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Forked from fancellu/ForScalaJS.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save GabrielJones646/e4bd52c40cdb74146633 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
object ScalaJSExample extends js.JSApp {
type Coord = Pair[Int, Int]
type CoordSet = Set[Coord]
def handleString(str: String, identity:Boolean=false): String = {
val lines=str.stripMargin.trim.split("\n")
val coords: CoordSet = for (
(line, x) <- lines.zipWithIndex toSet;
(ch, y) <- line.zipWithIndex if (ch == '*')
) yield (x, y)
def nextGen(coords: CoordSet): CoordSet = {
def getCube(c: Coord): CoordSet = {
for (dx <- Set(-1, 0, 1);dy <- Set(-1, 0, 1))
yield (c._1 + dx, c._2 + dy)
// coords flatMap getCube gets us our search set, i.e. area around existing points
coords flatMap getCube filter
{coord=>val numNeigh = getCube(coord)-coord count coords;
(numNeigh == 3 || numNeigh == 2 && coords(coord))} toSet
def toString(coords: CoordSet): String ={
val sx = lines.size
val sy =
Seq.tabulate(sx, sy)((x,y) => if (coords((x, y))) "*" else ".").map(_.mkString).mkString("\n")
toString(if (identity) coords else nextGen(coords))
val toad2="""..........
val sandbox = Page.canvas
val renderer = Page.renderer
val (w, h) = (sandbox.height.toDouble, sandbox.height.toDouble)
var current=(handleString(toad2,true))
def main(): Unit = {
dom.setInterval(() => {
renderer.fillStyle = s"white"
// renderer.fillRect(1, 1, 20, 20)
for ((line,idx)<-current.split("\n").zipWithIndex){
renderer.fillText(" ").mkString,200,200+idx*20)
}, 100 // make this smaller to speed up
package playpen
// Check with this
object GameOfLife extends App {
type Coord = Pair[Int, Int]
type CoordSet = Set[Coord]
def handleString(str: String, identity:Boolean=false): String = {
val lines=str.stripMargin.trim.split("\n")
val coords: CoordSet = for (
(line, x) <- lines.zipWithIndex toSet;
(ch, y) <- line.zipWithIndex if (ch == '*')
) yield (x, y)
def nextGen(coords: CoordSet): CoordSet = {
def getCube(c: Coord): CoordSet = {
for (dx <- Set(-1, 0, 1);dy <- Set(-1, 0, 1))
yield (c._1 + dx, c._2 + dy)
// coords flatMap getCube gets us our search set, i.e. area around existing points
coords flatMap getCube filter
{coord=>val numNeigh = getCube(coord)-coord count coords;
(numNeigh == 3 || numNeigh == 2 && coords(coord))} toSet
def toString(coords: CoordSet): String ={
val sx = lines.size
val sy =
Seq.tabulate(sx, sy)((x,y) => if (coords((x, y))) "*" else ".").map(_.mkString).mkString("\n")
toString(if (identity) coords else nextGen(coords))
val toad="""......
val block="""....
val toad2="""......
val glider=""".*...
val start=toad2
var current=start
for (loop<-0 to 11){
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