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Created November 12, 2022 00:02
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  • Save GamerPoets/15dbd49f4afffb7d5829237deab7ce00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GamerPoets/15dbd49f4afffb7d5829237deab7ce00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; NOTICE: Experimental options may speed up things. They might do nothing. They might crash the editor.
UIHotkeys=false ; [Experimental] Allow rebinding certain window hotkeys. See [CreationKit_Hotkeys] section.
AllowMultipleMasters=true ; ModdingMyWay - [Experimental] Alias for the CreationKit.ini option "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads". It's provided here for convenience.
EnableStateParentWorkaround=false ; [Experimental] Workaround for "Select Enable State Parent" selecting objects outside of the current cell or worldspace
RefLinkGeometryHangWorkaround=false ; [Experimental] Workaround for bookshelves or "Select Enable State Parent" causing the CK to hang. Ref link lines will no longer be visible.
VersionControlMergeWorkaround=false ; [Experimental] Workaround for version control not allowing merges with more than 2 masters present. Do NOT use this for anything else.
Unicode=false ; Translates UTF8 to ANSI when opening the plugin and back when saving. Need file CreationKitUnicodePlugin.dll to root folder.
GenerateCrashdumps=true ; Generate a dump in the game folder when the CK crashes
SteamPatch=true ; Prevent Steam from saying you're ingame while the CK is open
NavMeshPseudoDelete=false ; Remove a triangle from a navmesh without deleting it
AllowSaveESM=false ; Allow saving master files directly & setting them as the active file in the Data File dialog. This will destroy version control information.
AllowMasterESP=true ; Allow ESP files to act as master files while saving
SkipTopicInfoValidation=true ; Speed up initial plugin load by skipping topic info validation
DisableAssertions=false ; Remove assertion message popups (not recommended)
UI=true ; Replaces the warning window with a less intrusive log window. Also adds "Extensions" menu to the menu bar.
UIDarkTheme=true ; ModdingMyWay - Enable dark theme. Requires a Windows theme with styling (Aero) to be enabled and may cause graphical problems.
RenderWindow60FPS=true ; ModdingMyWay - Force render window to always draw at 60 frames per second instead of 16
FaceFXDebugOutput=false ; Enable verbose logging output when generating LIP files
DisableWindowGhosting=false ; Disable "Not Responding" overlay while performing certain tasks
WarningBlacklist=false ; In the log, hide specific warnings or errors produced by the vanilla game/DLC ESM files. See [CreationKit_Warnings] section.
DisableAutoFaceGen=true ; Prevent facegen data from being created on plugin save
DisableExportDDS=false ; Prevent tint export as DDS
DisableExportTGA=true ; Prevent tint export as TGA
DisableExportNIF=false ; Prevent facegen geometry export
TintMaskResolution=512 ; Sets NxN resolution when exporting textures
X=64 ; Initial log window X coordinate
Y=64 ; Initial log window Y coordinate
Width=1024 ; Initial log window width. Set to 0 to hide the log.
Height=480 ; Initial log window height. Set to 0 to hide the log.
Font=Consolas ; Any installed system font
FontSize=10 ; Size in points
FontWeight=400 ; Light (300), Regular (400), Medium (500), Bold (700)
OutputFile=none ; Print log output to a file (i.e. "log.txt"). May cause UI lag on slow hard drives. To disable, set the value to "none".
; Bind custom keys for the Render Window & Navmesh Edit Window. UIHotkeys must be enabled under [CreationKit].
; Allowed keys: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ESC, DEL, TAB, and most symbols. Allowed modifiers: CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT. Spaces and quotes will be ignored.
