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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am GabrielJones646 on github.
  • I am gabrieljones ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is F496 57C7 D032 F42F B89D E79B 39B0 A58F AEF7 0618

To claim this, I am signing this object:

import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class B(l: Int, h: Int, r: Int)
case object B {
val buildings = List(B(1, 11, 5), B(2, 6, 7), B(3, 13, 9), B(12, 7, 16), B(14, 3, 25), B(19, 18, 22), B(23, 13, 29), B(24, 4, 28))
object Skyline extends App {
val edges =>Seq(b.l,b.r)).flatten.toSet.toSeq.sorted
object ScalaJSExample extends js.JSApp{
def main(): Unit = {
val G = """103,2,50,100
println(p("Output: 70 bytes"))
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Random}
import org.scalajs.dom.{Element, DOMParser}
import rx._
object Framework {
* Wraps reactive strings in spans, so they can be referenced/replaced
* when the Rx changes.
* Created by Hugo Sereno Ferreira on 15/06/14.
import org.scalajs.dom
import scala.collection._
import Page.renderer
sealed trait Opcode
object Mov extends Opcode { override def toString = "MOV" }
object ScalaJSExample extends js.JSApp {
type Coord = Pair[Int, Int]
type CoordSet = Set[Coord]
def handleString(str: String, identity:Boolean=false): String = {
val lines=str.stripMargin.trim.split("\n")
val coords: CoordSet = for (
// © 2015 Gabriel Jones
case class ComplexNumber(r: Double, i: Double){
def +(that: ComplexNumber) = ComplexNumber(r + that.r, i + that.i)
def -(that: ComplexNumber) = ComplexNumber(r - that.r, i - that.i)
def *(that: ComplexNumber) = ComplexNumber(r*that.r - i*that.i, r*that.i + i*that.r)
def mag() = r*r + i*i
object ScalaJSExample extends js.JSApp{
def main(): Unit = {
* Implemented from the algorithm taught in
* Burrows-Wheeler Transform (Ep 4, Compressor Head) Google
object BurrowsWheelerTransform {
def transform(s: String): (String, Int) = {
val shifted: Iterator[String] = (s + s).tail.sliding(s.length)
val sorted: Array[String] = shifted.toArray.sortWith(_<_)