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Last active November 10, 2016 08:23
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Module 4 Portfolio


Areas of Emphasis

(What did you set out to accomplish this module?)

Rubric Scores

  • A: End-of-Module Assessment: 3
  • B: Individual Work & Projects: 3.5
  • C: Group Work & Projects: 3
  • D: Professional Skills: 3
  • E: Feedback & Community Participation: 2.5

A: End of Module Assessment

(Notes & scores from your assessment rubric)

B: Individual Work & Projects

IdeaBox 2.0



Evaluation Comments


Evaluation Scores

  • Specification Adherence

  • 10 points: The application consists of one page with all of the major functionality being provided by jQuery. There is no use of format.js in Rails. There is no use of unobstrusive JavaScript. There are no front-end frameworks used in the application. No approach was taken that is counter to the spirit of the project and its learning goals. There are no features missing from above that make the application feel incomplete or hard to use.

  • User Interface

  • 5 points: The application is pleasant, logical, and easy to use. There no holes in functionality and the application stands on it own to be used by the instructor without guidance from the developer.

  • Testing

  • 8 points: Project has a running test suite that tests and multiple levels but fails to cover some features. All controller actions are covered by tests. The application makes some use of integration testing.

  • Ruby and Rails Quality

  • 10 points: Developer is able to craft Rails features that make smart use of Ruby, follow the principles of MVC, and push business logic down where it belongs. There zero instances where an instructor would recommend taking a different approach. Developer writes code that is exceptionally clear and well-factored. Application is expertly divided into logical components each with a clear, single responsibility.

  • JavaScript Style

  • 9 points: Application is thoughtfully put together with some duplication and no major bugs. Developer can speak to choices made in the code and knows what every line of code is doing.

  • Workflow

  • 10 points: The developer effectively uses Git branches and many small, atomic commits that document the evolution of their application.

  • Total Points: 132 / 150

C: Group Work & Projects




Evaluation Comments


Evaluation Scores

  • Features

  • 24 points: Application is fully playable without crashes or bugs.

  • User Interface

  • 15 points: The application is pleasant, logical, and easy to use. There are no holes in functionality and the application stands on its own to be used by the instructor without guidance from the developer.

  • Testing

  • 20 points: Project has a running test suite that tests multiple levels but fails to cover some features. All functionality is covered by tests. The application makes some use of integration testing.

  • JavaScript Style

  • 25 points: Application is thoughtfully put together with some duplication and no major bugs. Developer can speak to choices made in the code and knows what every line of code is doing.

  • Workflow

  • 25 points: The developer effectively uses Git branches and many small, atomic commits that document the evolution of their application.

  • Code Sanitation

  • 15 points: Zero complaints.

  • Total Points: 124 / 150




Evaluation Comments


Evaluation Scores

  • Total Points: 180 / 300

D: Professional Skills

Gear Up

Vote Your Conscience

(3-4 sentences summarizing your takeaways from the session, including things you're continuing to think about, things you learned, things you're doing differently)


(3-4 sentences summarizing your takeaways from the session, including things you're continuing to think about, things you learned, things you're doing differently)


(3-4 sentences summarizing your takeaways from the session, including things you're continuing to think about, things you learned, things you're doing differently)

Professional Development Workshops

Overcoming Job-Hunting Imposter's Syndrome

(takeaways from session)


(takeaways from session)

Blog Writing and Peer Review

(takeaways from session)

Flower Exercise Debriefing

(takeaways from session)

E: Feedback and Community Participation

Giving Feedback

(feedback from me)

Being a Community Member

(feedback to me)

Playing a Part

(ways you supported the larger Turing community)

Final Review


( Leave blanks for reviewers )


( Leave blanks for reviewers )

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