HKFunc_AddPolygon="A" ; Add a polygon
HKFunc_AlignToPosition="CTRL+SHIFT+A" ; Align to position
HKFunc_AlignToRotation="CTRL+A" ; Align to rotation
HKFunc_AnchorCamera="SHIFT+F" ; Anchor the camera
HKFunc_ChangeDrawMode="W" ; Change draw mode
HKFunc_ClearSelection="D" ; Clear selection
HKFunc_ClearSnapReference="ALT+Q" ; Clear the snap reference
HKFunc_Copy="CTRL+C" ; Copy selection
HKFunc_CreateMultiboundReference="CTRL+B" ; Create a multibound reference
HKFunc_CutSelection="CTRL+X" ; Cut selection
HKFunc_CycleSelectedVisibility="1" ; Cycle the visibility of selected objects
HKFunc_CycleThroughCameraViews="Y" ; Cycle camera view
HKFunc_DeleteNavMeshSelection="R" ; Delete selection
HKFunc_DeleteSelection="DEL" ; Delete selection
HKFunc_DropCamera="ALT+Z" ; Drop camera
HKFunc_DropSelectionToGround="F" ; Drop selection to ground
HKFunc_DropVerticesOrFloodFill="F" ; Drop vertices/Flood Fill
HKFunc_Duplicate="CTRL+D" ; Duplicate selection
HKFunc_EditLandscape="H" ; Edit landscape
HKFunc_EditNavmesh="CTRL+E" ; Edit navmesh
HKFunc_FinalizeCell="CTRL+1" ; Finalize cell
HKFunc_FindCover="CTRL+2" ; Find cover
HKFunc_FlagWaterTris="CTRL+ALT+W" ; Flag Water Triangles
HKFunc_FreezeCamera="3" ; Freeze the camera
HKFunc_HideSelectedNavMeshes="H" ; Hide selected navmeshes
HKFunc_ImportObjectNavmeshes="CTRL+ALT+I" ; Import Object Navmeshes
HKFunc_InverseFloodFill="I" ; Inverse flood fill
HKFunc_LinkOrBreakPlanesOrRooms="ALT+L" ; Link/break planes/rooms
HKFunc_LoadCellForSelectedObject="CTRL+L" ; Load selected object's parent cell
HKFunc_MergeSelectedVertices="Q" ; Merge selected vertices
HKFunc_MoveClipboardReferences="CTRL+M" ; Move clipboard references
HKFunc_MoveClipboardReferencesInPlace="CTRL+SHIFT+M" ; Move clipboard references in place
HKFunc_ObjectPalette="SHIFT+O" ; Object palette
HKFunc_OpenAdvancedGenerationDialog="4" ; Open advanced generation dialog
HKFunc_OpenEdgePropertiesDialog="E" ; Open edge properties dialog
HKFunc_OpenStandardGenerationDialog="3" ; Open standard generation dialog
HKFunc_Paste="CTRL+V" ; Paste clipboard contents
HKFunc_PasteInPlace="CTRL+SHIFT+V" ; Paste clipboard contents in place
HKFunc_PickingPreferences="/" ; Picking preferences
HKFunc_PlaceCameraAboveSelection="T" ; Place camera above selection
HKFunc_RaiseSelection="ALT+G" ; Raise selection
HKFunc_Redo="CTRL+Y" ; Redo
HKFunc_Refresh="F5" ; Refresh
HKFunc_ResetReferenceRotation="CTRL+K" ; Reset rotation
HKFunc_RotateDoubleVertexSelection="TAB" ; Rotate double vertex selection
HKFunc_RotateDoubleVertexSelectionWithControlKey="CTRL+TAB" ; Rotate double vertex selection
HKFunc_Save="CTRL+S" ; Save
HKFunc_SaveAndPushPluginPC="CTRL+SHIFT+S" ; Save and push plugin to PC
HKFunc_SearchAndReplace="CTRL+F" ; Search and replace
HKFunc_SelectTriangleByIndex="CTRL+F" ; Select triangle by index
HKFunc_SetLightFadeScalingKeyDown="CTRL+ALT+S" ; Scale a light's fade distance
HKFunc_SetLightFOVScalingKeyDown="ALT+S" ; Scale a light's FOV
HKFunc_SetLightSDBScalingKeyDown="ALT+B" ; Scale a light's FOV
HKFunc_SetManipulationModeRotate="W" ; Enter rotation manipulation mode
