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Created November 8, 2018 20:30
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Subtyping and Variance

Subtyping is a relationship between types that allows statically typed languages to be a bit more flexible and permissive.

Subtyping in Rust is a bit different from subtyping in other languages. This leads to examples of subtyping being a bit convoluted. This is especially unforunate because subtyping, and especially variance, are actually really hard to understand properly. As in, even compiler writers mess it up all the time.

In order to make examples that are simple and concise, this section will consider a small extension to the Rust language to introduce subtyping in a way that is more similar to other languages. After establishing concepts and issues under this simpler system, we will then relate it back to how subtyping actually occurs in Rust.

So here's our simple extension, Objective Rust, featuring three new types:

trait Animal {
    fn snuggle(&self);
    fn eat(&mut self);

trait Cat: Animal {
    fn meow(&self);

trait Dog: Animal {
    fn bark(&self);

But unlike normal traits, we can use them as concrete and sized types, just like structs.

Now, say we have a very simple function that takes an Animal, like this:

fn love(pet: Animal) {

By default, static types must match exactly for a program to compile. As such, this code won't compile:

let mr_snuggles: Cat = ...;
love(mr_snuggles);         // ERROR: expected Animal, found Cat

Mr. Snuggles is a Cat, and Cats aren't exactly Animals, so we can't love him! 😿

This is especially annoying because Cats are Animals. They support every operation an Animal supports, so intuitively love shouldn't care if we pass it a Cat. Or, to put it another way, we should be able to just forget the non-animal parts of our Cat, as they aren't necessary to love it.

This is exactly the problem that subtyping is intended to fix. Because Cats are just Animals and more, we say Cat is a subtype of Animal (because Cats are a subset of all the Animals). Equivalently, we can say that Animal is a supertype of Cat. With subtypes, we can tweak our overly strict static type system with a simple rule: anywhere a value of some type T is expected, we also accept values that are subtypes of T.

Or more concretely: anywhere an Animal is expected, a Cat or Dog will also work.

As we will see throughout the rest of this section, subtyping is a lot more complicated and subtle than this, but this simple rule is a very good 99% intuition. And unless you write unsafe code, the compiler will automatically handle all the corner cases for you.

But this is the Rustonomicon. We're writing unsafe code, so we need to understand how this stuff really works, and how we can mess it up.

The core problem is that this rule, naively applied, will lead to Meowing Dogs. That is, we can convince someone that a Dog is actually a Cat. This completely destroys the fabric of our static type system, making it worse than useless (and leading to Undefined Behaviour).

Here's a simple example of this happening when we apply subtyping in a completely naive "find and replace" way.

fn evil_feeder(pet: &mut Animal) {
    // EVIL PLAN: replace all pets with dogs!
    let spike: Dog = ...;

    // `pet` is an Animal, and Dog is a subtype of Animal,
    // so this should be fine, right..?
    let new_pet: Animal = spike;
    *pet = new_pet;


fn main() {
    let mut mr_snuggles: Cat = ...;

    // Replaces mr_snuggles with a Dog!
    evil_feeder(&mut mr_snuggles);

    // mr_snuggles has type Cat, so make it meow!
    mr_snuggles.meow(); // OH NO, MEOWING DOG!

Clearly, we need a more robust system than "always let subtyping work". That system is variance, the rules governing how subtyping composes. The rest of this section will be focusing on what variance is, and how it works.

But before we get into variance, let's take a quick peek at where subtyping actually occurs in Rust: lifetimes!

Lifetimes are just regions of code, and regions can be partially ordered with the contains (outlives) relationship. Subtyping on lifetimes is in terms of that relationship: if 'big: 'small ("big contains small" or "big outlives small"), then 'big is a subtype of 'small. This is a large source of confusion, because it seems backwards to many: the bigger region is a subtype of the smaller region. But it makes sense if you consider our Animal example: Cat is an Animal and more, just as 'big is 'small and more.

Put another way, if someone wants a reference that lives for 'small, usually what they actually mean is that they want a reference that lives for at least 'small. They don't actually care if the lifetimes match exactly. So it should be ok for us to forget that we live for 'big.

For this reason 'static, the forever lifetime, is a subtype of every lifetime.

Higher-ranked lifetimes (for<'a>, or more commonly, the 'a in fn eq<'a>(&'a T, &'a T) -> bool) are also subtypes of every concrete lifetime. This is because something which can handle "any lifetime" can certainly handle "some lifetime".

NOTE: The typed-ness of lifetimes is a fairly arbitrary construct that some disagree with. However it simplifies our analysis to treat lifetimes and types uniformly.

With all that said, we still have no idea how to actually use subtyping of lifetimes, because nothing ever has type 'a. Lifetimes only occur as part of some larger type like &'a u32 or IterMut<'a, u32>. To apply lifetime subtyping, we need to know how to compose subtyping. Once again, we need variance.


Much the same as before, but leaning more on Objective Rust(TM) for examples.

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jimblandy commented Nov 9, 2018

  • The Objective Rust idea didn't sit well with me at first, but after a while it seemed no worse than talking about Java. You could hew even closer to real Rust by going ahead and using Box<Cat> and pretending that coerces to Box<Animal>. That's probably actually something people even ask for, and wonder why it isn't supported.

  • "MEOWING DOGS" syndrome is a very vivid concept, it's great (my dog actually does meow occasionally, tho)

  • evil_feeder example is great, it's really pared down to the bare essentials.

  • The bit about 'forgetting the non-Animal parts of a Cat' led me off-trail. A cat's 'snuggle' implementation, after all, is free to use all of the Cat. Suggest: "... we should be able to just forget exactly which sort of Animal it is, since every Animal is loveable."

  • should actually add a feed method to Animal trait

  • I would actually introduce variance as soon as you've introduced the term 'variance', right after Spike meows. The reader has the problem fresh in their minds, and we don't need lifetimes to talk about it. Once you've explained variance, then they're ready to see how it might apply to lifetimes.

  • 'big' and 'small are not quite ideal: just because something is big doesn't mean it encloses the small thing, so it leads the reader to think the relation is 'bigger-than', not 'contains'. (You did just tell them that, but the less dissonance, the better, I think.) Suggest 'france and 'paris, or 'house and 'room, or something like that.

  • "For this reason 'static, the forever lifetime, is a subtype of every lifetime." It may not be worth addressing, but I think the existence of a bottom element like 'static is also something that freaks people out. The forms of subtyping they're probably familiar with usually have universal supertypes, like Java's Object, not universal subtypes, like 'static. Like, if the reader had been thinking of a tree, then a universal subtype doesn't fit anywhere. (It might even be actively bad to try to address this point, but whatever.)

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