_import }}'
Rule - 0912 [I]: empty-variable: Use built-in variable {{ var_type }}{EMPTY} instead of leaving variable without value or using backslash
Rule - 0913 [I]: can-be-resource-file: No tests in '{{ file_name }}' file, consider renaming to '{{ file_name_stem }}.resource'
Rule - 0914 [I]: if-can-be-merged: IF statement can be merged with previous IF (defined in line {{ line }})
Rule - 0915 [E]: statement-outside-loop: {{ name }} {{ statement_type }} used outside a loop
Rule - 0916 [I]: inline-if-can-be-used: IF can be replaced with inline IF
Rule - 0917 [W]: unreachable-code: Unreachable code after {{ statement }} statement
Rule - 0918 [W]: multiline-inline-if: Avoid splitting inline IF to multiple lines
Rule - 0919 [W]: unused-argument: Keyword argument '{{ name }}' is not used
Rule - 0920 [I]: unused-variable: Variable '{{ name }}' is assigned but not used
Rule - 0921 [W]: argument-overwritten-before-usage: Keyword argument '{{ name }}' is overwritten before usage
Rule - 0922 [W]: variable-overwritten-before-usage: Local variable '{{ name }}' is overwritten before usage
Rule - 0923 [I]: unnecessary-string-conversion: Variable '{{ name }}' in '{{ block_name }}' condition has unnecessary string conversion
Rule - 0924 [I]: expression-can-be-simplified: '{{ block_name }}' condition can be simplified
Rule - 0925 [I]: misplaced-negative-condition: '{{ block_name }}' condition '{{ original_condition }}' can be rewritten to '{{ proposed_condition }}'
Rule - 1001 [W]: trailing-whitespace: Trailing whitespace at the end of line
Rule - 1002 [W]: missing-trailing-blank-line: Missing trailing blank line at the end of file
Rule - 1003 [W]: empty-lines-between-sections: Invalid number of empty lines between sections ({{ empty_lines }}/{{ allowed_empty_lines }})
Rule - 1004 [W]: empty-lines-between-test-cases: Invalid number of empty lines between test cases ({{ empty_lines }}/{{ allowed_empty_lines }})
Rule - 1005 [W]: empty-lines-between-keywords: Invalid number of empty lines between keywords ({{ empty_lines }}/{{ allowed_empty_lines }})
Rule - 1006 [W]: mixed-tabs-and-spaces: Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in file
Rule - 1008 [W]: bad-indent: {{ bad_indent_msg }}
Rule - 1009 [W]: empty-line-after-section: Too many empty lines after '{{ section_name }}' section header ({{ empty_lines }}/{{ allowed_empty_lines }})
Rule - 1010 [W]: too-many-trailing-blank-lines: Too many blank lines at the end of file
Rule - 1011 [W]: misaligned-continuation: Continuation marker should be aligned with starting row
Rule - 1012 [W]: consecutive-empty-lines: Too many consecutive empty lines ({{ empty_lines }}/{{ allowed_empty_lines }})
Rule - 1013 [W]: empty-lines-in-statement: Multi-line statement with empty lines
Rule - 1014 [E]: variable-should-be-left-aligned: Variable in Variable section should be left aligned
Rule - 1015 [W]: misaligned-continuation-row: Each next continuation line should be aligned with the previous one
Rule - 1016 [E]: suite-setting-should-be-left-aligned: Setting in Settings section should be left aligned
Rule - 1017 [E]: bad-block-indent: Indent expected. Provide 2 or more spaces of indentation for statements inside block
Altogether 142 rules with following severity:
46 error rules,
78 warning rules,
18 info rules.
Visit page for detailed documentation.
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GLMeece commented Sep 20, 2023

For detail on any of the above, go to the official rules list.

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