HKFunc_SetManipulationModeScale="2" ; Enter scale manipulation mode
HKFunc_SetManipulationModeSelect="R" ; Enter selection manipulation mode
HKFunc_SetManipulationModeTranslate="E" ; Enter translation manipulation mode
HKFunc_SetScalingKeyDown="S" ; Scale a reference
HKFunc_ShowLandBorders="B" ; Show land borders
HKFunc_ShowNavCutters="CTRL+SHIFT+N" ; Toggle Negative Navmesh Display
HKFunc_ShowSceneGraph="F10" ; Show scene graph
HKFunc_SnapDecrement="[" ; Decrement snap units
HKFunc_SnapIncrement="]" ; Increment snap units
HKFunc_SnapReferences="SHIFT+K" ; Resnap References
HKFunc_SwapEdge="S" ; Swap edge
HKFunc_SwapEditorWater="CTRL+W" ; Swap editor water
HKFunc_ToggleBatchDialog="-" ; Toggle batch dialog
HKFunc_ToggleBrightLights="A" ; Toggle bright lights
HKFunc_ToggleCellWindowLoads="ALT+A" ; Toggle cell window loads
HKFunc_ToggleCollisionGeometry="F4" ; Toggle collision geometry
HKFunc_ToggleDebugGeometry="4" ; Toggle debug geometry
HKFunc_ToggleEdgeSelectMode="G" ; Toggle edge select mode
HKFunc_ToggleEnableStateChildrenVisibility="CTRL+1" ; Toggle visibility of enable state children
HKFunc_ToggleEnableStateOppositeChildrenVisibility="SHIFT+1" ; Toggle visibility of enable state opposite children
HKFunc_ToggleFlycam="`" ; Toggle flycam
HKFunc_ToggleFog="CTRL+5" ; Toggle fog
HKFunc_ToggleGizmoOrientation="G" ; Toggle gizmo orientation
HKFunc_ToggleGrass="8" ; Toggle grass
HKFunc_ToggleGrid="=" ; Toggle grid
HKFunc_ToggleHavok="ALT+H" ; Toggle havok
HKFunc_ToggleLandCulling="SHIFT+L" ; Toggle land culling
HKFunc_ToggleLightMarkers="CTRL+I" ; Toggle light markers
HKFunc_ToggleLightRadius="L" ; Toggle light radius
HKFunc_ToggleLocationSnap="Q" ; Toggle location snap
HKFunc_ToggleMarkers="M" ; Toggle markers
HKFunc_ToggleNoLargeCreature="CTRL+L" ; Toggle no large creature
HKFunc_ToggleNonlandCulling="SHIFT+C" ; Toggle non-land culling
HKFunc_ToggleOcclusionPlanes="U" ; Toggle occlusion planes
HKFunc_ToggleOrthographicPerspective="0" ; Toggle orthographic perspective
HKFunc_TogglePickingAgainstTrees="CTRL+T" ; Toggle picking against trees
HKFunc_TogglePortalMode="CTRL+P" ; Toggle portal mode
HKFunc_TogglePreferredOrCreateLedgePortal="P" ; Toggle preferred or create ledge portal
HKFunc_ToggleReferenceSnap="SHIFT+Q" ; Toggle reference snap
HKFunc_ToggleRotationSnap="CTRL+Q" ; Toggle rotation snap
HKFunc_ToggleSelectionCulling="CTRL+SHIFT+C" ; Toggle selection culling
HKFunc_ToggleShadows="5" ; Toggle shadows
HKFunc_ToggleSingleCellViewMode="N" ; Toggle single cell view mode
HKFunc_ToggleSky="6" ; Toggle sky
HKFunc_ToggleSoundMarkers="CTRL+N" ; Toggle sound markers
HKFunc_ToggleTrees="ALT+T" ; Toggle trees
HKFunc_ToggleTrianglesSelectable="T" ; Toggle triangles selectable
HKFunc_ToggleVerticesSelectable="V" ; Toggle vertices selectable
HKFunc_ToggleWater="O" ; Toggle water
HKFunc_ToggleWaterCulling="SHIFT+W" ; Toggle water culling
HKFunc_ToggleWireframe="7" ; Toggle wireframe
HKFunc_Undo="CTRL+Z" ; Undo
HKFunc_UnhideAllNavMeshes="CTRL+H" ; Unhide all navmeshes
HKFunc_UnhideAllObjects="ALT+1" ; Unhide all hidden objects
; Hide specific warnings or errors produced by the vanilla game/DLC ESM files.
