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Created March 13, 2017 20:06
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import org.openkinect.freenect.*;
import org.openkinect.processing.*;
Kinect2 kinect2;
PImage video, video1;
PImage rgb, secondImage;
float minThresh = 550;
float maxThresh = 1020;
Bubble[] bubbles = new Bubble[0];
int randPosX;
int randPosY;
int minR = 20;
int maxR = 50;
int [] radioses = new int[0];
int counter = 0;
int maxNumOfBubbles = 0;
boolean move = false;
int preXL =-1;
int preXR =-1;
int preY =-1;
final int tX = 120;
final int tY = 60;
int A, R, G, B;
void setup() {
size(512, 424, P2D);
kinect2 = new Kinect2(this);
secondImage = loadImage("");
secondImage.resize(width, height);
void draw() {
rgb = kinect2.getVideoImage();
//video = kinect2.getRegisteredImage();
video = kinect2.getVideoImage();
int [] depth = kinect2.getRawDepth();
if (!move) {
bubbles = new Bubble[0]; // renew(clear) the bubbles
counter = 0;
int corXL = kinect2.depthWidth;
int corXR = 0;
int corY = kinect2.depthHeight;
int resolution = 30; //15 ~ 20 is good
for (int x =0; x<kinect2.depthWidth; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < kinect2.depthHeight; y++) {
if (x%resolution == 0 && y%resolution == 0 && y>20) {
int index = x+y*kinect2.depthWidth;
if (depth[index]<maxThresh && depth[index]>minThresh) {
if (!move) {
addBubble(x, y);
if (x<corXL) {
corXL = x;
if (x>corXR) {
corXR = x;
if (y<corY) {
corY = y;
//PxPGetPixel(x, y, secondImage.pixels, width); // if we are further away than threshold then copy the pixel from the second image
//PxPSetPixel(x, y, R, G, B, 255, pixels, width);
PxPGetPixel(x, y, video.pixels, video.width); // if we are further away than threshold then copy the pixel from the second image
PxPSetPixel(x, y, R, G, B, 255, pixels, kinect2.depthWidth);
//image(video1, 0, 0);
pictureBackground ();
if ((abs(corXL-preXL)>tX || abs(corY-preY)>tY || abs(corXR-preXR)>tX) && preXL!=-1) {
move = true;
println(abs(corXL-preXL), abs(corY-preY), abs(corXR-preXR));
preXL = corXL;
preXR = corXR;
preY = corY;
boolean allDown = true;
for (int i = 0; i<bubbles.length; i++) {
allDown &= !bubbles[i].moveBubble;
if (allDown) {
move = false;
text(mouseX*10, 10, 64 );
text(bubbles.length, 10, 64+25 );
void pictureBackground () {
if (key == 'c') {
//maybe should be depth and height
void addBubble(int x, int y) {
int r;
if (radioses.length<=bubbles.length) {
r = (int)random(minR, maxR);
radioses = (int[])append(radioses, r);
} else {
r = radioses[counter];
bubbles = (Bubble[])append(bubbles, new Bubble(x, y, r)); //create a new bubble and add to the array
class Bubble {
int x0, y0, sRadius, d, speed;
boolean moveBubble = false;
Bubble(int _posX, int _posY, int _sRadius) {
x0 = _posX;
y0 = _posY;
sRadius = _sRadius;//(int)random(minR, maxR);
d = 0;
speed = (int)random(5, 7);
void drawBubble() {
int num = floor(sRadius/sqrt(2));
for (int i = x0-num; i<=x0+num; i++) {
for (int j = y0-num; j<=y0+num; j++) {
///sphere projection values
int pX, pY, qX, qY;
//Write the point in a coordinate system centered at the center of the sphere (x0,y0,z0)
pX = i-x0;
pY = j-y0;
// Compute the length of this vector
int pNorm = (int)sqrt(sq(pX) +sq(pY));
//Scale the vector so that it has length equal to the radius of the sphere
// pNorm is the distance between the center and the pixel
if (pNorm > num) continue;
// make sure to consider the case of pNorm == 0.
if (pNorm == 0) {
qX = x0;
qY = y0;
} else {
qX = (sRadius/pNorm)*pX+x0;
qY = (sRadius/pNorm)*pY+y0;
//constrain the bubbles so they will be in the screen borders
int borderWidth = kinect2.depthWidth;
int borderHeight = kinect2.depthHeight;
qX = constrain(qX, 0, borderWidth-1);
qY = constrain(qY, 0, borderHeight-1);
int newI = constrain(i, 0, borderWidth-1);
int newJ = constrain(j, 0, borderHeight-1);
PxPGetPixel(qX, qY, video.pixels, video.width); // if we are further away than threshold then copy the pixel from the second image
//if (R<10 && G<10 && B<10) {
// PxPGetPixel(qX, qY, video1.pixels, video1.width); //working with the registered - replacing all the black pixels (the artifacts) with the pixels from the RGB image
PxPSetPixel (newI, newJ+d, R, G, B, 255, pixels, borderWidth); // set the RGB of our to screen
void dropBubble() {
if (move) {
if (d+sRadius+y0<height) {
moveBubble = true;
} else {
moveBubble = false;
void PxPGetPixel(int x, int y, int[] pixelArray, int pixelsWidth) {
// map
int mappedWidth = kinect2.depthWidth*video.height / kinect2.depthHeight;
int diffrence = (video.width - mappedWidth)/2;
x = floor(map( x, 0, kinect2.depthWidth, diffrence, video.width-diffrence+120));//video.height will put it more on the person but distorts the image, mappedWidth will fix the image
y = floor(map( y, 0, kinect2.depthHeight, 0, video.height));
int thisPixel=pixelArray[x+y*pixelsWidth]; // getting the colors as an int from the pixels[]
A = (thisPixel >> 24) & 0xFF; // we need to shift and mask to get each component alone
R = (thisPixel >> 16) & 0xFF; // this is faster than calling red(), green() , blue()
G = (thisPixel >> 8) & 0xFF;
B = thisPixel & 0xFF;
//our function for setting color components RGB into the pixels[] , we need to define the XY of where
// to set the pixel, the RGB values we want and the pixels[] array we want to use and it's width
void PxPSetPixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a, int[] pixelArray, int pixelsWidth) {
a =(a << 24);
r = r << 16; // We are packing all 4 composents into one int
g = g << 8; // so we need to shift them to their places
color argb = a | r | g | b; // binary "or" operation adds them all into one int
pixelArray[x+y*pixelsWidth]= argb; // finaly we set the int with te colors into the pixels[]
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