; Add new entries at the bottom of this list. WarningBlacklist must be enabled under [CreationKit].
W0=Placeholder entry
W1=MASTERFILE: Potentially duplicate Land (000028df) encountered in file Dawnguard.esm.
W2=MASTERFILE: Potentially duplicate Land (000028fd) encountered in file Dawnguard.esm.
W3=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02004DE6) for TopicInfo (02018B1D) in Topic "" (02004DAA).
W4=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02015C85) for TopicInfo (02015C86) in Topic "" (02004DAA).
W5=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02013721) for TopicInfo (02013722) in Topic "DLC1VQ03VampireShared" (020098B2).
W6=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0201329B) for TopicInfo (02013709) in Topic "DLC1VQ03VampireShared" (020098B2).
W7=FORMS: Non-parent CONT form 'MerchantCaravanCChest' (0007434E) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W8=FORMS: Non-parent CONT form 'MerchantCaravanBChest' (0007434D) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W9=FORMS: Non-parent CONT form 'MerchantCaravanAChest' (0007434B) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W10=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DweRmSmCounter01Half' for STAT (03003F0D) is not unique, previous object (02003F0D) is type STAT. Editor ID will be set to 'DweRmSmCounter01HalfDUPLICATE001'.
W11=FORMS: Non-parent REFR form 'WRShackDoor01' (000166A9) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W12=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000CB4F4) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W13=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000CB4F3) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W14=FORMS: Non-parent REFR form 'WETrigger' (00099C60) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W15=FORMS: Non-parent REFR form 'WETrigger' (0008F645) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W16=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F29) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W17=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F2B) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W18=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F26) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W19=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F30) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W20=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F2F) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W21=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F2E) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W22=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F2D) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W23=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00101F34) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W24=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000EF63C) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W25=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000EF63B) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W26=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000EA181) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W27=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (001050E5) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W28=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (001050D4) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W29=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A90) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W30=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A8F) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W31=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A8E) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W32=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A8D) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W33=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A75) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W34=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00105A6E) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W35=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000F2E24) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W36=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000F13F4) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W37=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000F13F3) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W38=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000F13F2) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W39=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (000F065F) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W40=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00108B64) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W41=FORMS: Non-parent NAVM form '' (00108B63) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W42=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (03003ECB) for TopicInfo (03003ECC) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos" (03003D00).
W43=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (03003EFE) for TopicInfo (03003EFF) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_JustAdoptedBranchTopic" (03003D23).
W44=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0301770C) for TopicInfo (0301770D) in Topic "BYOHHousePalePurchaseTopic" (03017709).
W45=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'ReactionToPlayer' (0002F61F) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W46=EDITOR: Editor ID 'IdleChildCryingEnd' for IDLE (03018300) is not unique, previous object (020029D4) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'IdleChildCryingEndDUPLICATE001'.
W47=EDITOR: Editor ID 'IdleChildCryingStart' for IDLE (030182FF) is not unique, previous object (020029D3) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'IdleChildCryingStartDUPLICATE001'.
W48=EDITOR: Editor ID 'AnimObjectWoodScrap' for ANIO (03014352) is not unique, previous object (02013795) is type ANIO. Editor ID will be set to 'AnimObjectWoodScrapDUPLICATE001'.
W49=EDITOR: Editor ID 'AnimObjectDrawBlade' for ANIO (0300A256) is not unique, previous object (02013794) is type ANIO. Editor ID will be set to 'AnimObjectDrawBladeDUPLICATE001'.
W50=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'SolitudeLocation' (00018A5A) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W51=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'MarkarthLocation' (00018A59) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W52=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'RiftenLocation' (00018A58) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W53=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'WhiterunLocation' (00018A56) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W54=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'MorthalLocation' (00018A53) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W55=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'FalkreathLocation' (00018A49) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W56=FORMS: Non-parent SMBN form 'WIChangeLocationNode' (000A39C6) exists in both file 'HearthFires.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W57=FORMS: Non-parent MGEF form 'VoiceFireBreathEffect1' (00020E16) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W58=EDITOR: Editor ID 'SummonValorTargetFXActivator' for ACTI (04028214) is not unique, previous object (020142BE) is type ACTI. Editor ID will be set to 'SummonValorTargetFXActivatorDUPLICATE001'.
W59=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DLC1GroundAmbush01' for FURN (04034F98) is not unique, previous object (0200825D) is type FURN. Editor ID will be set to 'DLC1GroundAmbushDUPLICATE002'.
W60=FORMS: Non-parent REFR form 'PickaxeMiningTableMarker' (0010D7F1) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W61=FORMS: Non-parent INFO form '' (000DE50E) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'HearthFires.esm'
W62=FORMS: Non-parent INFO form '' (000B0EE9) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'HearthFires.esm'
W63=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (04036A5F) for TopicInfo (04036A60) in Topic "" (04017E6A).
W64=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0402BA29) for TopicInfo (0402BA2A) in Topic "" (0402B9F9).
W65=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0402BA1A) for TopicInfo (0402BA19) in Topic "" (0402B9FB).
W66=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (04035C0D) for TopicInfo (04038ABE) in Topic "" (0403177A).
W67=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (04035BF8) for TopicInfo (04035BF9) in Topic "" (04032088).
W68=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0402BA22) for TopicInfo (0402BA23) in Topic "" (0403208A).
W69=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (04035BFF) for TopicInfo (04035C00) in Topic "" (0403208D).
W70=FORMS: Non-parent QUST form 'DA04' (0002D512) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W71=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'IdleDrinkFountain' (00102012) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W72=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DraugrGroundLayExit' for IDLE (04034F9A) is not unique, previous object (020058AC) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'DraugrGroundLayExitDUPLICATE001'.
W73=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DraugrGroundLayEnterInstant' for IDLE (04034F99) is not unique, previous object (020058AB) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'DraugrGroundLayEnterInstantDUPLICATE001'.
W74=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'DraugrSlouched2EnterInstant' (00089A92) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W75=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DraugrSummonedStart' for IDLE (04031DA0) is not unique, previous object (020023E5) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'DraugrSummonedStartDUPLICATE001'.
W76=EDITOR: Editor ID 'DraugrSummonedStartRoot' for IDLE (04031D9F) is not unique, previous object (020023E4) is type IDLE. Editor ID will be set to 'DraugrSummonedStartRootDUPLICATE001'.
W77=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'EnterChairCHILDInstant' (001090B1) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'HearthFires.esm'
W78=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'IdleBlessingKneel' (000F11EC) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W79=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'MountedBowZoom' (01000986) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W80=FORMS: Non-parent IDLE form 'AttackRightSide' (01000981) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W81=FORMS: Non-parent PERK form 'HackAndSlash90' (000C3679) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W82=FORMS: Non-parent PERK form 'HackAndSlash60' (000C3678) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W83=FORMS: Non-parent PERK form 'HackAndSlash30' (0003FFFA) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W84=FORMS: Non-parent PERK form 'Warmaster' (0003AFA7) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W85=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'VirtualLocation' (00018ED2) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'HearthFires.esm'
W86=FORMS: Non-parent LCTN form 'DeepFolkCrossingLocation' (000B2391) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W87=FORMS: Non-parent SMBN form 'WEQuestNode' (000896A8) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W88=FORMS: Non-parent SMBN form 'WIScriptEventBranchNode' (0006D1E6) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W89=FORMS: Non-parent SMBN form 'DungeonNode' (00030B13) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W90=FORMS: Non-parent SMQN form 'WICourierNodeSharesEvent' (00039FBD) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W91=FORMS: Non-parent SMEN form '(Uninitialized event node)' (0001320E) exists in both file 'Dragonborn.esm' and 'Dawnguard.esm'
W92=EDITOR: Editor ID 'NPCHumanWorkbenchHammerDistant' for SNDR (04035C21) is not unique, previous object (03017ECC) is type SNDR. Editor ID will be set to 'NPCHumanWorkbenchHammerDistantDUPLICATE001'.
W93=EDITOR: Editor ID 'NPCHumanWorkbenchHammer' for SNDR (04035C20) is not unique, previous object (03017ECB) is type SNDR. Editor ID will be set to 'NPCHumanWorkbenchHammerDUPLICATE001'.
W94=MASTERFILE: Armor 'DLC01ReaperBracers' (0201A755) used invalid Biped Object slot 33 for race 'SkeletonRace'.
W95=MASTERFILE: Unique ActorBase 'DLC01SoulCairnReaper' (0201A73E) has more than one reference in the world. Data access when unloaded may not work correctly.
W96=MASTERFILE: Unable to find Package Target Reference (00000000) on owner object "DLC1VQ02SeranaPullLever".
W97=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015E1D) [324 units] in cell 'YngolBarrowExterior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W98=MASTERFILE: Cell contains more than one water current marker:\r\n'Wilderness' (0000954C) (-12, 3) in WorldSpace 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
W99=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'WRShackDoorMinUse01' (0006767F) [48 units] in cell 'WhiterunExterior10' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W100=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (0001779F) [125 units] in cell 'KarthwastenExterior03' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W101=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'ShipTrapdoor01MinUseHidden' (00099315) [0 units] in cell 'Wilderness' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W102=MASTERFILE: Unable to find attach ref 02006718. Attach ref data will be removed.
W103=MASTERFILE: Unable to find attach ref 02006718. Attach ref data will be removed.
W104=MASTERFILE: Unable to find attach ref 02006718. Attach ref data will be removed.
W105=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'dunda14PortalDoor01' (0003DC3F) [287 units] in cell 'DA14Interior' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W106=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'AutoLoadDoor01' (00015D12) [307 units] in cell 'WolfskullCave01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W107=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeep01btoExteriorREF' (000909D2) [275 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W108=MASTERFILE: Automatic door 'HelgenKeeptoExterior01REF' (0005DF95) [304 units] in cell 'HelgenKeep01' has its teleport marker too close to the linked door.
W109=MASTERFILE: Occlusion box has < 16.0 half-extent and should be switched to a plane : REFR Form '' (02014641) to STAT form 'PlaneMarker' (00000017) in Cell 'DLC1DawnguardHQ01' (02001DBA)
W110=MASTERFILE: Occlusion box has < 16.0 half-extent and should be switched to a plane : REFR Form '' (02014642) to STAT form 'PlaneMarker' (00000017) in Cell 'DLC1DawnguardHQ01' (02001DBA)
W111=MASTERFILE: Cell contains more than one COC marker:\r\n'testFalmer' (0200362A)
W112=MASTERFILE: Cell contains more than one COC marker:\r\n'testGiant' (02007D95)
W113=MASTERFILE: Idle 'DraugrSummonedStartRoot' (020023E4) has no parent and is not an action root.
W114=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'EnterTable' (00098C27).
W115=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'EnterTable' (00098C27).
W116=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W117=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W118=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W119=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W120=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W121=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'EnterTable' (00098C27).
W122=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W123=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'EnterTable' (00098C27).
W124=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W125=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W126=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W127=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W128=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W129=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W130=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W131=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'EnterTable' (00098C27).
W132=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W133=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W134=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleTGFalmerStatue' (000DBE41).
W135=MASTERFILE: Multiple next idles for IDLE Form 'IdleCartTravelDriver' (00103446).
W136=MASTERFILE: Invalid prev idle on IDLE Form 'DLC2_ChildSitOnKnees' (04031442)
W137=MASTERFILE: Invalid prev idle on IDLE Form 'StonePickUpRoot' (04034EF0)
W138=MASTERFILE: Invalid prev idle on IDLE Form 'IdleDLC02TentacleWordBurnRoot' (04039BAA)
W139=SCRIPTS: Property Collision on script DLC1VampireLordBlockerSCRIPT on DLC1VampireLordBlocker (02014760) is pointing at an invalid object
W140=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02003ECB) for TopicInfo (02003ECC) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos" (02003D00).
W141=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02003EFE) for TopicInfo (02003EFF) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_JustAdoptedBranchTopic" (02003D23).
W142=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0201770C) for TopicInfo (0201770D) in Topic "BYOHHousePalePurchaseTopic" (02017709).
W143=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02036A5F) for TopicInfo (02036A60) in Topic "" (02017E6A).
W144=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0202BA29) for TopicInfo (0202BA2A) in Topic "" (0202B9F9).
W145=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0202BA1A) for TopicInfo (0202BA19) in Topic "" (0202B9FB).
W146=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02035C0D) for TopicInfo (02038ABE) in Topic "" (0203177A).
W147=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02035BF8) for TopicInfo (02035BF9) in Topic "" (02032088).
W148=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0202BA22) for TopicInfo (0202BA23) in Topic "" (0203208A).
W149=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02035BFF) for TopicInfo (02035C00) in Topic "" (0203208D).
W150=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02015C83) for TopicInfo (02015C84) in Topic "" (02004DAA).
W151=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (03003ECA) for TopicInfo (03003ECB) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos" (03003D00).
W152=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (03013EF1) for TopicInfo (03013EF2) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_FGPetTopic" (03013ECB).
W153=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0402BA23) for TopicInfo (0402BA24) in Topic "" (0403208A).
W154=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (04035BFE) for TopicInfo (04035BFF) in Topic "" (0403208D).
W155=MASTERFILE: Cell contains more than one COC marker:\r\n'POIReach24' (0000711B) (-40, 4) in WorldSpace 'Tamriel' (0000003C)
W156=MASTERFILE: Invalid prev idle on IDLE Form 'ChildSitOnKnees' (0300ED58)
W157=MASTERFILE: Invalid prev idle on IDLE Form 'IdleBloodPortalActivate' (0201503B)
W158=MASTERFILE: Ref 'EncElk' (000D1908) uses location but is not in the unloaded ref data.
W159=MASTERFILE: Ref 'EncElkFemale' (000D190A) uses location but is not in the unloaded ref data.
W160=MASTERFILE: Ref 'EncElkFemale' (000D1909) uses location but is not in the unloaded ref data.
W161=MASTERFILE: Special Ref 'TreasBanditChest' (000CE5FA) with type 'BossContainer' (000130F8) is not in the Special Ref data.
W162=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02003ECA) for TopicInfo (02003ECB) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_SharedInfos" (02003D00).
W163=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02013EF1) for TopicInfo (02013EF2) in Topic "RelationshipAdoption_FGPetTopic" (02013ECB).
W164=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (0202BA23) for TopicInfo (0202BA24) in Topic "" (0203208A).
W165=QUESTS: Could not find previous info (02035BFE) for TopicInfo (02035BFF) in Topic "" (0203208D).
W166=DEFAULT: Setting key 'sControlsDefinitionFile' already used in list.\nSetting keys must be unique.\n
W167=DEFAULT: Setting key 'fMaxDistanceMoved:Pathfinding' already used in list.\nSetting keys must be unique.\n
W168=MASTERFILE: Did not find matching NavMeshInfo for NavMesh ID 00106EAA in cell Wilderness, Creating a temporary one
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